Wednesday, January 13, 2016


Three-Seven-Three, 373, III-VII-III; no matter how you say it, write it, sing it, scream it, or whatever your choice of expression is, America can officially start the celebration.

Last night, beginning with Barry's FINAL SOTU we can begin our countdown. Yes, folks in 373 days Barry, and his husband Michael will no longer have the keys to our White House. His entourage, most namely Valerie Jarrett, will be gone forever from our highest residence in the land.

Maybe one of the biggest tasks our new president will have is to bring back the credibility to our highest office in the land. No more lying. No more reading misguided stories from his infamous teleprompter. Isn't it going to be great not to hear I-me-mine-my over a hundred times during a speech that should have lasted only ten minutes?

Our next president will not trade a deserter/traitor for the release of five Taliban officers from Gitmo to return to ISIS-led battlefields.  In January, 2017 we really won't care what Barry calls the evil ISIS. He can call it ISIL, or anything else he wants. He can even get down on his prayer rug and offer praises to his Muhammed, Allah, and Rev. Wright for all we care.  It finally won't mean a thing to us. His new title will be Mr. Irrelevant.

Our next president will call ISIS for what it truly is; the evil radical Islamist organization that wants to rape, murder, and behead all Christians and non-Muslims. When there is a terrorist attack on our American soil, or ISIS raids a village to rape and murder innocent women and children Barry wants us all to "be more tolerant" with the peaceful Islam religion.

Our next president will not claim, "our Constitution is flawed". Our next president will govern the office of the presidency under the laws of the Constitution formulated by our Founding Fathers, without trying to repeal our 2nd. Amendment. Our next president will remind us of the claim of Thomas Jefferson; "the 2nd. Amendment also affords Americans to  protect themselves against government tyranny".

Our next president will open the valves of the Keystone Pipeline on their first day of office, so that America can once again, begin to become more energy independent. Our next president will not continue to buy oil from mid-east countries that hate us and want to destroy us. There will never be a "deal" like the one Barry gave Iran.  Our next president will strongly demand that Iran release the four held hostages, "or else". Barry and his team of Valerie and John Kerry now won't even discuss the subject, as Iran is building nuclear war heads.

Our next president till attack our nation's $18.5Trillion debt, while refusing to hand our food stamps and welfare money like free candy canes at at Christmas party. The IRS will stop attacking conservative groups, including the Tea Party Community.  The VA will be revamped to give our veterans the medical care they so richly deserve.

Under our next president our military will once again be re-strenthtened to live by Ronald Reagan's creed, "In strength there is peace". Our Admirals and Generals will be encouraged to offer valid input to our next president without fear of being fired. Respect between our next president and our military leaders will be a two-way street.

Yes, like Senator King from Rhode Island, I too "walked out" of Barry's lecture, and switched the TV over to the WVU-Kansas, and Maryland-Michigan basketball games. They were definitely more exciting that the lecture from Barry.

I was going to end today's blog with, "our next president won't be spending all that time on the golf course", which prompted a better closing to my blog. There are 373 days left, and I hope this man, Barry Soetero, spends all 373 days on the golf course. We'll be a much better country in 2016 if he does.

And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops
(and please follow me on my Your Tube video blogs Politics with Pete)

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