All of us have friends that can tell of their origin from another country that migrated to America to find a better way of life for themselves and their families. By the way most everyone who has migrated to our country legally has had little trouble acclimating to our laws, Constitution, and policies.
Of course there are parts of cities and suburbs that many from their original country cultures live in close proximity to one another. Boston has "Irish Town", Cleveland has "Little Italy", along with many other major cities that enjoy their country's heritage. Yet, while they enjoy the culture from where they originated they enjoy and respect each other's cultures, while they remember they need to live under the laws and policies of the United States of America.
Which brings me to today's blog message. The rising Muslim "demands' in the past seven years as they swarm into our country; some legally, but mostly illegally. Maybe it really started in Europe. Many evil Muslim radicals want their own laws infused into the European and American cultures, with no regard for the country they are migrating to.
Many of these migrated Muslims actually believe they can marry a six year old under their Sharia Law rights. They can kill their teen-age daughter if she is discovered with lipstick on, or their head uncovered, and they have the audacity to call it "honor killing". Someone explain to me the honor in that evil way of life.
Sure, it's acceptable to disagree with European and American mores, rituals, and cultures. That's the democratic way of life. Go ahead and disagree, however many radical Islamic Muslims take it to another spectrum. Whether you believe in God, Allah, or Buddha what religious logic can be applied to slaying and killing those that do not believe in your culture.
If you disagree with the Quran, or the radical Islamic Muslim Sharia way of life they just don't accept your right to disagree. They actually believe you don't deserve to live. These evil creatures actually roam the free word and if any of their captors refuses to convert to Muslim, they just rape, maim, murder, and even beheaded all who do not accept their Mohammed and his Quran.
And now the demands of many Muslims who have come here have increased, at times, beyond control. They are robbing, raping, and even committing murder, but feel they should be absolved of these "American laws", as they are not recognized by Mohammed's Sharia Law. The absolute truth about Mohamed is he was a womanizer, pedophile, murderer, and stole from others repeatedly.
As an addition here in the blog, I need to express strong dislike and disdain for ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, and MSNBC. Does anyone wonder why fair & balanced Fox News is leading in ratings and viewer participation, while other networks are failing desperately? CNN is ranked 22nd., while MSNBC is ranked 26th. It's because they ignore the truth in reporting the news.
These network news outlets care nothing at all for the safety, security, and welfare of our great country. They just go long with their liberal progressive beliefs, mainly because their leader, Barry Soetero, who wants to allow all the refugees possible into the U.S. Ever wonder why that is?
It is because Barry wants as many Muslims as possible migrating into our country. He has promised to give them government aid, in exchange for registering as Democrats when he "executive orders" their Green Cards. He even wants Sharia Law to have a sufficient stronghold in our American culture. As our media, Barry cares not for the American way of life, and our security and well-being. He is a thin-skinned egomaniac, that cares only for power.
And when did these radical Islamic Muslim murders, beheadings, and rapings really begin to escalate? That's right, in January, 2009. In 2016 I am even increasing my strong dislike and disdain for Americans that voted this radical Islamic Muslim into our White House. All liberal progressive Democrats that voted for this man should be ashamed of themselves. How can you say you truly love your country when you have a media and a president that only care for power, instead of the people of this country.
So, to you Muslims, here's a viable solution; you accept our laws, honor the sanctity of all human life, disavow and disband all criminal acts of your evil Sharia Law. In turn, Americans will honor and respect your DECENT and HONORABLE way of life. Is that fair to you?
Here's another novel idea; if all those compromises fail, why not just pack up your burkahs, camels, hijab and head back to your mid-eastern origins. I personally like this last option best, due to the hatred you have for this great country. You cannot and will not change us into your way of life. You will strongly notice a turn around of your evil existence beginning January 20, 2017.
And that's Politics with Pete for today....God bless our country...and our troops
(and please follow me on my You Tube video blogs Politics with Pete)
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