Tuesday, January 5, 2016

It's Obama-control

Growing up when I was first introduced to the Constitution in school I really thought the 2nd. Amendment was inserted as a right to allow settlers to have rifles to hunt game to feed their families. I believed that was the main and only reason the 2nd. Amendment was enacted into law

Then, with more study, I discovered that Thomas Jefferson, one of our founding father architects wanted settlers and pioneers to know they have the "right to keep and bear arms" to not only hunt game for their families, but to protect them against any government tyranny.

Now fast forward to BarrySoetero's final year residing in our White House. Everything that he's tried to make a legacy from has failed; most outrageous his infamous "Obamacare". Americas know what a complete disaste  that is as it continues to fail. I predict it will be repealed within the first year a new GOP president takes office in 2017.

This president is actually delusional. He actually believes he's more than the president. He truly believes he's a king or dictator. Barry Soetero is the most disrespected man who has ever lived in America's White House. Congress finds Barry's dictatorial demands so outrageous that he is more than difficult to work with. This has resulted in Barry's overwhelming misuse of his executive action directives.

Of course many previous presidents have exercised executive actions. However, no president has ever stretched their executive actions to the broad reaching spectrum this man has. Many Americans, including members of Congress, feel his latest attempt is by far the most damaging un-American, unconstitutional action he has ever tried to accomplish.

Has there ever been a previous U.S. President that has attacked our 2nd. Amendment? Can anyone even think of a previous president that wanted to amend or change anything about this Constitutional right designed and enacted by our Founding Fathers?  This self-appointed dictator, monarch, king, ruler, or whatever else you choose to call him has decided to destroy and disarm our country's greatest fighting force; we American citizens.

This delusional man true believes that attacking the 2nd. Amendment will reduce crime in the U.S.  Just  where is his logic in this? Barry Soetero has many armed Secret Service agents surrounding him and his family. Are they armed to protect the first family? OK, protect them from whom? Certainly not by any U.S. citizen that legally has the right to own a firearm.  If there is a firearm attack on Barry you can bet it will be by someone who has an illegal firearm, and the perpetrator will not be an NRA member.

Can you guess what two things Chicago, L.A., Baltimore, and D.C. have in common? Well, number one they are all gun-free cities, meaning that firearms are not allowed to be carried within the city limits by law abiding citizens.. The number two thing these cities have in common is that these cities have the highest gun crimes in the country. Wonder how many gun carrying criminals in these cities have acquired their firearm legally. I have a guess;  ZERO!

So, Barry will you explain your logic of taking firearms out of citizens that have the right to protect themselves. Why, is Barry so desperately trying to disarm American citizens, while he is allowing thousands of Syrian refugees swarming across our borders, many that will filter to ISIS cells.

Barry claims he's doing this because of the rise in gun crimes across the country. So let's take a look at the breakdown of these gun-related crimes. The stats may surprise you, and understand why Barry is lying, and is the main reason firearm sales are escalating throughout the country.

Barry says there were 32,000 firearm crimes last year. That's all he says while reading his teleprompter. Out of these 32,000 gun-related crimes, 19,000 were suicides. Guess he didn't include that. Also, 960 of the deaths were accident related. That leaves 10,500 as homicides,
but 80% or 8,450 gun crimes were gang-related. According to the FBI that leaves 1,712 gun related crimes that are not gang-related, the most in Barry's home base, Chicago.

This country does not have a gun control problem. This country has an Obama-control problem. This man is so delusional and completely uninformed that he doesn't even understand why firearm sales are skyrocketing while he is obsessed to take our 2nd. Amendment rights away from Americans.

Americans have the right to protect themselves, and Barry can "sugar coat" his executive action all he wants, but the bottom line is this is his first step in disarming Americans. Well, all this disarming certainly does not include all the evil Black on Black crimes in Chicago. Maybe, just maybe that's where Barry should start.  Wonder how many thugs in Chicago have had their background checks when acquiring their firearms. That would be a great stat.

The great news is that one year from this month we will have a new GOP president that will repeal all of Barry's executive actions, including his rape of our 2nd. Amendment.  As an NRA member that legally owns four registered firearms, and a concealed carry license, all I can do is repeat what all NRA members say to Barry, "from our cold dead hands".

And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops
(please follow me on my You Tube video blogs, Politics with Pete)

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