I have been strongly criticized by Barry Soetoero's supporters for paralleling Adolph Hitler to Barry Soetero. I just wish the Barry supporters would remain completely objective for just a few minutes and read this with an open mind. If anyone wants to respond I promise to keep an open mind, and read their responses openly and objectively before I respond back.
I can't even fathom what went through to minds of the Jewish men, women, and young children during the 1930's and '40's under the evil dictator Adolph Hitler. Adolph never personally put a hand to a Jewish man, woman, or young child. No, he traveled throughout Europe making charismatic speeches, while his Gestapo and Third Reich armies were physically "herding" Jews into rail cars to transport them to the camps for gassing and murder.
And while the slaughtering of Jews was taking place Adolph Hitler was parading around Europe bloviating to the masses that he was creating a master race and everything was fine. He had the assistance and support of the military and the media. And what stopped Adolph Hitler?
The united allies led by the strong military force of the United States of America.
There was no problem for U.S. presidents FDR and Harry Truman to recognize and act against the evil axis of Germany and ultimately Japan. Their decisions were never questioned, as they were in the best freedom interests of America and its allies.
Today, while I get challenged and criticized for comparing Adolph Hitler to Barry Soetero I just ask my critics to be objective and research what these two men represent and what Hitler did, and what Barry is doing now.
I think everyone will agree what the evil Hitler did to the defenseless Jews in Europe. History has factually reported the events with accuracy and clarity. Adolph paraded around Europe convincing the masses he was going to create a superior race. He did this because he had complete control of two vital areas; the military and the media. Think about it.
Now let's fast-forward to today. What's going on today? Jews and Christians are being captured, tortured, and murdered at an alarming rate like we haven't witnessed since Adolph Hitler. To all my critics, that isn't some made up fabrication by me. Those are pure facts. There are even overt facts depicting that there are radical Islamic cells here in the U.S.
Want some more facts? These murderous evil monsters are now thriving in the middle east, while attempting to spread their evil throughout the entire world. The ultimate goal of these evil murders is to overtake the United States of America, and indoctrinate their religious beliefs right here. And those that won't succumb to their beliefs will be slaughtered. It is written so in their evil Koran.
To everyone in the free world, including the United States, these evil people are named radical Islamic Muslims. These people are threatening America every time they stand in front of a camera. And what is Barry doing while the slaughtering of Jews and Christians are escalating?
He's going around the U.S., telling the country how great we're doing, and then its off to the golf course. He just doesn't care. Mayor Guilianni was right. Barry just doesn't love us.
Have you ever wondered why our president, Barry Soetero, will not call these evil radical Islamists by their true name? Have you ever wondered why Barry is currently negotiating with Iran, who is the world's biggest supporter of terrorism, and allowing them to build a nuclear bomb? Have you ever wondered why Barry refuses to support, meet with, and even acknowledge our biggest mid east ally Israel?
Ever wonder why Barry Soetero will not even address the slayings of Jews and Christians by ISIS? Have you ever wondered why Barry continues to downplay the success and growth of ISIS? Ever wonder why Barry's Secretary of State John Kerry says, "the world is now safer from terrorists than it's ever been", while James Clapper, Director of National Intelligence said yesterday, "in all my years in Intelligence 2014 was the worst terrorism has ever been, and may get worse again".
There is only one answer to all these questions....it's because Barry is a Muslim, and a radical Islamist sympathizer.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops
(pls follow me on my You Tube video blog "Politics with Pete")
Friday, February 27, 2015
Tuesday, February 24, 2015
Between the slices
While I was swearing and screaming at the TV this morning my wife was sitting calmly on the couch drinking her second cup of coffee. She then said, "now don't be stupid and write a blog while you're all worked up....calm down". Of course I always get the last word....I meekly said, "Yes dear".
But it just couldn't didn't stop the fuming and outrage. I just kept it inside so "the boss" wouldn't notice. What's my point? Does anyone else feel like I do right about now? Just a useless piece of cheese between two stale slices of bread.
One piece of the stale bread is Barry Soetero and his merry band of evil-doers. The other slice of bread is the gutless Republicans in name only, RINO's. And we Americans are being squeezed right in the middle of these two ugly meaningless "slices of bread".
These two "slices of bread" really think we Americans are stupid and don't see through their camouflage. It's obvious we are at the the mercy of these two power hungry groups are not conducting their actions in the best interest for the freedoms and rights of the people of this country.
First, let's look at what Barry has done and is doing. As recent as today Barry Soetero vetoed the Keystone Pipeline after the bill was successfully passed in the House and Senate. This bill would immediately put a minimum of 42,000 people to work, not to mention ancillary jobs down the road. It's a win-win for all of America. It will lessen our reliance on mid east oil.
It's easy to understand why Barry won't approve the pipeline. He will lose a very large constituency that heavily donates to him. Leading the pack are George Soros and Tom Steyer, both billionaires that have a heavy interest in stopping the pipeline. And who suffers from this? We, the American people; people out of work that want to return to providing for their family.
Since this sorry excuse for a leader has been in America's White House we have suffered through more than twenty, yes twenty scandals. No, I won't take the time to mention them all here. You know what they are, and some of these scandals are still going on.
At the same time Barry stands in front of his teleprompters, shedding crocodile tears reading that if Congress does not fund his Homeland Security law, our great country will lose much of its protection. Of course he hasn't addressed making our country secure by turning our borders into sieves for illegals to just march across.
Barry won't address our war with ISIS. he wants to "make nice" with this evil murderers. Heck, he won't even call them by their correct name. He's actually downplaying the plight of these evil doers, telling America that "the media is overblowing these stories for the sake of ratings". Yeah, right Barry! Today ISIS overtook a village and captured nearly a hundred Christians with promises of slaughter.
And the other "slice of bread" is loaded with Republicans In Name Only (RINOS). They are gutless and afraid of this radical Islamic Muslim. Barry Soetero must be arrested for treason and for unlawfully fulfilling his duties of protecting and doing what is best for America.
Are you going to call your Senator and your Congressman/Woman to voice your complain or or your going to continue being a piece of cheese squeezed between two stale slices of bread?
And that's Politics with Pete for today....God bless our country..and our troops.
(please follow me on my YouTube video blog "Politics with Pete")
But it just couldn't didn't stop the fuming and outrage. I just kept it inside so "the boss" wouldn't notice. What's my point? Does anyone else feel like I do right about now? Just a useless piece of cheese between two stale slices of bread.
One piece of the stale bread is Barry Soetero and his merry band of evil-doers. The other slice of bread is the gutless Republicans in name only, RINO's. And we Americans are being squeezed right in the middle of these two ugly meaningless "slices of bread".
These two "slices of bread" really think we Americans are stupid and don't see through their camouflage. It's obvious we are at the the mercy of these two power hungry groups are not conducting their actions in the best interest for the freedoms and rights of the people of this country.
First, let's look at what Barry has done and is doing. As recent as today Barry Soetero vetoed the Keystone Pipeline after the bill was successfully passed in the House and Senate. This bill would immediately put a minimum of 42,000 people to work, not to mention ancillary jobs down the road. It's a win-win for all of America. It will lessen our reliance on mid east oil.
It's easy to understand why Barry won't approve the pipeline. He will lose a very large constituency that heavily donates to him. Leading the pack are George Soros and Tom Steyer, both billionaires that have a heavy interest in stopping the pipeline. And who suffers from this? We, the American people; people out of work that want to return to providing for their family.
Since this sorry excuse for a leader has been in America's White House we have suffered through more than twenty, yes twenty scandals. No, I won't take the time to mention them all here. You know what they are, and some of these scandals are still going on.
At the same time Barry stands in front of his teleprompters, shedding crocodile tears reading that if Congress does not fund his Homeland Security law, our great country will lose much of its protection. Of course he hasn't addressed making our country secure by turning our borders into sieves for illegals to just march across.
Barry won't address our war with ISIS. he wants to "make nice" with this evil murderers. Heck, he won't even call them by their correct name. He's actually downplaying the plight of these evil doers, telling America that "the media is overblowing these stories for the sake of ratings". Yeah, right Barry! Today ISIS overtook a village and captured nearly a hundred Christians with promises of slaughter.
And the other "slice of bread" is loaded with Republicans In Name Only (RINOS). They are gutless and afraid of this radical Islamic Muslim. Barry Soetero must be arrested for treason and for unlawfully fulfilling his duties of protecting and doing what is best for America.
Are you going to call your Senator and your Congressman/Woman to voice your complain or or your going to continue being a piece of cheese squeezed between two stale slices of bread?
And that's Politics with Pete for today....God bless our country..and our troops.
(please follow me on my YouTube video blog "Politics with Pete")
Monday, February 23, 2015
White History Month?
I truly appreciate the way this great country honors the African-American citizens. I personally honor them in all ways possible. Yes, African-Americans should be honored by our great country. Their contributions to the growth and success of America should never be forgotten.
Personally I have always showed respect to the African-American population. One of my closest friends growing up was "Bill". I knew him from the first grade through high school graduation. We grew up playing sandlot baseball and basketball together. Wow, what a basketball player he was. If his grades could have matched his talent Bill could've entered any college he wanted.
On the high school basketball team his nick-name was "The Hawk". What a guy, and what a good friend he was growing up. bill passed away from a heart attack after spending several years working in the local steel mill. I think about him a lot.
Four years in the military, college, and a career in medical equipment sales have provided me with the opportunity to cross paths with many African-Americans I still hold close in my heart as friends. The pitcher on our Air Force baseball team in England, Ronnie, was another friend. After discharge we stayed in touch with Christmas cards and occasional phone calls. Last I heard he was a Dentist somewhere in Michigan.
And I'm sure I'm just one of millions of Caucasian Americans that have gone through life with African-Americans being a big part of their life. I've never missed a Denzel Washington movie.
Michael Jordan is my all-time favorite pro NBA'er. Condi Rice, Dr. Carson, Allen West would all make great U.S. Presidents.
After decades of enslaving African-Americans, it's fitting and honorable that our great country honor them with Black History Month every year. I have never considered myself a racist as I have always displayed love and respect for my African-American brothers and sisters. I don't feel you will find many Caucasian Americans that object to Black History Month.
With all that being written in the six paragraphs above I just have one question. Why is there so much objection when anyone suggests the U.S. have a White History Month? As I've written earlier I have never considered myself a racist, but by the standards of many like Al Sharpton I am a racist.
We have so many great Caucasian Americans that have contributed so much to the greatness and exceptionalism of this great country. However, to honor them would be considered racist to the likes of people like Sharpton. And now the racism has even gone to Hollyweird.
Last night Oscar's presentation was just one gigantic liberal progressive love-in. To honor a movie that depicted a washed up actor instead of a movie about a true war hero is nothing more than a joke. At one point the stage was crowded with African-Americans led by John Legend honoring the movie Selma. That was great, but what do you think you would've heard in the media today if a group of White Americans, led by Clint Eastwood was on the stage honoring the "Sniper" movie?
Wake up America...Wake up!
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops
(pls. watch my You Tube video blogs.."Politics with Pete")
Personally I have always showed respect to the African-American population. One of my closest friends growing up was "Bill". I knew him from the first grade through high school graduation. We grew up playing sandlot baseball and basketball together. Wow, what a basketball player he was. If his grades could have matched his talent Bill could've entered any college he wanted.
On the high school basketball team his nick-name was "The Hawk". What a guy, and what a good friend he was growing up. bill passed away from a heart attack after spending several years working in the local steel mill. I think about him a lot.
Four years in the military, college, and a career in medical equipment sales have provided me with the opportunity to cross paths with many African-Americans I still hold close in my heart as friends. The pitcher on our Air Force baseball team in England, Ronnie, was another friend. After discharge we stayed in touch with Christmas cards and occasional phone calls. Last I heard he was a Dentist somewhere in Michigan.
And I'm sure I'm just one of millions of Caucasian Americans that have gone through life with African-Americans being a big part of their life. I've never missed a Denzel Washington movie.
Michael Jordan is my all-time favorite pro NBA'er. Condi Rice, Dr. Carson, Allen West would all make great U.S. Presidents.
After decades of enslaving African-Americans, it's fitting and honorable that our great country honor them with Black History Month every year. I have never considered myself a racist as I have always displayed love and respect for my African-American brothers and sisters. I don't feel you will find many Caucasian Americans that object to Black History Month.
With all that being written in the six paragraphs above I just have one question. Why is there so much objection when anyone suggests the U.S. have a White History Month? As I've written earlier I have never considered myself a racist, but by the standards of many like Al Sharpton I am a racist.
We have so many great Caucasian Americans that have contributed so much to the greatness and exceptionalism of this great country. However, to honor them would be considered racist to the likes of people like Sharpton. And now the racism has even gone to Hollyweird.
Last night Oscar's presentation was just one gigantic liberal progressive love-in. To honor a movie that depicted a washed up actor instead of a movie about a true war hero is nothing more than a joke. At one point the stage was crowded with African-Americans led by John Legend honoring the movie Selma. That was great, but what do you think you would've heard in the media today if a group of White Americans, led by Clint Eastwood was on the stage honoring the "Sniper" movie?
Wake up America...Wake up!
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops
(pls. watch my You Tube video blogs.."Politics with Pete")
Thursday, February 19, 2015
Why not Barry?
The American people only want a president of our great country to love our country and treat America as the world's greatest. Is that too much? Are Americans asking too much for a president to lead and protect us? Why not Barry?
Many years from now, in the future, history will portray Barry Soetero as the worst president this country has ever had to endure. Whenever a scandal and crisis surfaces Barry coats himself with gallons of Teflon, then forms and "organizes" committees to "address the problem", then off he goes to the golf course with his spa-bath buddies.
And yet everything this man has addressed to attach his name and legacy to is a complete failure. To relate from a former blog, I must repeat, that if someone gave Barry instructions to do all he can to crumble the United States economically and socially he couldn't do a better job than he's doing right now.
We're a great country that has fought and beat back evil throughout our entire existence. We always understood who the enemy was; Britain's tyrants, slavery, WWI, WWII, including the Korean and Viet Nam wars. One of our great presidents convinced the USSR to "tear down this wall". Where are you Barry?
Our Founding Fathers gave us our independence and the right laws to help us grow and govern our country so we can secure and keep our rights and freedoms. Never before has our great country been burdened with a president who wants to take this laws, rights, and freedoms away from us. Why don't you do what's best for us Barry?
So many building blocks of the this country were on the backs of Jews and Christians. Yet, today these two groups are consistently being attacked, not only by the radical Islamic terrorists, but also in our own media. Yes, in some cases even by our own State Department.
Barry, why do you care more for illegals and Muslim terrorists than you do for America?
The most watched media outlets; ABC, CBS, and NBC are even defending the Muslim attacks on Jews and Christians, even supporting what our own president and State Department spews out. Barry and his wonder woman Marie Harf wants us to understand ISIS; give them jobs, empathize. Yes, I agree; let's do all that, but only after we've eradicated everyone of these evil radical Islamists. Why are you this way Barry?
Barry has turned his back on Israel while he's doing the sanctions "two-step" with Iran, knowing that Iran wants a nuclear bomb to destroy Israel. He refuses to meet with the PM of Israel, but invited a radical Muslim that declared a " 9-11 on Israel". Yeah, Barry that really looks like you've got Israel's back. Why don't you love this great country Barry?
Most of us ask the question of "how much more of this can our country take"? Some of us even say, "when is it gonna stop"? No one really knows the answers to these questions. Maybe we'll never know. Most of us truly love our United States and want the best for our future generations, but it seems right now we've got a man at the helm that is not a leader and worse, does not care to lead us. We just keep asking "why don't you care Barry"?
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops
(Please follow me on You Tube on my video blog "Politics with Pete")
Many years from now, in the future, history will portray Barry Soetero as the worst president this country has ever had to endure. Whenever a scandal and crisis surfaces Barry coats himself with gallons of Teflon, then forms and "organizes" committees to "address the problem", then off he goes to the golf course with his spa-bath buddies.
And yet everything this man has addressed to attach his name and legacy to is a complete failure. To relate from a former blog, I must repeat, that if someone gave Barry instructions to do all he can to crumble the United States economically and socially he couldn't do a better job than he's doing right now.
We're a great country that has fought and beat back evil throughout our entire existence. We always understood who the enemy was; Britain's tyrants, slavery, WWI, WWII, including the Korean and Viet Nam wars. One of our great presidents convinced the USSR to "tear down this wall". Where are you Barry?
Our Founding Fathers gave us our independence and the right laws to help us grow and govern our country so we can secure and keep our rights and freedoms. Never before has our great country been burdened with a president who wants to take this laws, rights, and freedoms away from us. Why don't you do what's best for us Barry?
So many building blocks of the this country were on the backs of Jews and Christians. Yet, today these two groups are consistently being attacked, not only by the radical Islamic terrorists, but also in our own media. Yes, in some cases even by our own State Department.
Barry, why do you care more for illegals and Muslim terrorists than you do for America?
The most watched media outlets; ABC, CBS, and NBC are even defending the Muslim attacks on Jews and Christians, even supporting what our own president and State Department spews out. Barry and his wonder woman Marie Harf wants us to understand ISIS; give them jobs, empathize. Yes, I agree; let's do all that, but only after we've eradicated everyone of these evil radical Islamists. Why are you this way Barry?
Barry has turned his back on Israel while he's doing the sanctions "two-step" with Iran, knowing that Iran wants a nuclear bomb to destroy Israel. He refuses to meet with the PM of Israel, but invited a radical Muslim that declared a " 9-11 on Israel". Yeah, Barry that really looks like you've got Israel's back. Why don't you love this great country Barry?
Most of us ask the question of "how much more of this can our country take"? Some of us even say, "when is it gonna stop"? No one really knows the answers to these questions. Maybe we'll never know. Most of us truly love our United States and want the best for our future generations, but it seems right now we've got a man at the helm that is not a leader and worse, does not care to lead us. We just keep asking "why don't you care Barry"?
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops
(Please follow me on You Tube on my video blog "Politics with Pete")
Tuesday, February 17, 2015
Get A Job
Remember that old time rock 'n roll song, "Get a job"? I think it should be a theme to sing and play for ISIS. Finally our astute State Department has found the answer to all the problems the world is having in the mid east today. Wow are they fantastic or what? Have you heard yet?
Yes, State Department spokeswoman Marie Harf, while a guest on the "leg-tingler" Chris Matthews MSNBC show, said, "we just can't kill ISIS...we should be helping them by getting them jobs to raise their self-esteem...even educate them".
Wow Ms. Harf what a novel concept. Did you and your boss John "Lurch" Kerry come up with that idea all on your own? I'm sure once ISIS gets educated and gets a good job their self-esteem will bloom so high that they will not slaughter or kill Jews and Christians. You do know Ms. Harf that ISIS makes about $3.Million per day by selling their black market oil from oil fields they have overtaken. Ah yeah, you must've forgot that little tidbit.
What educational courses are we going to provide for them when we educate them? Maybe Judeo-Christian Values 101, or maybe Negotiating without use of weapons 101. I'm sure there are many educational classes to be offered to these fine ISIS warriors to help "blend" them into society. Ms. Harf, you are a genius. Of course ISIS "students" would have to be taught they can't behead a professor in college if they get a bad grade.
What type of college degree, and what kind of job will the ISIS students finally receive? Maybe they could learn how to raise pigs on a farm, and then get a job at a pork meat-packing plant. Oh, the opportunities would be endless. Are you and Lurch Kerry going to present this great idea to Barry? Hey, it would be great if you could get one of those ISIS warriors a job working with you when you give your press releases. It would look great seeing you standing next to a fully garbed ISIS warrior while on the podium. Thank you again Ms. Harf for your great idea.
Maybe Ms. Harf could meet with Hillary Clinton to work on these issues. Remember Ms. Clinton was the one that prompted America, "we need to understand our enemy...their wants and needs...we should look at things from their perspective." Wait, Ms. Clinton, who's going to provide the jobs for the ISIS guys? Certainly not the private sector. Aren't you the one that said, "it's not true that jobs come from the private sector".
I just had a brainstorm idea. If Hillary gets the Democrat nod to run for president, she should have Ms. Harf as her running mate. Together these two would solve all our mid east problems.
Well, Ms. Harf, while you're getting jobs for these ISIS guys, and getting them educated could you take some time out and find a way to stop them from slaughtering Jews and Christians? That might just help a little, don't you think?
In the meantime I'll help in the best way I can for ISIS by singing, "Get A Job".
And that's Politics with Pete....God bless our country...and our troops.
(Pls follow me on my You Tube video blog "Politics with Pete")
Yes, State Department spokeswoman Marie Harf, while a guest on the "leg-tingler" Chris Matthews MSNBC show, said, "we just can't kill ISIS...we should be helping them by getting them jobs to raise their self-esteem...even educate them".
Wow Ms. Harf what a novel concept. Did you and your boss John "Lurch" Kerry come up with that idea all on your own? I'm sure once ISIS gets educated and gets a good job their self-esteem will bloom so high that they will not slaughter or kill Jews and Christians. You do know Ms. Harf that ISIS makes about $3.Million per day by selling their black market oil from oil fields they have overtaken. Ah yeah, you must've forgot that little tidbit.
What educational courses are we going to provide for them when we educate them? Maybe Judeo-Christian Values 101, or maybe Negotiating without use of weapons 101. I'm sure there are many educational classes to be offered to these fine ISIS warriors to help "blend" them into society. Ms. Harf, you are a genius. Of course ISIS "students" would have to be taught they can't behead a professor in college if they get a bad grade.
What type of college degree, and what kind of job will the ISIS students finally receive? Maybe they could learn how to raise pigs on a farm, and then get a job at a pork meat-packing plant. Oh, the opportunities would be endless. Are you and Lurch Kerry going to present this great idea to Barry? Hey, it would be great if you could get one of those ISIS warriors a job working with you when you give your press releases. It would look great seeing you standing next to a fully garbed ISIS warrior while on the podium. Thank you again Ms. Harf for your great idea.
Maybe Ms. Harf could meet with Hillary Clinton to work on these issues. Remember Ms. Clinton was the one that prompted America, "we need to understand our enemy...their wants and needs...we should look at things from their perspective." Wait, Ms. Clinton, who's going to provide the jobs for the ISIS guys? Certainly not the private sector. Aren't you the one that said, "it's not true that jobs come from the private sector".
I just had a brainstorm idea. If Hillary gets the Democrat nod to run for president, she should have Ms. Harf as her running mate. Together these two would solve all our mid east problems.
Well, Ms. Harf, while you're getting jobs for these ISIS guys, and getting them educated could you take some time out and find a way to stop them from slaughtering Jews and Christians? That might just help a little, don't you think?
In the meantime I'll help in the best way I can for ISIS by singing, "Get A Job".
And that's Politics with Pete....God bless our country...and our troops.
(Pls follow me on my You Tube video blog "Politics with Pete")
Give ISIS their wish
Yeah, let's honor ISIS and give them their ultimate wish. To die and go to their Allah Akbar paradise and live with their "virgins". It's obvious they believe in death more than life. So let's just give them what they want, and help them meet their Muhammad and Allah. Send thousands of troops over to their battlegrounds and annihilate them. And after they're all gone who cares what name Barry wants to call them.
It's rumored that one of the main reasons the Admirals and Generals of the U.S. won't go into America's White House to arrest this man for treason, ineptness, and failure to follow the laws of the Constitution is because if they do a race Black vs. White civil war will break out. Of course no american, White or Black wants a civil war; well maybe except for "Rev" Sharpton.
But America needs to band together, and now.
Peaceful people all over the world are engaged in a war that some say is worse than the infamous WWII, and we have a dictator in America's White House that won't even assign a name to this most vicious and evil enemy of the world. Can you imagine if Barry was our president in WWII and wouldn't call Hitler and his Third Reich Nazis, because he didn't want to offend them? We may have lost that war against Hitler.
Within the next few days America will surely witness the caliber of this spineless and leaderless individual we have in our White House. Even with the support of labor unions and many Democrats in the House and Senate Barry will still veto the Keystone Pipeline bill that has been passed by both the House and the Senate, and now sits on his desk. Does America, even the most stubborn Barry followers, need any more proof that this man cares only about himself and his Democrat party donors than he does about the people of America?
Americans are being lied to and Barry's followers are being fooled. He has sent his "posse" on the weekend talk shows to tell America that all is fine, and we are defeating ISIS. We all know that is nothing more than a bold-faced lie, there are still some Barry Kool-Aid drinkers that are buying these lies.
ISIS put Christian children in cages and set them on fire. Then these evil radical Islamic Muslims paraded 21 Christian men down to the shores and beheaded them. Then they claimed they will next invade Rome, Italy. And they have proclaimed they will invade the White House soon.
I am being very heavily criticized for comparing Barry Soetero to Adolph Hitler, but I stand by my evaluation of these two. Both hated Jews and Christians. Both would not recognize the Judeo-Christian world. Islam is the only religion he speaks to in a positive manner.
Maybe the most impactful comparative analysis occurred this weekend. ISIS burned Christian children in cages. ISIS slaughtered by beheading, 21 Christian men. And exactly the minute that ISIS was beheading these Christian men Barry was in Palm Springs standing over his putt on the golfing green. Is that a leader that you want to follow?
The frosting on the cake is Barry would not even acknowledge the slaughtered as "Christians". He called them "citizens". Yet, he certainly defamed Christians at his prayer meeting when he said on national TV, "Christian crusaders slaughtered people in the name of their Christ". What kind of American leader is this man?
For America's sake the best place for all of us is Barry on a golf course for the next two years while the Senate passes laws at a 60+ pace. Otherwise we are doomed.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops.
(pls. follow me on You tube on my video blog "Politics with Pete")
It's rumored that one of the main reasons the Admirals and Generals of the U.S. won't go into America's White House to arrest this man for treason, ineptness, and failure to follow the laws of the Constitution is because if they do a race Black vs. White civil war will break out. Of course no american, White or Black wants a civil war; well maybe except for "Rev" Sharpton.
But America needs to band together, and now.
Peaceful people all over the world are engaged in a war that some say is worse than the infamous WWII, and we have a dictator in America's White House that won't even assign a name to this most vicious and evil enemy of the world. Can you imagine if Barry was our president in WWII and wouldn't call Hitler and his Third Reich Nazis, because he didn't want to offend them? We may have lost that war against Hitler.
Within the next few days America will surely witness the caliber of this spineless and leaderless individual we have in our White House. Even with the support of labor unions and many Democrats in the House and Senate Barry will still veto the Keystone Pipeline bill that has been passed by both the House and the Senate, and now sits on his desk. Does America, even the most stubborn Barry followers, need any more proof that this man cares only about himself and his Democrat party donors than he does about the people of America?
Americans are being lied to and Barry's followers are being fooled. He has sent his "posse" on the weekend talk shows to tell America that all is fine, and we are defeating ISIS. We all know that is nothing more than a bold-faced lie, there are still some Barry Kool-Aid drinkers that are buying these lies.
ISIS put Christian children in cages and set them on fire. Then these evil radical Islamic Muslims paraded 21 Christian men down to the shores and beheaded them. Then they claimed they will next invade Rome, Italy. And they have proclaimed they will invade the White House soon.
I am being very heavily criticized for comparing Barry Soetero to Adolph Hitler, but I stand by my evaluation of these two. Both hated Jews and Christians. Both would not recognize the Judeo-Christian world. Islam is the only religion he speaks to in a positive manner.
Maybe the most impactful comparative analysis occurred this weekend. ISIS burned Christian children in cages. ISIS slaughtered by beheading, 21 Christian men. And exactly the minute that ISIS was beheading these Christian men Barry was in Palm Springs standing over his putt on the golfing green. Is that a leader that you want to follow?
The frosting on the cake is Barry would not even acknowledge the slaughtered as "Christians". He called them "citizens". Yet, he certainly defamed Christians at his prayer meeting when he said on national TV, "Christian crusaders slaughtered people in the name of their Christ". What kind of American leader is this man?
For America's sake the best place for all of us is Barry on a golf course for the next two years while the Senate passes laws at a 60+ pace. Otherwise we are doomed.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops.
(pls. follow me on You tube on my video blog "Politics with Pete")
Saturday, February 14, 2015
It's no big deal!
Pentagon spokesman Admiral Kirby just yesterday on national TV told us Americ that ISIS took over a city in Iraq and are only five miles from attacking a base with 312 American Marines, but "but that happens in these kinds of conflicts and it's no big deal". Really Admiral Kirby, no big deal?
ISIS just paraded twenty Christians, yes Christians, through town in cages to set them all on fire to burn them only because they were Christians. And yet according to Barry Soetero's administration "it's no big deal".
Iran's Ayatollah is sending "secret" letters to Barry, so that Iran can continue it's development of a nuclear bomb in their ultimate effort to destroy our biggest mid east ally Israel. To show us just what a spineless wuss Barry is, he knows, as we all know that Iran is supplying ISIS with arms. Now if Barry ramps up the attack on ISIS then Iran will ramp up their support to these murderous evil thugs ISIS. Ah, but you know, "it's no big deal".
ISIS cells in the U.S. are now actually telephoning families of American soldiers training Iraqis telling them "ISIS will come into your house here in America to slaughter you and your children", but you know according to Barry, "it's no big deal".
And Barry, trying to protect his "non-war" legacy not only refuses to launch an all out attack on ISIS, he goes so far as to telegraph to ISIS that "there will be no boots on the ground, and I'm only authorizing a three year push against these random insurgents". This spineless leaderless wuss won't even call ISIS by its real name of of radical Islamist Muslims. But of course, according to Barry and his gang, "it's no big deal".
In the most recent polls Americans are saying that 73% of us do not approve of the way he is handling the "random conflict" in the mid east now. I get teased and "ragged on" a lot, even from some family members that I'm a news junkie. Some even ask "why do you watch so much news....you're gonna go nuts". I only respond that I watch news because I care about our country today.
And I've never cared more for the future of our country as I have been starting 14 months ago when my great granddaughter came into this world. As I'm playing games with her, rocking her to sleep, and watching her develop I think about the world she will face later on in her life. And I'm scared because things have to change NOW starting with America's leadership if she is going to have the life she deserves; her and all children.
Even peaceful Muslims throughout the world are crying out against these evil murderers, and yes, even calling them their true name; radical Islamic terrorists. Yet, Barry Soetero won't attach the correct name to them because he says he "doesn't want to offend all Muslims". Really Barry? That's as bad as, "this is no big deal".
As we sit in our warm cozy environment and watch these evil barbaric crimes on our TV we may think, "gee that's bad, but it'll never happen here". Please don't be lulled into a false sense of security folks. With a man like Barry Soetero as our spineless leader who goes on BuzzFeed TV to make jokes, selfies, etc., while we are in the throes of ISIS attacks we may be in real danger sooner than we foresee.
Just to close out today's blog....what do you think of a president that almost daily communicates with a country (Iran) that wants to destroy our biggest mid east ally Israel, and yet refuses to meet with Israel's prime minister. Think about it folks, and think about our future generations.
And that's Politics with Pete for today....God bless our country....and our troops.
(pls. follow me on my You Tube video blog "Politics with Pete")
ISIS just paraded twenty Christians, yes Christians, through town in cages to set them all on fire to burn them only because they were Christians. And yet according to Barry Soetero's administration "it's no big deal".
Iran's Ayatollah is sending "secret" letters to Barry, so that Iran can continue it's development of a nuclear bomb in their ultimate effort to destroy our biggest mid east ally Israel. To show us just what a spineless wuss Barry is, he knows, as we all know that Iran is supplying ISIS with arms. Now if Barry ramps up the attack on ISIS then Iran will ramp up their support to these murderous evil thugs ISIS. Ah, but you know, "it's no big deal".
ISIS cells in the U.S. are now actually telephoning families of American soldiers training Iraqis telling them "ISIS will come into your house here in America to slaughter you and your children", but you know according to Barry, "it's no big deal".
And Barry, trying to protect his "non-war" legacy not only refuses to launch an all out attack on ISIS, he goes so far as to telegraph to ISIS that "there will be no boots on the ground, and I'm only authorizing a three year push against these random insurgents". This spineless leaderless wuss won't even call ISIS by its real name of of radical Islamist Muslims. But of course, according to Barry and his gang, "it's no big deal".
In the most recent polls Americans are saying that 73% of us do not approve of the way he is handling the "random conflict" in the mid east now. I get teased and "ragged on" a lot, even from some family members that I'm a news junkie. Some even ask "why do you watch so much news....you're gonna go nuts". I only respond that I watch news because I care about our country today.
And I've never cared more for the future of our country as I have been starting 14 months ago when my great granddaughter came into this world. As I'm playing games with her, rocking her to sleep, and watching her develop I think about the world she will face later on in her life. And I'm scared because things have to change NOW starting with America's leadership if she is going to have the life she deserves; her and all children.
Even peaceful Muslims throughout the world are crying out against these evil murderers, and yes, even calling them their true name; radical Islamic terrorists. Yet, Barry Soetero won't attach the correct name to them because he says he "doesn't want to offend all Muslims". Really Barry? That's as bad as, "this is no big deal".
As we sit in our warm cozy environment and watch these evil barbaric crimes on our TV we may think, "gee that's bad, but it'll never happen here". Please don't be lulled into a false sense of security folks. With a man like Barry Soetero as our spineless leader who goes on BuzzFeed TV to make jokes, selfies, etc., while we are in the throes of ISIS attacks we may be in real danger sooner than we foresee.
Just to close out today's blog....what do you think of a president that almost daily communicates with a country (Iran) that wants to destroy our biggest mid east ally Israel, and yet refuses to meet with Israel's prime minister. Think about it folks, and think about our future generations.
And that's Politics with Pete for today....God bless our country....and our troops.
(pls. follow me on my You Tube video blog "Politics with Pete")
Thursday, February 12, 2015
"Born" Leader??
How many of us have used the phrase, "he/she is a born leader"? Most of us have all interacted with "born" leaders, and we've all used those words "born leader". I'm 79-years young, and I've been around my share of leaders; many I've felt were born leaders, and I've also been around my share of people who had no business in a leadership position.
So, I've always debated the notion, mostly with myself, if leaders are "born", or worked for the role, or in some cases were they even "groomed" by a mentor. I sometimes wonder if leaders have innate qualities that most of us will never achieve no matter how hard we try. And of course some inept leaders are pushed into the position by others for personal gains only.
I've been lucky in my years to have encountered several leaders, some more adept than others.
There were some leaders I didn't care for personally, and certainly didn't want to befriend them, but I sure respected their leadership and ability to make tough decisions. And, of course there were some leaders I personally like, but had no confidence in to lead.
True leaders have the ability, self-confidence, and fortitude to take full responsibility for their actions and decisions. A true leader will make decisions after they research the situation. They will always make the decision in an attempt for a positive outcome for the people that entrust them with the role of leader.
People want to place trust in their leaders that they want to provide support to the leader for a positive outcome. People want to follow their leaders and show support. They only ask that a leader be honest, truthful, and has the best interest of his/her trusting followers. People do not want a leader that places his/her self interests above those of his followers.
Maybe the main ingredient here is that people do not want a leader who lies to its followers, and compounds situations by piling on more lies. Major faults of inept leaders are being untrustworthy, indecisive, shirking responsibilities, and lying. Most people after time will recognize a poor leader. As the great Abe Lincoln so aptly said, "you can fool some people all the time, all people some of the time, but you can't fool all the people all the time". Well said Abe.
My point in rambling on in this blog is that our great country, at a time when we truly need a leader that we can rely on, has a man residing in America's White House that is very far removed from having any leadership qualities.
Barry Soetero has displayed time and time again that he cares very little about what is best for the American people. He places his own self interest above all others he has been elected to lead.
He desperately attempts at leaving a worthless legacy to the American people regardless of horrific and sometimes devastating costs to those who elected him to lead.
Barry fully displayed his lack of leadership and care for the safety and security of the American people in his speech yesterday "declaring" war on ISIS. No one likes war. I've lost relatives and friends in war conflicts, but when war is declared, it is supposed to be declared to WIN the war and completely destroy America's enemy.
A true leader does not broadcast to our enemies that "there will be no boots on the ground". Nor will a true leader telegraph to our enemies that "this conflict will last only three years". Remember our true leader Ronald Reagan when he said, "there can be no peace without the show of strength". What this true leader meant was we need to make the enemy fear us BEFORE we go into battle.
Abraham Lincoln was another true leader. I can only think that if Barry Soetero were president in 1861, there would still be slavery, for his selfish Democrat Party was overwhelmingly in favor of slavery.
Never before in the history of our great country do we need a true leader. Maybe one that was "born" a leader, not falsely manufactured for the personal gains of others that do not care about what's best for all Americans.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our toops
(pls. follow me on my You Tube video blog "Politics with Pete")
So, I've always debated the notion, mostly with myself, if leaders are "born", or worked for the role, or in some cases were they even "groomed" by a mentor. I sometimes wonder if leaders have innate qualities that most of us will never achieve no matter how hard we try. And of course some inept leaders are pushed into the position by others for personal gains only.
I've been lucky in my years to have encountered several leaders, some more adept than others.
There were some leaders I didn't care for personally, and certainly didn't want to befriend them, but I sure respected their leadership and ability to make tough decisions. And, of course there were some leaders I personally like, but had no confidence in to lead.
True leaders have the ability, self-confidence, and fortitude to take full responsibility for their actions and decisions. A true leader will make decisions after they research the situation. They will always make the decision in an attempt for a positive outcome for the people that entrust them with the role of leader.
People want to place trust in their leaders that they want to provide support to the leader for a positive outcome. People want to follow their leaders and show support. They only ask that a leader be honest, truthful, and has the best interest of his/her trusting followers. People do not want a leader that places his/her self interests above those of his followers.
Maybe the main ingredient here is that people do not want a leader who lies to its followers, and compounds situations by piling on more lies. Major faults of inept leaders are being untrustworthy, indecisive, shirking responsibilities, and lying. Most people after time will recognize a poor leader. As the great Abe Lincoln so aptly said, "you can fool some people all the time, all people some of the time, but you can't fool all the people all the time". Well said Abe.
My point in rambling on in this blog is that our great country, at a time when we truly need a leader that we can rely on, has a man residing in America's White House that is very far removed from having any leadership qualities.
Barry Soetero has displayed time and time again that he cares very little about what is best for the American people. He places his own self interest above all others he has been elected to lead.
He desperately attempts at leaving a worthless legacy to the American people regardless of horrific and sometimes devastating costs to those who elected him to lead.
Barry fully displayed his lack of leadership and care for the safety and security of the American people in his speech yesterday "declaring" war on ISIS. No one likes war. I've lost relatives and friends in war conflicts, but when war is declared, it is supposed to be declared to WIN the war and completely destroy America's enemy.
A true leader does not broadcast to our enemies that "there will be no boots on the ground". Nor will a true leader telegraph to our enemies that "this conflict will last only three years". Remember our true leader Ronald Reagan when he said, "there can be no peace without the show of strength". What this true leader meant was we need to make the enemy fear us BEFORE we go into battle.
Abraham Lincoln was another true leader. I can only think that if Barry Soetero were president in 1861, there would still be slavery, for his selfish Democrat Party was overwhelmingly in favor of slavery.
Never before in the history of our great country do we need a true leader. Maybe one that was "born" a leader, not falsely manufactured for the personal gains of others that do not care about what's best for all Americans.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our toops
(pls. follow me on my You Tube video blog "Politics with Pete")
Tuesday, February 10, 2015
R.I.P. Kayla Mueller
I have a granddaughter that has the same first name and is the same age of the beautiful Kayla Mueller that was killed by ISIS. I can't fathom my wonderful 26-year old granddaughter taken from my wife and me, as I can't imagine what the parents of this beautiful young woman are going through now. Her life was snuffed out by evil savages at such an early age.
And what was Kayla Mueller's mission in life? She only wanted to help those suffering in the world today. She was not a military warrior. She was not an enemy of ISIS. She was not trying to convert anyone. She didn't lead any protests against the evil radical Islamist Muslims.
While on her journey to help others Kayla just sought out the good in all she encountered. Many are asking "what harm did the evil ISIS see in this wonderful young woman"?
She was a warm, loving, and generous selfless young woman. Was she killed just "randomly"?
What possible motive could the ISIS have in killing this young beautiful young woman? What message are they trying to send? Did they do this to honor their Muhammad or their Allah?
Do they really believe that their Allah is happy that they slaughtered a young woman whose only purpose in life was to help others and show love to all she came in contact with.
How can we be sure that the evil savages of ISIS are not planning to do this again and very soon? It's apparent the evil savages of ISIS have no fear of the world at all. Their mission is to destroy all who will not bow to their Muhammad and Allah. They are intent on raping, torturing, and murdering, even randomly, slaughtering all who will not favor their ideology.
And while the world looks to the United States to lead the charge against these evil savages, our own president won't even address the war ISIS has waged against the world. It even seems our president is actually giving a pass to this ideology. The entire free world calls these evil savages by their correct name: radical Islamist murdering Muslims. Our own president won't.
Our president went on a Vox-TV talk show and called the slaughtering in a Jewish bakery in Paris "a random act by zealots". He then claimed that the media was "over inflating the stories about ISIL for ratings only". He has even claimed that global warming is a bigger threat than ISIS is to the world. He has gone so far as to compare the evil actions of ISIS to Christians of 1,000 years ago. Really?
The evil ISIS savages know that our president is weak, spineless, and indecisive. They know this weak man will not push back against ISIS. He has even called them "a Junior Varsity team".
Even with the evil slaughtering of Kayla Mueller we all know our president will do absolutely nothing about it. He asks the Congress for money, and all Congress is asking is for the president to tell them his strategy. he doesn't even have a plan to spend this money. He just wants it.
There is only one way to deal with the evil savages of ISIS, and that is to put fear firmly in their hearts. And we do this by approaching them the same way they randomly slay people of the free world. These are evil people that must be eradicated at all costs, including declaring war on them. This spineless leaderless man just wants to keep kicking the can down the road till January, 2017.
Kayla Mueller is the fourth American to be slaughtered. How many more Americans need to be killed before this spineless man in the White House steps forward to do something? Didn't this man take an oath to protect our country from all terrorists, domestic and foreign? There is only one main reason our president is acting this way.....he, himself is a radial Islamist Muslim.
And to join all people of the free world my heartfelt condolences and prayers go out to the Mueller family. God bless the memory of your daughter forever. She is with God now.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops.
(pls. follow me on my You Tube V-blog "Politics with Pete)
And what was Kayla Mueller's mission in life? She only wanted to help those suffering in the world today. She was not a military warrior. She was not an enemy of ISIS. She was not trying to convert anyone. She didn't lead any protests against the evil radical Islamist Muslims.
While on her journey to help others Kayla just sought out the good in all she encountered. Many are asking "what harm did the evil ISIS see in this wonderful young woman"?
She was a warm, loving, and generous selfless young woman. Was she killed just "randomly"?
What possible motive could the ISIS have in killing this young beautiful young woman? What message are they trying to send? Did they do this to honor their Muhammad or their Allah?
Do they really believe that their Allah is happy that they slaughtered a young woman whose only purpose in life was to help others and show love to all she came in contact with.
How can we be sure that the evil savages of ISIS are not planning to do this again and very soon? It's apparent the evil savages of ISIS have no fear of the world at all. Their mission is to destroy all who will not bow to their Muhammad and Allah. They are intent on raping, torturing, and murdering, even randomly, slaughtering all who will not favor their ideology.
And while the world looks to the United States to lead the charge against these evil savages, our own president won't even address the war ISIS has waged against the world. It even seems our president is actually giving a pass to this ideology. The entire free world calls these evil savages by their correct name: radical Islamist murdering Muslims. Our own president won't.
Our president went on a Vox-TV talk show and called the slaughtering in a Jewish bakery in Paris "a random act by zealots". He then claimed that the media was "over inflating the stories about ISIL for ratings only". He has even claimed that global warming is a bigger threat than ISIS is to the world. He has gone so far as to compare the evil actions of ISIS to Christians of 1,000 years ago. Really?
The evil ISIS savages know that our president is weak, spineless, and indecisive. They know this weak man will not push back against ISIS. He has even called them "a Junior Varsity team".
Even with the evil slaughtering of Kayla Mueller we all know our president will do absolutely nothing about it. He asks the Congress for money, and all Congress is asking is for the president to tell them his strategy. he doesn't even have a plan to spend this money. He just wants it.
There is only one way to deal with the evil savages of ISIS, and that is to put fear firmly in their hearts. And we do this by approaching them the same way they randomly slay people of the free world. These are evil people that must be eradicated at all costs, including declaring war on them. This spineless leaderless man just wants to keep kicking the can down the road till January, 2017.
Kayla Mueller is the fourth American to be slaughtered. How many more Americans need to be killed before this spineless man in the White House steps forward to do something? Didn't this man take an oath to protect our country from all terrorists, domestic and foreign? There is only one main reason our president is acting this way.....he, himself is a radial Islamist Muslim.
And to join all people of the free world my heartfelt condolences and prayers go out to the Mueller family. God bless the memory of your daughter forever. She is with God now.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops.
(pls. follow me on my You Tube V-blog "Politics with Pete)
Monday, February 9, 2015
Thought I heard it all
Yes, I actually thought I heard it all from this leaderless spineless man that is in America's White House. I even felt that maybe, after all the damage he's done, he'll just spend the next two years golfing, campaigning, vacationing, raising the deficit, and lying to the American people.
However, the breakfast prayer meeting with Barry Soetero at the podium took my disdain for him to a new level. He actually gave the murderous activities of the evil radical jihadist Islamic Muslims a pass. He said that America should not judge ISIS because about a thousand years ago Christians did the same thing. That was his first big lie.
What he failed to say at that point was the biggest enemies of Christianity back then were the Muslims. He wants America to "take into context" that the radical Islamists slaughtering in the name of Muhammed and Allah today is the same as the Christians crusades over 1,000 years ago.
Now if that doesn't convince all Americans that we have a "registered" Islamic Muslim in our White House then I don't think anything will. And right after the prayer meeting Barry hosts a meeting on our White House with all Muslims in attendance. In fact, one of the attendees is wanted for murderous acts in his country "in the name of Allah".
This evil man's agenda is to destroy our belief in our Constitution, along with our freedoms and right to pursue our American dreams. Think about his method to date. He wants to allow illegals to cross our southern borders at will. Then he gives them tax credits, jobs, along with the right to vote. And of course they will vote for their beloved Democrat party out of loyalty.
Barry's close female hench-lady, Valerie Jarrett, is already making plans to swarm Texas with this ideology in their attempt to turn Texas into a Democrat controlled state. And these illegals will be hired due to the incentives Barry will give employers that hire them. Now with this movement going on Barry and Valerie are convincing the millions of Americans on his entitlement programs that they will have their "freebies" taken away if Republicans are successful in the 2016 election, along with maintaining the House & Senate.
Today, it is a fact that there are radical Islamic Muslims in the mideast slaughtering, murdering, raping, even setting people on fire, and we have a man in America's White House that won't even call them by their correct name; savage, ruthless, evil radical Islamic Muslim murders and rapists of women and children.
And then this man, Barry, goes on a TV talk show and blames the media for "over inflating the importance of this evil movement". He further says the media is treating this news like a "if it bleeds it leads" mentality. His own National Security Advisor Susan Rice claims the media is just looking for news stories and ratings.
Many top officials are bringing facts to note stating there are many terror cells here within the borders of our country, and yet our Dear Leader Barry Soetero continues to downplay it. He won't even attach a name to these barbarians.
Well, it seems that he has shifted to blaming Bush for everything. He now wants to blame the Christian Crusaders of 1,000 years ago. Holder and Sharpton will probably dig up the buried Christians and have a rally protest against them. Don't be surprised.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops
(please follow me on my You Tube video blog "Politics with Pete)
However, the breakfast prayer meeting with Barry Soetero at the podium took my disdain for him to a new level. He actually gave the murderous activities of the evil radical jihadist Islamic Muslims a pass. He said that America should not judge ISIS because about a thousand years ago Christians did the same thing. That was his first big lie.
What he failed to say at that point was the biggest enemies of Christianity back then were the Muslims. He wants America to "take into context" that the radical Islamists slaughtering in the name of Muhammed and Allah today is the same as the Christians crusades over 1,000 years ago.
Now if that doesn't convince all Americans that we have a "registered" Islamic Muslim in our White House then I don't think anything will. And right after the prayer meeting Barry hosts a meeting on our White House with all Muslims in attendance. In fact, one of the attendees is wanted for murderous acts in his country "in the name of Allah".
This evil man's agenda is to destroy our belief in our Constitution, along with our freedoms and right to pursue our American dreams. Think about his method to date. He wants to allow illegals to cross our southern borders at will. Then he gives them tax credits, jobs, along with the right to vote. And of course they will vote for their beloved Democrat party out of loyalty.
Barry's close female hench-lady, Valerie Jarrett, is already making plans to swarm Texas with this ideology in their attempt to turn Texas into a Democrat controlled state. And these illegals will be hired due to the incentives Barry will give employers that hire them. Now with this movement going on Barry and Valerie are convincing the millions of Americans on his entitlement programs that they will have their "freebies" taken away if Republicans are successful in the 2016 election, along with maintaining the House & Senate.
Today, it is a fact that there are radical Islamic Muslims in the mideast slaughtering, murdering, raping, even setting people on fire, and we have a man in America's White House that won't even call them by their correct name; savage, ruthless, evil radical Islamic Muslim murders and rapists of women and children.
And then this man, Barry, goes on a TV talk show and blames the media for "over inflating the importance of this evil movement". He further says the media is treating this news like a "if it bleeds it leads" mentality. His own National Security Advisor Susan Rice claims the media is just looking for news stories and ratings.
Many top officials are bringing facts to note stating there are many terror cells here within the borders of our country, and yet our Dear Leader Barry Soetero continues to downplay it. He won't even attach a name to these barbarians.
Well, it seems that he has shifted to blaming Bush for everything. He now wants to blame the Christian Crusaders of 1,000 years ago. Holder and Sharpton will probably dig up the buried Christians and have a rally protest against them. Don't be surprised.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops
(please follow me on my You Tube video blog "Politics with Pete)
Thursday, February 5, 2015
Pure Patriotism
Today my wife and I saw the movie, "American Sniper". Well technically yesterday, because it's 2:00 A.M., and I haven't been able to sleep yet. I'm not ashamed to admit that at the end of the movie, I stood, clapped my hands, and shed tears of admiration for the story of this true American hero.
I left the theater feeling more proud to be an American than maybe ever before. I was proud to wear the USAF uniform for four years. I'm proud to be a monthly donor to the Wounded Warrior Project. I walked out of that movie just so very proud.
Also, there are five people I dearly wish would take the time to see the movie; Michael Moore, Seth Rogan, Howard Dean, Jessee Ventura, and the head radical Islamist Muslim in America's White House, Barry Soetero.
This excuse for our leader, along with ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, and MSNBC has yet to comment on the movie. Isn't it strange that the president never called Kris Kyle's widow to acknowledge this war hero? One wonders if it's because of the 160+ savages he brought down in four tours in the middle east, which could well be Barry's savage Muslim brothers.
I can't help but wonder if Barry Soetero has any love for our great country. Where are his priorities? Doesn't he want the U.S. to succeed in all our endeavors? Our country continues to wonder why he won't even acknowledge our most vicious enemy.
We went to the early movie, as all senior citizens do, and had our popcorn as we watched "American Sniper". And the other reason I had trouble sleeping tonight, or this morning was the news we heard when we got in our car after the movie. There was a very complete description of the horrific burning of the Jordanian pilot by ISIS.
And now we hear that Barry won't even assist Jordan in their responding fight against ISIS. At least put a name to it Barry. It's radical Islamic terrorism...plain and simple. Now, be a leader and go fight it.
Watching "American Sniper" also made me realize the evil savages we are dealing with in the mid east, and the lack of leadership spewing out from America's White House makes it very obvious there's a radical Islamic Muslim living there. He has the audacity to refer to these savages as "bankrupt ideology, and we are working forward with global coalition to fight them".
Really? What the hell does that mean? He's just going to campaign and douse himself with Teflon until January, 2017. We need our Admirals and Generals to group up, march into the White House and arrest this man for treason, and not leading our great country according to our Constitution.
Isn't it amazing that the other four people, Moore, Rogan, Dean, and Ventura proudly say they have not even seen the movie, but yet make all the low-level comments and personal attacks on this true American hero.
Rogan, Moore, and Dean never wore the uniform. And did you know Venture went through the initial Seals training, but never completed the follow-up course where men are separated from the boys. He transferred into the explosive detachment. He's the true coward, and is a disgrace to the uniform.
Please, anyone who reads this please see the movie honoring a true American hero; a true Navy Seal hero, Kris Kyle.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country....and our troops.
(pls. follow me on my You Tube v-blog "Politics with Pete")
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