Saturday, July 19, 2014

When all else fails

In 2008 I golfed in a seniors league comprised of 32 guys ranging in age from 58 all the way to 91. Of the 32 guys only 3 of us were true conservative Republicans. Some of the debates and arguments with the other 29 came close to physical altercations. Lots of debating, screaming, and yelling.

The comments made were horrific; the hatred for President Bush and Dick Cheney were pure evil. One golfer went so far to say they couldn't wait for "that bi**h Laura Bush to leave the White House to make way for a true first lady Michelle". 

This is the same guy who said, "man that Nancy Pelosi is hot". Yeah, he really said that. Just to show how uninformed this guy is; I said something about Harry Reid, and he responded, "Who's he"?

Very soon after Barry Soetero took office in 2009 our country headed in a downward spiral. So, I began approaching the golfers in our league that voted for Barry, and kept asking, "hey you voted for's that 'hope & change' working for you now"? 

The die hard Obamans could only reply, "he's still better than Bush least Obama won't be getting us into any stupid wars". And many said they were going to vote for him again in 2012 because "Obama needs more time in office to clear up Bush's mess...he can't do it in four years".

So what are these same voters saying today, after the miserable failure Barry has shown?  They are so ashamed, that they won't even declare they're a Democrat. Now they're saying, "oh, I'm not a Democrat...I still hate the Republicans, but I'm an Independent now".

Support for this jihadist radical Muslim in our White House is getting so bad that you are not allowed to disagree with any of his policies. If you do, you are labeled a "racist" by the likes of Al Sharpton, and even Eric "hold 'em" Holder. 

This administration led by Barry Soetero has no accomplishments to brag about for their followers to support, so their new mantra is, "when all else fails, play the race works".
If anyone dare challenge any of Barry's decisions or policies they must be a racist. Why would anyone even begin to challenge this great Dear Leader if not for the color of his skin? 

When I receive criticism that I don't like Barry because I'm a racist against African-Americans, I always retort with, "how come I'm a big supporter of Condoleeza Rice, Dr. Ben Carson, Col. Alan West, Herman Cain, Thomas Sowell, and many other great African-Americans". 

But, never giving up, the libs will most always respond, "oh you just like them Uncle Tom ni**ers cause they're Republicans".  Now who's the racist here? Get ready folks, the race card is here, and ready for the mid-term elections in November.

I'm not going to list all of Barry's miserable failures in this blog. By now everyone knows what each of those failures have been over the past five plus years.  This man in our White House is by far the worst president our country has ever had to endure. Therefore the only rebuttal the libs have is the race card to combat any logic you bring up.

Of course Barry Soetero should be impeached, but with Reid and Holder in Barry's back pocket, we know that will never happen. But we have the power to start impeachment if we take the first step in 105 days. That's only 2,520 hours folks. Even though Eric Holder says, "using the phrase 'take our country back' is racist", I'm imploring all to TAKE OUR COUNTRY BACK this November through your valuable vote. We can do this. Don't forget what this will mean for our future generations.

And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops.

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