I am not ashamed to admit I shed many tears watching TV today to see the tribute to this great country. People from all walks of life; famous people, everyday people; all expressing their deep appreciation for those who have given so much for us to be a nation of freedom.
Nowhere in the history of mankind has any country given so much to the world without asking anything in return. As I watched the TV documentaries about those who have given of course I began to think, ask myself, and others, just what has Barry Soetero given to this great country?
What legacy will he leave behind? And so in all fairness to the evil jihadist dictator that resides in our White House with his beloved transvestite husband/wife Michael/Michelle, I decided to list just what this man has given to our great country since he became a U.S. Senator.
First off, there was that 143 days while he was in the Senate that he voted "present' on all the bills brought to the Senate floor. That took a lot of fortitude to hold out on declaring your vote. And let's never forget his idyllic relationships to two "great" Americans, Rev. Wright and Bill Ayres.
Since he's been elected to our highest office, President of our great country, there has been much he has contributed to that will always be imbedded in the hearts and minds of all Americans.
First and foremost Dictator Soetero has raised our national debt to $17.Trillion, while decreasing our GDP to the most severe minus condition since WWII. Granted, he has helped the lazy uninformed by raising welfare, food stamps, unemployment insurance, and housing subsidies to the nation's all-time high of over 45 million Americans. Well, not all Americans; there's some illegals mixed in there too.
During his first term this great dictatorial leader gave America his most popular affordable health care plan, affectionately known as Obamacare, or BarryCare, whichever fits your vernacular best. And to this day there are literally um, um, ?? Americans signing up for it, and some illegals too, that our dear leader will assure that hard-working Americans through taxes will pay for.
Then our great dictator generously donated several high powered arms to Mexico in his Fast & Furious campaign, followed up with getting to the bottom of the massacre at Benghazi, where he outed the ruthless video producer of an anti -Muslim documentary that all of 300 people around the world viewed. This took a lot of stamina on the part of our dear leader.
Soon thereafter he, or was it Valerie J., that directed our esteemed Attorney General Eric "hold 'em" Holder to spy on all those that opposed the jihadist Muslim leader's doctrine, including a prominent Fox News reporter. What a brilliant strategy.
And let us not forget he is diligently working to recover all of former IRS leader Lois Lerner's lost e-mails. Furthermore he has declared to the American people that he will not rest until he gets to the bottom of the debacle. No, he won't rest, but he'll think a lot about it as he plays golf.
Maybe his greatest contribution is his stance on income equality throughout our great country. I mean the evidence is clearly there. Household incomes of hard-working Americans have dropped over $5,000. per year while entitlements to the lazy uninformed has risen to its highest ever. What a great President. And we should all remember he declared to "Joe the Plumber" in 2008, while campaigning, that America should "spread the wealth".
We must never, ever forget his great contributions to our foreign policy. Never before in the history of our great country has so many nations' leaders had so much confidence in our country.
What a selfish man he is also. Instead of going to our Texas border for numerous photo opportunities with the illegal children, he instead is attending fund raisers to help those less fortunate than he in the Democrat Party.
This is a great leader, and for all of those that voted him to the highest office in our land I want to thank you for voting this man in his esteemed position to do so much for our great country. Is this dear leader of ours a great man or what? And those outstanding approval ratings...WOW!!
Please remember this in 119 days.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops
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