Friday, January 31, 2014

Where's the pics?

Just seven weeks ago our lovely granddaughter made us great grandparents. This beautiful baby girl, Aniella May, was born into a very loving family, and I might add, lots of cousins, uncles, aunts, family friends.  Hey, we're Italian-Americans....whaddya expect. Not to mention loving grandparents and great grandparents.

On the 1:30 A.M. birth the waiting room was crowded with a family gang of us with our cameras "at the ready". Shortly, the nurse announced that we could enter our granddaughter's room to see our new family addition.

The cameras started clicking, and honestly, they haven't stopped yet. You can go into any home of our family and friends and see pictures of our newborn. My wife and I have pictures in frames, our cell phones, i-Pads, and camera cards.  I think we're starting to irritate people showing off all these pictures. And every time family members visit one another we all pull out the latest pictures we've taken of our new miracle to show each other.

What's my point? What's this blog doing with "Politics with Pete" theme? Well,  I got to thinking yesterday as I was walking through our home beaming at the beautiful pictures we have all over the place showing our children, grandchildren, and our new great granddaughter Hey Barack, and Michelle, where are all your pictures?

Going back to their wedding that Rev. Wright performed, has anyone seen any wedding pictures of their ceremony?  Who was Barack's best man? Who was Michelle's maid of honor? Anyone know of someone who was invited to their wedding, and went to their wedding reception?

Has anyone ever, ever seen a picture of Michelle while she was pregnant with either of her two daughters?  There isn't a publication out there that has published a picture of the Obama children as little tykes. There are no pictures of Barack and Michelle with their small infant children. Am I the only one who questions that?

OK, so many are thinking I'm petty about this. But, you know, Barack and his team of want to know all and everything about anyone who even logs in to their website. It seems their was no chronological order to the Obama family. It looks like there was this gigantic packaged box, someone unwrapped it, and vavoom.....out pops the Obama family. And there were no documents in the box. 

This man makes "slick Willy" Clinton look like a Boy Scout. This Barack guy has done a tremendous job of, not once but twice, fooling the American people to get elected to the highest position our country bestows on a person.

And since he's been in OUR White House it seems that his goal is to single handedly destroy our American way of life. This community organizer seems to be on a mission to destroy us. He swaggers up to the podium, smirks at us, and brags about his pen to do anything he wants without any approval or review from anyone.

His latest despicable irony is that even with the positive environmental reported findings regarding the Keystone Pipeline, this community organizer refuses to even discuss opening this pipeline from Canada that will create thousands of jobs for Americans.  He wants us to continue buying our oil from his mid-east Muslim brothers.

Wouldn't you just like to know WHY this man wants all of our personal information so his NSA, DOJ, and IRS can spy on all Americans, but we are not allowed to have any information at all from this man who just "popped out of a large box".

I encourage all young voters to run, not walk, but run away from signing up for Obamacare. If you do you will forever be scoped, watched, and spied upon by our government.  I'm 78, soon to be 79, and when my wife and I switched our healthcare providers it took a ten minute phone call and a thirty minute meeting in our insurance broker's office to switch our health insurance carriers; just a short phone call and a short meeting.

And young people, this November we have a great opportunity to take the first step to stop this dictator. With a GOP House & Senate we may be able to impeach this criminal. We can do this people, and we need your help. Don't let your country down.

And that's Politics with Pete for today....God bless our country...and our troops.

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Not your fault Mr. President

From growing up through my adult life, up until I was too old, I played on many sports teams, baseball, football, and basketball. I was always good enough to make the team, and even saw a lot of playing time. However, I'm still pulling wood splinters from my back end resulting from spending a lot of time sitting on the bench.

I'm a lousy golfer, and while I completed five 26.2 marathons, and while I finished all five I could never make it in under four hours.  Like I wrote earlier, I was good enough to make the teams, but was never a star on these teams.

And i completely and totally blame three people for my lack of stardom; Me, Myself, and I.  This came to mind for me while I listened to Hitler Jr., aka, Barack Hussein Obama, cry and whine like a little baby.

It's easy to see and understand why this man is so thin-skinned, self-absorbed, and hubris. We should have all seen this starting in 2008 when all his speeches were filled with "I", "me", "mine", and let's not forget "my".

And now this self-absorbed man in OUR White House is finding his approval ratings are lower than the drugged-up mayor from Toronto. Even his own Democrat liberal progressive base is straying away from him so fast that he has to sign his own personal "executive orders" to get anything done. No one, not even his previously devoted followers, want to be attached to anything this man does.

In the beginning Hitler Jr. kept blaming his inability to get anything passed through Congress on the Republican House of Representatives. And now we are discovering that even his Democrat controlled Senate will not bring up any of his proposals for a vote for fear of being associated with him.  The truth is even Democrat members of the the House and Senate that are up for reelection will not even appear on the same fund raising or campaign stages with him.

This man, entering his sixth year of his presidency, has not accomplished anything that the American people will embrace. Instead his legacy will be filled with his failures of Fast & Furious, IRS and DOJ spying, Benghazi, and his most infamous atrocity Obamacare.

The only areas of accomplishment this man can take "credit" for is increasing our national debt more than all previous presidents COMBINED, the poverty level is the highest it's been since WWII, and food stamp distribution is at its all-time high, while family incomes are averaging $2,300 less a year.  This man has increased government spending at our country's highest rate ever, and let's not forget the millions of Americans that are out of work, and continue to fall off the unemployment roles with increasing rates every week.

Hitler Jr.'s fawning media of ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, and MSNBC. continue to tell their viewing audiences that their Dear Leader is bringing our economy back to the forefront, while they continue to spew lies and indecencies at the GOP and the Tea Party. 

A great example of this is the entire fawning media crucified Governor Christie on all their programs regarding bridge lane closures that can't be proven, and by the way no one was killed,  and yet never a word about the four Americans who lost their lives in Benghazi. the New York Times published a 5,000 word article about Hillary Clinton, never once mentioning Benghazi.

And yet with all the failure this man, Hitler Jr. has created that happened on this man's watch he refuses to step up like a man to take any responsibility for any of his failures. 

Just last week he blamed his failures on the reporting of Fox News and Rush Limbaugh.  Yeah, Mr. Obama, Rush was the creator of your failed Obamacare, and Fox News started the IRS and DOJ scandals. Don't forget Fox and Rush together were behind the Fast & Furious scandals.

And of course I save the best for last. One of the main reasons this whinny, self-absorbed, hubris man has failed for over five years, is, can you guess, wait for it comes: "A lot of Americans don't like me because I'm Black"

Folks, this man must be issued a one-way ticket to Kenya or Hawaii through impeachment. And the only way this will happen is if we keep the House and take back the Senate this November.

Let's not let down this great country. We can do this.

And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Uninformed vs. Ignorant

It feels good to be back to my blog writing. Three weeks ago, just a day or so since my last blog, northeast Ohio got hit with -11 temperatures with a wind chill factor of -38.

The very next morning we had a "heat wave" of +30. This immediate temperature change caused the sprinkler pipes above us to rupture, and over 300 gallons of water came cascading down upon us.  Many, many thanks to all the contractors that, in nine days, restored us back to normalcy.

So now that the TV's and computers are again working, it's back to "Politics with Pete".

My hero, Rush Limbaugh, keeps calling much of the American population, "uninformed", because they are not aware of the political issues surrounding our country today.  Rush further claims that millions of Americans only receive their daily news from the three major networks; ABC, CBS, and NBC.  The major sadness here is that most of Americans believe what these networks are broadcasting.

Rush Limbaugh is a lot nicer than me. He calls these major network viewers as uninformed. I call these people ignorant, narrow minded, and even stupid at times. I know some Americans that refuse to subscribe to any type of "cable news". They say, "why should I pay for it when I get free news on ABC, CBS, and NBC"?

We all know the ABC, NBC, and CBS networks will always report their "news" with a strong liberal progressive agenda. And heaven forbid any person or organization that disagrees with the news reporting of these networks, for you will be ridiculed.  Just ask the Tea Party and NRA.

I get teased a lot by friends and even family members for being a "Fox News junkie".  I always reply, "do you know of any other news organization that will give you all sides of a news issue"?
I never seem to get a reply. Then I usually follow up with "my dagger", " by the way who's the number one news organization on TV today"? Just pure silence after that one.

It's not even funny any longer when some TV networks have "on-the-street" interviews with young people. Over ninety per cent of them have no clue of what is going on in the world today.
This is where I use the words stupid, ignorant, and stupid, and Rush just says "uninformed".

The on-the-street interviewers ask questions like, "do you like Vice President Palin",  or "do you like Obamacare better than the affordable health care"? Or "do you think Republican President Obama is doing a good job in his fourth term, and should be re-elected for a fifth term"? Their comments become fodder for late night comedians. I think it's tragic. Even Bill O'Reilly of The Factor does this with "Watter's World".  Not funny folks.

Many youths today do not know the difference between the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence, and in what years they were enacted.  I actually had a high school senior tell me I was trying to trick him when I was talking about the Amendments in the Constitution. He replied, "everyone know the Amendments belong in our Declaration of Independence".

It's scary when the majority of youths in our country have no understanding of the laws and policies coming out of D.C. It's time for all Americans, especiall our youth to step up and take responsibility for the way our country is being run today.

Wake up young people, you are the future generation  us old "news junkies" are surrendering our country over to. Please don't ruin it for YOUR future generations.

And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops

Monday, January 6, 2014

Way to go MSNBC

Is it true that Roger Ailles and Rupert Murdoch of Fox are the biggest supporters of the format at MSNBC? Is it also true that Ailles and Murdoch are sending scripts over to MSNBC? If that's true can you really blame Roger and Rupert? It's what I would do. Look at the ratings.

I also understand that MSNBC hosts; Matthews, Maddow, Perry, Sharpton, Schultz, Hayes, even Jr. college drop-out Toure, are all undergoing major facial surgery. They are all undergoing surgery to have their jaws and face cheeks enlarged. These surgeries are being performed to make it easier for these MSNBC hosts to insert their feet into their mouths.

I'm wondering why Comcast doesn't sell the MSNBC network to the HBO comedy network. In that way the hosts at MSNBC can join up with Pig Maher, and just maybe improve ratings. Of course Fox is thoroughly enjoying the scenarios at MSNBC.

Someone should tell Comcast that Howard Stern and Don Rickles are only people that can make a great living out of verbally attacking people. I guess Comcast believes the more ridiculous that the hosts of MSNBC become the more people will tune into their network. WRONG!

MSNBC has become the laughing stock of cable news. How bad is it when a network has to hire an "executive" whose sole job is to review the scripts of all BEFORE they go on air.  Now that should tell you how afraid Comcast is right about now.

It seems that all MSNBC does is apologize, suspend, and even at times fire their hosts. Olberman, Bashir, and Baldwin are the latest. Strong rumors are that Perry is already packing up her desk.

But let's give them some redeeming kudos. For me they are a source of humor and a good laugh occasionally. I can't wait for their 6:00 P.M. show with Al Sharpton.  He makes many of us just guffaw with laughter. Does he really think he's anything more than a good laugh?

I get a rise out of Sgt. Schultz too. He's under investigation for taking payouts from Unions, and he expects all of us to take him serious when he leans into the camera and spouts lies. Oh, yeah, he was suspended for firing a slur at one of Fox's hosts. Way to go Sgt.

But maybe my favorite is the infamous leg -tingle man Chrissy Matthews.  His career and his attitude both went down fast when NBC gave Tim Russert's job to Dave Gregory instead of Chrissy.  Isn't it something that he'll go down in news history as the man who gets a tingle in his leg when Obama speaks? 

And Fox is just loving this. Seventeen years ago the "experts" claimed that Fox wouldn't last six months. Today Fox has ratings higher than CNN and MSNBC combined, yes combined. Don't you guys at Comcast ever wonder why? Oh well, it's too late now.

On behalf of Rupert Murdoch, Roger Ailes, and the entire Fox organization let me say a very big and heartfelt THANK YOU to MSNBC. Keep it up; you're doing great, and we appreciate you.

And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops 


Saturday, January 4, 2014

Heard the latest-no kids

Last month, on December 12th., our family was blessed with the birth of our great-granddaughter. Little Aniella Mae is a true blessing for our whole family. Of course she is blessed with Aunts, Uncles, cousins, grandparents, and great grandparents that are just pouring out love to our new miracle.  When we all got together for our family Christmas dinner, we were all vying for time holding her, coo-ing her, and with my great singing voice, even singing to her. OK, I don't have a great singing voice, but Aniella doesn't care.

With the winter storms and cold weather we're having now there's not too much visiting, even though she lives near-by. Ah, but with FaceTime on our i-Pads we get to see her just about every day. Ah, life is great for our family, right? No, WRONG!! Families with new-borns are discovering a new devastation within Obamacare.

As if there weren't enough failures surrounding Obamacare, this morning it was announced that adding a newborn child onto the insurance roles of Obamacare may be just about impossible.

What irony is that? Abortions are free, contraceptions are free, but Obamacare is making it virtually impossible to add a newborn child to your health insurance.

We continue to find flaws, lies, and deceits surrounding this horrendous mandated law called Obamacare. Many jokes were made when Nancy Pelosi giggled, "you have to pass the law to find out what's in it". To most Americans it really meant that no one, including House and Senate members in 2010 read the plan either.

We all know how the media attacked and crucified former president Bush when he gave the go ahead to attack Iraq. The media was merciless towards president Bush. Can you imagine if Bush would've said, "we have to attack Iraq to find out if it's a good plan". Can you imagine that?

A few years ago I bought a late model car. It took about five minutes on the phone with my car insurance agent to add the new car to my auto insurance policy.  So, Americans can add autos to their policies, but not newborns. Isn't this Obamacare great?

I lived in California for thirty-five years before I relocated back to my roots here in northeast Ohio. There are many, many reasons why I am so glad I relocated back here. Here's one of the main reasons: My wife and I, both 78 years young, have our health insurance with a well-known insurance carrier. We are very satisified with our plan. 

However, and this is a big HOWEVER, if we were now living in California our policy would have been cancelled. I recently discovered the very same insurance carrier that I have here in Ohio, does not offer insurance coverage in that great golden state of California. They are also now in the process of cancelling insurance policies with theirexisting customers. 

I just cannot understand why is it so easy to manage and/or change my auto and house insurance, yet I can't get any valid answers about this health insurance law called Obamacare.  Yet, I don't feel alone, because if you ask ten people to explain Obamacare, you can bet you'll get ten different explanations.

Folks, please remember, if we take back the Senate and keep the House this November we can repeal this horrific unconstitutional law mandated by Hitler Jr.  With a GOP controlled Senate and House we can introduce tort reform and allow insurance companies to cross state lines for competitive reasons.  Then we can tell Hitler Jr. to take his Obamacare to the golf course.

If we don't vote the right way this November, then Americans are going to get exactly what it deserves. Don't let it happen folks.

And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country..and our troops


Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Yes it could happen here

Last night, New year's Eve, my wife and I had planned an early dinner at a near-by restaurant, then back home for a drink to watch Fox News announce the crystal ball drop to welcome in 2014.

But a severe winter snow storm hit Northeast Ohio so bad that I called and cancelled our dinner reservation. So, we stayed in for the whole evening while the kids and grand kids called to make sure we were safe and  staying put. 

So we sat on the couch, my wife with a Bloody Mary, and me with a single malt Scotch watching the news and what 2013 has brought us, and what the forecast of what's coming in 2014.

While watching the horrendous and tragic events that happened in other countries in 2013; poverty, uprisings, violent protests, anarchy, cruelty to children, and other evil doings,  I suddenly felt very guilty.

Here I sat with my wife, warm and cozy, munching on snacks, while enjoying the comfort and security of our home, as we watched tragic events that occurred in 2013 unfold on our TV.

I must admit though, that like millions of other Americans I used to believe that the tragedies, poverty, uprisings, anarchy, violent protests that we witness in other countries could definitely never, ever happen here in our great country.

Well, I truly hope I'm wrong and we never, ever experience the tragedies other countries are now experiencing, but the reality is if the citizens of America sit back and do nothing it could well happen here in our great country.

Let's start at the top. I used to refer to Mr. Obama as Hitler Jr., however I think it's better served if we also attach the moniker Nero to him. Remember how Emperor Nero "fiddled while Rome burned"? Today we call that "lame duck".  Just do nothing as our country continues on a downward spiral.

Let's face it folks. Just review what we are experiencing now in our country: (1) We have a $17.Trillion debt that our "Nero" has added to more than all previous presidents combined, (2) he has increased the roles of welfare/food stamps more than any other president. (3) it's been sixteen months, and Americans still don't know where "Nero" was when four Americans were slaughtered in Benghazi, and he still refuses to do anything about it. 

And we must add (4) "Nero" has an approval rating of 39%, lowest of any president since Nixon.
(5) "Nero" has increased the entitlement/poverty level higher than it's been since the Great Depression. And of course among his other misgivings I must mention probably "Nero"s worse tragedy, yes (6) OBAMACAREKnowing that Obamacare would not work, long before it was mandated into law he spoke maybe the biggest lie ever told by a president, "if you like your Dr. and your plan you can keep it....PERIOD". 

Going back to my theme of this blog, if "Nero" continues to act for the next three years like he has for the past five years, we may actually experience rioting in the streets, racial upheavals, and violent protests. 

Think about it. While "Nero" is "fiddling" away on a golf course, playing basketball, taking photo ops with his Hollywood friends, refusing to meet with his Cabinet members we could very well decrease the revenue that "Nero" keeps doling out to his freebie servants. 

And good hard-working, tax-paying Americans can just about be guaranteed that if Harry "Third Reich" Reid finds a way to corrupt the voting system again, and hangs on to the Senate, then you can almost count on "Nero" putting this country on a path that we may never recover from.

And this will almost certainly cause the freebie money to run out for "Nero"'s servants, and then there will be rioting in the streets.  However, we can stop him by taking our first step this November, 2014.

Our freedoms and rights from our Constitution depends on Americans voting this November. Don't let our country down folks. This is our chance.

And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops. HAPPY NEW YEAR