Monday, December 30, 2013

"I have a dream" also

We all can easily relate to stories of bullies; remember them all the way from playgrounds, schools, gyms, all the way to the bully we can easily spot today.

Have you ever looked up the meaning of the word "bully"?  The dictionary writes that a "bully is one who uses their strength to physically hurt and intimidate others, or terrify those that are weaker,  into submission".

We all know that a bully is really a very frightened and insecure person that eventually is brought to justice either on the playground, in school, in the office, and yes, even as a country leader.

History has shown that evil bullies, Adolph Hitler, Josef Stalin, Benito Mussolini, Sadam Hussein, and countless other bullies throughout world history eventually are overthrown and brought to justice by the citizens of their country.

Today, in OUR White House, yes OUR House we have a dictator living there rent-free. This man and his minions hide behind the power that the good American people have entrusted to him and his administration.

This bully has abused the power of the United States presidency. It's clear to all that this man cares nothing for the good of the American people. Complete and total power is what drives this man in an egomaniacal fashion. It's very obvious that when this dictator wants something done, regardless what Congress or the American people want, he just picks up one of his pens, signs his will into law, and goes to the golf course, or on vacation.

However, there is one privilege and honor even he cannot take away from the good people of this country. We can all drive, walk, bike, or even crawl to our nearest voting booth in November, 2014.  Martin Luther King Jr. orated one day that he "had a dream". Well I have "a dream" also.

For me that "dream" is that for the good American people, through our voting rights, we will maintain our House leadership, and take back our Senate so we can start repairing our great freedom loving country from what this White House dictator is doing each and every day now.
My "dream" continues with a choice of two scenarios. One "dream" is that with a GOP controlled House and Senate the country can begin impeachment proceedings against this man in OUR White House, maybe forcing him to resign and vacate OUR White House.

My alternate "dream" is that if impeachment isn't successful then this dictator will spend his remaining two years on the golf course, playing basketball, vacationing, and schmoozing with Jay-Z, Beyonce, Clooney, Matthews, Sharpton, etc., anything to keep him out of the Oval office to make any laws and/or administrative decisions.

The beautiful reality in these scenarios is that the good people of this great country can, and must, take the first step to make this all happen. All we have to do is make sure we get to the voting booth in November, 2014.

And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops 

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Don't let him

The liberal progressives have suddenly become so afraid and paranoid of the White House leadership, they are actually sending out ads to their base urging them to vote for the Democratic party in November, 2014. Their main reason? The DNC is so fearful that if the GOP takes back the Senate and keeps the House then their Dear Leader, Hitler Jr. will face impeachment hearings.

Can you really believe this type of paranoia? Frankly, I believe the progressive liberals have a right to be fearful and paranoid at this point. 

This man in OUR  White House in five years has lied and deceived the American people so much that he makes former President Nixon seem like a Boy Scout. What is happening with this Administration? Why is it doing this to our country? Are they on a path to take away all of our constitutional freedoms and rights?

With all the lies and scandals perpetrated from the White House we wonder if this Hitler Jr. is on a special mission to set out and destroy our country. We all know the scandals of Benghazi, Fast & Furious, IRS, NSA, DOJ, and Obamacare, but what about the constitutional laws he has broken by initiating hundreds of executive decrees?

And who is going to take him to task on what he's doing? The Supreme Court, led by Roberts, is in his back pocket. Hitler Jr.'s "bath house buddy", Holder, is the chief cop of the land, and the person that pulls his puppet strings, Jarret, has a leading Muslim official in her family.

Are any of these scenarios waking up American people? I don't care if you're an Independent, Democrat, or Republican if you truly love this great country, and what our founding fathers gave to us then you'll sit up and take notice of what is going on today in OUR  White House.

This man is destroying race relations between Blacks and Whites evidenced by the increasing gun crimes throughout the country, while he is trying to use another of his executive orders to mandate gun control. How can we trust this man to be an effective leader while he continues to lie and deceive us?

This Hitler Jr. is going to push hard to do harm to us for three more years. While it may be difficult to stop altogether, we can slow him down by keeping our House and taking by our Senate in November, 2014.

And who knows, maybe, just maybe, with a GOP controlled House and Senate we can push so hard for an impeachment that Hitler Jr. does the one decent thing he owes all of us; a resignation.
It's hard to believe that any true Constitution-loving American voting for for any Democrat to maintain the House or Senate. This man, Hitler Jr., claims "the American Constitution is flawed".
Please join me in stopping this man from taking our Constitution away from us starting November, 2014.

And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops 

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

PC this A&E!

I remember when Larry David, creator of "Seinfeld" televising on his HBO show, can't remember the name of his show, but the scene graphically aired Larry David urinating on a picture of Jesus. Nary a word from the media.

I remember when the movie star from "American Pie" tweeted what evil sex acts he would like to perform on our Catholic Pope. Nary a word from the media.

I remember reading in a New York newspaper that a well-known columnist claimed in his column that the reason Jesus never married was because he was gay. Nary a word from the media.

I remember when then-Senator Barack Obama voted against benefits for same sex couples, and even voted against same sex marriage. Nary a word from the media, while many believe that President Obama is himself gay.

I remember when a New York art museum displayed art of the Virgin Mary, and Jesus Christ on the cross outlined with animal feces. Nary a word from the media. 

An MSNBC TV host called a Catholic newscaster from Fox "a slut". Nary a word from the media.

Currently there are thousands of public schools that will not allow any religious display at Christmas or any other time of the year, yet many of these schools allow Muslim students Allah prayer time. They even allow the Muslim students designated times and can bring their rugs. Can you believe there are schools that have "special" swimming time for Muslims-only in their pools.
Nary a word from the media.

Have you ever heard the bongo player from Jamaica, Louis Farrakhan, speak of the evils of Christianity and Jesus while he adamantly praises Mohammed and Allah? Nary a word from the media. 

Yet, Phil Robertson, from the very famous TV show "Duck Dynasty" expresses his views on homosexuality and the whole world comes crashing down on him. And our beloved media daily tells us what a vile evil man he is. The A&E network fired him, and all hell is breaking loose, and the media usually leads with this story on all their broadcasts.

And all Phil did was to express his First Amendment rights on how he feels on homosexuality.  I can most certainly relate to him. My oldest daughter is a lesbian and is happy in her same sex relationship with her partner. I flew to the state of Washington to support their civil ceremony. Never saw my daughter so happy. My daughter holds a double Master's Degree, owns two homes, and is a department head in the hospital where she works. Have I mentioned she is drop-dead beautiful?

We have many discussions on heterosexual and homosexual life orientations. She is a deeply religious woman and a wonderful animal lover and member of Habitat. I could not be prouder of her. She knows that for me, personally, I could never embrace homosexuality.  We've even teased and joked about it together.  The reason: We both feel safe in expressing our feelings to each other because of the base of love often expressed to each other.

When I think of my daughter I think of what she has accomplished, and her contributions, and how happy she is with her life partner. I think about how much I love her, and how proud I am of her. What I don't think about is her sexual orientation. With her and me it's simply father-daughter love. 

Wouldn't it be wonderful if everyone felt this way, especially this special time of the year.

And that's Politics with Pete for today....Merry Christmas..God bless our country and our troops.

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Yes he is Hitler Jr.

I have been heavily criticized by many for referring to Barrack Hussein Obama as "Hitler Jr."
Even some of my own fellow members on the Tea Party Community website consider it cruel to compare a U.S. president to a man who slaughtered millions of Jews.

I say to my critics to please do a little research on the comparisons of these two individuals. Does anyone think Adolph Hitler awoke one day, jumped out of bed, and decided to overtake Germany, and then Europe, and start building concentration camps to annihilate the Jewish population? Would you be surprised to know he was in power for over 20 years?

I have encouraged everyone to read the book, "Seduced by Hitler", a book written in 2000 by Adam LeBor and Roger Boyes. The book is only 330 pages, but I guarantee anyone taking the time time to read this book will agree with my assessment of the comparison between Adolph Hitler and Barack Obama.

Let's start with Adolph. In WWI he rose to the high rank of Corporal. He possessed enormous communication skills, but little or nothing else. Germany was in poverty at the end of WWI, and Adolph convinced the poor German population that the German government was to blame.

Then, he slowly and methodically convinced the German population that he could rise them above their poverty. He convinced the German people to rise up with him and he would provide for them. He became loved by all; some considering him "God-like" He began his quest in the mid 1920's. He convinced all citizens to give up their arms. He then created his own personal militias; the Gestapo and the infamous Third Reich.

With the media broadcasting only what Adolph told them to say he was truly the supreme ruler of Germany. Then he expanded to Austria, Poland, France, and most of Europe.  

After twenty years of this rule, WWII was declared, and the U.S.A. became the liberators of Europe. The point here is Adolph Hitler didn't wake up one day and decided to accomplish his evil deeds. He planned, manipulated, and destroyed societies along the way for over twenty years before he was stopped.

And now our "Dear Leader" Barack Obama. He came on the scene with no business or military experience, but, like his predecessor Adolph, also possessed great communication skills. In 2008 he lied and promised the American people that he too could bring them from the depths that the previous president pushed us all into. 

He was elected our president and soon surrounded himself with Cabinet leaders and Supreme Court Judges that fell in line with his beliefs. The media soon fell in "goose" step with him, and like Germany in the 20's and 30's Americans were fed lie after lie from the media.

With all the lies, and a Progressive Liberal House and Senate he managed to get reelected, and less than five years look what evil and lies this man has cast upon the American people. Barak Obama is now downsizing our military in favor of, as he called them, "a civilian army to protect the people". Can you say Black Panthers.

Fast & Furious, IRS, DOJ, Benghazi, and now the greatest and almost inhumane fiasco of all Obamacare all now lie at the feet of the American people in just the beginning of his second term.
With the likes of Eric Holder and Harry Reid we cannot let the progressive liberals to keep the Senate and take back the house this November, 2014.

With this blog I'd like to ask all who would read this: Adolph Hitler did his evil in twenty years. Can you imagine if Barack Obama were allowed to remain in the office of the presidency for twenty years?  And we actually have progressive liberals who want him to remain in office.

I have visualized the damage this man will do if he is allowed to stay in our White House for twenty years.  We cannot allow that to happen. We must take our first step this November, and then stop any further violation of our Constitution in 2016.

So, to all the critics that attack me for comparing Adolph Hitler to Barack Obama, I ask them to just think ahead of what this man would do to our country and our Constitution if he is allowed to stay in office past his two terms. It will be difficult now to recover from the damage this man is doing now, let alone more time. Don't let him.

And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops

Friday, December 13, 2013

But Judge I have "xxxxenza"

Recently a 16-year old, that previously was cited for drunk-driving, was recently acquitted of killing four people while driving drunk. And of course we all know the judge gave him a free pass citing the 16-year old was just "too rich to know the difference between right and wrong". 

The 16-year old's attorney claimed the young boy's parents never taught him the difference between right and wrong. They never taught him to be responsible for his actions.

Oh yes, he was determined by the judge to come from a family so rich that he was spoiled to the point of not knowing or realizing that he had done something wrong; like killing four people while driving drunk. The honored and distinguished judge called it "Affluenza", and set the boy free to repeat this horrible crime.

Can you just imagine the can of worms this judge has just opened up? Today, Fox News had a guest appearance by an African-American psychologist. He asked, "what's going to happen when a poor Black child from the ghetto stands in front of a judge and says, 'but judge I have poorenza'"?  I guess this means the judge will give the kid another chance because he suffers from "poorenza".

Does this mean if you're rich you are actually above the law? Does this also mean that "xxxxenza" can be the excuse for any crime committed? 

I can just see illegal aliens telling the judge that their parents didn't understand the laws of the U.S., therefore didn't explain what was unlawful and criminal. As a result there should be no charges for the committed crime. Oh, are we in for it folks!

I guess I can get in on this. My parents both came from Italy. Mom had an eighth grade education and Dad never even made it to the first grade.  So therefore I can commit a crime and just tell the judge I have "Italianenza".  The truth, while a teen-ager, my father told me that if I ever broke the law and got thrown in jail, that I'd be safer if I stayed in jail. 

My parents always taught me to be responsible for my actions, and while I lived under their roof, that "for every law I broke that's how many bones of mine that Dad would break". Now, I know Dad would never break my bones, and the main reason I always walked the straight line is because I would never do anything to disappoint my parents. Maybe, just maybe, four people would be alive today if this 16-year old's parents taught him that.

My point is that ALL parents, rich or poor, have the unmitigated responsibility to teach their children the difference between right or wrong, while teaching their children they will be held accountable for their actions.

I hope I'm wrong, but my prediction is this 16-year old that was acquitted of killing four people because of "affluenza" will be back on the streets within twelve months, driving while drunk.
Just wonder what his plea to the judge will be. He better hope he gets the same judge. 

And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops


Thursday, December 12, 2013

Why so surprised?

Obamacare, Obamacare, Obamacare; that's all that's going around the radio, TV, news journals, and the daily paper delivered right to your front door, so you can read about the legacy of this president while sipping your morning coffee.

Those on the left claim Obamacare "is the greatest thing to ever happen to Americans". They continue to hype Obamacare with lies upon lies. Of course we all know the biggest and most outrageous lie was delivered nearly thirty times by our president himself; "if you like your Doctor and health plan you can keep it....PERIOD"!  

And in the midst of all the blatant lies the Obamaacare supporters are screaming, "this Obamacare will work". Oh yeah, Obamacare is certainly going to work and be successful; right after I win the state lottery and Powerball on the same day.

What completely amazes me is that so many Americans are surprised that Obamacare has been an outright failure from the beginning. Did anyone truly think it would work? Really? I could write thousands upon thousands of words and blogs on things you've already read and been told about the failure of Obamacare and why it won't work.

Instead, I'd like to offer a few gentle reminders today of government-run programs. Let's start with the National Railroad Passenger Corporation. You know it as Amtrak.

Amtrak was "born" in 1971 by our government. Our government has been operating this defunct operation for over 43 years, and it has lost money since its beginning. However, despite many offers from the private sector, our government continues to run in the red while declining any private offers.

Next we have our United States Postal Service, which has been losing billions of taxpayer dollars every year, despite offers from the private sector to purchase our infamous USPS.
Many factions from the private sector including DHL, UPS, and FedEx have all offered to purchase the USPS from the government.  Can you guess why the government won't sell the USPS?  It's simply because what will our government do with all those public union members that currently work for the USPS? They are union-protected, and the progressive libs need their votes, so they are protected.

Let's just offer one more government debacle that continues to lose money every year. Can you guess?  It's our esteemed Department of Motor Vehicles. I swear the DMV only exists for fodder for late night TV comedians.  I remember a favorite radio host of mine who said, "Every time I feel arrogant, confident, or cocky, I just go visit my local DMV, and suddenly I'm back to my insecure self again".

My point in all this is why should we be surprised that Obamacare is a big joke, and is fast becoming the blunt of jokes on the TV and radio airwaves?  How many government-run projects must we endure before we all finally agree that anything, yes anything at all, that our government touches turns into something I can't print here.

The only semblance of continuity we have that the government runs is our military, and Hitler Jr. is trying very hard to bring that down. 

But please don't give up folks; we have our first opportunity to fix this when the November elections are here.

And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops 

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

What Christmas?

There are six of us old-timers that play "high-stakes" poker every Wednesday from noon to 4P.M. Yeah, really "high-stakes"....nickle-dime. It's just a chance for us old-timers to get together to gossip once a week. Too cold to golf. The oldest among us is 91; the youngest is 73.

During the "intensive" high-stake poker games the gossip topics range from sports to politics to movies to TV shows to everything else old-timers like to talk about, even mentioning the "hot babe" that just moved into someone's neighborhood.  Our 91-year old is our resident joke teller. No one can make you laugh like him, especially delivering his  great punch lines.

So during our gossiping and "high-stakes" poker the topic moved to Christmas celebrating in the current culture in today's society. The six of us "old-timers" shared special Christmas stories and celebrations in our schools, churches, and towns during "the old days". 

No one talked about what was, or wasn't "politically correct" in our schools, churches, or towns. Finally someone asked, "what the hell has happened to our culture today"? 

It started with the wide-spread ban of praying in schools and public government offices. And now we can't celebrate Christmas without being ostracized by a small group of people who look upon God and Jesus Christ as forbidden idols, instead of mankind's salvation for love and peace.

I'm 78 years young, and I have friends, and even a family relative who does not believe in any type of a diety, let alone our God, and his son Jesus Christ.  If someone, anyone, chooses not to believe in any divine being that certainly is their right, even though I totally disagree with them.

I certainly don't attack the agnostics or atheists, and while I disagree, I certainly respect their right to believe as they choose.  My problem is with the organizations that very proudly and confidently are succeeding in the complete elimination of Christianity from our culture in all public schools and government buildings.

Today, our young children cannot light up their faces and hearts while singing Christmas carols in school, or while Christmas caroling in their neighborhoods. There cannot be any Christmas plays in our public school auditoriums anymore.Remember bundling up with a heavy coat, gloves, and ear muffs to trek to the center of town to watch the Christmas lights turned on by a city official and going "ooh" and "ahh" when the manger lights were turned on?  Why do we allow the destruction of Christianity while we are forced to honor Muslims of Islam faith?

Remember when we all greeted Christmas in our Judeo-Christian culture?  We bourght Christmas trees, not holiday trees. We greeted on another with "Merry Christmas", and not "Happy Holidays".Why have we allowed a few distraught groups to take that from us during our most joyous time of the year? It seems that the non-believers of our Judeo-Christian values are not satisfied just to be ignored; oh no, they had to attack those that strongly believe in God.  We have ignored them; why don't they just ignore us to let us believe as we choose.

As I'm typing this my favorite Christmas carol, "Little Drummer Boy" is playing on the radio. I love that song so much I have it on a CD, and even play it in July. This beautiful song will always remind me of an infant born in a cold manger, and rose to teach mankind love and peace. He is my Jesus.

It's almost evil that there are groups of people who choose to politicize our God-given right to worship as we choose.  These groups are the happiest when they are successful in eliminating joy and Christmas from us all, especially our young children.

I urge all of Judeo-Christian values to continue to pray and honor our God, teach those beliefs to our young, and do all you can to spread God's word of love and peace. God bless us all on this most joyous time of the year.

And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops