Talk about leading from behind. This monarch-dictator-in-chief is the ultimate master at it. I used to refer to him as the Teflon-in-chief, but he's way beyond that, or maybe I should write he's way, way behind that. Now add to that the overwhelming protection Hitler Jr. receives from his followers and his fawning media, and it's mind boggling.
I would bet every college and pro quarterback wishes they could get the protection this man receives. Let's face it folks, Americans want a responsible leader that leads with the same mantra that Harry S. Truman stated many times, "the buck stops here". I think Hitler Jr.'s mantra is, "pass the buck...this ain't my fault".
To prove the point let's revisit just some of the debacles have happened on this man's watch. Benghazi, IRS scandals, NSA spying, Fast & Furious, and now Obamacare. Barry just stands there, smiles into the teleprompters and takes no leadership responsibilities for any problems his administration has started. It's always someone else's problem or fault. I bet he wishes he could blame the failure of Obamacare on Bush.
But you see, Americans aren't stupid. We all know that while all these headlines are making news on radio, TV, news papers, and magazines our eye is being taken off what is really hurting Americans today. Don't have to dredge up those stories again. You know what they are; the economy, jobs, national debt, etc.
Barry's brain-child legacy has now been proven to be a dismal failure. You know it's bad when even Barry's fawning media is attacking the plan. It's now being discovered that it's not just the software program that's making it's the plan itself. No matter what Reid, Pelosi, and Sebelius try to tell you the plane cannot be implemented.
Sorry, I took so long and bloviating getting to my two points, but it's just me. Sorry. My first point is Barry is so protected that he will always escape from being a responsible leader. We now know that. My second, and probably most impacting point, is that you can bet that within three days another White House "crisis" will occur.
You can bet Rahm Emanuel will be doing ballet jumps through the White House singing, "never let a good crisis go to waste", which means that soon another problem will manifest itself to get us to stop thinking about the failure of Obamacare. It's exactly what happened in the other tragedies; Benghazi, IRS, DOJ, NSA, Fast & Furious. When's the last time anyone has even talked about these issues? The Economy? Unemployment? National Debt? Welfare? Food Stamps?
Ever wonder what's coming down the road to make your forget about Obamacare?
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops
Wednesday, October 23, 2013
Monday, October 21, 2013
I did it - I logged on
I had to do it. My curiosity got the best of me. After reading and hearing all the horrific stories about the Obamacare "glitches" I decided to give it a try.
So this morning while the monarch-dictator-in-chief was on TV lying to Americans about how he was fixing the Obamacare website problems, I started the dreaded Obamacare log-in process.
I kept submitting all the information they required; name, e-mail address, zip code, etc. I would get a NEXT button in the lower right hand corner of my PC monitor to click on to so I could advance to the next screen.
During the process I would get an occasional spinning buffer circle on my monitor causing delays, and then apologetic replies asking me to be patient. Then I was finally taken to a site that made me think I was in the USSR or even Adolph's '30's Germany.
The screen page informed me that all the information I was about to give them could be used for any purposes that the health care (Obamacare) seems necessary to disseminate. Before I decided to hit the ACCEPT or DECLINE button I thought back to when I switched from AARP to my current health insurance company.
At the time the monthly insurance premium for my wife and I at AARP was $380./month. A friend gave me the name of a local health insurance broker. I called him, gave him the necessary information over the phone. Two days later he called to give me some options. The next day my wife and I visited his office and left after about thirty minutes with a health plan with monthly premiums less than half of what we paid for at AARP, with the same coverage.
Now back to Obamacare's website and the ACCEPT, and DECLINE button on my computer. The Obamacare website informed me that all the personal information and data I was about to give them could be used for any use "they" deem necessary.
I discovered that the Obamacare "navigators" were comprised mostly of left-wing progressive liberals and some even criminals I decided to hit the DECLINE button. Not going to share my personal information with the likes of these folks.
However I did receive some interesting factual information today. Here's some honest and truthful facts for you: (1) If you opt for Obamacare's "Bronze" plan, only 60% of your projected health care costs will be covered, and family deductibles could rise to $12,700 for a year. (2) Obamacare has already projected cost hikes upwards of $3,670 a year for a family.
(3) Even in Obama's home town of Chicago, the Chicago Tribune has reported that Obamacare could rise up to $8,000. per family a year.
And Hitler Jr. was sure slick. Campaigning for his first term he convinced the welfare/nanny state he was going to give them free health care, and that got him elected. With his Democrat controlled House and Senate he then got Obamacare enacted.
Then during his second term campaign he promised the same people that Obamacare would "kick in" at the end of 2013, and that's how he got elected for his second term.
Oh, if only ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, and MSNBC would have been truthful and honest in their reporting to us we wouldn't be faced with this horrendous debacle that, if not stopped, could bring down our economy. Remember, we have a chance next November to stop this.
And that's Politics with Pete for today....God bless our country...and our troops
So this morning while the monarch-dictator-in-chief was on TV lying to Americans about how he was fixing the Obamacare website problems, I started the dreaded Obamacare log-in process.
I kept submitting all the information they required; name, e-mail address, zip code, etc. I would get a NEXT button in the lower right hand corner of my PC monitor to click on to so I could advance to the next screen.
During the process I would get an occasional spinning buffer circle on my monitor causing delays, and then apologetic replies asking me to be patient. Then I was finally taken to a site that made me think I was in the USSR or even Adolph's '30's Germany.
The screen page informed me that all the information I was about to give them could be used for any purposes that the health care (Obamacare) seems necessary to disseminate. Before I decided to hit the ACCEPT or DECLINE button I thought back to when I switched from AARP to my current health insurance company.
At the time the monthly insurance premium for my wife and I at AARP was $380./month. A friend gave me the name of a local health insurance broker. I called him, gave him the necessary information over the phone. Two days later he called to give me some options. The next day my wife and I visited his office and left after about thirty minutes with a health plan with monthly premiums less than half of what we paid for at AARP, with the same coverage.
Now back to Obamacare's website and the ACCEPT, and DECLINE button on my computer. The Obamacare website informed me that all the personal information and data I was about to give them could be used for any use "they" deem necessary.
I discovered that the Obamacare "navigators" were comprised mostly of left-wing progressive liberals and some even criminals I decided to hit the DECLINE button. Not going to share my personal information with the likes of these folks.
However I did receive some interesting factual information today. Here's some honest and truthful facts for you: (1) If you opt for Obamacare's "Bronze" plan, only 60% of your projected health care costs will be covered, and family deductibles could rise to $12,700 for a year. (2) Obamacare has already projected cost hikes upwards of $3,670 a year for a family.
(3) Even in Obama's home town of Chicago, the Chicago Tribune has reported that Obamacare could rise up to $8,000. per family a year.
And Hitler Jr. was sure slick. Campaigning for his first term he convinced the welfare/nanny state he was going to give them free health care, and that got him elected. With his Democrat controlled House and Senate he then got Obamacare enacted.
Then during his second term campaign he promised the same people that Obamacare would "kick in" at the end of 2013, and that's how he got elected for his second term.
Oh, if only ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, and MSNBC would have been truthful and honest in their reporting to us we wouldn't be faced with this horrendous debacle that, if not stopped, could bring down our economy. Remember, we have a chance next November to stop this.
And that's Politics with Pete for today....God bless our country...and our troops
Sunday, October 20, 2013
Want more ammo?
Would you like some more ammunition to throw at Hitler Jr., Reid, and Pelosi about our 16-day government shutdown? This evil administration, with the help of ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, and MSNBC kept driving the wedge that it was the Republican House of Representatives that shut the government down.
This was a blatant lie that was put on the broadcasting waves for the sole purpose of attacking and trying to weaken the GOP. The liberal progressives had no concern how much they hurt the American people by forcing the shutdown. Their only concern was to attempt to destroy the Republican party before next November's elections.
Want some ironic proof of that? Did anyone ever hear at ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, or MSNBC that the House of Representatives offered to vote in favor of the Senate's debt-raising bill if only the Obamacare manadate for Americans was delayed for a year?
Harry Reid and his band of evil-doers responded with an emphatic "NO", forcing the shutdown, and then appeared on all the TV networks, except Fox, claiming the Republican party shut our government down. To drive the point further down the throats of Americans Hitler Jr. closed down our national parks and our great war memorials.
Now remember, and don't forget this: the House only asked that the Obamacare mandate for Americans be delayed for a year, like American businesses, and then the House would approve the Senate's debt raising bill, and then we could go forward without a government shutdown. Of course we all know what happened.
Now we're discovering what a failure Obamacare has become, even before it rolls out. HHS Sebelius had over three years to prepare for the rollout, and it has completely failed. Young adults are refusing to sign up, and those that have inquired on-line are unable to get through. They are receiving messages that tell the the website is down. The same young adults that voted Obama in office are now opting to pay the IRS tax penalty rather than sign up for Obamacare.
Now here's the ammo part that's coming this week. Sebelius and Hitler Jr. are going to announce that the Obamacare mandate will be delayed a year until "all the glitches are resolved". Don't you dare believe that this administration didn't come to that conclusion weeks ago. They knew the Obamacare rollout was going to be a failure, many, many weeks ago.
The truth is Hitler Jr., Reid, Pelosi, and Sebelius forced the government shutdown to alienate the American people against the Republican party in hopes of votes for elections next November, 2014. It's not secret that if Republicans retain the House and take back the Senate next November then Hitler Jr.'s last two years will be spent on some golf course named Lame Duck. Of course that could be a good thing for Americans.
We're a year away folks. Let's get started. Let's work to getting our country back in the hands of good leaders that will repeal Obamacare, and maybe impeach this Socialist in our White House.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops
This was a blatant lie that was put on the broadcasting waves for the sole purpose of attacking and trying to weaken the GOP. The liberal progressives had no concern how much they hurt the American people by forcing the shutdown. Their only concern was to attempt to destroy the Republican party before next November's elections.
Want some ironic proof of that? Did anyone ever hear at ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, or MSNBC that the House of Representatives offered to vote in favor of the Senate's debt-raising bill if only the Obamacare manadate for Americans was delayed for a year?
Harry Reid and his band of evil-doers responded with an emphatic "NO", forcing the shutdown, and then appeared on all the TV networks, except Fox, claiming the Republican party shut our government down. To drive the point further down the throats of Americans Hitler Jr. closed down our national parks and our great war memorials.
Now remember, and don't forget this: the House only asked that the Obamacare mandate for Americans be delayed for a year, like American businesses, and then the House would approve the Senate's debt raising bill, and then we could go forward without a government shutdown. Of course we all know what happened.
Now we're discovering what a failure Obamacare has become, even before it rolls out. HHS Sebelius had over three years to prepare for the rollout, and it has completely failed. Young adults are refusing to sign up, and those that have inquired on-line are unable to get through. They are receiving messages that tell the the website is down. The same young adults that voted Obama in office are now opting to pay the IRS tax penalty rather than sign up for Obamacare.
Now here's the ammo part that's coming this week. Sebelius and Hitler Jr. are going to announce that the Obamacare mandate will be delayed a year until "all the glitches are resolved". Don't you dare believe that this administration didn't come to that conclusion weeks ago. They knew the Obamacare rollout was going to be a failure, many, many weeks ago.
The truth is Hitler Jr., Reid, Pelosi, and Sebelius forced the government shutdown to alienate the American people against the Republican party in hopes of votes for elections next November, 2014. It's not secret that if Republicans retain the House and take back the Senate next November then Hitler Jr.'s last two years will be spent on some golf course named Lame Duck. Of course that could be a good thing for Americans.
We're a year away folks. Let's get started. Let's work to getting our country back in the hands of good leaders that will repeal Obamacare, and maybe impeach this Socialist in our White House.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops
Saturday, October 19, 2013
Our chance is coming!
I'm sure we all agree that it's safe to say the man in our White House is "fundamentally transforming" our country into a monachy-dictatorship with him at the helm. Americans must never lose focus of what this man has done, and maybe more importantly, what he has not done.
At this point there is no need to dredge up all the stories about Benghazi, Fast & Furious, NSA spying, DOJ unlawful acts, IRS spying, and the biggest debacle Obamacare. We all know the stories of how this Monarch-Dictator has handled these horrific stories.
Moreover, we know that as long as the Senate, the DOJ, and even Chief Justice Roberts is part of this monarch and dictatorship we will never have any semblance of accountability to the American people. The most recent evidence of this is yesterday when Fox News reporter, James Rosen, asked Jay Carney a valid question regarding the Benghazi massacre, and the White House spokesman just turned and walked away with no answer at all.
What kind of American president would raise welfare/food stamps 358% since he's been in office? What president would double our national debt to $17.Trillion in his first four years in office? What president would refuse to drill for oil right here in the U.S.A., so that Americans can continue to pay over $4.00 a gallon? What president would shut down memorials that honor the very same Americans that died for the freedoms in this country?
Have you ever known an anti-military president like this monarch-dictator? He is downsizing our military to the weakest it has ever been while at the same time the Jihadist Muslim threats are growing in leaps and bounds.
Can anyone think of a U.S. president that would do this? I know I can't. We all know that the only reason 2,977 UNREAD pages called Obamacare was ever enacted into law is because our Monarch-Dictator-in-chief had the support of a Democrat controlled House & Senate; plus he had Chief Justice Roberts in his back pocket.
However, another great tool Americans must never, ever lose sight of is what our Founding Fathers provided for us; it's called THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Article I, Sections 2,3, and 4 provide all American citizens with the greatest speaking voice we are all entitled to. And that is our right to VOTE in all elections.
Next November, 2014 Americans have the greatest opportunity to overthrow this monarch-dictator in our White House. If we didn't have elections Barack Hussein Obama would realistically become another Adolph Hitler. Do you think Adolph Hitler would have remained in power so long if legal elections were allowed in Germany in the '40's? Of course not.
Americans cannot afford to lose sight of this opportunity to take our first step in gaining back our Senate and keeping our House. We need to do this so we can repeal Obamacare, start drilling for oil here, incentivize businesses to create jobs. And maybe, just maybe we can start impeachment proceedings against this monarch-dictator.
If we don't take advantage of this opportunity given to us by our Founding Fathers next November, then we'll have no one to blame for what this monarch-dictator will do in his last two years in our White House, and Americans will get what it deserves. Don't let this happen!
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops
At this point there is no need to dredge up all the stories about Benghazi, Fast & Furious, NSA spying, DOJ unlawful acts, IRS spying, and the biggest debacle Obamacare. We all know the stories of how this Monarch-Dictator has handled these horrific stories.
Moreover, we know that as long as the Senate, the DOJ, and even Chief Justice Roberts is part of this monarch and dictatorship we will never have any semblance of accountability to the American people. The most recent evidence of this is yesterday when Fox News reporter, James Rosen, asked Jay Carney a valid question regarding the Benghazi massacre, and the White House spokesman just turned and walked away with no answer at all.
What kind of American president would raise welfare/food stamps 358% since he's been in office? What president would double our national debt to $17.Trillion in his first four years in office? What president would refuse to drill for oil right here in the U.S.A., so that Americans can continue to pay over $4.00 a gallon? What president would shut down memorials that honor the very same Americans that died for the freedoms in this country?
Have you ever known an anti-military president like this monarch-dictator? He is downsizing our military to the weakest it has ever been while at the same time the Jihadist Muslim threats are growing in leaps and bounds.
Can anyone think of a U.S. president that would do this? I know I can't. We all know that the only reason 2,977 UNREAD pages called Obamacare was ever enacted into law is because our Monarch-Dictator-in-chief had the support of a Democrat controlled House & Senate; plus he had Chief Justice Roberts in his back pocket.
However, another great tool Americans must never, ever lose sight of is what our Founding Fathers provided for us; it's called THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Article I, Sections 2,3, and 4 provide all American citizens with the greatest speaking voice we are all entitled to. And that is our right to VOTE in all elections.
Next November, 2014 Americans have the greatest opportunity to overthrow this monarch-dictator in our White House. If we didn't have elections Barack Hussein Obama would realistically become another Adolph Hitler. Do you think Adolph Hitler would have remained in power so long if legal elections were allowed in Germany in the '40's? Of course not.
Americans cannot afford to lose sight of this opportunity to take our first step in gaining back our Senate and keeping our House. We need to do this so we can repeal Obamacare, start drilling for oil here, incentivize businesses to create jobs. And maybe, just maybe we can start impeachment proceedings against this monarch-dictator.
If we don't take advantage of this opportunity given to us by our Founding Fathers next November, then we'll have no one to blame for what this monarch-dictator will do in his last two years in our White House, and Americans will get what it deserves. Don't let this happen!
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops
Friday, October 18, 2013
So what- just eat it!
We've all heard the horrifying descriptions of Obamacare; "can't even get on the website", "it's a disgrace", "it will ruin our economy", "insurance companies are raising their premiums because of Obamacare", "companies will not invest to expand because of the impending rising Obamacare costs". Had enough? How about "companies laying off employees because of Obamacare", and my all-time favorite, "their website keeps crashing, you can't get on, and yet you'll still get penalized by the IRS if you don't sign up".
Obamacare is being shoved down our throats. It's like your mother telling you to eat what's on your plate, even if you don't like it. Remember, "so what- just eat it".
Hollywood couldn't make a comedy movie of Hitler Jr.'s health care fiasco, and make it any more comical that what's going on now. If it wasn't so true it would actually be comical. It was hilarious when the main stream media was bragging that a woman from Delaware was able to get on the website and get "to choose" what Obamacare plane she wanted. It was later discovered she was the only Delaware resident to successfully get through to the website.
Can you imagine what would be going on now if Obama were a Caucasian Republican? the media would be screaming for his impeachment. And yet none of the networks, except Fox, is broadcasting the horrors of this failed debacle called Obamacare.
This plan, jokingly called the affordable care act, is being proven to be unaffordable to Americans that really need health care. Supposedly several million young adults between the ages of 26-35 need to start paying health care premiums between now and January 1, 2014 for the plan to start working effectively. To date there has only been 51,000 Americans throughout the entire country that have "only selected" a plan they want to try.
Health care is one-sixth of our nation's economy. If Obamacare isn't stopped it will plunge our nation's economy to a depth from which we may never recover. Everyone, even strong liberal Obama supporters are calling for a one-year mandate on Americans to "work out the glitches".
There are no glitches; it's just a failed law that will ruin us if we don't stop it. Obama's fawning media will only report that it's in the trial phase; it's going to be fine someday. Yeah? When?
Even now there is talk that Obama and his supporters are purposely putting glitches in the way until the November, 2014 elections. He doesn't want us to see what a failing debacle his brain child legacy is before we go to the voting polls next November. He's smart enough to know if we get a GOP House AND Senate his Obamacare will be repealed, and he may be impeached.
If our media would just take a year's sabbatical from fawning all over Barry, and just report the facts about his failing plan the GOP would take back the Senate and we could repeal Obamacare, and then work on impeaching him. He's very afraid of that.
The current GOP House tried to defund Obamaacare, and it cost us sixteen days of government shut down. Maybe they should have followed the advice of one of my heroes, Dr. Charles Kraughammer. Dr. Krauthammer famously said, in regards to Obamacare, "If your enemy is committing suicide, stop fighting him, and get out of the room".
Everyone, including liberals and even Hitler Jr. knows Obamacare will implode on its own. Maybe we should just step back and wait for it. You can bet by next November, it will fall all the way down. Then we can vote to get our Senate back, repeal, and then impeach.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God Bless our country...and our troops
Obamacare is being shoved down our throats. It's like your mother telling you to eat what's on your plate, even if you don't like it. Remember, "so what- just eat it".
Hollywood couldn't make a comedy movie of Hitler Jr.'s health care fiasco, and make it any more comical that what's going on now. If it wasn't so true it would actually be comical. It was hilarious when the main stream media was bragging that a woman from Delaware was able to get on the website and get "to choose" what Obamacare plane she wanted. It was later discovered she was the only Delaware resident to successfully get through to the website.
Can you imagine what would be going on now if Obama were a Caucasian Republican? the media would be screaming for his impeachment. And yet none of the networks, except Fox, is broadcasting the horrors of this failed debacle called Obamacare.
This plan, jokingly called the affordable care act, is being proven to be unaffordable to Americans that really need health care. Supposedly several million young adults between the ages of 26-35 need to start paying health care premiums between now and January 1, 2014 for the plan to start working effectively. To date there has only been 51,000 Americans throughout the entire country that have "only selected" a plan they want to try.
Health care is one-sixth of our nation's economy. If Obamacare isn't stopped it will plunge our nation's economy to a depth from which we may never recover. Everyone, even strong liberal Obama supporters are calling for a one-year mandate on Americans to "work out the glitches".
There are no glitches; it's just a failed law that will ruin us if we don't stop it. Obama's fawning media will only report that it's in the trial phase; it's going to be fine someday. Yeah? When?
Even now there is talk that Obama and his supporters are purposely putting glitches in the way until the November, 2014 elections. He doesn't want us to see what a failing debacle his brain child legacy is before we go to the voting polls next November. He's smart enough to know if we get a GOP House AND Senate his Obamacare will be repealed, and he may be impeached.
If our media would just take a year's sabbatical from fawning all over Barry, and just report the facts about his failing plan the GOP would take back the Senate and we could repeal Obamacare, and then work on impeaching him. He's very afraid of that.
The current GOP House tried to defund Obamaacare, and it cost us sixteen days of government shut down. Maybe they should have followed the advice of one of my heroes, Dr. Charles Kraughammer. Dr. Krauthammer famously said, in regards to Obamacare, "If your enemy is committing suicide, stop fighting him, and get out of the room".
Everyone, including liberals and even Hitler Jr. knows Obamacare will implode on its own. Maybe we should just step back and wait for it. You can bet by next November, it will fall all the way down. Then we can vote to get our Senate back, repeal, and then impeach.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God Bless our country...and our troops
Thursday, October 17, 2013
Yipee- we can fail some more!

Maybe I should start feeling selfish for my wife and I. We're 78-years young, and we won't be around when the s**t hits the fan. But I did get some good news this past Sunday at a family barbeque.
My 23-year old granddaughter used to constantly tease me about being a "news junkie", and always joked with me about spending too much time watching Fox. Her infamous remark to me was always, "I won't watch any news...heck I don't even vote, cause I don't want to be part of the problem".
So, while we're munching on burgers and watching our Browns lose 31-17 to Detroit my granddaughter and her fiancee started asking me questions. "hey gramps what about this government shut down"?, then later, " I heard this national debt is going to be $20Trillion by the time Obama leaves office....what does that mean, and who pays for that"?
Gotta tell ya; their questions were like an opening for more questions and opinions so much that most of us forgot about the Browns' losing game to Detroit. So I decided to offer the best analogy I could to my granddaughter and her fiancee.
I said, "Suppose you're making $50,000 a year, and have a credit card that's max'd out at $5,000.
Then the bank says 'don't worry...we'll just raise your limit to $10,000. Soon, you hit that $10,000 credit card limit, and the bank keeps raising your limit. And all this time you're still making only around $50,000 a year. By this time you guys are married and have a couple of kids. Then your husband's company decides to move their production to China where labor is cheaper. Soon you realize your monthly income is much lower then your monthly bills, and while this is going on your wonderful bank keeps telling you 'don't worry...we'll just raise your debt ceiling'.
Then I hit them with my grand finale, "Now imagine our country like your household, except our country does two things; we keep borrowing from China, and we also just print our own money. However, you gotta pay the piper, so someone is going to be on the hook for our huge debt. We must get companies to invest and create more jobs for Americans. If not, then our government will keep raising taxes and kick the can down the road".
My granddaughter asked, "What does that mean to us"? I tried to put it as simply as I could, so I just answered, "Prices and the cost of living will get so bad that you will have to continue borrowing to make ends meet, and our government will do the the point that someday, at the grocery story you'll pay $30.00 for a loaf of bread; $2.00 for the bread, and $28.00 for taxes".
I gave a few more analogies, and then my granddaughter asked the big question: "What are we going to do about this....what can we do"?
We all know my quick response to her: "Start with the first step next November....get out and vote to remove these corrupt entitlement thieves from Congress...that's the most important thing you can do to help this country".
I finished my little talk, facing my granddaughter and said, "Remember when you used to say you wouldn't vote cause you didn't want to be part of the problem? Well, if you don't get out to vote next November you will definitely be part of the problem". She smiled. I could tell I got through to her and her fiancee.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops
Saturday, October 12, 2013
We'll be OK
Since the dawn of our great nation we have survived the tyranny of Britain, many wars, hurricanes, floods, tornadoes, and economic collapses. And history has recorded that we have emerged stronger than even before we faced these calamities and tragedies.
Today, this great nation faces maybe the most horrendous tragedy of all. For it is not a war, hurricane, flood, or tornado that lies in our path, but an evil individual that feels confident he can "fundamentally transform" our great free nation into a dictatorship.
This arrogant, self-centered hubris man dictates as if he is above all Americans and sits at the throne of his Allah. Many failures of this great nation have occurred since this man has been in our White House, and yet he has never been made to answer to the American people for any of them.
Benghazi, Fast & Furious, NSA and DOJ unlawful spying, the infamous IRS scandals, his crippling health care plan, the rise in our national debt, increase in welfare population, and most recently denying death benefits to the families of fallen military heroes.
This man is evil, despicable, and should be impeached, as he surly does not deserve to lead our great nation.
No, we cannot awake tomorrow and undo all the horrific damage this man has done in a single day, but I strongly feel confident we will overcome the calamities this man has thrown at us.
The economic, moral, and racial damage this man has done to us is so severe that to overturn his damage it must be done in steps. And as a free society, under the Constitution of this great country we have the opportunity to take our first step next November. Our next step will be November 2016.
Of course it will be a huge gigantic obstacle, and with the main stream media constantly singing the praises of this evil dictator it will be difficult. But nonetheless the opportunity is there for us to embrace. If we do not take advantage of these opportunities then our great country may never recover from what this evil man will do during his last two years in office.
We know he will lie, cheat, steal, and even corrupt precincts and electronic voting machines to retain the Senate and take back the House. We must be ready for him and his fawning media, and stop his corruption.
We must never forget that if we do not take the first step next November, 2014 to stop this evil dictator then America will receive the evil it thinks it wants from this dictator. I pray to God that we will not let this happen.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless this country...and our troops
Today, this great nation faces maybe the most horrendous tragedy of all. For it is not a war, hurricane, flood, or tornado that lies in our path, but an evil individual that feels confident he can "fundamentally transform" our great free nation into a dictatorship.
This arrogant, self-centered hubris man dictates as if he is above all Americans and sits at the throne of his Allah. Many failures of this great nation have occurred since this man has been in our White House, and yet he has never been made to answer to the American people for any of them.
Benghazi, Fast & Furious, NSA and DOJ unlawful spying, the infamous IRS scandals, his crippling health care plan, the rise in our national debt, increase in welfare population, and most recently denying death benefits to the families of fallen military heroes.
This man is evil, despicable, and should be impeached, as he surly does not deserve to lead our great nation.
No, we cannot awake tomorrow and undo all the horrific damage this man has done in a single day, but I strongly feel confident we will overcome the calamities this man has thrown at us.
The economic, moral, and racial damage this man has done to us is so severe that to overturn his damage it must be done in steps. And as a free society, under the Constitution of this great country we have the opportunity to take our first step next November. Our next step will be November 2016.
Of course it will be a huge gigantic obstacle, and with the main stream media constantly singing the praises of this evil dictator it will be difficult. But nonetheless the opportunity is there for us to embrace. If we do not take advantage of these opportunities then our great country may never recover from what this evil man will do during his last two years in office.
We know he will lie, cheat, steal, and even corrupt precincts and electronic voting machines to retain the Senate and take back the House. We must be ready for him and his fawning media, and stop his corruption.
We must never forget that if we do not take the first step next November, 2014 to stop this evil dictator then America will receive the evil it thinks it wants from this dictator. I pray to God that we will not let this happen.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless this country...and our troops
Thursday, October 10, 2013
Only thing we can do
I haven't written a blog in some time for the simple reason is that every time I see something horrific and despicable that this evil Hitler Jr. is doing, he just does something more horrific. I was scratching my head over the horrendous introduction of his signature Obamacare. No one can understand that Americans are not only being fined for not buying a product they don't want; they can't even get on-line to get the darn product. Go figure!
As he was planning to honor Muslims in November, he was closing down National monuments, National parks throughout the country, and war memorials I became outraged. It seemed this evil man never stops in his denigration of our country.
However, as a proud veteran of four years duty in the U.S. Air Force, and a contributing member of the Wounded Warrior Project, the latest episode of this evil Hitler Jr.'s denial to give death benefits to families of fallen heroes is beyond evil. To me it's treasonous and satanic.
But, there is hope folks to push back against this evil man's dictatorship. But we need to do more than write blogs and scream at the TV every day when the news is broadcasted. Have you found yourself doing what my wife and I do just about everyday? As recent as the evening news last night we were both screaming at the TV about what this evil dictator is doing to our country, as if anyone was listening to us.
To date I've written over 200 blogs published on Google, Twitter, Yahoo, and the Tea Party Community website. While I may think that just maybe I can be helpful by informing the few that read my blogs, I realize my heaviest and most impacting ammunition will occur next November when I walk into the voting booth.
This evil dictator becomes more and more like his predecessor, Adolph, every day. I refuse to call this man a Christian. He denigrates all Americans by closing down all memorials that honor our service men and women. But now this evil dictator-in-chief has crossed the line and has done the ultimate in disgracing our country.
We put a rifle, jet plane, helicopter in a young man/woman's hands and ask them to go to a foreign country to defends our nation's freedom. And when the ultimate sacrifice is given by our military heroes this evil man actually refuses to honor the families of these heroes with their death benefits.
Simply put, this man would rather honor his Muslim Brotherhood than our own military heroes that have sacrificed their lives for all of us. What does that tell you about the character of this evil man?
Folks, you can write all the protesting blogs you want, you can get your flags and banners and do all the protesting you want, and like me, you can scream at your TV all night. But the truth really is that the best you can do is vote next November for our GOP to retain the House and take back the Senate.
And we need to write, phone, e-mail, and twitter our House and Senate reps to remind them that Hitler Jr. and Reid have already started to "junk up"and corrupt the voting machines in precincts all across the country. Yes, they will go that far, and most of us know they did it just last November.
Why did Governor Romney carry ALL the states that required voter I.D., while Hitler Jr. carried ALL the states that did not require voter I.D.? How can we account for the voter turn out of over 150% in counties and precincts that voted for their dictator Hitler Jr.? How can we justify that so many precincts voted 100% for Hitler Jr.? Are you saying that Governor Romney didn't even get a single vote in these voting areas?
We now all have the incentive to get the vote out for the GOP, and repeal the laws that this dictator is hurling down on all Americans. Maybe then we can even begin impeachment hearings. We can do this folks. Let's not let this opportunity escape us.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops.
As he was planning to honor Muslims in November, he was closing down National monuments, National parks throughout the country, and war memorials I became outraged. It seemed this evil man never stops in his denigration of our country.
However, as a proud veteran of four years duty in the U.S. Air Force, and a contributing member of the Wounded Warrior Project, the latest episode of this evil Hitler Jr.'s denial to give death benefits to families of fallen heroes is beyond evil. To me it's treasonous and satanic.
But, there is hope folks to push back against this evil man's dictatorship. But we need to do more than write blogs and scream at the TV every day when the news is broadcasted. Have you found yourself doing what my wife and I do just about everyday? As recent as the evening news last night we were both screaming at the TV about what this evil dictator is doing to our country, as if anyone was listening to us.
To date I've written over 200 blogs published on Google, Twitter, Yahoo, and the Tea Party Community website. While I may think that just maybe I can be helpful by informing the few that read my blogs, I realize my heaviest and most impacting ammunition will occur next November when I walk into the voting booth.
This evil dictator becomes more and more like his predecessor, Adolph, every day. I refuse to call this man a Christian. He denigrates all Americans by closing down all memorials that honor our service men and women. But now this evil dictator-in-chief has crossed the line and has done the ultimate in disgracing our country.
We put a rifle, jet plane, helicopter in a young man/woman's hands and ask them to go to a foreign country to defends our nation's freedom. And when the ultimate sacrifice is given by our military heroes this evil man actually refuses to honor the families of these heroes with their death benefits.
Simply put, this man would rather honor his Muslim Brotherhood than our own military heroes that have sacrificed their lives for all of us. What does that tell you about the character of this evil man?
Folks, you can write all the protesting blogs you want, you can get your flags and banners and do all the protesting you want, and like me, you can scream at your TV all night. But the truth really is that the best you can do is vote next November for our GOP to retain the House and take back the Senate.
And we need to write, phone, e-mail, and twitter our House and Senate reps to remind them that Hitler Jr. and Reid have already started to "junk up"and corrupt the voting machines in precincts all across the country. Yes, they will go that far, and most of us know they did it just last November.
Why did Governor Romney carry ALL the states that required voter I.D., while Hitler Jr. carried ALL the states that did not require voter I.D.? How can we account for the voter turn out of over 150% in counties and precincts that voted for their dictator Hitler Jr.? How can we justify that so many precincts voted 100% for Hitler Jr.? Are you saying that Governor Romney didn't even get a single vote in these voting areas?
We now all have the incentive to get the vote out for the GOP, and repeal the laws that this dictator is hurling down on all Americans. Maybe then we can even begin impeachment hearings. We can do this folks. Let's not let this opportunity escape us.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops.
Saturday, October 5, 2013
If it's so great....
Hitler Jr., Dinghy Harry, and Nut-Case Nancy will stand in front of podiums and teleprompters and openly lie to Americans about Obamacare and expect people to believe them. The sad news is they are getting away with it. Their news briefings are full of lies, and with a straight face tell us how great Obamacare is going to be for us. However, Obamacare is not good enough for them, and their 1,472 friends. And every member of Congress receives 72% subsidy for Obamacare. I guess they really are better than us.
And our great informative ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, and MSNBC will not even ask that most infamous question; "If Obamacare is so great why are there so many waivers to it"? Why are these moronic baboons trying to convince Americans that Obamacare will be great for all of us, but will not sign up for it themselves?
If Obamacare is so great why are union leaders asking for more waivers from it, and complaining that the very man they supported for the presidency is shortening the 40-hour work week to 30 hours? In fact, the Teamster's Union sent a scathing letter to the president admonishing him for taking abolishing the 40-hour work week for Americans.
And how 'bout dem glitches? Obama supporters, along with their fawning MSNBC said there were glitches because "so many Americans were hurrying to sign up for this great plan". Of course that's an out-and-out lie. The truth is the system was so faulty that not a single person could get through to register.
Liberals want you to believe many people were trying to get through to register. Truth is if a person tried twenty times, but couldn't get through, the Dems counted that as twenty people, not one person times twenty attempts. Those that did get through, especially the young, opted for penalties rather than sign up.
California, arguably the most liberal state in the country has yet to register a single person in Obamacare. It's the same for Connecticut, Missouri, Kansas; a fact is less than one per cent (1%) of Americans in the entire country have yet to successfully register for Obamacare. Wonder why? I'll tell you; because it's a horrendous, horrific, terrible plan designed to rob one-sixth of America's economy.
Hitler Jr., Reid, and Pelosi want to hurt us so much to make their point that they have even taken to shutting down tourist sights throughout the entire country. Obama is even closing down the WWII soldier's grave site in Normandy, France that is U.S. subsidized.
How evil can a man get to shut down our WWII memorial in D.C. prohibiting our great WWII heroes from visiting this great memorial? How evil is a man that will shut down all the famous memorials throughout the country while he declares November as "National Muslim Month"?
This evil man wants to "fundamentally transform" us into a failed nation while he promotes his Muslim Brotherhood.
In the year 2000 authors A. LeBor and R. Boyes wrote the book "Seduced by Hitler". I strongly encourage all to read this 330-page book. Adolph Hitler didn't start out as the evil maniac monster that he became. He was a great orator. He started out very much like the man living in our White House now. Soon Adolph Hitler, with all his promises began to take over Germany, and the rest of Europe.
More chilling news about Adolph Hitler is that history shows Adolph was very supportive of Islam and the Muslim way of life. Are we sure that Adolph and his protege Barry Soetero don't share the same DNA?
By the way; the latest official word is "the affordable health care web site is temporarily shut down to repair suspected glitches". Yeah, right.
November, 2014 is our only true real hope folks; let's not waste it please. Get the word out now>
And that's Politics with Pete for today....God bless our country...and our troops.
And our great informative ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, and MSNBC will not even ask that most infamous question; "If Obamacare is so great why are there so many waivers to it"? Why are these moronic baboons trying to convince Americans that Obamacare will be great for all of us, but will not sign up for it themselves?
If Obamacare is so great why are union leaders asking for more waivers from it, and complaining that the very man they supported for the presidency is shortening the 40-hour work week to 30 hours? In fact, the Teamster's Union sent a scathing letter to the president admonishing him for taking abolishing the 40-hour work week for Americans.
And how 'bout dem glitches? Obama supporters, along with their fawning MSNBC said there were glitches because "so many Americans were hurrying to sign up for this great plan". Of course that's an out-and-out lie. The truth is the system was so faulty that not a single person could get through to register.
Liberals want you to believe many people were trying to get through to register. Truth is if a person tried twenty times, but couldn't get through, the Dems counted that as twenty people, not one person times twenty attempts. Those that did get through, especially the young, opted for penalties rather than sign up.
California, arguably the most liberal state in the country has yet to register a single person in Obamacare. It's the same for Connecticut, Missouri, Kansas; a fact is less than one per cent (1%) of Americans in the entire country have yet to successfully register for Obamacare. Wonder why? I'll tell you; because it's a horrendous, horrific, terrible plan designed to rob one-sixth of America's economy.
Hitler Jr., Reid, and Pelosi want to hurt us so much to make their point that they have even taken to shutting down tourist sights throughout the entire country. Obama is even closing down the WWII soldier's grave site in Normandy, France that is U.S. subsidized.
How evil can a man get to shut down our WWII memorial in D.C. prohibiting our great WWII heroes from visiting this great memorial? How evil is a man that will shut down all the famous memorials throughout the country while he declares November as "National Muslim Month"?
This evil man wants to "fundamentally transform" us into a failed nation while he promotes his Muslim Brotherhood.
In the year 2000 authors A. LeBor and R. Boyes wrote the book "Seduced by Hitler". I strongly encourage all to read this 330-page book. Adolph Hitler didn't start out as the evil maniac monster that he became. He was a great orator. He started out very much like the man living in our White House now. Soon Adolph Hitler, with all his promises began to take over Germany, and the rest of Europe.
More chilling news about Adolph Hitler is that history shows Adolph was very supportive of Islam and the Muslim way of life. Are we sure that Adolph and his protege Barry Soetero don't share the same DNA?
By the way; the latest official word is "the affordable health care web site is temporarily shut down to repair suspected glitches". Yeah, right.
November, 2014 is our only true real hope folks; let's not waste it please. Get the word out now>
And that's Politics with Pete for today....God bless our country...and our troops.
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