I've never been a fan of the words "double standard". I mean, really, who creates standards? Is it the media, is it our bosses, is it our parents, friends, family. Wouldn't it be great if the media presented ALL of these so called "standards", and let us freedom loving Americans decide which standard we accept. Here's a few examples of "standards" we should stop calling "double", and just decide ourselves how we feel:
1. Why do people who don't pay ANY income taxes, want so called rich people, who already pay over eighty per cent of all taxes, to pay "their fair share".
2. Why is this current administration in D.C., spending seven million dollars a minute, have increased our current debt deficit by six trillion dollars, and yet complains the U.S. has no money?
3. Whys is it OK to teach Arabic and homosexuality in our schools, but can't fly the flag or use the word God?
4. Not too much thought is given to killing an unborn in an abortion clinic, but front page news is made when protesters amass at a prison when a mass murderer of children is executed?
5. Why won't the media report that over forty Catholic organizations are suing our current Administration over a clause in "Obamacare" which states they must provide health insurance coverage users of birth control?
6. Why does some like Rev. Al Sharpton, Jessee Jackson, and the NAACP scream "racist" when we disagree with Obama's policies, yet forget that African-Americans make up only twelve per cent of our population. That means eighty-eight per cent of votes were from white Americans, so who are the racists?
7. Why are the Democrats screaming about "the greed of the rich", but will gladly accept their thirty-five thousand dollar a plate contribution during a campaign dinner?
8. Why do we give large sums of money to Pakistan in foreign aid, only to stand aside while they imprison the man who helped us take down bin Laden?
9. Why does this Administration throw stones and crucify Governor Romney and Bain Capital, but won't say a single word about their own failures; i.e., Amtrak, U.S. Postal Service, Solyndra, and many other ventures that failed on taxpayers' money?
10. Why does this Administration promise the repeal of the Second Amendment, preventing Americans the right to bear arms, and yet will not even take action on "Fast & Furious" that actually killed a U.S. border agent?
11. Why are millions spent to continue the protection of Korea's 38th. parallel, yet we refuse to protect our own U.S.-Mexican border?
12. Why do we broadcast pornography on the Internet, movies, TV, however you will be jailed if you try to put a Nativity scene at a public park?
13. Why is it considered racist to protest against Obama's policies, but you are exercising your First Amendment rights when you presented a movie on how to kill former President Bush?
14. Why is it called workplace violence when a Muslim U.S. Army Major kills a dozen people while he screams Allah Akbhar, and yet the broadcasters at MSNBC call the Tea Party terrorists?
15. Why does the media crucify the "fat cat oil companies", but will actually praise the riots in stores when crowds rush in the purchase a Nike shoe product? Has anyone bothered to investigate that Nike actually makes twice as much profit than the oil companies, and pays less taxes because they are over seas?
1. Why do you need a driver's license to cash a check or even buy liquor, but do not need one to vote?
2. Why does Chris Matthews of MSNBC, a Roman Catholic himself, say that maybe all the Catholic Bishops who are against the Catholic church providing contraception are Republicans?
And that's Politics with Pete for today
Sunday, May 27, 2012
Friday, May 25, 2012
Thank You-God Bless
I want to take a break from politics today to remind us all what this weekend signifies. While you're out buying the goodies and groceries, and firing up the grille, please remember who we have to be thankful for this weekend, and the rest of our days and weekends.
Bow your head, and give thanks to those that made the ultimate sacrifice so we could all enjoy the freedoms we have. During all the wars this country has been in there have been thousands of men and women who will never share the freedoms we have, and yet gave their lives so we could. Isn't it amazing they gave their lives for people they didn't even know.....they gave their lives for this great country. Please don't ever forget that.
I served in the USAF for four years, but was personally fortunate that I was too young for WWII, and the Korean War, and too old for the Vietnam war, however I was always proud to wear the Air Force uniform. I am also very proud to know friends, relatives, and family members who did serve in these wars. I lost one of my favorite uncles in WWII combat, and family members who received the Purple Heart.
Last year I shared cigars and some single malt Scotch with two Marine heroes; one who was awarded the Silver and Bronze Stars; both awarded the Purple Heart. I was in awe listening to the stories of their journeys in combat. Last year I buried a 90-year golfing friend who served in combat in WWII, earning the Silver and Bronze Stars, along with the Purple Heart and many campaign ribbons in some of the most dangerous areas of the War.
Yesterday I met a young man who just returned from the Middle East conflict. His job; he was a sniper. First thing I did was thank him for his service. He was very humble and noticed I was wearing an old Air Force baseball cap, and actually thanked me for my service. I told him I was embarrassed comparing my peace time service to what he endured. I told him I wanted to hear more, so we've made plans to share a cigar and some single malt.
Let's not forget to honor ALL men and women in our military who have served, who now serve, and especially those who made he sacrifice so we can enjoy our lives of freedom. I remember the very first time I walked up to a G.I. in an airport, stuck out my hand and said, "thank you for your service". He grabbed my hand with both of his hands and said, "thank you sir...it's an honor to serve". I'll never forget that. Since then it has become very easy, and every time I see a man/woman in uniform I never forget to shake their hand and say "thank you".
You may feel a little awkward at first to share a heart-felt feeling with a stranger, but I guarantee you'll walk away with a great feeling, and they will greatly appreciate your thanks and gratitude. I don't care if you're a Republican, Democrat, or whatever your political and religious beliefs are. Just remember you're thanking someone who is fighting for your freedom, and they don't care what your personal beliefs are either.
I'll close with another suggestion. Two months ago I became a member of the Wounded Warrior Project. I did it in the names of my grandchildren. I encourage all to join. Hey, we've all got $19. a month that we spend foolishly on stuff we really don't need. Your $19. a month will go for so much good.
God Bless our brave people who aren't here, and those that are here wearing the uniform. Please don't ever forget them.
And that's (No) Politics with Pete for today.
Bow your head, and give thanks to those that made the ultimate sacrifice so we could all enjoy the freedoms we have. During all the wars this country has been in there have been thousands of men and women who will never share the freedoms we have, and yet gave their lives so we could. Isn't it amazing they gave their lives for people they didn't even know.....they gave their lives for this great country. Please don't ever forget that.
I served in the USAF for four years, but was personally fortunate that I was too young for WWII, and the Korean War, and too old for the Vietnam war, however I was always proud to wear the Air Force uniform. I am also very proud to know friends, relatives, and family members who did serve in these wars. I lost one of my favorite uncles in WWII combat, and family members who received the Purple Heart.
Last year I shared cigars and some single malt Scotch with two Marine heroes; one who was awarded the Silver and Bronze Stars; both awarded the Purple Heart. I was in awe listening to the stories of their journeys in combat. Last year I buried a 90-year golfing friend who served in combat in WWII, earning the Silver and Bronze Stars, along with the Purple Heart and many campaign ribbons in some of the most dangerous areas of the War.
Yesterday I met a young man who just returned from the Middle East conflict. His job; he was a sniper. First thing I did was thank him for his service. He was very humble and noticed I was wearing an old Air Force baseball cap, and actually thanked me for my service. I told him I was embarrassed comparing my peace time service to what he endured. I told him I wanted to hear more, so we've made plans to share a cigar and some single malt.
Let's not forget to honor ALL men and women in our military who have served, who now serve, and especially those who made he sacrifice so we can enjoy our lives of freedom. I remember the very first time I walked up to a G.I. in an airport, stuck out my hand and said, "thank you for your service". He grabbed my hand with both of his hands and said, "thank you sir...it's an honor to serve". I'll never forget that. Since then it has become very easy, and every time I see a man/woman in uniform I never forget to shake their hand and say "thank you".
You may feel a little awkward at first to share a heart-felt feeling with a stranger, but I guarantee you'll walk away with a great feeling, and they will greatly appreciate your thanks and gratitude. I don't care if you're a Republican, Democrat, or whatever your political and religious beliefs are. Just remember you're thanking someone who is fighting for your freedom, and they don't care what your personal beliefs are either.
I'll close with another suggestion. Two months ago I became a member of the Wounded Warrior Project. I did it in the names of my grandchildren. I encourage all to join. Hey, we've all got $19. a month that we spend foolishly on stuff we really don't need. Your $19. a month will go for so much good.
God Bless our brave people who aren't here, and those that are here wearing the uniform. Please don't ever forget them.
And that's (No) Politics with Pete for today.
Friday, May 18, 2012
What then?
FacebookThis message is for all of you who will vote for President Obama again, so you can keep your entitlements flowing in; i.e., extended unemployment, welfare, and food stamps.
Have you given any thought to what's going to happen in 2016 after he leaves eight years in office? What then?
Well, let me explain something: At the pace President Obama is going now we'll have about $20Trillion in our national debt. His administration will have to continue to raise taxes to pay for your entitlements. The EPA will not let him drill for oil in the U.S., unemployment will rise as he continues to take lavish vacations for four "lame duck" years. What then?
And after four years of "lame duck" President Obama will "retire" with a gigantic lifetime pension, receive approximately $50,000. or more for speaking engagements, as he and his family live the life of luxury on taxpayer's money.What then?
But what about you? Well, he got your vote, and he was in office for another term. Do you really think he's going to care a lot about you? Oh yeah, for a while after he "retires" you'll still get your food stamps, extended unemployment, and welfare, but then as the debt ceiling rises, along with employment all those entitlements will just dry up and blow away. What then?
You've been sold a bill of goods about the ugly fat rich cats that make millions while you starve.
The President thinks the answer is to raise taxes on the wealthy. If you taxed the wealthy 100% it would not help our $16Trillion national debt at all.
We must encourage the private sector to create more jobs so you can work, take care of your families, and make this great country strong again. And it's corporations that create investments and jobs not someone on unemployment and welfare.We have to lower corporation taxes, and entice companies to bring jobs back. Oh yeah, and drill.
You can believe at the end of his next four years, if he's reelected he's going to ride off into the sunset, live the good life, and not give too much thought to you when your entitlements dry up.
Please think of this in November when you walk into the booth.
And that's Politics with Pete for today!
Have you given any thought to what's going to happen in 2016 after he leaves eight years in office? What then?
Well, let me explain something: At the pace President Obama is going now we'll have about $20Trillion in our national debt. His administration will have to continue to raise taxes to pay for your entitlements. The EPA will not let him drill for oil in the U.S., unemployment will rise as he continues to take lavish vacations for four "lame duck" years. What then?
And after four years of "lame duck" President Obama will "retire" with a gigantic lifetime pension, receive approximately $50,000. or more for speaking engagements, as he and his family live the life of luxury on taxpayer's money.What then?
But what about you? Well, he got your vote, and he was in office for another term. Do you really think he's going to care a lot about you? Oh yeah, for a while after he "retires" you'll still get your food stamps, extended unemployment, and welfare, but then as the debt ceiling rises, along with employment all those entitlements will just dry up and blow away. What then?
You've been sold a bill of goods about the ugly fat rich cats that make millions while you starve.
The President thinks the answer is to raise taxes on the wealthy. If you taxed the wealthy 100% it would not help our $16Trillion national debt at all.
We must encourage the private sector to create more jobs so you can work, take care of your families, and make this great country strong again. And it's corporations that create investments and jobs not someone on unemployment and welfare.We have to lower corporation taxes, and entice companies to bring jobs back. Oh yeah, and drill.
You can believe at the end of his next four years, if he's reelected he's going to ride off into the sunset, live the good life, and not give too much thought to you when your entitlements dry up.
Please think of this in November when you walk into the booth.
And that's Politics with Pete for today!
I'm Sorry-so sorry
Remember a few weeks ago when President Obama, standing in front of the microphone, and began singing Al Green's song "So in love with you"? Well, just maybe this President should change his song to Brenda Lee's "I'm Sorry-So Sorry".
Well, including his campaign speeches here and abroad, this President has been apologizing for this great country for over four years. He now is strongly considering apologizing to Pakistan for the drones. Apologize to a country that harbored bin Laden for ten years? Apologize to a country that today harbors insurgents that kill our military heroes in the battle fields, while we send them billions in foreign aid?
Do you think that maybe there's a tie between this President apologizing for our great country, and his twenty years listening to Rev. Wright "God_ _ _ _ing America"?
Gee, Mr. President, if you're in an apologetic mood I've got some things you can apologize for:
1. Your administration's failure to pass a budget in over three years.
2. Increasing the National Debt by over $5Trillion dollars.
3. Increasing and maintaining unemployment to over 8% while you've been in office.
4. Refusing for drill for oil on our own soil while gas prices have increased over 100%
5. "Jamming" your personal legacy health care bill, and then offering 1,342 waivers; many
to your loyal Union supporters.
6. The House has passed over forty job bills and presented them to the Senate, only to have
Harry Reid refuse to bring them up for votes.
7. Your own budget proposal was shot down 0-513, and 0-99 in the House and Senate.
8. Increasing welfare/food stamps/unemployment entitlements making you the food stamp
9. And maybe your biggest apology should go to our service men/women and their families
for the fiasco you're causing in the Middle East, and easing up on Iran allowing them
more "wiggle room" in their quest for nuclear power.
And I was only getting started, but I only have so much room on my blog. Has anyone explained to this President that if you keep apologizing you make this great country seem so very weak.
And seriously, you want us to give you four more years to continue to apologize?
and that's Politics with Pete for today.
Well, including his campaign speeches here and abroad, this President has been apologizing for this great country for over four years. He now is strongly considering apologizing to Pakistan for the drones. Apologize to a country that harbored bin Laden for ten years? Apologize to a country that today harbors insurgents that kill our military heroes in the battle fields, while we send them billions in foreign aid?
Do you think that maybe there's a tie between this President apologizing for our great country, and his twenty years listening to Rev. Wright "God_ _ _ _ing America"?
Gee, Mr. President, if you're in an apologetic mood I've got some things you can apologize for:
1. Your administration's failure to pass a budget in over three years.
2. Increasing the National Debt by over $5Trillion dollars.
3. Increasing and maintaining unemployment to over 8% while you've been in office.
4. Refusing for drill for oil on our own soil while gas prices have increased over 100%
5. "Jamming" your personal legacy health care bill, and then offering 1,342 waivers; many
to your loyal Union supporters.
6. The House has passed over forty job bills and presented them to the Senate, only to have
Harry Reid refuse to bring them up for votes.
7. Your own budget proposal was shot down 0-513, and 0-99 in the House and Senate.
8. Increasing welfare/food stamps/unemployment entitlements making you the food stamp
9. And maybe your biggest apology should go to our service men/women and their families
for the fiasco you're causing in the Middle East, and easing up on Iran allowing them
more "wiggle room" in their quest for nuclear power.
And I was only getting started, but I only have so much room on my blog. Has anyone explained to this President that if you keep apologizing you make this great country seem so very weak.
And seriously, you want us to give you four more years to continue to apologize?
and that's Politics with Pete for today.
Thursday, May 17, 2012
But I like him better
The worst boss I ever had was a man I personally liked a lot. He was not a strong leader, and was afraid to make a decision, buy boy was he ever a nice guy to have a beer with. Conversely the best boss I ever had was a decent fair man that I strongly respected, but I did not care for personally, and never shared a beer with him and never socialized with him. I have a few very close friends that I would do anything for, however I think they would be terrible U.S. Presidents. In fact, I'm a pretty likeable guy myself, but anybody that would vote for me better get their head examined.
All that the media is reflecting today is how likeable and personable President Obama is. I refer to his latest visit to The View. The women on the show were falling all over him, with their "softball" questions; so adoring to him.
This President has failed and lied in all his promises since he's been in office. His only true accomplishment is a failing health care program that to date has 1,342 waivers, and many companies and universities are now dropping health care to employees and students. His administration has not passed a budget since he's been in office. The President's latest budget submission was vetoed 513-0 in the house, and 97-0 in the Senate, but "Gee, I like him better" seems to be all we hear.
This President has increased our national debt by $5.6Trillion, gas prices have increased by over 100%, true unemployment is over 14%, has flip-flopped on more issues than a live fish in the boat. He wants to shut down our rights to carry arms, and he continues to funnel money into losing corporations like Solyndra.
Polls are reflecting that he's losing when it comes to managing the economy of this country, and the country will not be better off in four years if he gets reelected. And yet this President is ahead in all the "popularity" polls, showing that he has a great chance of having four more years in the White House.
President Obama keeps using those words "fair share". He continues to convince his entitlement followers in welfare/food stamps/unemployment that he will "spread the wealth" in his next four years. Has anyone explained capitalism to this man? In Reagan's terms, capitalism means we must shrink government, tell them to get out of the way, and let the private sector create jobs. In capitalism there are winners and there are losers. There is free will in capitalism. And yet we hear, "But gee I like him better".
Oh yes, President Obama is a great speaker, and is a good husband and father, and is very popular in many circles, but come on people do you want to vote for a man to get us through these troubled economic times that may not be as "Hollywood" as this President, but has definitely better and more proven credentials. or do you want this same man to continue carrying us down the same path we're on now just because he's a nice looking man, speaks well, and you "like better"? Am I the only one who finds it strange our President has never held a job?
I keep asking my Democrat friends that voted for Obama in '08 to tell me one thing this President has done while in office that you would like him to repeat if he gets reelected. No responses yet! There is one thing I now agree with Obama....we need a change now.
And that's Politics with Pete for today
All that the media is reflecting today is how likeable and personable President Obama is. I refer to his latest visit to The View. The women on the show were falling all over him, with their "softball" questions; so adoring to him.
This President has failed and lied in all his promises since he's been in office. His only true accomplishment is a failing health care program that to date has 1,342 waivers, and many companies and universities are now dropping health care to employees and students. His administration has not passed a budget since he's been in office. The President's latest budget submission was vetoed 513-0 in the house, and 97-0 in the Senate, but "Gee, I like him better" seems to be all we hear.
This President has increased our national debt by $5.6Trillion, gas prices have increased by over 100%, true unemployment is over 14%, has flip-flopped on more issues than a live fish in the boat. He wants to shut down our rights to carry arms, and he continues to funnel money into losing corporations like Solyndra.
Polls are reflecting that he's losing when it comes to managing the economy of this country, and the country will not be better off in four years if he gets reelected. And yet this President is ahead in all the "popularity" polls, showing that he has a great chance of having four more years in the White House.
President Obama keeps using those words "fair share". He continues to convince his entitlement followers in welfare/food stamps/unemployment that he will "spread the wealth" in his next four years. Has anyone explained capitalism to this man? In Reagan's terms, capitalism means we must shrink government, tell them to get out of the way, and let the private sector create jobs. In capitalism there are winners and there are losers. There is free will in capitalism. And yet we hear, "But gee I like him better".
Oh yes, President Obama is a great speaker, and is a good husband and father, and is very popular in many circles, but come on people do you want to vote for a man to get us through these troubled economic times that may not be as "Hollywood" as this President, but has definitely better and more proven credentials. or do you want this same man to continue carrying us down the same path we're on now just because he's a nice looking man, speaks well, and you "like better"? Am I the only one who finds it strange our President has never held a job?
I keep asking my Democrat friends that voted for Obama in '08 to tell me one thing this President has done while in office that you would like him to repeat if he gets reelected. No responses yet! There is one thing I now agree with Obama....we need a change now.
And that's Politics with Pete for today
Monday, May 14, 2012
2,977 Pages
Remember when then-Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi stood in front of Congress and giggled in a condescending manner that "you have to read the bill to find out what's in it"? Then the Bill was passed by a Democrat controlled House and Senate. The Bill was dubbed "Obamacare", and was destined to be this President's legacy. Subsequently many institutions, corporations, some Unions, universities, etc., DID take the time to read and peruse the Obamacare health bill of 2,977 pages. As complaints about Obamacare began to roll in certain institutions, corporations, Unions, schools were granted "waivers" from Obamacare.Why was it necessary to grant all the waivers? Was something wrong?, and I've often wondered why ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, and MSNBC never reported that. Can you guess why?
Remember when President Obama "threatened" that if his debt ceiling wasn't raised "I cannot guarantee Social Security checks will be mailed out this month". Of course that was a scare tactic and a lie. The President does not have the power to stop the monthly mailings of Social Security checks. Much the same way the President threatened that if Obamacare wasn't passed just maybe Medicare payments would not go out. This is another lie that was not broadcasted by the media.
However, one definite piece of information the Obamacare supporters did not report, that should frighten all Medicare beneficiaries, is that Obamacare, if upheld by the Supreme Court, will raid $500Billion from Medicare to pay for health insurance to thirty million people that will be lifted from the uninsured. Many of these thirty million are already young and healthy, and are more than able to find employment and seek their own health insurance.
And maybe the most dangerous prospect of all; if the Supreme Court passes Obamacare, a committee of fifteen unelected so called officials, called the Independent Payment Advisory Board will be formed. Their main charter will be to "ration"health care to the elderly. While there is no definite proof, it is also presumed that this board will also ration Medicare payments. Again, no reporting from the media on this subject.
Will someone please read the Constitution to the President. He feels Obamacare should fly through untouched and approved by the Supreme Court because an strong majority in Congress passed the Bill. President Obama is not stupid, he just feels he is above the Constitution of the United States. This is truly unconstitutional.
Isn't it about time that ALL 2,977 pages of Obamacare is read now before a final vote by the Supreme Court is decided. Where are you media?
and that's Politics with Pete for today
Remember when President Obama "threatened" that if his debt ceiling wasn't raised "I cannot guarantee Social Security checks will be mailed out this month". Of course that was a scare tactic and a lie. The President does not have the power to stop the monthly mailings of Social Security checks. Much the same way the President threatened that if Obamacare wasn't passed just maybe Medicare payments would not go out. This is another lie that was not broadcasted by the media.
However, one definite piece of information the Obamacare supporters did not report, that should frighten all Medicare beneficiaries, is that Obamacare, if upheld by the Supreme Court, will raid $500Billion from Medicare to pay for health insurance to thirty million people that will be lifted from the uninsured. Many of these thirty million are already young and healthy, and are more than able to find employment and seek their own health insurance.
And maybe the most dangerous prospect of all; if the Supreme Court passes Obamacare, a committee of fifteen unelected so called officials, called the Independent Payment Advisory Board will be formed. Their main charter will be to "ration"health care to the elderly. While there is no definite proof, it is also presumed that this board will also ration Medicare payments. Again, no reporting from the media on this subject.
Will someone please read the Constitution to the President. He feels Obamacare should fly through untouched and approved by the Supreme Court because an strong majority in Congress passed the Bill. President Obama is not stupid, he just feels he is above the Constitution of the United States. This is truly unconstitutional.
Isn't it about time that ALL 2,977 pages of Obamacare is read now before a final vote by the Supreme Court is decided. Where are you media?
and that's Politics with Pete for today
Sunday, May 13, 2012
Who really cares
I am blessed with three wonderful daughters. Two have give me five lovely grandchildren ranging in ages from nineteen to five. The oldest is currently studying pre-med at Duke University. The other five are fantastic children, that will definitely see college one day. The sixteen and twelve year old can already tell you what schools they will be attending, while the five year old believes she's the next J-Lo.
My oldest daughter is a Lesbian, and two years ago my wife and I flew to Tacoma, WA to witness her marriage to her life partner. When I think of my daughter I don't even think of her sexual orientation. I think of her two Masters Degrees, the two houses she owns, the job as a department manager in a hospital that she holds, and how happy and healthy she is. None of us, her mother, her two sisters, nor I, ever think of her sexual orientation.
She was born with minor cerebral palsy, and yet swims, rides horses, and is an avid gardener in her spare time. The very last thing we think about is her sexual orientation. I am so proud of my other two daughters who have blessed me with five fantastic grandchildren, and I certainly don't give a thought to their heterosexual orientation. I have always treated my daughter's wife as my daughter-in-law.
I find myself feeling sorry for the homophobiacs who have turned their backs instead of reaching out to others who have different beliefs in sexuality than we do. My oldest daughter had a tough start of her homosexuality, but pressed on, and today is living a blessed marriage, that is accepted by all in the family. She is very close to her, sisters and nephews and niece.
What has this to do with Politics with Pete? I find it interesting that our two campaigning political parties are raising such issues as same-sex marriage on their individual campaigning tours. Is it because President Obama is using this controversy to has poor record, flip-flopping, and lies, and what he has not accomplished during his first, and hopefully, last term in office?
Same sex unities are such a non-issue. When John and Jane Doe are sitting at the kitchen table, after they've been out of work for over a year, and and wondering how to make their monthly financial obligations, do you think they really care the sexual orientation of their neighbors, or even other member of their family?
President Obama, Governor Romney, along with most of the bias media, get off the topics of homosexuality and same sex marriage. AMERICANS DONT REALLY CARE! What Americans are concentrating on are focused on jobs, jobs, jobs, the economy, the enormous deficit Government spending, and one other thing; JOBS! John and Jane Doe want to pay their mortgages, bills, feed and clothe their children, have money available to send their children to college. They just plain don't care of their neighbor's sexual orientation.
And that's Politics with Pete for today.
My oldest daughter is a Lesbian, and two years ago my wife and I flew to Tacoma, WA to witness her marriage to her life partner. When I think of my daughter I don't even think of her sexual orientation. I think of her two Masters Degrees, the two houses she owns, the job as a department manager in a hospital that she holds, and how happy and healthy she is. None of us, her mother, her two sisters, nor I, ever think of her sexual orientation.
She was born with minor cerebral palsy, and yet swims, rides horses, and is an avid gardener in her spare time. The very last thing we think about is her sexual orientation. I am so proud of my other two daughters who have blessed me with five fantastic grandchildren, and I certainly don't give a thought to their heterosexual orientation. I have always treated my daughter's wife as my daughter-in-law.
I find myself feeling sorry for the homophobiacs who have turned their backs instead of reaching out to others who have different beliefs in sexuality than we do. My oldest daughter had a tough start of her homosexuality, but pressed on, and today is living a blessed marriage, that is accepted by all in the family. She is very close to her, sisters and nephews and niece.
What has this to do with Politics with Pete? I find it interesting that our two campaigning political parties are raising such issues as same-sex marriage on their individual campaigning tours. Is it because President Obama is using this controversy to has poor record, flip-flopping, and lies, and what he has not accomplished during his first, and hopefully, last term in office?
Same sex unities are such a non-issue. When John and Jane Doe are sitting at the kitchen table, after they've been out of work for over a year, and and wondering how to make their monthly financial obligations, do you think they really care the sexual orientation of their neighbors, or even other member of their family?
President Obama, Governor Romney, along with most of the bias media, get off the topics of homosexuality and same sex marriage. AMERICANS DONT REALLY CARE! What Americans are concentrating on are focused on jobs, jobs, jobs, the economy, the enormous deficit Government spending, and one other thing; JOBS! John and Jane Doe want to pay their mortgages, bills, feed and clothe their children, have money available to send their children to college. They just plain don't care of their neighbor's sexual orientation.
And that's Politics with Pete for today.
Friday, May 11, 2012
Foreign No-Trade
I think most of us can agree, regardless of your political leanings, that free-trade agreements with foreign countries go a long way to stimulate job growth. During his eight years in office President George W. bush negotiated eleven free-trade agreements which included Columbia, Korea, Chile, and Australia. After three and a half years in office can anyone guess how many free-trade agreements President Obama has negotiated? Zero, yes zero, nada, not a one. A lot of pundits will claim that Obama inherited a bad economy that "all Bush's fault", and yet Obama has done nothing to create jobs by initiating any free-trade agreements with foreign countries.
President Obama seems to be extremely naive when it comes to dealing with other countries. All can agree Israel is the U.S.'s closest ally in the Middle East, and yet this President continues to alienate Israel's Benjamin Netanyahu, while he accepts large campaign contribution from a strong Palestinian activist.
We continue to send foreign aid to Egypt where we have less than a five per cent approval. We are also easing sanctions on Iran "by 20%" as they continue to build their nuclear base. In fact many of the countries we send foreign aid actually vote against the U.S. at UN meetings, and yet we continue to send foreign aid to these countries.
Many say President Obama is weak in decision making regarding the Middle East. Also, many say our allies are beginning to disrespect us, while our enemies are becoming stronger in their hatred of the U.S. Mr. President, be the strong leader you were voted in to be.
and that's Politics with Pete for today.
President Obama seems to be extremely naive when it comes to dealing with other countries. All can agree Israel is the U.S.'s closest ally in the Middle East, and yet this President continues to alienate Israel's Benjamin Netanyahu, while he accepts large campaign contribution from a strong Palestinian activist.
We continue to send foreign aid to Egypt where we have less than a five per cent approval. We are also easing sanctions on Iran "by 20%" as they continue to build their nuclear base. In fact many of the countries we send foreign aid actually vote against the U.S. at UN meetings, and yet we continue to send foreign aid to these countries.
Many say President Obama is weak in decision making regarding the Middle East. Also, many say our allies are beginning to disrespect us, while our enemies are becoming stronger in their hatred of the U.S. Mr. President, be the strong leader you were voted in to be.
and that's Politics with Pete for today.
Thursday, May 10, 2012
I remember when President Obama was campaigning in '07 & '08. He, along with his wife , encouraged everyone to strive to reach their goals, that anything is possible to be successful in this great country. Gee, I wish he would've finished his context, by saying, "and when you get successful I'm gonna raise your taxes". Has anyone told the President that if you increase taxes on corporations, they are just going to pass that increase onto the end consumer, or worse yet move their operations to China.
Americans are smart people. We know the figure of 8.1% unemployment is totally understated. The true figure is over 14%. As the saying goes; figures don't lie, but liars can figure.
Currently over 350,000 Americans each week file for unemployment for the first time, while this President has raised our national debt nearly $6Trillion. If you took all the money, yes I mean ALL the money from every millionaire and billionaire in the U.S., and gave it to our Government it wouldn't even dent our national debt of nearly $16Trillion.
Now, here's a novel idea. One from a President from the '80's; Lower corporate taxes significantly; to the point where corporations will feel secure enough to invest, expand, and hire.
Sure would put a lot of people back to work.
By the way what does the President want to do with the money he gets from increased taxes on the rich? Some say he wants to expand his entitlement programs to make sure people on welfare/unemployment/food stamps continue to get their "fair share".
As I've asked many times before...when's the last time someone on welfare/unemployment/food stamps ever created a job? Well the good news for Obama is you can bet these "fair share" entitlement people will vote for him in November.
and that's Politics with Pete for today.
Americans are smart people. We know the figure of 8.1% unemployment is totally understated. The true figure is over 14%. As the saying goes; figures don't lie, but liars can figure.
Currently over 350,000 Americans each week file for unemployment for the first time, while this President has raised our national debt nearly $6Trillion. If you took all the money, yes I mean ALL the money from every millionaire and billionaire in the U.S., and gave it to our Government it wouldn't even dent our national debt of nearly $16Trillion.
Now, here's a novel idea. One from a President from the '80's; Lower corporate taxes significantly; to the point where corporations will feel secure enough to invest, expand, and hire.
Sure would put a lot of people back to work.
By the way what does the President want to do with the money he gets from increased taxes on the rich? Some say he wants to expand his entitlement programs to make sure people on welfare/unemployment/food stamps continue to get their "fair share".
As I've asked many times before...when's the last time someone on welfare/unemployment/food stamps ever created a job? Well the good news for Obama is you can bet these "fair share" entitlement people will vote for him in November.
and that's Politics with Pete for today.
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
"Oh that's just media bias". How many times have you heard that? I'm old enough to remember when we got the daily news from just a few radio stations and that antiquated appliance called "black & white" TV. In the early evening we tuned the TV to either Cronkite, Murrow, or Huntley-Brinkley. They delivered the news with integrity, honesty, and most importantly they reported the facts without any bias. Even if we knew they had a particular "leaning", they still honored their commitments to deliver the news factually to the American people.
Today we have virtually thousands of "talk radio" shows, the Internet, and so many Cable TV outlets that most people hardly tune into the major network news stations anymore.
And they are all competing for that ugly thing called ratings. We've all heard and seen to what lengths some of these radio and TV stations will go to just to increase ratings, while hiding behind The First Amendment. Some stations go so far as to use the shock treatment by reporting lies, blasphemy, and strong personal attacks, which takes me to the reason for today's message.
The double standard of radio, TV, and Internet reporting must stop. These stations and networks owe the American people to report the facts with integrity and honesty. Yes, there can be time for editorial-opinions during broadcasts, but we really don't want to be entertained, we just want the news; honestly, factually, and without bias reporting. We only need to review the Trayvon Martin-George Zimmerman story, and how one network reported it. Worse, their biased reporting sparked further tragedies that can be related to race.
The answer? network and program managers assure the American people that you are more interested in reporting the facts than ratings.
Our country needs some Cronkites, Murrows, and Huntley-Brinkley's. Where are you?
And that's Politics with Pete today
"Oh that's just media bias". How many times have you heard that? I'm old enough to remember when we got the daily news from just a few radio stations and that antiquated appliance called "black & white" TV. In the early evening we tuned the TV to either Cronkite, Murrow, or Huntley-Brinkley. They delivered the news with integrity, honesty, and most importantly they reported the facts without any bias. Even if we knew they had a particular "leaning", they still honored their commitments to deliver the news factually to the American people.
Today we have virtually thousands of "talk radio" shows, the Internet, and so many Cable TV outlets that most people hardly tune into the major network news stations anymore.
And they are all competing for that ugly thing called ratings. We've all heard and seen to what lengths some of these radio and TV stations will go to just to increase ratings, while hiding behind The First Amendment. Some stations go so far as to use the shock treatment by reporting lies, blasphemy, and strong personal attacks, which takes me to the reason for today's message.
The double standard of radio, TV, and Internet reporting must stop. These stations and networks owe the American people to report the facts with integrity and honesty. Yes, there can be time for editorial-opinions during broadcasts, but we really don't want to be entertained, we just want the news; honestly, factually, and without bias reporting. We only need to review the Trayvon Martin-George Zimmerman story, and how one network reported it. Worse, their biased reporting sparked further tragedies that can be related to race.
The answer? network and program managers assure the American people that you are more interested in reporting the facts than ratings.
Our country needs some Cronkites, Murrows, and Huntley-Brinkley's. Where are you?
And that's Politics with Pete today
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