Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Ya think, just maybe?

After Donald Trump went through the rigorous task of legally and successfully capturing the nomination many thought the entire GOP would endorse, support, and lend all their resources.
It was obvious Trump was the GOP candidate to move forward to defeat Crooked Hillary. I mean, after all, isn't the main role of the GOP party to get behind their candidate, and do all that's necessary to dethrone the vast, powerful, and extremely corrupt Soetero/Clinton machine?

Many, including me, will tell you that Trump was not the first choice of the 17 candidates that started the debates last year. But why have so many GOP individuals still fighting against supporting Mr. Trump? Just what are the reasons that these GOP'ers will refuse to endorse and help Mr. Trump? Of course they must know by now that not supporting Mr. Trump in reality is supportong Crooked Hillary.

The Bush's, Ohio's Gov. Kasich, John McCain, Mitt Romney, Paul Ryan, Mitch McConnel, Susan Collins, and a host of other GOP Congress men/women have even taken to writing a letter to RNC Chairman Priebus to cut off funding for Mr. Trump's campaign. Why is that?  Even cry-baby Cruz was seen at the DNC convention a few weeks ago. Is there something going on that we average middle class Americans aren't being told?

There was plenty of time last year when there were 17 candidates that could've been bolstered and supported by these cry babies instead of Trump. And we all know that despite these losers, along with the horrible leftist media, the American spoke out in overwhelming droves that the choice of American people to represent them to challenge Crooked Hillary is Donald Trump.

To me, personally, my biggest disappointment is Ohio's Governor John Kasich, as I reside in Ohio. He is certainly showing a cry-baby playground mentality. He says he just doesn't share Trump's policies. Really, Gov. Kasich....are you going with that? Someone should wake up and tell Kasich that there is no such thing as a "perfect" candidate, but we're talking Crooked Hillary here. Does Ohio's Governor think about what Crooked Hillary will bring to the White House if she's elected.  Mr. Trump needs Ohio's electorate votes. Don't deny him that Governor Kasich because you don't like some of his policies.

I also have entertained an "out of left field" theory that has been rattling around in my empty  head. We all know that Mr. Trump wants to attack American companies that have sent their businesses to foreign countries. Many American manufacturers are having their products made cheaper in places like China, Taiwan, India, Sri Lanka, etc., etc.

Now we all know that many of these Americans have lobbyists that represent them to keep these companies overseas for cheaper labor.  My questioning theory is that just maybe there are a lot of GOP turncoats on the lobbyists' "payroll", and do not want Mr. Trump to cut off the cheap labor profits that many manufacturers are enjoying now. Mr. Trump wants to cut corporate taxes from 35% to 15%, in order to bring jobs back to the U.S.

As of this morning there are over 100 GOP Congressmen/women vowing to not endorse and/or support Mr. Trump. Are they so selfish in putting themselves ahead of the American people?
Or is it because they feel they can't get elected by their constituents  if they support Mr. Trump come this November? These turncoats are endangering America into four more years of Barry Soetero. This is actually by Crooked Hillary's own admission. 

Crooked Hillary wants to expand the failed Obamacare, she wants to attack corporations by increasing heavier taxes, so she can continue Barry Soetero's give-away programs. She wants to bring Slick Willy and Sext maniac Anthony Weiner back into the White House, along with Muslim Brotherhood member Huma Abedin.  She also wants to open our country's borders even wider, while giving automatic amnesty to illegals already here with free health care and education.

Why would these GOP turncoat cry-babies want to give Crooked Hillary a chance to continue the downward spiral of our country. Wouldn't you think that these GOP cry-baby turncoats would listen to the millions of Americans that support Mr. Trump? Something's going on.

So I'll close with my "left field" theory in a question. Are D.C. lobbyists funnelling money to these GOP cry-baby turncoats to stop Mr. Trump from trying to bring jobs back to the American people.  Think about it.

And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless America, our troops, and officers in Blue.
(Please follow me on my You Tube video blogs, Politics with Pete)

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