Just about every hour you can bet someone 'famous' will appear on TV or radio to plea to the evil radical looters to "stop these unconstitutional actions". Does anyone believe these evil hoodlums care one iota what these 'famous' people have to say. In fact, a large majority of these evil radicals don't even know why they're out there destoying private property.
Let's look at the facts, pure facts, surrounding the evil actions by unruly mobs led by Antifa and BLM, and we know who is funding these two evil organizations. Yes, that's right, the evil George Soros. The goal of this anti-semite is to destroy the United States and Israel.
Another driving force behind all these lootings and property destructions that occur every day on the streets of Chicago, Oakland, Baltimore, Detroit, L.A., St. Louis, Portland, and Seattle. Oh yes, let's not forget Francisco, where Nancy Pelosi's filthy homeless district grows each day. Now what do all these cities have in common? If you guessed that these cities are all managed by Democrat Mayors, and their Democrat governors; all led by their hatred of our President, Donald Trump.
All these Democrat Governors and Mayors get their 'marching orders from Nutty Nancy Pelosi and Cryin' Chuck Schumur. And we all know who is behind plot to overthrow our country, and is supplying their needed supplies and financial support. Our favorite evil man, George Soros.
Socialist Democrat lawmakers want us to believe everything they do is for middle class Americans. Then why are states and cities that are run by Democat lawmakers are the only states with rioting and looting problems.
Baltimore, Maryland.... Los Angeles, California....Chicago, Illinois....Detroit, Michigan....
Portland, Oregon....Seattle, Washington. These cities and states have Democrat Mayors with Democrat Governors, all with a deep overwhelming hatred for our President Trump. Just imagine, if you will, Democrats accepted Donald Trump as our President. What if Pelosi and Schumur from the House and Senate decided to 'listen' to the proposals of our President, instead of scheming to look for ways to remove President Trump immediately without even listening or discussing issues, ideas, and solutions to the days' problems.
Back to the looting and destroying of private property, and even federal buildings. When you see a large Black Antifa or BLM man pick up a brick, pipe, or any other large destructive object and throw it through a window, or a woman throwing a molotov cocktail at a police cruiser do you think for one instant that these evil Black Antifa and BLM terrorists care what's being said to stop all the violence? Of course not!
And these evil Antifa and BLM looters will not stop. They know the Democrat led city liberal leaders want to defund their police force, even eliminate their police force all together. These liberal mayors and Governors, led by Pelosi and Schumur, hate our President so much they would rather see our country fail than to see President Trump get a win.
Democrat Mayors in these ravaged cities are foolishly trying to convince their residents that Trump is behind all these lootings and property vandalizing. So why is this happening only in Democrat-led cities? I know if I was a career criminal I'd immediately take off for one of these cities that doesn't care about enforcing law and order on their streets.
Yeah, we gotta get these evil Antifa and BLM people off are streets, and I'd like to end with something actor Sean Connery said in the movie 'The Untouchables'...."If he brings a knife, then you bring a gun....if he puts one of yours in the hospital, you put one of them in the morgue".
That's all these evil Antifa and BLM thugs really understand. You can't coddle or promise.
You go in and scare the sh** out of these thugs.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country and our troops
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