Friday, July 10, 2020

Standards anyone?

Oh yeah, we got standards; double standards, triple, quadruple, even quintruple standards. Hey, if you have a cause you're fighting for or a task of trying to correct a wrong, boy do we have a standard for you. Pick one, any one, and we all know standards are so simple and easy to apply. If you don't believe me ask the media, Socialist Dems, and our Hollyood elites. Have you heard about our wonderful elites? Yes, they amassed $20 million from their palatial estates to be used as bail for any arrested protester. Wanna know how much the elites gave to victims of the criminal looters? Not a dam penney!

Just one of many "standards" : George Floyd had a rap sheet longer than his arm, including felony crimes, convictions, and prison. He is called the Gentle Giant. I wonder if he was considered a gentle giant when he pressed a loaded gun into the belly of a six-month pregnant woman. Oh yes, he was gentle all right, and he was given a funeral fit for royalty including a gold casket.  He is now a symbol for the looters and protesters.

Now, I'm an 85-yr. old, military veteran, college graduate, and the only laws I have ever broken are speeding and parking. Actually, I'm very boring. Compared to Mr. Floyd's funeral, I expext to be laid to rest in the Vatican with all the saints. Yes,  I am a very boring old timer, but man I am very proud of the way I was raised, and the parental guidance I received, and for the love and respect I have for this great country.

I am a big proponent of mandatory military service by all able bodied young men and women at the age of 18 or after high school graduation.  Any plans for college, etc., can be put on hold for two years. My four years in the military before college was the best decision I ever made.  I learned so much about country, flag, honor, respect, discipline, and maybe the most important lesson I learned in the military is how to mature and take responsibility for all my actions, and how to live and respect all others. I learned so much by serving my country, and it definitely helped me in my future.

And don't approach me with that injustice and inequality junk. My father, with no education and unable to speak English, migrated to here, worked in the steel mills for 48 years. He took a lot of ridicule, teasing, and unwarranted acts toward him. But Dad just worked, took care of his family, and lived a decent law-abiding, and responsible life. He passed that down to my sisters and me, and we passed these values down to our children. See how that works folks. Not that hard to be a good American.

Why does the Black community believe their answer for everything is to blame so many others for their own home made problems? Antifa, BLM, funded by evil George Soros has at its main goal to destroy America by protests, looting, destroying homes and properties from people who worked hard for their possessions.  Inequality, reparations, and racism are all words we seem to hear every day. When, when, will the Black community ever start takinge any responsibility for their problems?It's always the fault of others, never themselves.

We've all seen recent videos on TV depicting Black thugs from BLM and Antifa randomly attacking elderliess and women. These evil thugs even attack those handicapped, on a walker or wheelchair. Im 85 with a little Parkinson's, and spend a lot of time in public in my wheelchair. I am very vulnerable to any attacks. I have no stability in my arms and legs if I try to walk properly.

But what I DO  have is a license to legally carry a firearm. Target shooting, and reloading was always a hobby of mine. One of the five firearms I own is my .38 special snub-nosed Smith and Wesson. I pray that I'll never have to point and shoot my firearm at anything but an inanimate target. However, as I'm toodling around in my wheelchair in public I will have my .38 special concealed on my body. If anyone physically accosts me or my family in an attempt to do bodily harm, under my 2nd Amendment rights I will shoot to kill. 

Those Black thug cowards from BLM and Antifa only attack when they outnumber their prey.
They are the epitome of an old name given them years ago: "jungle bunnies".  They are the most dispicable humans on earth with their only goal being to destroy our America. Hey Antifa and BLM Please know you will not defeat us. The largest fighting force is America's citizens. We will not let you "jungle bunnies" defeat us.

And thar's Politics with Pete for today....God bless America and our troops.

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