The main stream fake news media is once again on their bandwagons. Most of us remember singer Anne Murray's song, "Little Good News Today". The idea of the song is there's so much crime and destruction in the world today, that we all need 'a little good news'. But, on the other hand, and speaking objectively, 'good news' is actually boring and not too appetizing for people who want eye-popping, controversial, and even questionable lies.
Actually, the 'fake news' media were salivating with joy in 2016 when President Trump won our national election. The media, since 2016, have enjoyed so many avenues of lies and personal attacks. And of course the 'fake news' gang quickly realized they could say, report, and print anything they wanted. Really, who was going to challenge them? Now add to that their overwhelming hatred of President Trump.
Soon the Never-Trumpers, and the Anti-Trumpers were joined by talk show hosts and even prominent Hollywood elites. Infamous Hollywood actors even called for unthinkable horrific acts be done to President Trump and his family, including death. Of course the fake news gang is gonna report all this sensationalism, even if most are either lies instead of truth and facts.
Now why would the fake news people want to report such boring news as lower taxes, lower unemployment, slashed EPA regs, lowest unemployment in decades among African, Latino, and Asian Americans, etc.? Those are boring stories and nobody wants to hear or read anything positive that our President has accomplished, and continues to do so.
Now, of course this hatred of President Trump is led by several Democrats. First there's Crooked Hillary who reamins great ammunition for the fake news groups. Poor Hillary never has now, and never will accept the results of the 2016 election. Now that alone excites the fake news. That stuff, even untrue is great for ratings. Did I mention there's another group of Trump haters? This group, I call the "gasoline gang". They continue to throw thier own corrupt 'gasoline' to support the fake news while continuing their lies and attacks. You know who they are; Pelosi, Schumur, Nadler, Schiff, and Biden.
So the next time anyone sharply criticizes President Trump for his Twitter activities, please remember this great man cannot rely on the fake news gang to get out his information to the American people. Everything the fake news reports about Pres Trump are lies fretted with personal attacks on him and his family. We know that ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, and MSNBC will not report news with integrity. I'm hoping President Trump continues, and even increases, his social media communicating to the American people.
So, in closing let's face it. This President has a strong head wind in dealing with all these groups that hate him and want him taken down. However, and this is a big HOWEVER, and I'm sure the never Trumpers know all too well: THERE ARE 63 MILLION OF US THAT PAY NO ATTENTION TO THE MEDIA AND HOLLYWOOD ELITES, and this scares the hell out of the Trump haters.
That's it today folks....God bless America and our troops
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