Did you watch yesterday's Presidential press conference? (Thurs. Feb. 16, 2017) I enjoyed the media aftermath responses as much as I enjoyed the presser itself. First, it was obvious that President Trump held a press conference like no other we have witnessed. Our President took the press reporters and their left-leaning networks figuratively straight to the woodshed. It's also obvious that our President emerged victorious.
At a time when our country needs jobs what did President Trump do yesterday? He removed the unnecessary EPA regulations that was designed to shut down the coal mining industry. By doing this our President created thousands of jobs for coal miners. But did the media report any of the coal miners new job creation?
Instead the crying, whining media are still "carrying" Crooked Hillary. The news outlets of ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, and MSNBC will always hate President Trump, furthermore, they refuse to accept that the election is over. The war waged by the media against our President is ongoing, and it's easy to comprehend that President Trump is winning the war.
And my message to the GOP is don't let the lib Dems get away with their crap. It's time for the GOP House & Senate members "grow a pair", and help our President push back and reveal the the "very fake news" the media is spewing out. Thank God President Trump has us middle Americans supporting him all the way. Now we just have to get GOP leaders in Congress to fight with him. It seems that our President is out there on his own.
My favorite scene from the movie The Untouchables was when Sean Connery said to Elliott Ness, played by K. Costner, "If the other guy brings a knife to the fight, you bring a gun....if he puts one of your is the hospital, you put one of his in the morgue". Of course I don't mean this literally. I oppose any form of violence.
I'm speaking metaphorically of course. House and Senate GOP don't seem to grasp that no one is taking the lying media, lib Dems, the "elites" to task. They are attacking our President from all angles, and the GOP leaders are just sitting back "playing defense". Are we the same kind of wuss that we accused Barry Soetero of being for eight years?
Why aren't we attacking the lib Dems for Ted Kennedy begging the Russian KGB to help the Democrat Party defeat Ronald Reagan? One must wonder what kind of help he was asking for.
And why isn't the GOP reminding America what Barry Soetero said to Russian President Medvedev right before the 2012 election, "Tell Mr. Putin, I will have more flexibility after this election", only to have Medvedev to respond, "I will give Mr. Putin this message, and he will stand with you".
You just wonder what that conversation meant. And of course we cannot forget Crooked Hillary's attempt at trying to "make nice" with Russia. First she concocts a stupid looking red plastic button as a present to "reset" things between Russia and the U.S. Then she follows up with selling (giving) Russia over twenty percent (20%) of our uranium. Of course this was right after Russia gave dover $100,000.00 for just one speech to her pedophille husband Slick Willy.
Of course the news outlets of ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, and MSNBC won't tell you about any of this. But the lib Dems and their fawning media cannot accept that Crooked Hillary lost the election because she just got beat by a better candidate. That's the bottom line. Russia did not help President Trump in any way to win the election. President Trump has never met Vlad Putin, and just because he doesn't want a nuclear war and would like to communicate with Putin, well the lib Dems and their fawning media are creating numerous lies that are completely false.
Yes, President Trump is pushing back hard to the press about their fake news, but watching him today in the press conference I felt that he was out there on his own. It's going to be a codnstant uphill battle for our President against the likes of Chuckie Boy Schemer, lib Dems and the fake news press for four, and most likely eight, years.
Crooked Hillary carried California and New York, so the press gets most of their very fake news from these two states. It was the hard-working, fed up with D.C. people from middle America that electorally voted in Donal J. Trump as our 45th. President. On November 8, 2016 we middle America citizens became just as powerful as the Hollywood elites when we stepped into the voting booth.
Crooked Hillary, her "elites", and the media actually thought that we would change our votes simply by watching Miley Cyrus "twerk" and Brucie Springsteen scream away. Give us more credit please. We won...you lost...get over it.
So GOP'ers grow some large testicles and fight back and fight back hard against the lying media, the defunct lib Dem party, their protests, looting, robbing, and property burning in the streets. Can anyone objectively blame our President from pushing back so hard on the media?Can anyone blame President Trump from using Twitter to get his word out to middle America? Why trust the media to tell truthful news? I wish President Trump would use more social media outlets to get his word out to the people.
The media really has no ammunition to attack our President Trump, so they make up very fake news stories, but President Trump is giving the very fake news media more than they can handle, and they don't know what to do about it. So stand with him and fight as hard as he is.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops.
(Please follow me on my You Tube video blogs, Politics with Pete)
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