In December, 1791 the Bill Of Rights was established by our Founding Fathers and added to our Constitution. I wonder how many have read the First Amendment today and digested what was meant by freedom of speech and expressing your religion. Freedom of speech, freedom of the press, along with the freedom to PEACEFULLY assemble and petition the government are rights afforded to all Americans.
There is nothing in the First Amendment that allows for protests to turn into rioting, looting, and burning to destroy property. There is nothing in the First Amendment that allows for physical disruption of an event by attaacking the participants if their views differ from your own, and then hiding behind the First Amendment right.
Of course our infamous uninformed lib Dems use the First Amendment as one of their platforms to spew lies and hatred at our President Donald J. Trump. The cowardly lib Dems have no where to go, no hard facts to negate our President's decisions, so they quickly rush to the only safety net they have left. That is to lie and personally attack President Trump.
And then when the lib Dems, Hollywood elites, and the media get "called out" for their lies they simply remind us that "it's our First Amendment right". The ignorant lib Dems feel justified in their hatred of President Trump. The hatred from lib Dens now have spread to those that even support President Trump's policies.
However, the truth is that President Trump cares nothing about what the media, lib Dems, and the Hollywood elites say about him, and this is driving these groups of liars and Trump haters completely lost as how to combat our President. And what's more is President Trump is convincing the American people just how dishonest these groups are, especially the media.
Wouldn't it be great if the lib Dems, the media, and our infamous Hollywood elites would just accept that November 8, 2016 is behind us all. the election is over. Your candidate lost, and our candidate won. It's that simple, but so many wonder why the lies, hatred, and personal attacks have continued, and have sunk to their lowest level.
The lib Dems want to make sure this hatred and lies directed at President by their party and the media never vanishes. They are going so far as to hire people and pay them to attend GOP town hall meetings and disrupt their meetings and speeches. Just recently a Huffington Post reporter was photographed actually distributing Russian flags at a GOP town hall meeting.
No one has yet to answer the question why all this hatred? These groups, led by our media, must accept the fact that Crooked Hillary is gone. She will never be the first female president of our country. The electoral college spoke 306 times in November to prove this. All the lies, hatred, and personal attacks are not going to change the outright fact that at least for the next four years Donald Trump will be our President.
Now here's an idea. Why don't the lib Dems spend their energy on trying to rebuild their imploding party instead of wasting useless time attacking our President. For eight years, while Barry Soetero was in office, there were no protests, looting, property damage, along with lies against the lib Dem president. We were told to accept Barry, which we did.
The media does not have a clue on what to make of this President.He simply is not letting the media get away with their lies. President Trump is actually vetting the media in his own way, and is proving to them that he really doesn't need them at all. Now this is driving the media crazy. CNN for example, has been lying and attacking our President all during his campaign. They originated many lies and false polls during President Trump's entire campaign.
After eight years of a spineless self-centered egomaniac in our White House, we now have a strong leader that is not politically correct, and doesn't need the media to forward his agenda.
It's comical that the media and the lib Dems mock our President for using social media to reach the American people. Why wouldn't he? He has made it clear that his message is for the American people, not the lying media.
And that's Politics for Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops.
(Please follow me on my You Tube video blogs, Politics with Pete)
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