Friday, February 10, 2017

It's time Dems

Every time I wan to take a break from blogging some stupid lib Dem or the "fake news" media will say or do something that just gets me running to my Mac to start typing.  Aren't the lib Dems supposed to be regrouping to jump-start their party? It seems very apparent that they want to stay on the their course to self destruct to ruin any chance in the upcoming 2018 mid-term elections.

We all remember Sally Yates, don't we? For those of you who may have forgotten her already, she's the lib Dem that Barry Soetero assigned the position of Assistant Attorney General. Since the lib Dems held up the immediate confirmation of now- Attorney General Sessions, Ms. Yates became the acting Attorney General.

Of course if the ignorant lib Dems in the Senate had confirmed President Trump's nominee for AG Jeff Sessions we would not even had heard about the now defunct Ms. Yates. Subsequently, President Trump ordered acting AG Yates to move on his executive order to temporarily halt any incoming illegals from seven mid eastern countries until they were properly vetted. 

Ms. Yates refused to follow a directive from President Trump, and as a result she was fired by the President. Now this is pretty normal. When the boss tells you to do something, and you disobey, well then you must face the consequences. For Yates it was a valid termination.

The irony here is there were, and still are, some ignorant lib Dems who actually are singing praises for her refusal to "serve at the pleasure of the President".  Lib Dem notables like Crooked Hillary, Pocohantus Warren, and Wind-tunnel face Pelosi called her "a leader for women's rights".  Really?

When are the media and the ignorant lib Dems going to realize that President Trump is not going to be stopped by the failing lib Dem party. They can protest all they want. Black Lives Matter can do all the marching and looting they want. The media can air all the fake news they want. Of course the news will never report about the millions of middle class deplorables that put Mr. Trump in our White House. Don't ever forget us.

This is the first time since 1928 that an incoming Republican U.S. President had a GOP House, Senate, and White House.  The Democratic party is falling apart. They have no basis on their attacks against President Trump, so they must resort to trying to rally their base by using a platform of hatred against our President with lies and personal attacks on him and his family.

There is absolutely nothing the lib Dem and their fawning media can do about Trump's nominees. They are all going to be confirmed, including Judge Gorsuch who is about to become a Supreme Court Justice.  To display their animosity towards the goals of the President does nothing but reflect that the lib Dems will go to any lengths to show their disdain.

Why aren't they at least trying to work with President Trump to help America become strong, safe, and prosperous again? What are the lib Dems hoping to accomplish by using Hollywood elites promoting their hatred toward the President? Do these Hollywood elites think we're going to have a "do-over" election, and convince Americans to trash our President and vote for Crooked Hillary?  Remember Julie Stein? 

Isn't it time for the lib Dems recognize there is a new sheriff in town, and he is unlike any other president before him? President Trump is a no-nonsense strong leader that this country needs, and he will definitely be around for at least four more years. He is the leader we need.

All the hatred spewed out to President Trump is not going to dissuade him from his goals. He has already, in a few weeks, done more than Barry Soetero did in eight years. By the way do ridiculious people like Schumer, Pelosi, Hollywood, and the media think they are helping the American people in any way now? The only thing these ignorant people are really doing is helping President Trump to a reelection in 2020.

Delyaing the nominee appointments is futile thanks to a little assistance from Harry Reid invoking the "nuclear" vote in the Senate.  Every one of these nominees will be confirmed, showing  the lib Dems are more caught up in wasting their time attacking Trump, instead of trying to rebuild their party. Good for us.

And will someone please remind Schumer, Pelosi, Hollywood, and the media that there is a 1952  law in place giving the U.S. President the authority to halt ANY group from entering the U.S. if the President suspects the group to be a danger to our country. and no one, not even the 9th District court can prevent this. This 1952 law is the McCarran-Walter Act. It was used by FDR, Jimmy Carter during the Iran crisis, and yes even their beloved Barry Soetero.

So, please lib Dems please accept that your Crooked Hillary lost the election, and it's time to move forward to help middle class America and give up your "never-Trump" campaign. The election is over, and President Trump will do everything he can to live up to the  promises he made to middle America.  

As Lee Iacoco said in his book many years ago, "lead, follow, or get out of the way". Good advice for you lib Dems to follow. And never forget that Springsteen, Clooney, Cyrus, O'Donnel, Behar, Goldberg, Dunham, and Handler are not helping you at all.

Ant that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops
(Please follow me on my You Tube videos blogs, Politics with Pete)

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