Saturday, January 5, 2013

Taxes, guns, Duke, and the garage

The commander-in-chief, of where I live, otherwise known as "wife", ordered me that I couldn't write another blog until I finished the basement painting and garage clean-up chores.
Well, the joke's on her. I'm not done with my chores and I'm writing my "Politics with Pete" blog. I must admit, though, she's out shopping, and I have the Duke basketball game on TV while I'm writing this.

You know, if it wasn't such a liable offense to the office of the Presidency I'd like to call Mr. Obama a liar. I could write several pages of blogs on Mr. Obama's mis-truths, but the most recent rings a strong bell with me. He kept preaching to his teleprompter that middle class Americans, 98% to be exact, were going to experience a tax saving. He kept reading his teleprompter smiling that only the top 2% would realize a tax increase.

Then would someone, anyone, please explain to me that ALL Americans will be receiving less money in their pay checks starting this year. Oh yes, Mr. Obama forgot to tell us that he stopped the payroll tax cut, thereby assuring that all Americans would be bringing home less money every week. Last week while buying a gallon of paint for my chores I struck up a conversation with the worker there that was  helping me. I noticed he spoke and looked very professional. He told me during my paint selection that he was a former advertising executive that lost his job, and now works at this local warehouse supply store. Bad enough he lost his professional career for now....he's even going to be taking home less pay thanks to Mr. Obama.

If that wasn't bad enough, Mr. Obama increased payroll tax by 2%. from 4.2% payroll tax to 6.2%. And he says that with a big smile as the 2012 food stamps report has just surfaced. Last year Mr. Obama made sure that $80.4 Billion in food stamps alone was sent to the vast majority of the 51% who voted him in office. 

By the way within an hour after he smiled all this news into his teleprompter he jumped on Air Force One, and flew to Hawaii for his belated $4.Million taxpayer funded vacation. This man has no plans to stay in the Oval office and lead. He's not even into his second term, and the label "lame duck" is sticking to him. He is a disgrace to our White House.

His approval ratings in Gallup and Rasmussen polls  have dropped nearly five points since his reelection, and that's before his inauguration into his second term.   Left wing progressive liberal Bob Beckel yesterday on The Five was singing the praises of Mr. Obama by saying that 150,000 jobs were created last month. Beckel claimed, "this shows Obama's plan is working". Will someone ask Beckel if that's the case why are we still at 7.8% unemployment and on the average over 355,000 Americans are filing first time unemployment claims weekly. Wow, Mr. Beckel, what a recovery.

Remember in 2010 when Mr. Obama was singing into his teleprompter about how great a furniture factory was doing and was singing praises like, "this factory is a great example of how hard work is pulling our country up from our economic problems". Wonder how Mr. Obama feels today when he found out that furniture factory just closed its doors and went out of business.  Doesn't seem like a healthy recovery to me. How about you?

Perhaps this next segment of my blog should be "Hooray for Hollywood".  Yesterday morning I was on my way out the door headed to the outdoor movie kiosk to return a movie, and my wife called to me as I was halfway in the car, "see if there's anything decent to watch tonight....and stay away from your murder/mayhem plots please".

When I got to the kiosk and started to review the movies I noticed that most of them were murder, mayhem, gun shooting stories about crime, blood, and, well you name it. I returned home to tell my wife, "ah, nothing good at the kiosk". She then told me to come watch the commercial on TV about gun control. Since my wife and I are both licensed gun owners and handgun carriers she knew I'd want to see the commercial.

There on the TV was a montage of Hollywood actors and actresses staring at the camera reminding us we need gun control because of Newton, CT, Aurora, CO, Virginia Tech, etc. 
Then as soon as one of these "stars" would insist we need stricter handgun policies the TV would quickly show the same "star" in a movie firing away with their gun. In many cases showing blood spurting from someone they just shot. If you get a chance please watch this commercial. Oh yeah, did you know Mr. Obama, with his latest tax raising gimmick, has awarded Hollywood $344.Million in tax cuts. This, for an industry that makes $$Billions from American taxpayers.

I should probably thank the New York newspaper that published the names and addresses of registered gun owners in their readership area. Before that my wife was always telling me, "quit telling people you own and carry a gun...that's private".  Well, the great news is that since this newspaper printed a barrage of gun ownership facts have surfaced.  First, in areas of our country where gun registration is high, and handgun carrying is legal, gun crimes are down.
Secondly, ex-gun criminals are stating that gun carrying criminals like to know which houses have registered guns, because that's the homes they stay away from. It makes sense that criminals will be more likely to "visit" homes that have no registered guns.

Now, my wife is telling me, "you know you're right...go ahead and tell anyone you want that you legally own a gun and are licensed to carry it".  I was all smiles and I guess I went too far when I asked if I could put up that sign she previously made me take down in the garage. She emphatically said, "now that's going too far...NO".  Oh the sign? I made a sign on my computer with pictures of handguns on it, and put it up in the garage. The sign said...ready for it?....THE SECOND THING WE DO IS CALL 911. 

Probably my favorite story to stress my feeling that "guns don't kill people, people kill people", is paying homage to my wife's late husband Charles. He was a self-made engineer, successful business man, great husband, and with his wife raised three fantastic children. He was killed in a car accident in 1988, and twelve years later I married his widow. 

Charles was an avid hunter that legally owned and registered several rifles and handguns. He was a strong Christian that led by example, following all the gun laws while practicing safety protocol of guns and ammunition.  Today, two of his children, my step-daughters,  are licensed to own and carry a handgun. Just a few Sundays ago, as I mentioned in a previous blog, there were nine of us family members at the gun range having a great time. Also there was a father showing his daughter for the first time how to handle and shoot a handgun.

Recently, one of my strong liberal progressive liberals spoke to me through Twitter and said I was "all wet...if only police officers and the military carried guns the streets would be safer".  So I just tweeted back..."make sure you tell the criminals that know...who the gun criminals are don't you?.....they're the ones that don't legally own and register their guns".  He didn't have much to Tweet after that, so I Tweeted back to him, "we should abolish hammers and knives....they kill more people than handguns do".

Oops, gotta comes my commander-in-chief, and the garage still isn't clean yet. By the way Duke won.

And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country....and our troops



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