Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Humane? Really?

How many people out there know that the very immigration law(s) that President Trump is trying to enforce has been an agreed-upon law for several years.  The major problem is that no former president has tried to enforce it.  And because immigration laws that protect the citizens of our great country have not been enforced we have created more than one monster.

The United States of America has allowed more immigration into our country than any other country on earth. Then it became out of control. Squeezing in with all the immigrants were, and still are terrorists, illegals that commit horrible crimes against our businesses and families, ssome even against our defenseless children.

And while the "flood gates" of unlawful immigrants remain open, so that several could enter their golden land of opportunity, honest hard-working American citizens were heavily taxed to pay for the welfare and free health and education of these immigrants. 

Then it became a political wedge between parties of Congress, which soon became a serious wedge among Americans. Drugs, sex traffickiing, rapes, murders, and kidnappings almost became the norm, so much that major cities, even college campuses became safe havens for illegal immigrants, even those immigrants that were felonious criminals.

And that is how the lib Dems created the Sanctuary Cities. There is only one reason, and that is the lib Dems, created Sanctuary cities to coerce the immigrants to register as Democrats, with their help of course. Does anyone really think the lib Dem party cares about the citizens of our great country? They, of course, do not. They only want their votes.

Now we have a President, Donald Trump, who promised durin his campaign that we would take action against illegal immigration and the criminals gaining access to our country. So, now our liberal Democrat party is using this to demean and spread lies and hatred toward our President. Can anyone give the name of just one American that doesn't want our country safe?

The lib Dem party, along with the fake news media exploit families that they profess are "being torn apart by President Trump". The lib Dems and the fake news media actually broadcast interviews of mothers weeping because after being here illegally for years, with criminal activities are being deported. They actually call our President "inhumane" for deporting illegals with criminal backgrounds that include murder. rape, and kidnapping. 

Inhumane? Really? Have the lib Dems or the fake news media ever done a study on the crime rate committed in our country by illegal immigrants? Of course not. Has the media ever done research and a story on the illegal immigrants that march through our streets screaming "Death to America", all the while our tax dollars afford them a free living? 

Oh, our great fake news media will show interviews and pictures of illegal mothers sobbing over a bona-fide law being upheld, but the lib Dems and fake news media won't show any interviews or pictures of Americans being raped and murdered by illegals. 

How about the high school boy that gave a "friend" a ride home, only to be murdered and burned by his "friend" who was an illegal. How about Kate Steinle being murdered by an illegal in our infamous sanctuary city San Francisco? How about the illegal Hispanic that while released on bail went out and committed murder? Fake news media won't report that.

Why wouldn't we want a President who is committed to making us safe by protecting our borders and our country from illegals infiltrating America?  Instead the lib Dems and the fake news media are fueled by their hatred of President Trump, and as Crooked Hillary touted in her campaign, "Trump wants to build walls, but I want to build bridges, so all can come here."

I wish Crooked Hillary would have been honest enough to finish her statement....."so I can register them all as Democrats."  All this because of the lib Dems and the fake news media doing all they can to spew hatred on our President.  But try as they want, President Trump will prevail, and work very hard to make us safe again.

This "inhumane" propaganda fake news junk aimed at our President is already backfiring on the lib Dems and fake news media.

And that's Politics with Pete for today....God bless our country..and our troops
(Please follow me on my You Tube video blogs, Politics with Pete)

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