Friday, September 5, 2014

Barry can declare war!

Come on now people, we do, in fact, have a war president and war administration in America's White House right now as we speak. You all are just mad that Barry is not focusing on the tragedies that he should declare war on; like ISIS, our national debt,  and securing America's borders.

But let's not forget that there are very important areas that Barry Soetero and his administration have declared war on since they've been in America's White House.

First Barry declared war on his version of poverty by hiking up food stamp participation to the highest its ever been.  Didn't matter that he used that tool to "manage" the poor for their votes.
He also declared war on the rich, and even told Joe the Plumber that he wanted to "spread the wealth".  Now that is a positive "war".

Barry declared war on the Cambridge, MA police department; calling them stupid. He, along with his Gestapo of Axelrod, Reid, Jarret, and Pelosi then declared war on the best health care system in the world. His claim, as we now know, was to raise premiums on working Americans so we would pay for all those he wanted to "spread the wealth" for.

He just kept on rolling by declaring war on America's great space program by completely shutting down the greatest space program our world has even known. Even today Barry is advancing his war on our military by continuing to slash our military strength.

Even after the evil Dr. Gosnell murdered all those unborn children Barry declared, and still declares war on pro-life Americans. He has even gone so far as to make Sandra Fluke a poster child for abortions, and has made sure that women get free avenues to abort and prevent births. The frosting on the cake for war declaring on pro-life Barry has even declared war on the Hobby Lobby chain of stores.

This war president of ours leaves no war declaration stone unturned. Along with his spa buddy Holder and his racist czar Sharpton, Barry has now declared war on the Ferguson, Missouri police department. Now that will surely help race  relations eh?

With all these wars declared by Barry, along with his golf and vacationing, he has become a very hard-working and weary commander-in-chief. Therefore he has had unsurmountable difficulty declaring war on problems that might face Americans today. It must be because Barry doesn't think these problems warrant any war-declaring activities.

Ever wonder why Barry won't declare war on ISIS? Even after ISIS has beheaded two Americans Barry doesn't even have a strategy. Is it because he's too busy declaring war on Hobby Lobby? Ever wonder why Barry won't declare war on America's $17.Trillion debt? Maybe it's because he's busy traveling to golf courses. 

Barry is convinced he's doing a great job, and that's only because he has taken pains to surround himself with White House personnel that everyday tell him everything he's doing is great. This hubris, arrogant, self-centered disaster of a leader keeps proving he has no plan or idea to be the leader of the free world. He just doesn't have a clue on what to do.

He heavily relies on others to carry his water with enough insulation to assure their dear leader will never ever have to answer for his actions, or his lack of positive leadership. Today Barry brags that unemployment is down to 6.1%. But will give no credence that the true unemployment is over 12%. Only 142,000 jobs were added last month, and that means more unemployed Americans are just leaving the work force.

However, our clueless leader would have you believe all is fine, and our economy is growing. And what can Americans do about this? Folks, we have the greatest weapon at our disposal to turn this around. In exactly 58 days we can walk into our voting booth and take our first step. Then maybe in 2015 we can start impeachment talks.

And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops

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