Tuesday, August 19, 2014


Never before in my 79 years n this earth have I ever witnessed such racial division in our great country.  And who is at the base of this "fanning the fire"? Well, it's our very own Barry Soetero, along with his loyal followers, Eric Holder, Jessee Jackson, and the infamous Al Sharpton.

Yesterday Barry gave credence to the rioters in Ferguson, Missouri by blaming their problems on "racial inequality". Does this man realize what he just did? I really don't believe he's intelligent enough to realize that he just gave the OK to these looting rioters. He's allowing these African-American looters and rioters to hate Caucasian Americans even more then they already do.

And what does Barry do to fan the flames more? Well, he sends the African-American Attorney General to Ferguson.  You can bet that will just fan the flames of racial unrest more. This quartet of Barry, Holder, Jackson, and Sharpton focus only and highlight only crimes committed by Whites against Blacks. 

Remember Sharpton during the Trayvon Martin-George Zimmerman fiasco. He railed on and on inciting rioting by Blacks. So many times we've heard the phrase, "what if Zimmerman was killed by Trayvon...would Sharpton still be inciting Blacks or even Whites"? Well, in the 500 days following this trial over 10,000 Blacks were killed by Blacks. I would be willing to send a case of Sharpton's favorite booze if he can just name one of these 10,000 Black slain victims.

Barry and Holder have not yet, and will not, visit our southern borders where crime is being committed by the hour by the illegals swarming our border. All Barry wants to do is give them amnesty and register them Democrat.  Barry and Holder have yet to visit any part of Chicago to address the high crime of Blacks against Blacks, that is increasing daily.

You will never witness Barry, Holder, Jackson, or Sharpton address the pure fact that African-Americans make up less than 15% of the American population, but have committed over 50% of all crimes. Where is the outrage there?

Has Barry ever visited one of the reasons that there is such unemployment among young African-Americans? With the entitlements Barry has afforded our young African-Americans in welfare, unemployment, food stamps, and subsidized housing why should they work?  And what does Barry attribute to high unemployment among young African-Americans? Why it's because we enslaved them years ago, and it's because we have so much racial inequality today. Yeah, those are sure valid reasons.

If he were alive today, Martin Luther King Jr. would be ashamed of Barry Soetero. King did not lead us in the '60's civil rights movement only to have it destroyed by this Divider-In-Chief.
Why hasn't Barry met with Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel in hopes to initiate inner city programs to educate young African-Americans?  It'll never happen. Barry would rather fan the flames of racial unrest, and get their vote.

Barry feels he can continue to carry the African-American vote for his Democrat party by constantly pandering to the African-American voter. His pandering consists of looking the other way at the ever growing high crime rate among the Blacks. He really doesn't care how many crimes the young Black man/woman commit, as long as they push the voting button Democrat.

Barry has lost a lot of the  American support when he accused the Cambridge, MA police of "acting stupidly" when they arrested professor Gates. Then he lost more support when he declared, "if I had a son he'd look like Trayvon Martin".  I guess one of his White House staff members advised him not to say if he his "son" Trayvon had a brother he'd look like Mike Brown from Ferguson.

It seems lately though that the African-American community is waking up to the message that the "Rambling Racists" quartet of Barry, Holder, Jackson, and Sharpton really care nothing about the African-American community. They care only about promoting their own narcisstic platform.

The odds are great that none of the "Rambling Racists" will be seen in Chicago unless and/or until there is a White on Black crime. They will do nothing to help in the education of the young African-American, so they can contribute to this great country, and to make a better life for themselves and their families. They care only about your vote.

And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops.

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