Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Decline & Fall of U.S.

In 1955, as a member of the USAF, I was stationed in England, about fifty miles south of London.
I was twenty years young at the time, and felt a need to read some world history instead of the cartoons in the daily "Stars & Stripes" military newspaper.

So I went to the base library and checked out the thick book, "Decline & Fall of the Roman Empire". It was so interesting and packed with historical facts that I will never forget it. It impacted me so much so that in 1956 my close friend and I took a two-week leave and get a military hop to Rome. I wanted to see this historical city first hand.

WOW is all I can say. Since then I've returned to Rome twice on vacations; in 1997 and again in 2004. I suggest and urge all to visit and drink in the beauty and history of this "eternal" city. Of course being a first generation Italian-American just made it more meaningful to me.

So you ask, what's your point old-timer? Well, I have to admit, even though I found the information I read in the "Decline......." book back in 1955 interesting let's remember I was twenty, and at the time was really more interested in getting week-end passes to go to London and chase the beautiful English ladies. What? Did that make me a bad person?

When Barry Soetero entered the presidency in 2009 I began to see a pattern when he began to "fundamentally change" our great country into a dictatorial monarchy. I began to see parallels to the fall of the Roman empire equating to the destruction that Barry Soetero has been trying to force on our United States of America.

After six years of Barry in OUR  White House it is becoming more and more evident of his plan to eradicate all the values and strengths that made the United States of America the greatest country ever. We should have all seen this when he started his presidency by going around the world "apologizing"  for the U.S. while praising his Muslim roots, and his Allah.

So, a few months ago I went to the library here in N.E. Ohio and checked out Edward Gibbon's book like I did way back in 1955 and began to again read his book, "Decline & Fall.......". Author  Gibbon wrote the "Decline & Fall of the Roman Empire" in 1923. As his book details,  Rome was the eternal city of the world at the time of Christ's birth. Then came the start of the decline.

Starting with Julius Caesar, Rome was transported from a republic to a monarchy. Rome, under Caesar began to down-size its military. However, soon countries did not honor and respect Rome's monarchy and did not want to do business with them. Other countries began to disrespect Rome and was not afraid of their military might any longer.

Business and wealth became so bad that Rome had to create additional money. Too bad they didn't have money printing machine back then like we do now. Sound familiar? As author Gibbon wrote in his "Decline.....book, Rome, once the most powerful empire in the world began an inner moral decay within their society. Rome, once so powerful, took nearly 400 years to completely collapse. 

Now let's fast forward to Barry's six years at the helm of our great country. He's down-sizing our military. He just issued "pink slips" to over 500 Army officers; many close to retirement. He has halted our space program, to make us a "follower' instead of a leader in space. He has increased our national debt to over $17.Trillion. Nearly 12 millions of Americans have left the work force since he's been in office.

He has increased the welfare/food stamp/subsidizing roles to the highest it's ever been since WWII.  Barry does this so he can control the masses, much like Julius Caesar and Adolph Hitler did before him. Our great country should be preparing our young people to rise up and make our country even greater than our predecessors have.  Instead Barry is trying to create a country of "freebie" followers. They are easier to control

We must break the ties with this dictatorial monarch, and we are getting our chance in just 88 short days to take our first step. We can send Barry's main henchman Dingy Harry Reid to the back of the room. It's so logical....if Barry writes another executive order to allow more to swarm our border while halting deportations this is will be a part of high crimes and misdemeanors.

Then with the House and Senate under Republican order we have such a strong hold on starting impeachment hearings against this man. 

It took 400 years for the collapse of Rome, and we are only 238 years old. Think about it folks. If we don't take back our Senate and keep our House we can expect the dictatorial monarch Barry Soetero to continue his onslaught to ruin our great country's freedoms and rights.

We can do this people. Let's do all we can to get the vote out this November to keep our House and take back our Senate.

And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops.

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