Saturday, August 16, 2014

Barry wants divisiveness!

How many more indicators and how much more proof do we need to fully understand we now have someone in our White House who is the holder of dual identities. Barry Soetero is not only a radical jihadist Muslim, it is now evident he is most definitely a racist. The incident in Ferguson, Missouri is surely proof of this.

First this man blocks shipments of arms to Israel while they are in the middle of a war against the evil Hamas.  And then Barry follows up with paying very little attention to the massacre of Christians by ISIS in Iraq. We all know why he's just "pin-pricking" the ISIS terrorists with hardly any damage. He's a Muslim. Then Barry goes on national TV and claims that the Christians are "now OK, and are back to normal". This is nothing more than an overt blatant lie. Christians are still be slaughtered by ISIS every single hour of every single day.

All this going on in the mid-east, and this radical jihadist Muslim tries to fool the American people into believing that "America is in better shape now than when he took office in '09". Really Barry?

Now, do you want some more gasoline on the fire? Before any viable evidence has been put forth Barry takes a stand against a supposed gunfire slaying of an 18-year old  in Ferguson, Missouri. He, Barry, takes a subtle stance on national TV just like he did about the Cambridge, MA police a few years back.

Barry, along with his followers Sharpton, Jackson, and MSNBC are just fueling the fire of riots in Ferguson, MO.  This evil jihadist in our White House has done more to divide this country into racial unrest than ever before. The African-American community has suffered financially more in the past six years than ever before. And yet they still carry Barry's water for him, because he's "one of us".

And Barry controls these uninformed African-American masses through his gigantic freebies. The overwhelming problem is these very same uninformed African-Americans don't have the foresight to realize the damage this man is doing to them. They are satisfied as long as Barry keeps dolling out their freebies. Wonder what they're gonna do when the money runs out. Riot, like they're doing now in Ferguson?

Barry, Sharpton, Jackson, along with MSNBC and CNN are constantly stirring up riots in the African-American communities every time there is a Black on White crime, especially if there's a news camera around. Do African-Americans really think Barry, Sharpton, Jackson, MSNBC, and CNN are helping them? Do they believe Sharpton and Jackson even care?

And where was Barry, Sharpton, Jackson, MSNBC, and CNN last year when four African-American thugs jumped a white male in Ferguson, Missouri and hammered him to death? Anybody read or hear about that? And where in the hell are Barry, Sharpton, Jackson, MSNBC, and CNN with all the Black on Black violent slayings that are occurring every single day in Chicago and Detroit? 

More Blacks are being murdered daily in Chicago than soldiers being killed in Iraq and Afghanistan. This is Barry's home town, and he, Sharpton, Jackson, MSNBC, and CNN won't even appear for a "calming talk".  What's wrong with this picture?

Last word: It seems African-Americans have very short memories, or else they are really misinformed. It was a Republican President, Abraham Lincoln, that voted in a Democrat-controlled Congress to abolish slavery. Democrats were completely against freeing the slaves. Why is it today it seems the mantra of African-Americans are to hate the white Republican.

Really last word: Does any African-American remember in 1965 when president Lyndon B. Johnson passed the civil rights movement, and said, "With this movement I'll have these ni**ers voting Democrat for the next 200 years". 

Wake up America, especially African-Americans. This evil race baiter, along with Sharpton, Jackson, MSNBC, and CNN are doing more harm than good. Someone please call me the next time any of these people go to Chicago and Detroit to give speeches on Black on Black senseless crimes.

And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops

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