Thursday, July 24, 2014


I voted for McCain and Romney. Ever since 2008 I predicted that this Muslim in our White House was going to do all he could to bring down this great country economically, militarily, functionally, and socially. Every time I discussed this horrid man with someone, or wrote an article or blog I predicted the terrible things this man was going to do with his "hope & change", and "spreading the wealth around".

However, nowhere in my wildest imagination did I ever believe Congress and the Supreme Court would let him get away with the evil things he has don so far in nearly six years. Oh, I felt this Muslim was capable of initiating these deeds, but I believed in our Constitution so much that I felt he would be stopped.

Back to my original thought; because I voted for McCain and Romney I definitely feel justified in talking and writing about the failures of this Muslim in our White House. And now, at this point, I'm extremely frightened at what this man in our White House may still do in his remaining time in office if given the opportunity.

What infuriates me beyond belief is there are so many who were strong Barry Soetero supporters in 2008 and 2012 that today are "crying in their beer". The buyers' remorses coming out of the woodwork is shocking. When you hear people who voted for Barry in 2008 and 2012 saying that they wish they could have a "do over" in their voting booth it's mind-boggling.

African-Americans supported Barry in the voting booth to the tune of over 90% in both elections. Barry rewarded them by increasing the welfare rolls higher than they've ever been. Even with increasing food stamp distribution and unemployment insurance the minorities are still complaining to "tax the rich more and increase minimum wages so we can have more".

As former prime minister of England, Margaret Thatcher, once said, "Socialism only works till you run out of other people's money...then chaos starts."   Have you ever given any thought to what we're going to do when we continue to lag behind in creating jobs, and the freebie entitlements are gone? You can bet Barry won't care. He'll be living in his $4.2 million estate in Rancho Mirage, California, while John and Jane Doe will wonder where are the jobs.

If we had a Romney-Ryan administration now, we would have 40,000+ newly created jobs with the Keystone Pipeline opening. Gas prices would decrease with the approved drilling for oil here and in Alaska. Our dependency on mid-east gas would plummit.

With a Romney-Ryan administration we would reopen over a thousand coal plants that were shut down by EPA'S Gina McCarthy. Water pipelines would flow again to central California's rich agricultural farmlands, without a fear of eliminating a useless quarter-inch smelt fish.

The overwhelming majority of people complaining about Barry's administration are the very same people who voted this man in office in 2008, and then "drank the Kool-Aid" again in 2012.
Really, what did these Kool-Aid drinkers expect? They voted for this smooth talking cool guy, who never held a job, never ran a business, voted "present" when he was in office for 143 days.  Never mind his failed Obamacare "legacy" in his first term that continues to fail and fail and fail.

In the 2012 presidential election Romney lost by 2 million votes, but the most astounding statistic is there were 9.4 million registered Republican voters that never voted. That may be the most frightening statistic of all.

Well, in 101 days we have our chance again to make the start to change the dictatorial aristocracy of this evil administration by kicking Harry Reid out of his Senate leadership role.
And who knows, with an overwhelming GOP victory in the House and Senate we may have enough congressional power to start impeachments against Barry and his spa-bath buddy Holder.

Folks, if we don't step up to fight the good fight in the voting booth then we are going to get exactly what we deserve in this dictator's last two years in office. Don't let this opportunity pass us by. And get the vote out. The future of our country just may depend on it.

And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops

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