Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Devil's greatest trick

One of my favorite movies, "Usual Suspects" had a great line in it uttered by Kevin Spacey during the film; "the greatest trick the devil ever played was to convince the world that he didn't exist".

Think about it folks; be objective on what's been happening in the past five years and seven months to our country. Let's say the devil thought up a plan designed to destroy our great country because the devil feared his war on the Judeo-Christian community was failing.

The devil would appoint a disciple to be the leader of his plan. He would aid this disciple through mayhem, corruption, lying, and outright deceit to overtake the country. I mean, after all the devil succeeded in appointing Hitler, Stalin, Marx, Castro, and other evil-doers to destroy those that believed in God.

They say history has a habit of repeating itself. Well, I believe in the case of Barry Soetero, that is decidedly true. Folks, we have a jihadist Muslim radical, living in our White House, who is doing all he can to destroy any belief in God, and what God's teachings have meant to mankind.

Forget about Benghazi, Obamacare, Fast & Furious, IRS and other little "tid-bits" that he has created. Those are just little "Houdini" manuevers to take our eye off what he is really doing.
I ask for us all to just focus on those creations of his that, if not stopped through our patriotic duty of voting in November, this evil disciple of the devil will bring our country down to the depths that we may never recover from.

Actually, when you focus thoroughly on what this disciple of the devil has accomplished thus far, I know you will give thought to his mission of destroying our country along with all our Judeo-Christian beliefs.

First the devil instructed his disciple Barry to raise the debt of our country to $17.Trillion while continuing to give free entitlements to the downtrodden so the masses will come to solely rely on him and do whatever he asks while giving him their undying loyalty.

Then disciple Barry shut down the country's space program. After all, we were the leaders in aerospace, and were erecting more and more satellites in space, and what does he do? He stops it, and allows Putin and his Russian thugs to now become the leaders in space.

He stands in front of tele-promps througout the world and brags we have had no terrorist attacks since he's been in our White House, while calling Ft. Hood, Texas and the Boston bombings as just workplace violence. He won't even address the Benghazi attack.

A year ago he started the undocumented word to Central America that any illegal could enter the U.S. through Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona, and be protected. To date 290,000 illegals have crossed our border, and we know there are jihadist Muslim radicals mixed in there. We know that Barry Soetero is definitely facilitating terrorists crossing our southern U.S. borders, while allowing others to take the blame for this debacle.

The devil then instructs his disciple Barry to recover an Army deserter by trading five high profile terrorists for one Army private that went AWOL to become a terrorist himself. This proves once again that Barry is facilitating the jihadist Muslim radicals to overtake our country.

Again the devil inserted himself in Barry's ear to direct him to stop any job creations from the Keystone Pipeline so that America could continue to stay dependent on oil produced from Barry's allies in his Muslim countries. Again this facilitates the terrorist war on our country.

Another crippling move by the devil through Barry is to decimate our country's military by the most degrading method possible. And that is to actually fire soldiers while they are in the middle east fighting terrorism to protect our liberty. Barry does not want Americans to have liberty, and is proving this by crippling our fighting forces.

Disciple Barry was then instructed by the devil to stop any medical aid to any injured or disabled war heroes or veterans by decimating our Veteran's Administration. 

The devil also says  for Barry to spit in the face of Americans by golfing every weekend, going on a fifteen day vacation next month, and having lavish dinners with his inside group every week, instead of attending to the business of the American people. The devil has Barry believing that if Barry reflects that he is "leading from way behind", and takes no responsibility, the he cannot be blamed for any misdoings.

The devil gave Barry two associates to help him do the devil's bidding; Harry Reid and Eric Holder. And now we can eliminate one of them, Harry Reid, in just 109 days. We can push Dingy Harry out to pasture by taking back our Senate. Who knows what we may be able to do about Soetero and Holder with a GOP House and Senate?

The devil's trick is unfolding, because if you take a good look at the man in our White House you know he truly does exist.

And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops


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