Sunday, July 20, 2014

2,496 hours

Ready for some good and hopeful uplifting news? Of course you are. I know I am. Folks, we are getting a great opportunity to send one of the evil minds of the Barry Soetero regime out to pasture. I'm speaking (writing) of Dingy Harry Reid.

No, we can't get rid of the other two evil-doers, Barry and Holder until November, 2016. However we can put a gigantic dent in their evil policies. Maybe the biggest barricade to congressional legislation is the senile old man Harry Reid. And if we overwhelmingly take back the Senate and keep the House just maybe we can start impeachment hearings against Barry Soetero and his side-kick Holder.

In his lies Reid keeps bloviating that "the House wants to disagree with anything this administration does, but offers no suggestions of their own". Of course these are outright lies.
Right now, sitting on Reid's desks are over forty bills passed by the House of Representatives, The problem is Dingy Harry will not bring a single one of the House bills to the Senate floor for a vote. There have been man disgruntled Democrat Senators that may possible vote on some House bills, and Reid is completely afraid of that happening. Reid has indicated that he will not bring any House bills to the floor for a vote until after the mid-term elections. Does that appear to be a man who works for the American people?

Majority leader Reid cannot be trusted to do what's right for the good people of this country. He lies, throws deceit from his bully pulpit, and has spent most of his time on the Senate floor admonishing the Koch brother for their generosity to the GOP. I bet Supreme Court Clarence Thomas felt great when Reid declared that "five 'white' men from the Supreme Court voted to stop all women's rights to birth control". Really, Harry? Are you for real?

Reid has now openly lied that the southern borders of Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona "are secure", regarding the influx of illegal immigrants. This from a man who speaks from his tower at the Ritz Carlton where he stays on his "visits" to D.C.  Reid has never, ever, even visited the border to witness the flow of illegals crossing into our country.

Reid has declined offers from Governor Perry, Governor Brewer, and even border patrol agents to visit the borders and witness first hand the illegal migration that is occurring daily. 

However, our opportunity is coming in just about 2,496 hours. Yes, in 104 days you'll be given the opportunity to send this evil-doer of Barry's administration to the pasture where he can no longer do harm or damage to the great principles of our country. 

Dingy Harry must be stopped, and you will have the power to carry that task out when you walk into the voting booth in November.  We can do this folks. And get the vote out with your voice.

And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops.


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