Two days ago I was baby-sitting my 3-year old great granddaughter. She was playing "Doctor" with her dollies, and then played "momma" with them changing their diapers, and singing songs to them. Later at lunch she said 'grace' before we ate. After lunch her GiGi (great grandmother) showed her the A-B-C book she bought her. Then she got drowsy, so we put on her favorite cartoon TV show and watched her fall asleep for her nap.
Watching her sleep I couldn't help but think of all the love and protection surrounding this 3-year old angel. She has wonderful parents, fantastic grandparents, and two of us great-grandparents that spoil her. You should see the mess she makes in the kitchen helping us bake chocolate chip cookies. She insists on using the electric beater to stir the ingredients. Oh, the mess she makes, but the clean up is worth it.
What's my point in all this? While my great granddaughter is being taught love, respect, sharing, and Christain values, many places in the mid-east are teaching their 3-year olds how to hate and kill the infidels of the western world. These young children are taught that their beloved Allah wants them to hate and kill all Christians.
As these 3-year old mid-east children grow to the rip old age of 9 or 10 they are then brought into the military ranks of the evil ISIS and taught how to kill the infidels with knives and guns. I recently saw a video of this handsome sweet looking Muslim boy pick up a knife to stab and slice a Christain's neck and stand there to the cheers of his ISIS teachers. The thing I noticed the most was the utter blank stare on the face of the young boy as he looked at the Christain he just murdered. He showed no remorse, or feelings at all. It was treated like a homework assignment.
There are so many "take-aways" from these two comparisons. Suppose the mid-east families taught their children that Islam is a religion of peace, while teaching their children to love, respect, and act with kindness to all cultures and religions. And at the same time Christain families were teaching their young children hatred towards Muslims of the Islam faith. When the Christain children became of age they are taught to use knives and guns to destroy and eradicate all Muslims.
My point is that anyone can not just hate, but even go so far as teaching hate to the children of the world. It's so very easy to hate. Just ask Stephen Colbert and the Hollywood elites. They honestly feel they are above average Americans, and further feel that disagreeing with them just fuels more hatred more by using words like white supremacy and racism. And the people of hate that loot and vandalize decent American businesses really don't know or understand why they commit these horrible life and property damages.
Hate usually begets hate, and what is accomplished if Americans just hated an opposing view by someone, or their religion, or the color of their skin? A nation filled with hatred will surely implode, and will have absolutely nothing to show for all its hatred. Hatred slows all Americans, and stops us from focusing on what our country truly needs. It's OK to disagree and have respectful debates, instead of physically destroying lives and properties of others.
To me, the most disturbing news today was news that the media will not even address, or even give notice to. And that is that the city of Chicago has now reach 500 crime-related deaths in 2017, and there are still sixteen weeks left in this year. Of course the frosting on the cake is that Chicago is, by law, ruled a gun-free zone. Rather than try to clean up his crime ridden city Mayor Rahm Emanuel was delighted, and paid more attention in declaring that President Trump is not welcome in Chicago.
But, as I wrote earlier, it all starts in the family. If mothers, fathers, and child caregivers from ALL nations begin teaching all children of all cultures and religions that peace is the answer then we have an amazing start to living in a world of peace and prosperity.
And that's Politicws with Pete for today...God bless our country.....and our troops.
(Please follow me on my You Tube videos Politics with Pete)
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