A few days ago, after hurricane Harvey blasted Texas, and there were articles and Internet postings about the Muslims and Mosques in Houston offering no help and supplies, I wrote a joke on Facebook, "the reason there were no Muslims in Texas helping out was because there were no dry places for their prayer rugs". Then I get a notification from *uckerberg's Facebook notifying me that my comment (joke) was rude and distasteful, therefore I am banned from their Facebook website.
Initially I was a little sad, even though I never open up their fake news articles anyway that have nothing to do with the headline of the story. I used F/B to communicate with family and friends, and look at pictures of the kids and grandkids, especially my two great granddaughters, and my grandsons in California.
I had heard stories of people and organizations being banned from Facebook, but I never opened up the articles because, quite frankly, I never believed any of these stories. Then I did some research and found that Facebook is nothing more than another left wing arm of the lib Dem party. Yes, Facebook will aldlow any stories, pictures, cartoons, opinions, AS LONG AS THERE IS NO NEGATIVE COMMENTS THAT MARK *UCKERBERG DOESN'T WANT ON HIS WEBSITE.
But you do know what is allowed on Facebook? Hollywood elites calling for the destruction of Christianity, namely Jennifer Lawrence and Miley Cyrus. John Cusack wants Pres. Trump assassinated. George Lopez wants to "pimp out" our first lady. Stephen Colbert called our President a c**k sucker. Kathy Griffin holding up a caricature of Pres. Trump with blood running down his face.
Then there's the daily news in Facebook by Black Lives Matter protesting and chanting about wanting dead cops. Antifa rioting at rallies attacking free speech advocates. Congressman Gutierrez wants Latinos to "fight in the streets". Whoopi, Joy, and Rosie screaming horrible dreadful remarks against our President, even his son Barron.
Madonna wants to burn the White House down. Ashley Judd wants to smear her menstrual blood on President Trump and his family. The media spreads lies and personal attacks on Pres. Trump and his family, and you can read about it every day in Facebook. Almost every day you can read in Facebook about how Maxine Waters and Joy Reed of MSNBC want to impeach Pres. Trump.
The double standards and hypocrisy of Mark *uckerberg and Facebook have enabled me to be very proud to remove Facebook from my iPhone, iPad, and mac computer. I'm hoping my family and friends will continue sending me pictures and communicate with me through Twitter, Instagram, and the Tea Party Communication Internet sites.
I also encourage everyone, especially conservatives, to remove Facebook from their electronic communicating devices.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country....and our troops.
(Please follow me on my You Tube videos, Politics with Pete)
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