Remember when Barry Soetero tok office and he took the oath, "to protect the United States from ALL enemies, Domestic and foreign"? Well, it's for sure now that Barry is certainly more concerned with his self-proclaimed great legacy than he is about protecting our great country.
Barry is doing all he can to stifle any thoughts or ideas that the terrorist attacks are nothing more than "dust ups", or maybe these bloody massacres were nothing more than "workplace violence".
Yes, we all know that on 9-11-01 there was the worst terrorist attack on U.S. soil that has ever happened. And whether you are a Democrat, Republican, Libertarian, or Independent we can all agree that under the G.W. Bush administration there were no terror attacks for the remainder of the Bush administration.
Enter Barry Soetero on January 20, 2009. First there was a U.S. Army Major, Hissan, that shot and killed several Americans. While this radical Islamist terrorist was firing his weapons he kept screaming, "Allah Akbar". However, Barry called this dastardly act was "nothing more than workplace violence". POLITICALLY CORRECT huh?
Then there was the violent shootings and kills at a U.S. recruitment center in Chattanooga, Tennessee. Even though this savage attack was made by soldiers of radical Islamist terrorists, Barry Soetero insisted this was "a hate crime". Another POLITICALLY CORRECT declaration huh?
Subsequently two brothers, radical Islamist Muslims, exploded a pressure cooker bomb at the Boston Marathon. Of course to maintain POLITICAL CORRECTNESS Barry made sure this was not a terrorist attack, even though it was proven these two brothers had strong radical Islamist beliefs against the United States.
Then a man and his wife, both radical islamist Muslim terrorists in San Bernardino, California brutally shot and killed twelve Americans at a luncheon party that test dead Americans set up to honor these two killers. Their reward was these two horrible radicals shot them dead. Once again Barry, with the help of his Muslim chief advisor, Valerie Jarrett, and his Attorney-General Loretta Lynch declared this an on-going investigation, regardless of all the evidence put forward. Want to guess? Yes, another POLITICAL CORRECT act.
And now we have the Orlando, Florida killing of forty-nine Americans by a radical Islamist Muslim terrorist, with the help of his wife. During the massacre in the Orlando night club the radical, with proven ties to ISIS was laughing as he was screaming, "Allah Akbar"". This horrible evil radical even made three phone calls pledging his allegiance to ISIS.
But because this evil man was born in New York, even though with the help of his Muslim wife, he radicalized to become a soldier of ISIS, Barry and his AG Lynch redacted the part of his phone calls, so as not to offend Muslims . At a press conference Lynch was asked many questions as to why Barry and her redacted any mention of radical Islamist Muslim terrorism, her only answer was, "I can't answer that as we are still investigating". Now this is POLITICAL CORRECTNESS at its utmost.
Finally for today, Barry inserted his "legacy" act of POLITICAL CORRECTNESS by allowing men/women to casually walk into an opposite sex bathroom any time they choose with no repercussions. Recently there have been occurrences of molestations by transgender men in women's bathrooms. Just a few days ago a 13-yearold girl was molested by a man claiming to be a transgender.
If any of my granddaughters or great granddaughter ever gets molested by a "transgender" while in the women's bathroom, the perp transgender better pray the cops get to "it" before I do. So, in closing, PC this Barry!
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops
(Please follow me on my You Tube video blogs, Politics with Pete)
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