Got a short blog today directed at the African-American militant groups. You know who you are; Black Lives Matter, Black Panthers, Sharpton, Farrakhan, and certain Black hate-mongering rappers. Here's the message:
These organizations of yours keep bloviating, protesting, screaming that if Trump is elected then a civil war will be initiated against all Whites. Well, here's some news for you Blacks that want to start any kind of blood shed or war.
Of course, Whites and over 99% of all Americans do not want any civil war with Blacks pursuing the random carnage against Whites, or any other ethnic community. However, you should stop shouting for a while and absorb some facts.
If Sharpton, Farrakhan, or anyone else tries to "push" you into a civil war, just remember most of us will not stand idly by while you begin any assault against good law-abiding citizens.
I bet you'll never see Sharpton or Farrakhan out there in the streets if a civil war breaks out. These two are nothing more than rabble-rousers what live by stirring up the uninformed.
Yes, all races should strive to live in harmony, and no one wants a civil war, and yet to start war because you won't accept a presidential candidate is utterly senseless. The Caucasian race greatly outnumber African-Americans, yet you didn't see a civil war break out when your Obama was elected. We just sat back and watched him fail.
Remember, Obama was elected because of the overwhelming number of Caucasians that voted for him, not solely the African-Americans, and he was nothing more than a community organizer. Trump is a business man that has garnered enough votes to run for President. He deserves at least four years to see if he can do the job.
Here's a suggestion: Instead of starting a war if Trump wins why not do what some of the Hollywood elites are "threatening" to do; leave the country. The likes of Samuel Jackson, Whoopi, Rosie, Ramone, Maher, Handler, Campbell, Jon Stewart, and others are already arranging to move out of our great country if Trump is elected.
As I wrote earlier, 99% of Americans do not want violence, looting, and killing in the streets because African-Americans hate Trump, but does anyone think that Caucasians are going to stand idly by while rioting, looting, and killings towards Whites occur? Don't think so.
Wake up African-Americans, and stop listening to the like of Sharpton and Farrakhan. This is a great country, and a civil war will just tear it down. Live in harmony. Oh yeah, did you know Obama is half White?
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops.
(please follow me on my You Tube video blog, Politics with Pete)
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