I guess I'm still harboring some anger in me when it comes to the PC policies that Barry Soetero's administration is touting. Thank God my granddaughter is visiting soon today with my 4-month old great granddaughter. At least singing silly songs to her will put me in a better mood.
Anyway, back to my anger. My wife and I were watching the 9-11 Museum dedication on TV this morning, and the dedications and speeches were wonderful, thoughtful, and inspiring. I watched the river of tears flowing from the eyes of my wife.
My wife looked over at me noticing my firm jaw and the hard look on my face. She looked at me quizzically, and asked, "What's wrong....don't you find this beautiful"? Then, I went on to explain my feelings.
I explained that I had shed many tears and experienced much sadness since September 11, 2001. However, now anger is overtaking my sadness, and I want the beliefs and freedoms fully returned to me that the Constitution gave to me over 200 years ago. I'm furious, angry, mad, and I want all Americans to do something about this in 170 days. I will never forget that people of Islam-Muslim beliefs flew those planes that killed thousands of Americans.
Barry Soetero and his band of evi-doers of Reid, Pelosi, and Holder are stripping away and even attacking the very Judeo-Christian values this great country was founded on. And all the while they are doing this they are bowing down, supporting, and even appearing submissive toward the Islamic-Muslim community.
This great country used to be the "melting pot" of the world. People of all races, color, and creed could come here to be an integral part of America. Even all religions were welcomed. Of course, not all religions are perfect with a "made for all" belief system. Most of us can fully understand everyone in this great country has a right to express their religion as they see fit, except for the radical Islam-Muslim faith. They want to slay you and watch you bleed if you won't follow their religious philosophy.
For the past year the attacks on the Judeo-Christian values are running rampant. Teachers are removing young children from classrooms if they even have a Bible in their possession. The ACLU has become successful in removing any Judeo-Christian symbols in our schools and government buildings. City parks cannot display Christian manger scenes at Christmas.
High School and college athletes are being penalized if they show any sign of worship after scoring on the playing field. Here in N.East Ohio a quarterback was penalized and later disciplined because he only "pointed" to the sky above after a touchdown supposedly thanking God for his success on the play that won the game.
It's so hard to believe that the very men and women who volunteer to go into battle and protect us with the risk of sacrificing their own life are being criticized for carrying a Bible with them into battle. Catholic Chaplains are being instructed that certain areas of the Armed Forces bases and posts are prohibiting the celebrating of the Mass, and distributing the Catholic sacrament of Communion.
Since when did we need anyone to speak up for America's Judeo-Christian values? Our deep religious beliefs were all we needed. Until the onslaught of Islam in our country we didn't need to defend our own personal religious beliefs.
And where are the Islamic leaders in our country that are supposed to be preaching peace among ALL religions? It seems that anyone can slander America's Judeo-Chrisitan values all they want with no repercussions, but we continue to pander and at times bow to the Islamic faith, and if you dare speak out against the Islamic faith, you are chastised, ridiculed, and even punished at times.
I don't believe we have a Muslim sympathizer in our White House. I truly believe we have a Muslim living in our White House that goes by the name Barry Soetero. The way this Muslim has desecrated our military, the way he refuses to step up to the V.A. to remedy the awful situation that has befallen our military veteran heroes that so badly need medical aid and assistance, proves to me he is trying to desecrate our country starting with our military.
And all the head Justice man, Eric Holder can say about this debacle is "We're not getting involved until we hear more from the media...and the Inspector General investigates it more". Now that's great Justice leadership for you right?
While we are all waiting for the following 170 days to pass so we can take our first step to stop what's happening to our great country, I only ask that you all never, ever, ever forget September 11, 2001
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops
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