As I deeply believe in God and Jesus Christ, I also believe in the existence of the devil Satan. Remember that line from the movie Usual Suspects, when actor Kevin Spacey said, "the greatest trick the devil has ever played on us is to convince everyone that he doesn't exist"? Folks, Satan, the devil, does exist, and he's among us right now. And one of his disciples is Barry Soetero
My point for today is that if Satan decided to create someone, dispatch him/her to the United States, with the explicit task of destroying our great country, he could not have done a better job than Barry Soetero has been doing since January, 2009.
What person, except a disciple of Satan, would release several hundred Mexican illegal criminals to the communities of America, while he refuses to demand Mexico release a jailed U.S. Marine?
These illegal Mexican criminals committed horrendous felonies including homocide, rape, assault, and home invasions. This evil satanic act by Barry Soetero was only to favor votes of the Hispanic community.
And these illegal Mexican criminals were just hours away from deportation when Barry picked up his pen and released these horrid criminals upon Americans. How can this man say he's looking out for the safety of Americans?
This man, Barry, has chipped away at the strength of our military so drastically, that we are now not considered the strongest nation in the world. What man does this?And now we've discovered that this disciple of Satan sits idly by while our Veteran's Administration is actually fraudulently "cooking the books" denying the very U.S. men/women that fought to protect our freedoms, proper medical treatment.
The corruption within the V.A. is running so rampant that bonuses are even being awarded to V.A. administrators that falsify records to actually stop veterans from receiving their medical benefits.
What kind of a person, let alone the leader of the free world, allows this type of disgrace to the very veterans that fought to protect our country? A disciple of Satan, that's who.
What kind of leader, unless they are a disciple of Satan, would refuse to defend his whereabouts the night Benghazi was attacked by terrorists? Americans cannot even find out if Barry was in the White House. Why is that?
What kind of leader, unless they are a disciple of Satan, would continue to raise the access to welfare and food stamps so they could control the masses? Ask any decent American what would they do if they had the authority to open the Keystone Pipeline in order to create thousands of jobs. There is only one kind of person who would purposely delay the opportunity to create thousands of jobs? There is a person like this; he's a disciple of Satan, and he lives in our White House.
In 2008 Barry Soetero ran on the mantra of "Hope & Change". Our great country now needs to remind Americans that we need hope & change beginning in 173 days. We need to hope that we can change and reverse what this evil-doer is now doing to us.
We need to rid ourselves of this man who leads so far from behind that he runs away from problems surrounding us instead of facing them. He hides on the golf course, while his husband Michael spends millions of taxpayer money on his elaborate vacations.
Never forget, if we don't take our first step in 173 days, we will have only ourselves to blame.
And that's Politics with Pete for today....God bless our country...and our troops
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