Hey, let's hear it for the 98% of Americans that are going to have their taxes lowered in 2013. Isn't that great? This is really going to help dig us out of the economic crisis we now face. The added income for these 98% 'ers are going to really stimulate our dying economy. Hooray!!
Yeah, we're going to go after them rich fat cats that make over $200,000. a year. Can you imagine the enormous revenue our government is going to reap when taxes are raised on all Americans that earn $200,000. a year? Yep, it comes to $81.Billion. We're really going to reduce the national debt with that. Only take us about NEVER!!!
Has anyone mentioned that we don't have an income or revenue problem? What our country is suffering from is a gigantic SPENDING problem. It was actually comical to watch the Senate Majority leader, Harry Reid announce on the Senate floor, "Americans don't understand how the system works". Yeah, this from a man who hasn't presented a budged in almost four years.
This from a man who openly refuses to bring any House passages to the Senate floor. This from a man who flip-flops so much he has no idea which direction to walk in. And yet when someone asked Senator Reid to name one area that his boss Mr. Obama would cut in spending, he dances enough to make Fred Astaire blush.
There are pure facts that must be addressed. Today we have a $16.4 Trillion national debt. Treasury Secretary Geithner has announced that we will reach our debt ceiling next week. This means our great country will soon have no money to pay its bills. Now for you and me it means we have to tighten our belts, cut corners on spending, and even get a second job in many cases.
Wouldn't it be great if we were like our Government when we reach our debt ceiling? It would be great if we could just go down to the basement, turn on the the green printing machine and spit out hundred-dollar bills. Hey, it's working for Mr. Obama. Why not us?
Here's a couple more astounding facts. If we raise taxes on all Americans earning $200,000. a year we will take in enough revenue to operate our government for eight long days. Yes, eight long days. Then what do we do? Maybe we'll have to resort taxing those that make $100,000. per year., and then $50,000. a year, etc., etc.
Another fact is those big fat cats that make $200,000. or more per year are small business owners, and what happens when you start attacking the financially successful corporations and businesses in this country? Yes, you guessed it. Large and small businesses will begin the scale back their operations, cut investing and spending, and yes, guess what else? They start laying off employees, and in some cases moving their business to foreign countries. By now everyone who reads my blogs know my favorite question on this subject, "when is the last time someone on welfare ever created a job"?
And of course we all know Senate Majority leader Harry Reid is lying through his false teeth. The House, under Speaker Boehner, has submitted over 40 bills and proposals to the Senate to vote on, and Reid won't even bring them to the floor. Ever wonder why? Yet, with a straight face Reid claims the GOP wants to raise taxes on 98% of Americans.
So, Mr. Obama, Harry Reid, Senator Schumer and darling Nancy Pelosi want to raise taxes on all small businesses and large corporations, and then add Obamacare to their mix. With that in hand you can bet unemployment will rise to over 9%. But hey, Mr. Obama and his crew will keep that money flowing to his extended unemployment and welfare costs, so the 51% will continue to sing his praises. Yes, while our country heads for Greece and the rest of Europe.
The word "entitlement" gets thrown around a lot these days. When you extend unemployment, hand out welfare/food stamps, along with tax refunds to people who pay no taxes is that really "entitlement" or just plain "freebies"? I'm entitled to my monthly Social Security check, because I paid into it since I was a teenager. By the way has anyone heard of any cuts at all to these welfare/unemployment/food stamp people that are living off the taxes of hard-working Americans?
One of my critics wrote that I "over-drew" my Social Security check. That is a big joke. If my payroll deductions were put in a private interest accruing fund I'd be drawing hundreds of thousands today. Don't give me any foolishness about my entitled Social Security.
All good hard-working Americans are being held hostages as we go over the fiscal cliff and endure raised taxes, while the very people we elect to protect our economy will never personally suffer like the rest of us.
Is this a great country or what?
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country....and our troops.
Saturday, December 29, 2012
Wednesday, December 26, 2012
I got nuthin'
I got to be honest. I'm a failure today. I've been sitting at my computer on and off for two days trying to write some cheerful and loving Christmas messages for my blog. But I just can't.
Yes, I have loving memories of my Italian parents and our Christmas Eve rituals that started Christmas Eve afternoon. Friends and family dropping over early in the day. Dinner consisted of vegetables, and a dried fish called bac-a-la. Sorry if I'm spelling that wrong. There were no foods from the animal. I remember Mom wouldn't even let my two sisters and I have a glass of milk.
Then off to Midnight Mass. Yeah, even us youngsters could stay up late to attend Midnight Mass.I was usually one of the Mass servers; we were called altar boys. Then back to our house where Dad's brothers and sisters, along with Mom sisters would come over. And the feast began. Everything from the pasta, sausages, even down to the deserts were home made. Hams and turkeys were brought out. It was so festive.
Later the young ones would fall asleep on the floor or couches, while the older family members would commiserate about everything from politics to religion to every imaginable topic. Youngsters played games till they fell asleep.
Yesterday my wife and I went to 4:30 Christmas Eve Mass. It was beautiful; sung by our young parishioners. During Mass I glanced at my wife to see tears streaming down her face. After Mass, walking to the car, the tears started again. She said, "instead of feeling joy, all I could think of was the 20 young children at Newton, CT. They were the same age as the youngsters singing Mass today". I was speechless, and all I could think to say was, "they're with God now wearing their new wings".
It seems the culture of our country has changed. The "shock" treatment almost seems to be the norm today. I have a close friend I've known since I was a teen-ager. We're both 77, and we tease one another calling each other "old and obsolete". The other morning, driving to the gym, I was listening to a favorite Christmas carol. It reminded me so very much of the things I wrote about in the above paragraphs. I walked into the gym, and loudly playing on the XM-Serius radio were songs that I could not understand a single lyric. I could, however, easily understand the loud cursing on the rap songs.
It was early, and no one else was in the gym. I changed the music channel to some pop '70's music, when in walked a young man that looked to be over six feet and 200 pounds. Without asking, he changed the music channel to the loud heavy rap-cursing songs. I changed the music back to my old '70's pop. The young man walked over to me, and towering over me remarked, "hey dude, I can't work out to that stuff", in a terse strong voice. I just turned and walked away, and he changed the music back to his ever-loving rap cursing music.
The thing that stuck out in my mind was he was young enough to be my grandson, and big enough to throw me through the window. He showed no respect for the old man in front of him.
But to me he was a big coward. If I were his age and as big you can bet he wouldn't have been so demanding to me.
So, my wife and family and close friends made my Christmas wonderful. My religion allowed me to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. But outside of that it was so difficult to be joyous with all the tragedies going on in the world and most of all the slaying of twenty young angels in Newtown, CT.
The outlook for 2013 does not look promising with increasing entitlements, Obamacare, higher taxes, higher unemployment, and a House & Senate that do not want to work to solve our fiscal cliff fiasco. It seems we need a higher power to intervene.
So, I ask and plead with all of you to bow your heads and ask the guy upstairs to help lead the way to resolve our country's heavy burdens. We're worth it.
And that's Politics with Pete for today....God Bless our country....and our troops
Yes, I have loving memories of my Italian parents and our Christmas Eve rituals that started Christmas Eve afternoon. Friends and family dropping over early in the day. Dinner consisted of vegetables, and a dried fish called bac-a-la. Sorry if I'm spelling that wrong. There were no foods from the animal. I remember Mom wouldn't even let my two sisters and I have a glass of milk.
Then off to Midnight Mass. Yeah, even us youngsters could stay up late to attend Midnight Mass.I was usually one of the Mass servers; we were called altar boys. Then back to our house where Dad's brothers and sisters, along with Mom sisters would come over. And the feast began. Everything from the pasta, sausages, even down to the deserts were home made. Hams and turkeys were brought out. It was so festive.
Later the young ones would fall asleep on the floor or couches, while the older family members would commiserate about everything from politics to religion to every imaginable topic. Youngsters played games till they fell asleep.
Yesterday my wife and I went to 4:30 Christmas Eve Mass. It was beautiful; sung by our young parishioners. During Mass I glanced at my wife to see tears streaming down her face. After Mass, walking to the car, the tears started again. She said, "instead of feeling joy, all I could think of was the 20 young children at Newton, CT. They were the same age as the youngsters singing Mass today". I was speechless, and all I could think to say was, "they're with God now wearing their new wings".
It seems the culture of our country has changed. The "shock" treatment almost seems to be the norm today. I have a close friend I've known since I was a teen-ager. We're both 77, and we tease one another calling each other "old and obsolete". The other morning, driving to the gym, I was listening to a favorite Christmas carol. It reminded me so very much of the things I wrote about in the above paragraphs. I walked into the gym, and loudly playing on the XM-Serius radio were songs that I could not understand a single lyric. I could, however, easily understand the loud cursing on the rap songs.
It was early, and no one else was in the gym. I changed the music channel to some pop '70's music, when in walked a young man that looked to be over six feet and 200 pounds. Without asking, he changed the music channel to the loud heavy rap-cursing songs. I changed the music back to my old '70's pop. The young man walked over to me, and towering over me remarked, "hey dude, I can't work out to that stuff", in a terse strong voice. I just turned and walked away, and he changed the music back to his ever-loving rap cursing music.
The thing that stuck out in my mind was he was young enough to be my grandson, and big enough to throw me through the window. He showed no respect for the old man in front of him.
But to me he was a big coward. If I were his age and as big you can bet he wouldn't have been so demanding to me.
So, my wife and family and close friends made my Christmas wonderful. My religion allowed me to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. But outside of that it was so difficult to be joyous with all the tragedies going on in the world and most of all the slaying of twenty young angels in Newtown, CT.
The outlook for 2013 does not look promising with increasing entitlements, Obamacare, higher taxes, higher unemployment, and a House & Senate that do not want to work to solve our fiscal cliff fiasco. It seems we need a higher power to intervene.
So, I ask and plead with all of you to bow your heads and ask the guy upstairs to help lead the way to resolve our country's heavy burdens. We're worth it.
And that's Politics with Pete for today....God Bless our country....and our troops
Sunday, December 23, 2012
75% of 51%
This coming June thousands upon thousands of young people will walk across their college campuses to receive their degrees in engineering, teaching, science, math, etc., with dreams of starting their professional journeys.
I'm so proud to write that I have a nephew who will receive his PhD. in Organic Chemistry. the sad news is he's already worried about finding a job. He's worried about how he's going to start making enough income to live on and start paying back his school loans.
I also have a grandson ready to enter his third year of pre-med, and already he talks about financing the years ahead to make it though college to become a Doctor. It is truly a sad nightmare to be handing this economic disaster to our children, along with a $16.Trillion debt, for them to resolve.
No one has all the answers to solve the economic dilemma our country is facing now, but there is very little hope of it getting better. The very members that we elected to our House & Senate in D.C., give us no hope at all for a recovery for the recession we are now in, nor how we will stop this downward spiral we're facing.
I sit and wonder just how many Americans really want things to change or do the majority want things to remain status quo? Yes, 51% of Americans voted Mr. Obama back into our White House for another four years, but the overwhelming sadness is that 75% of that 51% are Mr. Obama's contingency of Americans that now enjoy his entitlement welfare programs.
The other day a friend and I stopped for lunch after being squashed in the mall doing last minute Christmas shopping. Of course the conversation drifted to high prices, the devastating economy, and the outlook for 2013. We couldn't help but hear the two young men seated in the booth behind us.
One of the young men was bragging on how he "had it made". He bragged that he and his live-in girlfriend were both on unemployment, and his girlfriend was receiving welfare for her two children. They lived in a government subsidized housing development, and both received food stamps.
He then bragged, "hey, I'm even getting a free cell phone with free minutes, so why should I even bother to look for a job in this economy"? It took all I had to restrain myself from leaning over to their booth and asking, "and what are you going to do when the money from the taxpayers runs out"?
Do people like these two young Americans truly understand the machinations of our economic structure? I think not. It seems they only care that their unemployment/welfare/food stamp resources are available to them every month.
In fact most of them don't understand or want to understand the impact of our $16.Trillion national debt that our country now faces. Some of them don't even know what a national debt is, or how that figure is ascertained. They don't understand that for every $1.00 of revenue that our government receives, we must borrow $2.50 just for our country to pay its bills each year.
Now when this happens to John and Jane Doe they immediately tighten their belts, reduce their spending, and at times go out and get second, and even third jobs. We have upcoming college graduates that will walk across the stage, get their college degree and will have no job to apply to.
And what happens to the individual that does work hard, and becomes a financial success? Why of course we raise their tax burdens so that more revenue is flowing in to finance our government entitlement programs. Is it any wonder that the young man in the booth behind me in the restaurant was proud to say, "why should I work"?
Is it any wonder then that 75% of the 51% believe that the successful Americans and businesses are "fat cats" that should be taxed to take care of those on Mr. Obama's entitlement programs? Why can't someone explain to our entitlement population that these hard working Americans and businesses are the investors and job creators that our America needs. My favorite question is always "when is the last time someone on welfare created a job"?
Mr. Obama has not offered any substantial spending cuts to stop our country from going over the fiscal cliff. He does want to cut spending to our military to weaken it to its lowest point since WWII. He also would have you believe that we will enjoy cuts because he believes we won't be spending money on future wars. Really, Mr.. Obama is that your spending cuts proposal?
Right now many Americans are stretching their cash flow just to put gas in their car to drive and squeeze some money out their already tight budget to buy Christmas presents. Yes, it seems pretty evident that because a compromise could not be reached ALL Americans will be burdened with a tax increase in just a few days.
Can you guess who will not be worrying, or have to tighten their spending belts? Yes, you guessed it....members of the House and Senate who will go home for the holidays, and return with no agreement reached, sit in their plush offices and receive their overpriced salary. I often wonder how hard our House and Senate would work to find a plausible solution to our economic debt crisis if their salary and benefits were proportionally impacted by our national debt and spending problem. How about penalizing the House and Senate for going nearly 1,400 days without a budget. I think they'll quickly wake up and recover.
And where is Mr. Obama while all this is going on? Why he's in Hawaii, having a wonderful Christmas vacation to the tune of $4.Million dollars on the very taxpayers that are suffering through this recssion. Yes, Mr. Obama we remember when you campaigned on "spreading the wealth", but you didn't finish your sentence of saying, "as long as it's not my wealth....I got mine".
Wouldn't you like to ask Mr. Obama how can he justify playing in the surf, staying at a luxurious resort, eating fantastic meals, while people from Storm Sandy can't even get heat or even electricity? I wonder how many people suffering from Storm Sandy would like to take back their vote for Mr. Obama.
I don't have the answers, but I do know that the economic spiral our country is in right now cannot be stopped by heaping tax burdens on hard working Americans just to sustain our entitlement programs. Americans feel the Democrats and the Republicans are squeezing hard to make this a political issue. Will someone please tell them who they are squeezing. Well, at least there's 75% of the 51% that are happy.
And that's Politics with Pete for today....God Bless our country....and our troops.
I'm so proud to write that I have a nephew who will receive his PhD. in Organic Chemistry. the sad news is he's already worried about finding a job. He's worried about how he's going to start making enough income to live on and start paying back his school loans.
I also have a grandson ready to enter his third year of pre-med, and already he talks about financing the years ahead to make it though college to become a Doctor. It is truly a sad nightmare to be handing this economic disaster to our children, along with a $16.Trillion debt, for them to resolve.
No one has all the answers to solve the economic dilemma our country is facing now, but there is very little hope of it getting better. The very members that we elected to our House & Senate in D.C., give us no hope at all for a recovery for the recession we are now in, nor how we will stop this downward spiral we're facing.
I sit and wonder just how many Americans really want things to change or do the majority want things to remain status quo? Yes, 51% of Americans voted Mr. Obama back into our White House for another four years, but the overwhelming sadness is that 75% of that 51% are Mr. Obama's contingency of Americans that now enjoy his entitlement welfare programs.
The other day a friend and I stopped for lunch after being squashed in the mall doing last minute Christmas shopping. Of course the conversation drifted to high prices, the devastating economy, and the outlook for 2013. We couldn't help but hear the two young men seated in the booth behind us.
One of the young men was bragging on how he "had it made". He bragged that he and his live-in girlfriend were both on unemployment, and his girlfriend was receiving welfare for her two children. They lived in a government subsidized housing development, and both received food stamps.
He then bragged, "hey, I'm even getting a free cell phone with free minutes, so why should I even bother to look for a job in this economy"? It took all I had to restrain myself from leaning over to their booth and asking, "and what are you going to do when the money from the taxpayers runs out"?
Do people like these two young Americans truly understand the machinations of our economic structure? I think not. It seems they only care that their unemployment/welfare/food stamp resources are available to them every month.
In fact most of them don't understand or want to understand the impact of our $16.Trillion national debt that our country now faces. Some of them don't even know what a national debt is, or how that figure is ascertained. They don't understand that for every $1.00 of revenue that our government receives, we must borrow $2.50 just for our country to pay its bills each year.
Now when this happens to John and Jane Doe they immediately tighten their belts, reduce their spending, and at times go out and get second, and even third jobs. We have upcoming college graduates that will walk across the stage, get their college degree and will have no job to apply to.
And what happens to the individual that does work hard, and becomes a financial success? Why of course we raise their tax burdens so that more revenue is flowing in to finance our government entitlement programs. Is it any wonder that the young man in the booth behind me in the restaurant was proud to say, "why should I work"?
Is it any wonder then that 75% of the 51% believe that the successful Americans and businesses are "fat cats" that should be taxed to take care of those on Mr. Obama's entitlement programs? Why can't someone explain to our entitlement population that these hard working Americans and businesses are the investors and job creators that our America needs. My favorite question is always "when is the last time someone on welfare created a job"?
Mr. Obama has not offered any substantial spending cuts to stop our country from going over the fiscal cliff. He does want to cut spending to our military to weaken it to its lowest point since WWII. He also would have you believe that we will enjoy cuts because he believes we won't be spending money on future wars. Really, Mr.. Obama is that your spending cuts proposal?
Right now many Americans are stretching their cash flow just to put gas in their car to drive and squeeze some money out their already tight budget to buy Christmas presents. Yes, it seems pretty evident that because a compromise could not be reached ALL Americans will be burdened with a tax increase in just a few days.
Can you guess who will not be worrying, or have to tighten their spending belts? Yes, you guessed it....members of the House and Senate who will go home for the holidays, and return with no agreement reached, sit in their plush offices and receive their overpriced salary. I often wonder how hard our House and Senate would work to find a plausible solution to our economic debt crisis if their salary and benefits were proportionally impacted by our national debt and spending problem. How about penalizing the House and Senate for going nearly 1,400 days without a budget. I think they'll quickly wake up and recover.
And where is Mr. Obama while all this is going on? Why he's in Hawaii, having a wonderful Christmas vacation to the tune of $4.Million dollars on the very taxpayers that are suffering through this recssion. Yes, Mr. Obama we remember when you campaigned on "spreading the wealth", but you didn't finish your sentence of saying, "as long as it's not my wealth....I got mine".
Wouldn't you like to ask Mr. Obama how can he justify playing in the surf, staying at a luxurious resort, eating fantastic meals, while people from Storm Sandy can't even get heat or even electricity? I wonder how many people suffering from Storm Sandy would like to take back their vote for Mr. Obama.
I don't have the answers, but I do know that the economic spiral our country is in right now cannot be stopped by heaping tax burdens on hard working Americans just to sustain our entitlement programs. Americans feel the Democrats and the Republicans are squeezing hard to make this a political issue. Will someone please tell them who they are squeezing. Well, at least there's 75% of the 51% that are happy.
And that's Politics with Pete for today....God Bless our country....and our troops.
Thursday, December 20, 2012
Thanks again Mr. O
This is directed right straight at you Mr. Obama. You make it very simple to bring to light why you are such a disgrace to the residency of our White House. I probably should thank you because you give me so much ammunition to bring to light.
For the first time in sixty years and under your White House residency, we now spend more money than we gain from revenue, and we are getting closer to European status with no hope at all in sight. And yet, Mr. Obama you have the audacity to blame Republicans starting with President Bush. Now that it isn't cool any longer to blame President Bush, you have decided to blame Republicans because "they don't like me".
You sit in comfort as ABC, CBS, CNN, NBC, PBS, and MSNBC fawn all over you. Kind of mindful of the little guy with the mustache in the '30's. He had complete control over all forms of printed and radio media. These networks will not print or air any of the truthful news. And they have been successful in feeding your welfare/freebie people the lies that got you reelected.
I am one of those that you spoke about in your 2008 campaign, "clinging to my guns and religion". For me you can add Fox News to that "clinging". Actually I am in awe of what Bill O'Reilly is trying desperately to do to get an honored Marine veteran released from a Mexican prison. Not only will the other networks refuse to step forward to help this Marine, they will not even report it.
A few months ago you visited all your fawning media outlets; i.e., Pimp with a Limp, MTV, Entertainment Tonight, The View, Dave Letterman, Jimmy Kimmel, and Jay Leno. You kept your continuous rambling of "I", "me", and "mine", when referring to our American troops protecting you, Michelle and the girls. Now, more than ever, we know these were nothing more than photo shoots.
There is so much you could do to facilitate the release of Marine Corporal Jon Hammar. You could easily pick up the phone, call the President of Mexico and demand the Corporal's release or the money flowing into Mexico will stop. You could invoke a no-fly zone over Mexico. You could encourage Americans to boycott vacations and business to Mexico.
This brave Marine Corporal volunteered to go to battle zones in the mid east to fight in combat to protect you, Michelle, and the girls, as you alluded to on these fawning programs. But when the time comes for you to step forward to bring this brave Marine back to America for Christmas, you turn your back on him.
Your spokesperson, Jay Carney, when speaking to the press corpse actually said he had no idea what the newsman was speaking about. For God's sake Mr. Obama, this is one of our brave fighting men. Get off your backside, away from your teleprompter, and step up to your responsibility to be the leader the 51% wanted.
By the way, I wouldn't brag anymore about bailing out General Motors. What are you doing about the $12.Billion GM now owes the taxpayers.
And you better tell Bernanke to get that green printing machine into overtime to keep printing money for your welfare/freebie people. Because you know very well, if you run out of money for your "posse" they will turn on you in a minute. Have you and/or Bernanke told the American people we now spend $853.Million a DAY in interest alone on our debt?
Again, thank you, Mr. Obama, for giving me one more spoonful of ammunition that proves you are going down in history as the most infamous resident of our White House.
And that's Politics with Pete for today....God bless our country...and our troops, especially Marine Corporal Jon Hammar
For the first time in sixty years and under your White House residency, we now spend more money than we gain from revenue, and we are getting closer to European status with no hope at all in sight. And yet, Mr. Obama you have the audacity to blame Republicans starting with President Bush. Now that it isn't cool any longer to blame President Bush, you have decided to blame Republicans because "they don't like me".
You sit in comfort as ABC, CBS, CNN, NBC, PBS, and MSNBC fawn all over you. Kind of mindful of the little guy with the mustache in the '30's. He had complete control over all forms of printed and radio media. These networks will not print or air any of the truthful news. And they have been successful in feeding your welfare/freebie people the lies that got you reelected.
I am one of those that you spoke about in your 2008 campaign, "clinging to my guns and religion". For me you can add Fox News to that "clinging". Actually I am in awe of what Bill O'Reilly is trying desperately to do to get an honored Marine veteran released from a Mexican prison. Not only will the other networks refuse to step forward to help this Marine, they will not even report it.
A few months ago you visited all your fawning media outlets; i.e., Pimp with a Limp, MTV, Entertainment Tonight, The View, Dave Letterman, Jimmy Kimmel, and Jay Leno. You kept your continuous rambling of "I", "me", and "mine", when referring to our American troops protecting you, Michelle and the girls. Now, more than ever, we know these were nothing more than photo shoots.
There is so much you could do to facilitate the release of Marine Corporal Jon Hammar. You could easily pick up the phone, call the President of Mexico and demand the Corporal's release or the money flowing into Mexico will stop. You could invoke a no-fly zone over Mexico. You could encourage Americans to boycott vacations and business to Mexico.
This brave Marine Corporal volunteered to go to battle zones in the mid east to fight in combat to protect you, Michelle, and the girls, as you alluded to on these fawning programs. But when the time comes for you to step forward to bring this brave Marine back to America for Christmas, you turn your back on him.
Your spokesperson, Jay Carney, when speaking to the press corpse actually said he had no idea what the newsman was speaking about. For God's sake Mr. Obama, this is one of our brave fighting men. Get off your backside, away from your teleprompter, and step up to your responsibility to be the leader the 51% wanted.
By the way, I wouldn't brag anymore about bailing out General Motors. What are you doing about the $12.Billion GM now owes the taxpayers.
And you better tell Bernanke to get that green printing machine into overtime to keep printing money for your welfare/freebie people. Because you know very well, if you run out of money for your "posse" they will turn on you in a minute. Have you and/or Bernanke told the American people we now spend $853.Million a DAY in interest alone on our debt?
Again, thank you, Mr. Obama, for giving me one more spoonful of ammunition that proves you are going down in history as the most infamous resident of our White House.
And that's Politics with Pete for today....God bless our country...and our troops, especially Marine Corporal Jon Hammar
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
Ramblin' Man
Did anyone else see the press conference Mr. Obama held today? You know, the one with Gaffer Biden standing next to him with that look on his face that said, "what am I doing here"?
Has there ever been a more thin-skinned White House resident? Press corpse newsman Jake Tapper asked him "where have you been"?, regarding there has been four gun violence shootings since Mr. Obama has been in office. Mr. Obama has a standard reply as he stands in front of grievers, "we must stop these tragedies, and I will see to it that it stops". His only reply to newsman Tapper was "I've been busy being the President". Wow, what an answer.
The problem Mr. Obama is you have done nothing about anything since 2008 when you took office. All you've succeeded in is convincing your welfare-freebie base that you will continue to take money from working Americans, and pass it on to them. You are economically destroying our great country.
You cannot offer any substantial cuts to reduce our deficit. You count as not going to war a deficit cut. Have you calculated that any "Alice in Wonderland" cut that you propose does not even cover the interest on our national debt?
Today in your press conference you even had the audacity to say the Republicans must pass your tax increase proposal because the Newtown, CT massacre should help us all put things in proper perspective, and pass your tax increase.
You did nothing more for the American people than to ramble on and on when asked about the fiscal debt crisis. You're trying to sell us your tax increases by blaming Storm Sandy, the recession, and even the Newton, CT massacre. You made no sense at all. Just rambling on and on, believing that we were hanging on your every word. The truth is we couldn't understand anything you were rambling on about.
You have already damaged the working class Americans by raising the debt ceiling to $16.Trillion. You have increased welfare to nearly 50 million Americans. Yet, you say your tax increase won't pass because you say the Republicans "don't like me",to quote you. Are you really that narcissistic to believe you are more important than the American people? You are willing to let the American people suffer than compromise with Republicans.
Starting with Obamacare and ending with General Motors and all the energy companies you gave our taxpayers' money to, you have proven you have the infamous "reverse Midas touch".
Everything you touch turns to rust.
You should be impeached over the way you handled the Benghazi massacre. You refuse to discuss it with the American people. When you add to that your refusal to call the Fort Hood massacre a terrorist attack you really have people wondering if you are nothing more than a Muslim sympathizer.
Your only legacy is you will go down as the very worst White House resident this country has ever known.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God Bless our country....and our troops.
Has there ever been a more thin-skinned White House resident? Press corpse newsman Jake Tapper asked him "where have you been"?, regarding there has been four gun violence shootings since Mr. Obama has been in office. Mr. Obama has a standard reply as he stands in front of grievers, "we must stop these tragedies, and I will see to it that it stops". His only reply to newsman Tapper was "I've been busy being the President". Wow, what an answer.
The problem Mr. Obama is you have done nothing about anything since 2008 when you took office. All you've succeeded in is convincing your welfare-freebie base that you will continue to take money from working Americans, and pass it on to them. You are economically destroying our great country.
You cannot offer any substantial cuts to reduce our deficit. You count as not going to war a deficit cut. Have you calculated that any "Alice in Wonderland" cut that you propose does not even cover the interest on our national debt?
Today in your press conference you even had the audacity to say the Republicans must pass your tax increase proposal because the Newtown, CT massacre should help us all put things in proper perspective, and pass your tax increase.
You did nothing more for the American people than to ramble on and on when asked about the fiscal debt crisis. You're trying to sell us your tax increases by blaming Storm Sandy, the recession, and even the Newton, CT massacre. You made no sense at all. Just rambling on and on, believing that we were hanging on your every word. The truth is we couldn't understand anything you were rambling on about.
You have already damaged the working class Americans by raising the debt ceiling to $16.Trillion. You have increased welfare to nearly 50 million Americans. Yet, you say your tax increase won't pass because you say the Republicans "don't like me",to quote you. Are you really that narcissistic to believe you are more important than the American people? You are willing to let the American people suffer than compromise with Republicans.
Starting with Obamacare and ending with General Motors and all the energy companies you gave our taxpayers' money to, you have proven you have the infamous "reverse Midas touch".
Everything you touch turns to rust.
You should be impeached over the way you handled the Benghazi massacre. You refuse to discuss it with the American people. When you add to that your refusal to call the Fort Hood massacre a terrorist attack you really have people wondering if you are nothing more than a Muslim sympathizer.
Your only legacy is you will go down as the very worst White House resident this country has ever known.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God Bless our country....and our troops.
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
Is that your best Mr. O.?
Really, Mr. Obama, is that the best you got? You go to Newtown, CT., stand in front of a group of grieving people and you say, "these tragedies must stop". You ramble on with so many "I"'s, "me"'s, "mine"'s and then do a photo shoot hugging some kids, jump back on your plane, fly back to D.C., and make arrangements for your Hawaiian Christmas vacation.
Of course all Americans agree with you that these tragedies of violence must stop, but we look to you to tell us HOW do we stop these tragedies. Your fake crocodile tears are a dead give away. You're probably shedding a tear over a missed putt last week on the golf course.
Mr. Obama, if you really want to delve into curbing violence it starts in the family core. It begins in the most important unit we hold close to our hearts. The family unit.
I served for over four years as the media relations spokesperson and volunteer board president for the California Branch of the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children (NCMEC), formerly the Adam Walsh Center. I conducted and facilitated many parenting classes and workshops about children. I spoke to children of all ages from Kindgergarten to High School on the topics of "stranger danger", drugs, self-respect, date rape, and respect for family and others.
In all the classes and workshops I facilitated I always spoke of the fragility of our children. Children will always be the world's greatest natural resouce. Children don't emerge from the womb with a set of instructions attached to their backside. They seek love, warmth, and comfort from the first person they see when their eyes open. As they grow older they will seek and find these ingredients through other means if not given at home. Unfortunately some find it at an early age with groups called gangs.
Too many young teen age girls are giving birth who themselves have crack-addict mothers, and absent fathers. It is clearly the demise of the family unit that is the basis for violence in our country today. I always told the group at the classes I facilitated I was raised on LSD. They looked in shock till I explained LSD meant Love, Support, and Discipline. My parents were never my buddies, pals, friends, and they always reminded me of that.
Whenever I was disobedient as a teenager, and got "grounded" I would argue with Dad saying he was unfair, and we need to "debate" his punishment. His only reply, in a quiet, broken English dialogue he would say, "this family is not a democracy....it's a dictatorship, and I'm the dictator till you're eighteen". Then he would smile, tell me to take my "grounded" punishment and stop whining.
Never once in your photo shoot at Newtown did you even touch on any of these subjects. Just a few minutes ago your own Jay Carney could not mention one single item of what you plan to do about the "tragedies that must stop". You spend more time straddling the fence to make sure you don't offend anyone that just may cast a vote for your minions in 2014.
Can you explain, Mr. Obama, the big spike upwards in gun sales since the Newton massacre?
It's because Americans believe you're going to convince Congress that if guns are removed from Americans then gun crime will go down. Really, do you honestly believe that? We must, therefore, abolish knives, forks, box cutters, wire, automobiles, etc., because they kill people as much as guns do. Mr. Obama this is just another step in you refusal to step up to the responsibilities and leadership of your position.
Of course you do know you're making one contingency of America very happy. Yes, it's the criminals that carry guns. Do you think criminals are going to abide by any gun control laws?
Of course not. Criminals are going to feel very confident that whenever they walk into a place to commit a crime they will be the only ones carrying a gun.
Just imagine if there were signs on the entrances to Shady Hook Elementary school that said, EVERY TEACHER HERE HAS A LICENSE TO CARRY A GUN, AND HAVE GUNS AVAILABLE TO THEM. Do you think that just maybe he would've stopped, turned around, and left?And maybe twenty young children would be home for Christmas this year.
Or what if the teacher that greeted that evil shooter at the door had a gun on her when the shooter started to smash into the lobby?
As my hero Ronald Reagan used to say often, "you must protect peace through power". I am a proud NRA member, and as I type this I have a .357 in my shoulder holster. I follow all the laws and safety protocols of gun ownership. I pray that all I ever shoot at are targets at the gun range. However, when I go to sleep at night I load my .357, set the house alarm, and sleep like a newborn. Guns don't kill people....people kill people. And people have a right to protect themselves.
And that's Politics with Pete for today....God Bless our country...our children...and our troops.
Of course all Americans agree with you that these tragedies of violence must stop, but we look to you to tell us HOW do we stop these tragedies. Your fake crocodile tears are a dead give away. You're probably shedding a tear over a missed putt last week on the golf course.
Mr. Obama, if you really want to delve into curbing violence it starts in the family core. It begins in the most important unit we hold close to our hearts. The family unit.
I served for over four years as the media relations spokesperson and volunteer board president for the California Branch of the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children (NCMEC), formerly the Adam Walsh Center. I conducted and facilitated many parenting classes and workshops about children. I spoke to children of all ages from Kindgergarten to High School on the topics of "stranger danger", drugs, self-respect, date rape, and respect for family and others.
In all the classes and workshops I facilitated I always spoke of the fragility of our children. Children will always be the world's greatest natural resouce. Children don't emerge from the womb with a set of instructions attached to their backside. They seek love, warmth, and comfort from the first person they see when their eyes open. As they grow older they will seek and find these ingredients through other means if not given at home. Unfortunately some find it at an early age with groups called gangs.
Too many young teen age girls are giving birth who themselves have crack-addict mothers, and absent fathers. It is clearly the demise of the family unit that is the basis for violence in our country today. I always told the group at the classes I facilitated I was raised on LSD. They looked in shock till I explained LSD meant Love, Support, and Discipline. My parents were never my buddies, pals, friends, and they always reminded me of that.
Whenever I was disobedient as a teenager, and got "grounded" I would argue with Dad saying he was unfair, and we need to "debate" his punishment. His only reply, in a quiet, broken English dialogue he would say, "this family is not a democracy....it's a dictatorship, and I'm the dictator till you're eighteen". Then he would smile, tell me to take my "grounded" punishment and stop whining.
Never once in your photo shoot at Newtown did you even touch on any of these subjects. Just a few minutes ago your own Jay Carney could not mention one single item of what you plan to do about the "tragedies that must stop". You spend more time straddling the fence to make sure you don't offend anyone that just may cast a vote for your minions in 2014.
Can you explain, Mr. Obama, the big spike upwards in gun sales since the Newton massacre?
It's because Americans believe you're going to convince Congress that if guns are removed from Americans then gun crime will go down. Really, do you honestly believe that? We must, therefore, abolish knives, forks, box cutters, wire, automobiles, etc., because they kill people as much as guns do. Mr. Obama this is just another step in you refusal to step up to the responsibilities and leadership of your position.
Of course you do know you're making one contingency of America very happy. Yes, it's the criminals that carry guns. Do you think criminals are going to abide by any gun control laws?
Of course not. Criminals are going to feel very confident that whenever they walk into a place to commit a crime they will be the only ones carrying a gun.
Just imagine if there were signs on the entrances to Shady Hook Elementary school that said, EVERY TEACHER HERE HAS A LICENSE TO CARRY A GUN, AND HAVE GUNS AVAILABLE TO THEM. Do you think that just maybe he would've stopped, turned around, and left?And maybe twenty young children would be home for Christmas this year.
Or what if the teacher that greeted that evil shooter at the door had a gun on her when the shooter started to smash into the lobby?
As my hero Ronald Reagan used to say often, "you must protect peace through power". I am a proud NRA member, and as I type this I have a .357 in my shoulder holster. I follow all the laws and safety protocols of gun ownership. I pray that all I ever shoot at are targets at the gun range. However, when I go to sleep at night I load my .357, set the house alarm, and sleep like a newborn. Guns don't kill people....people kill people. And people have a right to protect themselves.
And that's Politics with Pete for today....God Bless our country...our children...and our troops.
Saturday, December 15, 2012
Really..would you?
So, I'm sitting here at the computer feeling a little better while I recover from this horrendous cold, sore throat, and chest congestion that my wife transferred to me. A few more days of chicken soup, tea, and anti-biotics, and I think I'll be ready to go. And you women can stop calling us men big babies. It's tough to channel surf with blankets all over you and holding a cup of tea.
Seriously, I shut off the TV. It's still too hard to watch the news of the Newton, CT tragedy. I called my grand daughter Katie Rose in California this morning. I heard her tell my daughter, "Tell PaPa I'll call him later...I'm watching cartoons now". Katie Rose is five, and in Kindergarten. I just smiled, and told my daughter, "that's OK...just tell her PaPa loves her".
So, for distraction I thought I'd use today's blog to ask some questions OK?
So would you vote for a man for president:
Who refuses to use our own country's natural resources of gas and oil to put thousands of
Americans to work?
That allows the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to pass no less than eighty laws a
day prohibiting manufacturers to successfully operate?
Allow the same EPA to close numerous coal mines in West Virginia putting thousands out
of work?
Who has increased out national debt in four years more than all previous Presidents
Whose health care reform act is causing companies to stop refusal of health insurance to
new hires?
Who has not offered a balanced budget to Congress in over three years?
Whose administration is responsible for over 300,000 Americans to leave the work force
every month?
Whose increase in taxes will create a loss of over 700,000 jobs in small businesses?
Who will not share a college transcript with America?
Who sat in a church for twenty years listening to his pastor "dam America"?
Whose known associates include a criminal who bombed public buildings?
Who invited a rap singer to entertain for the White House that not long ago sang songs
that invoked the torturing and killing of U.S. soldiers and their families?
Who has increased welfare spending more than any president since the great depression?
Who is on target to raise our country's national debt to $20.Trillion within the next
four years, while not offering a viable spending cut?
Who will not allow the truth to surface regarding the Benghazi massacre of four
Americans, including a distinguished Ambassador?
Really, now...would you vote for a man for president of this country if he were responsible for the above items? Would you?
Guess what? Fifty-one percent of you did. Are you sorry yet?
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country....and our troops
Seriously, I shut off the TV. It's still too hard to watch the news of the Newton, CT tragedy. I called my grand daughter Katie Rose in California this morning. I heard her tell my daughter, "Tell PaPa I'll call him later...I'm watching cartoons now". Katie Rose is five, and in Kindergarten. I just smiled, and told my daughter, "that's OK...just tell her PaPa loves her".
So, for distraction I thought I'd use today's blog to ask some questions OK?
So would you vote for a man for president:
Who refuses to use our own country's natural resources of gas and oil to put thousands of
Americans to work?
That allows the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to pass no less than eighty laws a
day prohibiting manufacturers to successfully operate?
Allow the same EPA to close numerous coal mines in West Virginia putting thousands out
of work?
Who has increased out national debt in four years more than all previous Presidents
Whose health care reform act is causing companies to stop refusal of health insurance to
new hires?
Who has not offered a balanced budget to Congress in over three years?
Whose administration is responsible for over 300,000 Americans to leave the work force
every month?
Whose increase in taxes will create a loss of over 700,000 jobs in small businesses?
Who will not share a college transcript with America?
Who sat in a church for twenty years listening to his pastor "dam America"?
Whose known associates include a criminal who bombed public buildings?
Who invited a rap singer to entertain for the White House that not long ago sang songs
that invoked the torturing and killing of U.S. soldiers and their families?
Who has increased welfare spending more than any president since the great depression?
Who is on target to raise our country's national debt to $20.Trillion within the next
four years, while not offering a viable spending cut?
Who will not allow the truth to surface regarding the Benghazi massacre of four
Americans, including a distinguished Ambassador?
Really, now...would you vote for a man for president of this country if he were responsible for the above items? Would you?
Guess what? Fifty-one percent of you did. Are you sorry yet?
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country....and our troops
Friday, December 14, 2012
Today we must pray
There's no "Politics with Pete" today. Suddenly fiscal cliffs, budgets, unemployment, national debt don't have much meaning for me today.
My wife and I have nine grandchildren; ranging from college to first grade ages. We all lost so much more than the lives of those beautiful twenty angels. Our country lost the future hopes, desires, ambition, and love from these children. Along with the young children and adults we were all murdered today.
I have tears as I type this, between my wife and I consoling each other. Just last night we talked to our grandson in college. I called under the guise of checking to see if he got our card with a few bucks for his Christmas break. But he knew my wife and I called just to hear his voice and find out he's OK, and wish him a blessed Christmas break from school.
Today, I can't help but think and pray for those grandparents of the twenty slain young students who will not be able to talk to their grandchildren today. Grandparents who have Christmas presents wrapped, but no grandchildren to give them to.
Radio and TV shows have many guest psychiatrists on their programs today, and all are asked the infamous question, "Why"? All the psychiatrists agree that no one really can fathom why a deranged young man, twenty years old, would walk into a school with two semi-automatic weapons and open fire on twenty students and six adults.
All agree that the parents, grandparents, and everyone associated with these young angels will never fully recover from their grieving. They will only survive if and when they learn that they can and will have to live with the horrific grief.
Three years before I was born my parents lost their son, my brother whom I'm named after, to a crazed driver. Years later my mother told me an hour never passes without her thinking of him. She told me that everything I did growing up reminded her of her lost son.
The children lost today will never be forgotten by their families and friends, and they must never be forgotten by us. Get on your knees and pray, light a candle in church, do whatever your religion wants you to do to praise them.
Another great idea is to call them right now, and say, "No reason to call....just wanted to say I love you". Believe me they'll know why you're really calling.
We now have twenty more angels in heaven helping God celebrate Christmas for all of us.
God bless our country....and all our children.
My wife and I have nine grandchildren; ranging from college to first grade ages. We all lost so much more than the lives of those beautiful twenty angels. Our country lost the future hopes, desires, ambition, and love from these children. Along with the young children and adults we were all murdered today.
I have tears as I type this, between my wife and I consoling each other. Just last night we talked to our grandson in college. I called under the guise of checking to see if he got our card with a few bucks for his Christmas break. But he knew my wife and I called just to hear his voice and find out he's OK, and wish him a blessed Christmas break from school.
Today, I can't help but think and pray for those grandparents of the twenty slain young students who will not be able to talk to their grandchildren today. Grandparents who have Christmas presents wrapped, but no grandchildren to give them to.
Radio and TV shows have many guest psychiatrists on their programs today, and all are asked the infamous question, "Why"? All the psychiatrists agree that no one really can fathom why a deranged young man, twenty years old, would walk into a school with two semi-automatic weapons and open fire on twenty students and six adults.
All agree that the parents, grandparents, and everyone associated with these young angels will never fully recover from their grieving. They will only survive if and when they learn that they can and will have to live with the horrific grief.
Three years before I was born my parents lost their son, my brother whom I'm named after, to a crazed driver. Years later my mother told me an hour never passes without her thinking of him. She told me that everything I did growing up reminded her of her lost son.
The children lost today will never be forgotten by their families and friends, and they must never be forgotten by us. Get on your knees and pray, light a candle in church, do whatever your religion wants you to do to praise them.
Another great idea is to call them right now, and say, "No reason to call....just wanted to say I love you". Believe me they'll know why you're really calling.
We now have twenty more angels in heaven helping God celebrate Christmas for all of us.
God bless our country....and all our children.
Thursday, December 13, 2012
I've got a bad cold
Is there any way I can stay happily married and still sue my wife for endangering my life? Last week she had a cold, and went through all the medical machinations of aspirin, tea, liquids, cold medications, etc., and with very little fanfare the cold decided it would survive better if it jumped to my old non-immune body.
Well, it worked, and here I sit with a box of tissues, a stuffed head, a nose that is blocked up, a cough that won't stop, while drinking hot tea and chicken soup. Of course my brave wife just laughs and calls me a big baby. Any of you other guys have this problem?
OK..so you ask what's this got to do with my daily blog on "Politics with Pete"? The truth is I sit here at my computer, looking terrible in my sweats, swallowing aspirin, coughing while trying to blow my sinus out, with lots of time to do nothing but type this blog.
I feel very lucky that even though I don't have a lot of readers, or tweet and google followers, I have been receiving some nice positive feedback. I also must admit I have a few critics that seem to delight in attacking my conservative points of view. Thank you for the positive feedback.
So today, I'd like to open this blog of questions to my critics. I'm going to write a list of questions, and I humbly beg you to answer them to the best of your ability. Please, no personal attacks, no need to remind me that your man won the election. Just take a look at the questions, and answer the best you can. OK? Here we go:
1. Last month's unemployment dipped to 7.7%, but how many Americans left the job force?
2. What is the percentage of incoming tax revenue will be used for entitlement spending only?
3. Hidden in Obamacare is a hidden tax levied on all Americans to cover pre-existing
conditions. What is that amount?
4. How many States have now enacted the right-to-work legislation?
5. What three major companies, that have 1,000+ employees will not offer health insurance
beginning 2013 because of Obamacare?
6. Since Obama was re-elected how many states have begun successful petitions to secede from
the Union?
7. What is the percentage increase in layoffs since Obama was reelected?
8. Can you name three companies that Mr. Obama bailed out with stimulus taxpayers'
money, only to see the very same companies go bankrupt or sell out their companies
to China?
9. How many rounds of golf has Mr. Obama played in the past thirty days?
10. Can you name three areas of spending cuts that Mr. Obama will invoke to avoid
the fiscal cliff?
Now, look at the questions, and please answer the best you can. No blasphemy or lies, or personal attacks please. I'm suffering enough right now with this cold.
I've got more questions, but my nose is running, I'm coughing, and my wife is standing here with my cold medicine. I've got to go. More tomorrow. Please pray that my cold will jump to someone else, and soon.
And that's Politics with Pete for today....God bless our country....and our troops
Well, it worked, and here I sit with a box of tissues, a stuffed head, a nose that is blocked up, a cough that won't stop, while drinking hot tea and chicken soup. Of course my brave wife just laughs and calls me a big baby. Any of you other guys have this problem?
OK..so you ask what's this got to do with my daily blog on "Politics with Pete"? The truth is I sit here at my computer, looking terrible in my sweats, swallowing aspirin, coughing while trying to blow my sinus out, with lots of time to do nothing but type this blog.
I feel very lucky that even though I don't have a lot of readers, or tweet and google followers, I have been receiving some nice positive feedback. I also must admit I have a few critics that seem to delight in attacking my conservative points of view. Thank you for the positive feedback.
So today, I'd like to open this blog of questions to my critics. I'm going to write a list of questions, and I humbly beg you to answer them to the best of your ability. Please, no personal attacks, no need to remind me that your man won the election. Just take a look at the questions, and answer the best you can. OK? Here we go:
1. Last month's unemployment dipped to 7.7%, but how many Americans left the job force?
2. What is the percentage of incoming tax revenue will be used for entitlement spending only?
3. Hidden in Obamacare is a hidden tax levied on all Americans to cover pre-existing
conditions. What is that amount?
4. How many States have now enacted the right-to-work legislation?
5. What three major companies, that have 1,000+ employees will not offer health insurance
beginning 2013 because of Obamacare?
6. Since Obama was re-elected how many states have begun successful petitions to secede from
the Union?
7. What is the percentage increase in layoffs since Obama was reelected?
8. Can you name three companies that Mr. Obama bailed out with stimulus taxpayers'
money, only to see the very same companies go bankrupt or sell out their companies
to China?
9. How many rounds of golf has Mr. Obama played in the past thirty days?
10. Can you name three areas of spending cuts that Mr. Obama will invoke to avoid
the fiscal cliff?
Now, look at the questions, and please answer the best you can. No blasphemy or lies, or personal attacks please. I'm suffering enough right now with this cold.
I've got more questions, but my nose is running, I'm coughing, and my wife is standing here with my cold medicine. I've got to go. More tomorrow. Please pray that my cold will jump to someone else, and soon.
And that's Politics with Pete for today....God bless our country....and our troops
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
Making us proud unions!
I remember when I was first promoted into management. It was just an entry level production foreman's position, but what I remember most was the heated discussion my father and I had. Dad had just retired, after forty-eight years as a union member, from U.S. Steel.
I was always very proud of Dad. He came here from Italy in 1916 as an uneducated immigrant.
He worked as a very loyal union member his entire 48 years in the mills. He was disappointed when I left the union where I worked to take a job as an entry level foreman. And so the disagreements started.
Dad felt I had no union to "protect" me. I tried unsuccessfully to convince him that my hard work, ambition, and desire to succeed were all the tools I needed. Dad still felt that job protection only came from union representation. I reminded him that when employment was flourishing and most consumer products were made here in the U.S., yes there were some companies took advantage of workers, and union representation was needed.
Then unions became big and powerful, and subsequently union corruption ensued. Companies actually came under the scrutiny and power of the unions. Companies found themselves acquiescing to unions just to keep the production lines moving. Then the pendulum started to swing in strong favor of the unions. Wages, health insurance, and pensions became unreasonably out of sight, along with union corruption.
Then two impactful phenomenas emerged. First, unheard of investigations took place by companies. Companies that couldn't keep pace with unions began to explore having their products made in foreign countries where labor was much cheaper, and in some cases had no unions to deal with. Of course this angered U.S. based unions even more, and strong union backlash appeared. Slowly there were less and less jobs for the unions to "protect" This caused union "thuggery" in many disparaging acts against companies and hard working Americans.
And then, lo and behold, another phenomena took place. To protect its companies and hard working people, the state of Arizona passed legislation that an employee did not have to join a union to be gainfully employed. This caused undue outrage among union leaders in the state.
Let's fast-forward to 2012. As of yesterday the state of Michigan became the twenty-fourth state to pass right-to-work legislation. Last year there were 1.3 million private sector union members. Today there are only 400,000 private sector union members. That proves that Americans are more interested in going to work to earn a living, then they are to promote union leadership. Americans are feeling that with the hopelessness of job creation there aren't many jobs for the unions to protect.
Another factor is the horrible fact of automatic deduction of union dues. American union members further discovered they had no voice in the disbursement of their monthly union dues.
Enter Mr. Obama. Mr. Obama with the support of strong union leaders accepted millions of dollars in campaign donations with the promise of helping unions.
However, more jobs are being lost every week and it seems that no matter how many speeches Mr. Obama offers to the unions, Americans can readily see there just are not jobs for the unions to protect. Mr. Obama even felt the need to travel to a small town in Michigan to promote his union base, while degrading the right-to-work legislation calling it a political ploy.
Ironically, Mr. Obama's speech was only blocks away from A123 Battery Company that received $249.Million of stimulus taxpayer money just last year. Then another fact that you can bet the main stream media won't report. This very same A123 Batter Company is currently selling out to China for $132.Million. Now, do you think we taxpayers will get any of our stimulus money back? Don't think so.
As I watched the violence erupt at the Lansing, Michigan state house I immediately thought of Dad. The legislation had already been passed, and yet union protesters felt it was necessary to show solidarity through violence. At one point a hot dog vendor watched his hot dog stand destroyed by union protesters. Fights broke out, started by union protesters, even to the point a large tent with women and children inside was torn down and trampled on by union protesters causing injury to many.
And this was AFTER the governor of Michigan signed the right-to-work legislation into law.
What did the union protesters hope to accomplish with violence and damage to the people who want the ability to opt out of unions if they so choose.
My Dad is right now spinning in his grave. Not because another state decided to enact a right-to-work law, but because Americans were displaying such violence to other Americans.
Statistics reveal that employment in right-to-work states is higher than non right to work states.
Employees actually make better wages, and do not have to pay a monthly union due that goes
to where the union leaders choose, not where the union member chooses. Americans want to take care of their families, not their union leaders.
There are now twenty-four states that have successfully enacted the right to work legislation. I'm 77 years young, and I pray I live long enough to witness all states enacting the right to work laws. America will surely be better for it.
And that's Politics with Pete for today....God Bless our country and our troops.
I was always very proud of Dad. He came here from Italy in 1916 as an uneducated immigrant.
He worked as a very loyal union member his entire 48 years in the mills. He was disappointed when I left the union where I worked to take a job as an entry level foreman. And so the disagreements started.
Dad felt I had no union to "protect" me. I tried unsuccessfully to convince him that my hard work, ambition, and desire to succeed were all the tools I needed. Dad still felt that job protection only came from union representation. I reminded him that when employment was flourishing and most consumer products were made here in the U.S., yes there were some companies took advantage of workers, and union representation was needed.
Then unions became big and powerful, and subsequently union corruption ensued. Companies actually came under the scrutiny and power of the unions. Companies found themselves acquiescing to unions just to keep the production lines moving. Then the pendulum started to swing in strong favor of the unions. Wages, health insurance, and pensions became unreasonably out of sight, along with union corruption.
Then two impactful phenomenas emerged. First, unheard of investigations took place by companies. Companies that couldn't keep pace with unions began to explore having their products made in foreign countries where labor was much cheaper, and in some cases had no unions to deal with. Of course this angered U.S. based unions even more, and strong union backlash appeared. Slowly there were less and less jobs for the unions to "protect" This caused union "thuggery" in many disparaging acts against companies and hard working Americans.
And then, lo and behold, another phenomena took place. To protect its companies and hard working people, the state of Arizona passed legislation that an employee did not have to join a union to be gainfully employed. This caused undue outrage among union leaders in the state.
Let's fast-forward to 2012. As of yesterday the state of Michigan became the twenty-fourth state to pass right-to-work legislation. Last year there were 1.3 million private sector union members. Today there are only 400,000 private sector union members. That proves that Americans are more interested in going to work to earn a living, then they are to promote union leadership. Americans are feeling that with the hopelessness of job creation there aren't many jobs for the unions to protect.
Another factor is the horrible fact of automatic deduction of union dues. American union members further discovered they had no voice in the disbursement of their monthly union dues.
Enter Mr. Obama. Mr. Obama with the support of strong union leaders accepted millions of dollars in campaign donations with the promise of helping unions.
However, more jobs are being lost every week and it seems that no matter how many speeches Mr. Obama offers to the unions, Americans can readily see there just are not jobs for the unions to protect. Mr. Obama even felt the need to travel to a small town in Michigan to promote his union base, while degrading the right-to-work legislation calling it a political ploy.
Ironically, Mr. Obama's speech was only blocks away from A123 Battery Company that received $249.Million of stimulus taxpayer money just last year. Then another fact that you can bet the main stream media won't report. This very same A123 Batter Company is currently selling out to China for $132.Million. Now, do you think we taxpayers will get any of our stimulus money back? Don't think so.
As I watched the violence erupt at the Lansing, Michigan state house I immediately thought of Dad. The legislation had already been passed, and yet union protesters felt it was necessary to show solidarity through violence. At one point a hot dog vendor watched his hot dog stand destroyed by union protesters. Fights broke out, started by union protesters, even to the point a large tent with women and children inside was torn down and trampled on by union protesters causing injury to many.
And this was AFTER the governor of Michigan signed the right-to-work legislation into law.
What did the union protesters hope to accomplish with violence and damage to the people who want the ability to opt out of unions if they so choose.
My Dad is right now spinning in his grave. Not because another state decided to enact a right-to-work law, but because Americans were displaying such violence to other Americans.
Statistics reveal that employment in right-to-work states is higher than non right to work states.
Employees actually make better wages, and do not have to pay a monthly union due that goes
to where the union leaders choose, not where the union member chooses. Americans want to take care of their families, not their union leaders.
There are now twenty-four states that have successfully enacted the right to work legislation. I'm 77 years young, and I pray I live long enough to witness all states enacting the right to work laws. America will surely be better for it.
And that's Politics with Pete for today....God Bless our country and our troops.
Monday, December 10, 2012
Hey, it's what you wanted
Mr. Obama can now be officially called THE FOOD STAMP/WELFARE PRESIDENT.
Yes, Mr. Obama, you did it. This great country of ours, in the midst of the most devastating economic crisis we've ever faced, we can infamously declare that our biggest "monthly bill" is sending welfare/food stamps checks to the very people who voted you in office.
How does that make you feel Mr. O? I remember you campaigning standing in front of bridges pontificating about how we need to spend stimulus money on infrastructure, rebuilding bridges and roads. Yet, the biggest expense coming out of the White House today is welfare/food stamps.
Yeah, you keep taxing the very job creators in this country forcing them to close their businesses, and soon the welfare money will disappear, and then someone will whisper in your ear, "hey did you know that a person on welfare has never created a job...so why do you keep bailing those people out"?
And there's not much we hard working Americans can do about it. These very same people that you send their monthly welfare checks to and supply with food stamps are the very same people that "put you over the top" last month and voted you into office for another dreadful four years.
You have come to be known as our "Celebrity President"; known for the company you keep. You associate with celebrities, even appointing some of them to "czar status". You can't be dedicated to solving the middle class economic problems. Your priority is how you and your family and close associates are going to draw down during your lame duck residency in our White House.
Why are companies laying off employees at an enormous pace since you were reelected? Why are major companies cutting back the hours of their current employees so they won't have to offer them health insurance? Many companies, including Walmart has announced that effective January, 2013 they will not offer health insurance to new employees. Way to go with that 2,977 pages of Obamacare.
Your infamous EPA enforces close to eighty regulations a day to deter manufacturing companies to grow into prospering businesses. Do you peruse these regulations, or are you too busy on the golf course?
Your foreign policy is the worst our country has ever endured. Your threats to Syria's Asaad has fallen on deaf ears. He's loading up deadly gas bombs as I'm writing this, and you stand by with idle threats. What have you done to save the people of Syria? Maybe the better question is what are you going to do when Asaad drops deadly gas bombs on his own people?
Let's see now; your foreign policy is failing. Our economic crisis is in the worst downward spiral in history. Layoffs continue to rise. Thousands of Americans leave the workforce in record numbers every day. A battery producing company is spending $132.Million of the $249.Million taxpayer stimulus money you awarded them to create jobs overseas. But don't worry your fawning media won't report any of this.
You have the nerve to go to Michigan to the town where this battery factory is located to preach that the people of Michigan need to support their unions. Mr. Obama what don't you understand? There are no jobs for your blessed unions to protect. Why should a worker pay union dues when auto manufacturers are moving to right-to-work states? Now there's living proof you don't care for middle class working people.
When you spoke to the people of Michigan, that are struggling to make ends meet, did you tell them that at the end of this week you, Michelle, and the girls will be embarking on a seventeen-day vacation in Hawaii? What a great leader you are. By the way who's paying for your vacation?
How do you think the American people feel that you spent a wonderful evening watching the performance of the very rap singer that a few years ago sang songs abut torturing and killing American soldiers and their families? Hangin' with your crew huh man?
In future decades you will most definitely go down in American history as the very worst president this country has ever endured. You did not get reelected by the good American people. You got reelected by the millions you put under government control with your welfare/freebie/food stamp programs. Good hard-working Americans don't want to associate with you at all. You're a disgrace to the residency of the White House.
I realize that my blog writing is like throwing a glass of water into the ocean. It doesn't make any difference at all. If only it did. However, I feel good knowing that millions of good Americans agree with me.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God Bless our country....and our troops
Yes, Mr. Obama, you did it. This great country of ours, in the midst of the most devastating economic crisis we've ever faced, we can infamously declare that our biggest "monthly bill" is sending welfare/food stamps checks to the very people who voted you in office.
How does that make you feel Mr. O? I remember you campaigning standing in front of bridges pontificating about how we need to spend stimulus money on infrastructure, rebuilding bridges and roads. Yet, the biggest expense coming out of the White House today is welfare/food stamps.
Yeah, you keep taxing the very job creators in this country forcing them to close their businesses, and soon the welfare money will disappear, and then someone will whisper in your ear, "hey did you know that a person on welfare has never created a job...so why do you keep bailing those people out"?
And there's not much we hard working Americans can do about it. These very same people that you send their monthly welfare checks to and supply with food stamps are the very same people that "put you over the top" last month and voted you into office for another dreadful four years.
You have come to be known as our "Celebrity President"; known for the company you keep. You associate with celebrities, even appointing some of them to "czar status". You can't be dedicated to solving the middle class economic problems. Your priority is how you and your family and close associates are going to draw down during your lame duck residency in our White House.
Why are companies laying off employees at an enormous pace since you were reelected? Why are major companies cutting back the hours of their current employees so they won't have to offer them health insurance? Many companies, including Walmart has announced that effective January, 2013 they will not offer health insurance to new employees. Way to go with that 2,977 pages of Obamacare.
Your infamous EPA enforces close to eighty regulations a day to deter manufacturing companies to grow into prospering businesses. Do you peruse these regulations, or are you too busy on the golf course?
Your foreign policy is the worst our country has ever endured. Your threats to Syria's Asaad has fallen on deaf ears. He's loading up deadly gas bombs as I'm writing this, and you stand by with idle threats. What have you done to save the people of Syria? Maybe the better question is what are you going to do when Asaad drops deadly gas bombs on his own people?
Let's see now; your foreign policy is failing. Our economic crisis is in the worst downward spiral in history. Layoffs continue to rise. Thousands of Americans leave the workforce in record numbers every day. A battery producing company is spending $132.Million of the $249.Million taxpayer stimulus money you awarded them to create jobs overseas. But don't worry your fawning media won't report any of this.
You have the nerve to go to Michigan to the town where this battery factory is located to preach that the people of Michigan need to support their unions. Mr. Obama what don't you understand? There are no jobs for your blessed unions to protect. Why should a worker pay union dues when auto manufacturers are moving to right-to-work states? Now there's living proof you don't care for middle class working people.
When you spoke to the people of Michigan, that are struggling to make ends meet, did you tell them that at the end of this week you, Michelle, and the girls will be embarking on a seventeen-day vacation in Hawaii? What a great leader you are. By the way who's paying for your vacation?
How do you think the American people feel that you spent a wonderful evening watching the performance of the very rap singer that a few years ago sang songs abut torturing and killing American soldiers and their families? Hangin' with your crew huh man?
In future decades you will most definitely go down in American history as the very worst president this country has ever endured. You did not get reelected by the good American people. You got reelected by the millions you put under government control with your welfare/freebie/food stamp programs. Good hard-working Americans don't want to associate with you at all. You're a disgrace to the residency of the White House.
I realize that my blog writing is like throwing a glass of water into the ocean. It doesn't make any difference at all. If only it did. However, I feel good knowing that millions of good Americans agree with me.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God Bless our country....and our troops
Saturday, December 8, 2012
Way to go Mr. O.
Maybe this blog should be titled "what do we do for the next 357 days Mr. O."? It's a fact, if we tax everyone who earns $200,000. a year($250,000 for families), the revenue accrued can only operate government for eight days. My obvious question is what do we do for the next 357 days?
America is drowning in the quicksand of debt faster now than ever before. Forty-Six cents of every dollar our government spends is borrowed. Will someone please explain to me how that type of progress is going to get us out of debt.
Someone please tell Mr. Obama to quit campaigning. He won, and he's in our White House for another four years. Mr. Obama there's no need to travel around the country, sitting at the breakfast tables of Americans to tell us what you want to do. Just do it. You're the leader in chief. Give us your plan. You do have a plan don't you?
Quit pandering to your base. You can't run for election anymore. But then, you've been a lame duck resident of our White House since January, '09. Why change now? You and your buddy Pelosi keep reminding us that elections have consequences. Well. Mr. Obama, winning elections also bring responsibilities that require strong leadership.
Do you know what leadership involves? Most of us don't believe you do know. It means sitting down with House members of Congress, negotiating, comprising a plan that is good for all Americans. You keep pontificating, "my way or the highway". You're destroying us Mr. Obama.
And please don't insult us that things are getting better. Layoffs are continuing at an alarming rate since you were reelected. Twenty-two states want to secede from you. Reminds us all of how the early Americans came here to get out from the tyranny of England. Things are getting worse and you know it.
You proclaim that unemployment is down to 7.7%. Again you insult us. Please do the math. To arrive at 7.7% with only 146,000 jobs created only means one thing; thousands just gave up and left the job force.
We know you want to grow the government. In the past four months 73% of jobs created are in the public force, where unemployment is down to 3.8%. What does that that tell you Mr. Obama? You're not for the middle class working people Mr. Obama. You're for expanding government. We all get it now.
You know it...we know it; you're our welfare/food stamp president. You even want to diminish our military power by cutting defense spending. However, there is no talk of cutting entitlement spending. In fact you're on the road to increase entitlement spending. You want more welfare people to depend on you for one reason; voting for your party in the mid-term elections in 2014.
You make it so easy for your welfare populist to grow. Here's an example; I was in the paint store today waiting for the clerk to help me out, and he was talking to the customer ahead of me. "Yeah, it's OK working here, the people are nice, but the pay is tough. I'm thinking of just going on welfare". Is that what our welfare program is all about?
We are in a fiscal cliff crisis, with our economy heading for a depression that we may not recover from. Our mid-east adversaries don't seem to respect us, and our allies are beginning to doubt us. More than ever our country needs a leader, not a campaigner.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops.
America is drowning in the quicksand of debt faster now than ever before. Forty-Six cents of every dollar our government spends is borrowed. Will someone please explain to me how that type of progress is going to get us out of debt.
Someone please tell Mr. Obama to quit campaigning. He won, and he's in our White House for another four years. Mr. Obama there's no need to travel around the country, sitting at the breakfast tables of Americans to tell us what you want to do. Just do it. You're the leader in chief. Give us your plan. You do have a plan don't you?
Quit pandering to your base. You can't run for election anymore. But then, you've been a lame duck resident of our White House since January, '09. Why change now? You and your buddy Pelosi keep reminding us that elections have consequences. Well. Mr. Obama, winning elections also bring responsibilities that require strong leadership.
Do you know what leadership involves? Most of us don't believe you do know. It means sitting down with House members of Congress, negotiating, comprising a plan that is good for all Americans. You keep pontificating, "my way or the highway". You're destroying us Mr. Obama.
And please don't insult us that things are getting better. Layoffs are continuing at an alarming rate since you were reelected. Twenty-two states want to secede from you. Reminds us all of how the early Americans came here to get out from the tyranny of England. Things are getting worse and you know it.
You proclaim that unemployment is down to 7.7%. Again you insult us. Please do the math. To arrive at 7.7% with only 146,000 jobs created only means one thing; thousands just gave up and left the job force.
We know you want to grow the government. In the past four months 73% of jobs created are in the public force, where unemployment is down to 3.8%. What does that that tell you Mr. Obama? You're not for the middle class working people Mr. Obama. You're for expanding government. We all get it now.
You know it...we know it; you're our welfare/food stamp president. You even want to diminish our military power by cutting defense spending. However, there is no talk of cutting entitlement spending. In fact you're on the road to increase entitlement spending. You want more welfare people to depend on you for one reason; voting for your party in the mid-term elections in 2014.
You make it so easy for your welfare populist to grow. Here's an example; I was in the paint store today waiting for the clerk to help me out, and he was talking to the customer ahead of me. "Yeah, it's OK working here, the people are nice, but the pay is tough. I'm thinking of just going on welfare". Is that what our welfare program is all about?
We are in a fiscal cliff crisis, with our economy heading for a depression that we may not recover from. Our mid-east adversaries don't seem to respect us, and our allies are beginning to doubt us. More than ever our country needs a leader, not a campaigner.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops.
Friday, December 7, 2012
Honor our WWII troops
I'm not ashamed to admit I shed a lot of tears this morning watching the news showing the 1941 Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. I channel-surfed most of the other networks to see that there were no Democrats, Republicans, or Independents on TV this morning, and there were no Protestants, Catholics, Jews, or Muslims. There were just Americans honoring our WWII war heroes on TV. It was very uplifting to experience this unfolding on the morning news programs.
At 77 years old my wife and I both have recollection of uncles and cousins killed or injured in what many call "The Great War", but is any war great? Every war is devastating, with many tragic consequences. Even with our great country emerging victorious in both the European and Pacific war zones, there were many horrible consequences, and unforgettable memories for America.
Later this morning, wearing my old beat up Air Force ball cap, an old timer approached me asking about my time in the military. I found out he was also an Air Force alum. We talked about what today meant to every vet who wore the uniform, including all those who fought and lost their lives in all the wars our country has fought in, but especially those who served at Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941
He said it felt disheartening when he asked some young teens this morning if they know what December 7th signified. They said they had no idea what December 7th meant. He said he wasn't angry, but felt sad that most of the service men and women, who fought and survived WWII to protect the freedom these young teens enjoy, aren't even remembered today.
There is a movie available on the Internet today; "Honor Flight". It can be found on www.honorflight.com. I encourage all to watch it. I also encourage those who can to volunteer to assist at airports helping WWII veterans on and off planes when these heroes fly to Wash., D.C., to visit the WWII War Memorial.
We have a family friend who is a part of this program at our Cleveland airport. She has invited my wife and I to take part in these early morning programs, helping these special WWII heroes on and off planes. Many of them have canes, walkers, wheel chairs, and need assistance. We're looking forward to helping out at the airport soon. We feel this is our chance, in a small way, to say "Thanks You" to these heroes.
There's not too many WWII survivors around today, but if you happen to know one please contact him/her, and let them know how much you appreciate what they have done for you.
I guarantee you'll make their day for them. Many of them feel forgotten, especially among the young of today. We owe them so much that we can never repay, but at least we can acknowledge them and let them know they will never be forgotten.
God Bless our country....and all our troops, especially those WWII heroes and vets, along with those at Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941
At 77 years old my wife and I both have recollection of uncles and cousins killed or injured in what many call "The Great War", but is any war great? Every war is devastating, with many tragic consequences. Even with our great country emerging victorious in both the European and Pacific war zones, there were many horrible consequences, and unforgettable memories for America.
Later this morning, wearing my old beat up Air Force ball cap, an old timer approached me asking about my time in the military. I found out he was also an Air Force alum. We talked about what today meant to every vet who wore the uniform, including all those who fought and lost their lives in all the wars our country has fought in, but especially those who served at Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941
He said it felt disheartening when he asked some young teens this morning if they know what December 7th signified. They said they had no idea what December 7th meant. He said he wasn't angry, but felt sad that most of the service men and women, who fought and survived WWII to protect the freedom these young teens enjoy, aren't even remembered today.
There is a movie available on the Internet today; "Honor Flight". It can be found on www.honorflight.com. I encourage all to watch it. I also encourage those who can to volunteer to assist at airports helping WWII veterans on and off planes when these heroes fly to Wash., D.C., to visit the WWII War Memorial.
We have a family friend who is a part of this program at our Cleveland airport. She has invited my wife and I to take part in these early morning programs, helping these special WWII heroes on and off planes. Many of them have canes, walkers, wheel chairs, and need assistance. We're looking forward to helping out at the airport soon. We feel this is our chance, in a small way, to say "Thanks You" to these heroes.
There's not too many WWII survivors around today, but if you happen to know one please contact him/her, and let them know how much you appreciate what they have done for you.
I guarantee you'll make their day for them. Many of them feel forgotten, especially among the young of today. We owe them so much that we can never repay, but at least we can acknowledge them and let them know they will never be forgotten.
God Bless our country....and all our troops, especially those WWII heroes and vets, along with those at Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941
Wednesday, December 5, 2012
Mr. "Nanny" Obama
Who said, "raising taxes in a recession is definitely not the way to go"? Who also promised when he spoke that "by the end of my first term I will cut the national deficit in half'? This same person also said, back in January, 2009, "the first bill I'm signing into law is that Camp Gitmo will be closed within one year"?
If you guessed Mr. "Nanny" Obama you win the grand prize of enduring four more years of the "Dictator" in chief, our Lord & Savior, the Messiah, Saint Obama, or for those of us who know who he really is...we just call him our Nanny-In-Chief.
On the backs of the Chicago Thug Machine, this man with no business savvy or political experience outside of A.C.O.R.N., has been swept into our White House. His latest "adventure" is to convince 51% of Americans that to tax the very core of our job creators will give the government $81.Billion a year to help reduce our deficit of $16.Trillion. Wow, that's great Mr. Nanny. That's going to make a big dent, as we fall deeper into recession.
Will someone, anyone please give me a breakdown of any entitlement spending he intends to cut. But he sure wants to cut back our military spending to weaken the very core that protects this nation, while he continues to increase his freebie-welfare base that is reaching 50 million.
Want an example of his "nanny" state? Of course you do. To protect the privacy of the Automobile Dealership and the new car salesman I will not divulge names, only to say this actually happened recently in a Ford dealership: A woman, at the Ford dealership told the salesman she wanted to lease a new Ford Focus. Her application reflected she was on Social Security Disability. When the salesman remarked that she didn't look disabled to him, she remarked, "Oh, I'm fine now, but I make more money now than when I was working. I got an injury at work, I'm OK now, but no one has told me to return to work. I get $1,500. a month from Social Security Disability, and $700. a month on an EBT card (food stamps). I also get $800. a month for government subsidized rent". She paused a second, smiled, and said, "Oh yeah, I also get 250 free minutes a month on my Obama phone".
This story must end with some levity. The lady didn't lease at this dealership. She went down the road and found the same car at $10.00 a month less. What a frugal lady.
Two things come to mind here; who pays for this? Is it the hard working Americans making $200,000. a year? And what happens when the money runs out to pay the freebie-welfare people?
Recently an economist said there were many jobs not filled today because the freebie-welfare people are asking themselves, "why work....we're gettin' thousands a month by not doing anything". Now does it make sense that 75% of the freebie-welfare populist voted for Mr. Nanny. Is this a great country or what? I wish Mr. Nanny would've been around when I was working hard for a living.
Oh yes, Mr. Nanny, has anyone told you that the GM car, Volt, that you proclaimed, "is the car of the future", has just about completely ceased production? Let's not forget Mr. Nanny, two of the energy companies that you bailed out with our stimulus money is expanding all right, with jobs in China. What a great leader you are.
Ant that's Politics with Pete for today....God bless our country....and our troops
If you guessed Mr. "Nanny" Obama you win the grand prize of enduring four more years of the "Dictator" in chief, our Lord & Savior, the Messiah, Saint Obama, or for those of us who know who he really is...we just call him our Nanny-In-Chief.
On the backs of the Chicago Thug Machine, this man with no business savvy or political experience outside of A.C.O.R.N., has been swept into our White House. His latest "adventure" is to convince 51% of Americans that to tax the very core of our job creators will give the government $81.Billion a year to help reduce our deficit of $16.Trillion. Wow, that's great Mr. Nanny. That's going to make a big dent, as we fall deeper into recession.
Will someone, anyone please give me a breakdown of any entitlement spending he intends to cut. But he sure wants to cut back our military spending to weaken the very core that protects this nation, while he continues to increase his freebie-welfare base that is reaching 50 million.
Want an example of his "nanny" state? Of course you do. To protect the privacy of the Automobile Dealership and the new car salesman I will not divulge names, only to say this actually happened recently in a Ford dealership: A woman, at the Ford dealership told the salesman she wanted to lease a new Ford Focus. Her application reflected she was on Social Security Disability. When the salesman remarked that she didn't look disabled to him, she remarked, "Oh, I'm fine now, but I make more money now than when I was working. I got an injury at work, I'm OK now, but no one has told me to return to work. I get $1,500. a month from Social Security Disability, and $700. a month on an EBT card (food stamps). I also get $800. a month for government subsidized rent". She paused a second, smiled, and said, "Oh yeah, I also get 250 free minutes a month on my Obama phone".
This story must end with some levity. The lady didn't lease at this dealership. She went down the road and found the same car at $10.00 a month less. What a frugal lady.
Two things come to mind here; who pays for this? Is it the hard working Americans making $200,000. a year? And what happens when the money runs out to pay the freebie-welfare people?
Recently an economist said there were many jobs not filled today because the freebie-welfare people are asking themselves, "why work....we're gettin' thousands a month by not doing anything". Now does it make sense that 75% of the freebie-welfare populist voted for Mr. Nanny. Is this a great country or what? I wish Mr. Nanny would've been around when I was working hard for a living.
Oh yes, Mr. Nanny, has anyone told you that the GM car, Volt, that you proclaimed, "is the car of the future", has just about completely ceased production? Let's not forget Mr. Nanny, two of the energy companies that you bailed out with our stimulus money is expanding all right, with jobs in China. What a great leader you are.
Ant that's Politics with Pete for today....God bless our country....and our troops
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
Let's ban it all Mr. Costas
I'd like to think my wife and I are both success stories for the Second Amendment. Four years ago I met up with our city's Chief of Police to discuss protection. I told him that at 73, and being somewhat physically vulnerable, what can I do to protect my wife and me.
He suggested we take Ohio's Concealed Carry Weapon's class (CCW), take the state test, buy a handgun and learn how to use it. We then we heard about state-reciprocity handgun laws, and went to Pennsylvania, and took the state test. This means my wife and I can conceal-carry our handguns in all states except Illinois, New York, and California. Ironically these three states lead the nation in handgun crimes. I guess only criminals can carry handguns in these three states.
I joined a pistol league, and became responsible for running the league. At one point we had thirty-two members meeting at the gun range every Wednesday. Members included men, women, and young adults from every walk of life including retired police officers, retired military people, lawyers, janitors, teachers, etc. We enjoyed target shooting contests for ten weeks, then enjoyed a steak dinner and great respectful camaraderie .
I follow all the handgun laws and all the safety protocols including never carrying my handgun if meeting friends for even one beer or even my favorite drink, single malt Scotch. Never carry and drink is a law and personal rule I live by.
This is not a political blog, so why write this today? Well, enter Bob Costas. Mr. Costas, reported on national TV, at an NFL game at half time, that if former NFL player Jovan Belcher didn't have a handgun he and his girlfriend would be alive today. Jovan Belcher tragically shot his girlfriend, then turned the gun on himself. Mr. Costas opined that if all handguns were made illegal and our Second Amendment is repealed there would be much less crime.
Will someone please tell Mr. Costas that if our Second Amendment rights are taken away from law abiding citizens, then only criminals will be carrying guns, and law abiding citizens will have no means to protect themselves.
Also, Mr. Costas if we eliminate guns to stop crimes then it makes sense to abolish knives, ropes, wires, cars, prescribed medicines, and even aspirins. Just yesterday a man was pushed in front of an on-coming subway train and was killed. Now, Mr. Costas if there were no subways that man would be alive today, right?
Here's another story Mr. Costas won't tell you: a young college female student, with a license to carry a handgun was told she couldn't bring her handgun on campus. She argued she had one class a week that ended after dark and would have to walk across campus alone. The school still forbade her from carrying her handgun for protection. Want to know what happened? One night walking across the campus alone the young female student was attacked, raped, and strangled to death. Now with Mr. Costas' logic if there was no college there the young lady would be alive today.
Another ridiculous story: Jason Whitlock, sports writer claims that the NRA is another KKK because they lobby to "have guns available that are easily accessible to black youths to use to commit crimes". Now that's really logical Mr. Whitlock. What do you propose we abolish, the NRA, guns, or Black youths? Take your pick.
And we must not forget the box cutters the terrorists used on 9-11-01 to slash the throats of the pilots that caused planes to fly into the World Trade Centers. Should we abolish box cutters, or even the planes? Then the tragedy may have never happened. I say abolish the terrorists.
Now you know I have to bring a little Politics with Pete into this. Please remember Mr. Obama, after his reelection inauguration in January wants to abolish our country's Second Amendment rights and stop Americans from exercising their right to bear arms. Of course, like most of Mr. Obama's laws it is hidden.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country, our troops, and our Second Amendment Rights.
He suggested we take Ohio's Concealed Carry Weapon's class (CCW), take the state test, buy a handgun and learn how to use it. We then we heard about state-reciprocity handgun laws, and went to Pennsylvania, and took the state test. This means my wife and I can conceal-carry our handguns in all states except Illinois, New York, and California. Ironically these three states lead the nation in handgun crimes. I guess only criminals can carry handguns in these three states.
I joined a pistol league, and became responsible for running the league. At one point we had thirty-two members meeting at the gun range every Wednesday. Members included men, women, and young adults from every walk of life including retired police officers, retired military people, lawyers, janitors, teachers, etc. We enjoyed target shooting contests for ten weeks, then enjoyed a steak dinner and great respectful camaraderie .
I follow all the handgun laws and all the safety protocols including never carrying my handgun if meeting friends for even one beer or even my favorite drink, single malt Scotch. Never carry and drink is a law and personal rule I live by.
This is not a political blog, so why write this today? Well, enter Bob Costas. Mr. Costas, reported on national TV, at an NFL game at half time, that if former NFL player Jovan Belcher didn't have a handgun he and his girlfriend would be alive today. Jovan Belcher tragically shot his girlfriend, then turned the gun on himself. Mr. Costas opined that if all handguns were made illegal and our Second Amendment is repealed there would be much less crime.
Will someone please tell Mr. Costas that if our Second Amendment rights are taken away from law abiding citizens, then only criminals will be carrying guns, and law abiding citizens will have no means to protect themselves.
Also, Mr. Costas if we eliminate guns to stop crimes then it makes sense to abolish knives, ropes, wires, cars, prescribed medicines, and even aspirins. Just yesterday a man was pushed in front of an on-coming subway train and was killed. Now, Mr. Costas if there were no subways that man would be alive today, right?
Here's another story Mr. Costas won't tell you: a young college female student, with a license to carry a handgun was told she couldn't bring her handgun on campus. She argued she had one class a week that ended after dark and would have to walk across campus alone. The school still forbade her from carrying her handgun for protection. Want to know what happened? One night walking across the campus alone the young female student was attacked, raped, and strangled to death. Now with Mr. Costas' logic if there was no college there the young lady would be alive today.
Another ridiculous story: Jason Whitlock, sports writer claims that the NRA is another KKK because they lobby to "have guns available that are easily accessible to black youths to use to commit crimes". Now that's really logical Mr. Whitlock. What do you propose we abolish, the NRA, guns, or Black youths? Take your pick.
And we must not forget the box cutters the terrorists used on 9-11-01 to slash the throats of the pilots that caused planes to fly into the World Trade Centers. Should we abolish box cutters, or even the planes? Then the tragedy may have never happened. I say abolish the terrorists.
Now you know I have to bring a little Politics with Pete into this. Please remember Mr. Obama, after his reelection inauguration in January wants to abolish our country's Second Amendment rights and stop Americans from exercising their right to bear arms. Of course, like most of Mr. Obama's laws it is hidden.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country, our troops, and our Second Amendment Rights.
Monday, December 3, 2012
"Dictator" Obama??
When history is unveiled in future decades Mr. Obama will be remembered as the very worst resident ever to live in our White House. Immediately after his reelection his approval ratings dipped below 50%, layoffs have increased, promises made in his first term have gone unfounded and forgotten, and he continues to spend our money to assuring that his welfare base continues to grow for the 2014 mid-term election. And he hasn't even been inaugurated yet.
This man is a disgrace to the office of the presidency. I used to reserve my personal thoughts from my blogs because of my respect for the office of the presidency. However, after I listened to the racist TV host from MSNBC, Toure, call our war hero John McCain terrible racist names, I feel very strongly that I am now going to exercise my First Amendment Rights in speaking (writing) out about Mr. Obama.
First of all, this egotistical White House resident has offered no plan of cutting spending, and is strongly proposing raising taxes, creating stimulus bills, and refuses to do the will of the people of this country, while allowing the EPA to pass laws to prohibit any private sector growth. His arrogance and lack of leadership, and his failure to discuss and compromise in our "fiscal cliff" crisis just completely reflects he cares nothing about us.
I've become accustomed to ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, CNN, and PBS broadcasting blasphemy, and lies, but now they are at the point of not broadcasting ANY decent news at all. And a couple of my critics wonder why I will not watch or listen to any news outlet but Fox News. I can always count on Fox to be fair and balanced. And I know millions agree with me.
A great example of this is that Fox is the only TV news outlet that is telling the American people that Mr. Obama wants to have the authority to raise our debt level without the approval of Congress. Now what do you suppose that means? To me it means this man is not satisfied to be president, he wants the title of Dictator.
Fox is also reporting that Mr. Obama is on a mission to ban handguns, violating our Second Amendment rights, and wants to raise taxes on ammunition to make it almost impossible to buy any ammo. As I recall some little guy with a mustache did this as soon as he took over countries in Europe in the '30's. Then he formed a citizen military police called the Gestapo. Hmm. Black Panthers and the Gestapo. Any similarity?
Another piece of information brought to light by Fox which will not be aired on any of lame stream media networks is that we are on target for 50 million Americans on welfare, and yet the construction industry says there are construction jobs that need to be filled. Why can't we take some of Mr. Obama's lazy welfare freebie people and tell them if they are able they must investigate these construction job openings.
Mr. Obama has made it so easy for the freebie welfare people to live comfortably on welfare, so their attitude is "why work"? I'd like to ask my critics to name just one viable piece of spending that Mr. Obama will cut, but I'm sure they'll just offer blasphemy and lies, so why bother to even ask.
As we get ready to dive over the fiscal cliff, where is Mr. Obama? He's on the golf course with the former Lewinski-Lover Bubba. Oh yes, he's also getting ready for his seventeen day Hawaiian Christmas vacation, while Storm Sandy victims are struggling miserably. Way to go Mr. Obama. Your priorities are right on.
We are all in for a very long lame duck four years. Stand by people.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God Bless our country...and our troops.
This man is a disgrace to the office of the presidency. I used to reserve my personal thoughts from my blogs because of my respect for the office of the presidency. However, after I listened to the racist TV host from MSNBC, Toure, call our war hero John McCain terrible racist names, I feel very strongly that I am now going to exercise my First Amendment Rights in speaking (writing) out about Mr. Obama.
First of all, this egotistical White House resident has offered no plan of cutting spending, and is strongly proposing raising taxes, creating stimulus bills, and refuses to do the will of the people of this country, while allowing the EPA to pass laws to prohibit any private sector growth. His arrogance and lack of leadership, and his failure to discuss and compromise in our "fiscal cliff" crisis just completely reflects he cares nothing about us.
I've become accustomed to ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, CNN, and PBS broadcasting blasphemy, and lies, but now they are at the point of not broadcasting ANY decent news at all. And a couple of my critics wonder why I will not watch or listen to any news outlet but Fox News. I can always count on Fox to be fair and balanced. And I know millions agree with me.
A great example of this is that Fox is the only TV news outlet that is telling the American people that Mr. Obama wants to have the authority to raise our debt level without the approval of Congress. Now what do you suppose that means? To me it means this man is not satisfied to be president, he wants the title of Dictator.
Fox is also reporting that Mr. Obama is on a mission to ban handguns, violating our Second Amendment rights, and wants to raise taxes on ammunition to make it almost impossible to buy any ammo. As I recall some little guy with a mustache did this as soon as he took over countries in Europe in the '30's. Then he formed a citizen military police called the Gestapo. Hmm. Black Panthers and the Gestapo. Any similarity?
Another piece of information brought to light by Fox which will not be aired on any of lame stream media networks is that we are on target for 50 million Americans on welfare, and yet the construction industry says there are construction jobs that need to be filled. Why can't we take some of Mr. Obama's lazy welfare freebie people and tell them if they are able they must investigate these construction job openings.
Mr. Obama has made it so easy for the freebie welfare people to live comfortably on welfare, so their attitude is "why work"? I'd like to ask my critics to name just one viable piece of spending that Mr. Obama will cut, but I'm sure they'll just offer blasphemy and lies, so why bother to even ask.
As we get ready to dive over the fiscal cliff, where is Mr. Obama? He's on the golf course with the former Lewinski-Lover Bubba. Oh yes, he's also getting ready for his seventeen day Hawaiian Christmas vacation, while Storm Sandy victims are struggling miserably. Way to go Mr. Obama. Your priorities are right on.
We are all in for a very long lame duck four years. Stand by people.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God Bless our country...and our troops.
Saturday, December 1, 2012
Double standard this
I have always considered myself a non-racist Christian. I was born a first generation Italian-American; both parents born in Italy, and migrated through Ellis Island in the early 1900's.
I spent four years in the U.S. Air Force, even fortunate enough to play baseball in special services, traveling throughout Europe in the mid 50's.
One of my closest friends in the Air Force was a fast ball pitching artist that could throw a baseball through a brick wall. After discharge he went on to college to become a Dentist. Ron and I stayed in touch for several years through Christmas cards and old-time stories of being stationed outside of London, England in the mid '50's. Oh yeah, Ron is African-American.
We joked and teased a lot. Everytime he saw me laying in the sun he'd remark, "whaddya tryin' to do...get a tan like me"? Of course I would remark back, "shuddup or I'll get my Italian gansgster mob to wipe you out". He was a great friend, and I'm sorry we lost touch over the decades. In my heart he'll always remain a close friend.
I have never considered myself a racist, and on many occasions would remark, "hey I've grown up and known more African-Americans than most African-Americans have.". I was always proud to feel a strong love for the friends I've grown up with, climbed trees with, played high school sports with, and served in the military with, while never judging the color of their skin.
Please indulge me with this story. In May, 1955 after basic training, the Air Force sent me to Hunter Air Force Base in Savannah, Georgia. I was sequestered in a barracks awaiting my squadron assignment. It was there I became friends with another "newbie" awaiting squadron assignment.
One night sitting around going stir crazy I said, "hey let's go into town and catch a movie". He hung his head and remarked, "can't man...I'm broke". Of course I said, "hey that's OK..you can pay me back on payday". He finally looked and me with a strong voice and a stern look and said, "hey man, don't you get it...we can't be seen in downtown Savannah together...I'm Black".
Some months later I was at a Savannah coffee shop, and walked to the cashier to pay my bill for my lunch. I handed the sweet, young, attractive red-haired cashier a $5.00 bill. She took my $5.00 bill and spit on with with the comment, "God_ _ _" Lincoln for freeing the dam slaves."
Those two incidences happened to me when I was 19 years old. I am now 77, and I will never forget how I felt then, and how those feelings are still with me today. But now I'd like to speak up (write) to support us old "whitey folks".
I'm getting pretty angry for decades hearing and reading about how us rotten old "whiteys" enslaved African-Americans and never have done anything to help them. It's getting a little sickening to me and along with a lot of "whiteys".
When Hurricane Katrina struck New Orleans the Black leaders starting with Jessee Jackson, Al Sharpton, Louis Farrakhan started their famous marches insisting we had to help the African-Americans who suffered there. Even while mobile homes were set up and paid for by American taxpayers, the Black leaders still found a way to blame Bush and the Republicans screaming that more had to be done. And the Bush administration did a great job aiding the victims of Katrina.
And at the same time we send aid to Haiti, and other foreign countries to aid victims of hurricanes, tsunamis, and other disasters. When aid is sent to them we do not look at the color of their skin. We look at them as children of God that need our help.
Now, right here on our land we have the tragic storm Sandy that has devastated thousands of Americans. Are not these citizens children of God that need our help? Of course, but there is one major difference. Sharpton, Jackson, Farrakhan, and all the African-American members of Congress are absent. Gee, do you wonder why? Pure and simple the overwhelming majority of the victims of Sandy are just old "whiteys".
FEMA has all but ignored these victims, to the point that three of their senior officials have resigned. And once again my heart felt kudos to Fox News. They are the only network giving proper air time to the tragedies and victims of Sandy. CBS has run a few pleas for donations to help, but otherwise other networks give extremely little, or no air time at all. MSNBC and CNN would rather blaspheme the GOP and continue to investigate Governor Romney's elevator and tax returns that ask America to band together to help the "whitey" victims of Sandy.
And how about Mr. Obama? He gives the victims of Sandy a two hour photo shoot right before the election, with promises of how much he's going to help. At one point he even hugged a woman victim in front of dozens of cameras and said, "we're gonna cut through the red tape and help you...I promise". That woman is still waiting, and he has done absolutely nothing to get aid to these victims. If these Sandy victims were African-American there would be so much aid and help expedited to them. Mr. Obama is making these "white" victims of Sandy almost a forgotten group.
Mr. Obama has done more to cause racial divides in this country, and will go down in history as not only the worst economic White House resident we've ever endured, but he will also be remembered as the greatest racial-divider-in-chief our country has ever known.
Yes, I'm angry; very angry. Mr. Obama carried 93% of the African-American vote. Do you think he would've carried this much from the African-American vote if he were an old whitey?
I've had it. To my God there is no skin color, but there sure is skin color judgement within many areas of this country.
So many books are written and movies made about how horrible the "whiteys" were for enslaving Blacks, inciting hatred and vitriol towards many Caucasians. There isn't a Caucasian living in the U.S. today that had anything to do with enslvaving Blacks. And why isn't there
any mention of the Black tribal leaders that sold the Black children of God into slavery?
Yes, there is double standards; it's not only getting worse, it's growing faster than ever.
And that's Politics with Pete for today....God bless our country....and our troops
I spent four years in the U.S. Air Force, even fortunate enough to play baseball in special services, traveling throughout Europe in the mid 50's.
One of my closest friends in the Air Force was a fast ball pitching artist that could throw a baseball through a brick wall. After discharge he went on to college to become a Dentist. Ron and I stayed in touch for several years through Christmas cards and old-time stories of being stationed outside of London, England in the mid '50's. Oh yeah, Ron is African-American.
We joked and teased a lot. Everytime he saw me laying in the sun he'd remark, "whaddya tryin' to do...get a tan like me"? Of course I would remark back, "shuddup or I'll get my Italian gansgster mob to wipe you out". He was a great friend, and I'm sorry we lost touch over the decades. In my heart he'll always remain a close friend.
I have never considered myself a racist, and on many occasions would remark, "hey I've grown up and known more African-Americans than most African-Americans have.". I was always proud to feel a strong love for the friends I've grown up with, climbed trees with, played high school sports with, and served in the military with, while never judging the color of their skin.
Please indulge me with this story. In May, 1955 after basic training, the Air Force sent me to Hunter Air Force Base in Savannah, Georgia. I was sequestered in a barracks awaiting my squadron assignment. It was there I became friends with another "newbie" awaiting squadron assignment.
One night sitting around going stir crazy I said, "hey let's go into town and catch a movie". He hung his head and remarked, "can't man...I'm broke". Of course I said, "hey that's OK..you can pay me back on payday". He finally looked and me with a strong voice and a stern look and said, "hey man, don't you get it...we can't be seen in downtown Savannah together...I'm Black".
Some months later I was at a Savannah coffee shop, and walked to the cashier to pay my bill for my lunch. I handed the sweet, young, attractive red-haired cashier a $5.00 bill. She took my $5.00 bill and spit on with with the comment, "God_ _ _" Lincoln for freeing the dam slaves."
Those two incidences happened to me when I was 19 years old. I am now 77, and I will never forget how I felt then, and how those feelings are still with me today. But now I'd like to speak up (write) to support us old "whitey folks".
I'm getting pretty angry for decades hearing and reading about how us rotten old "whiteys" enslaved African-Americans and never have done anything to help them. It's getting a little sickening to me and along with a lot of "whiteys".
When Hurricane Katrina struck New Orleans the Black leaders starting with Jessee Jackson, Al Sharpton, Louis Farrakhan started their famous marches insisting we had to help the African-Americans who suffered there. Even while mobile homes were set up and paid for by American taxpayers, the Black leaders still found a way to blame Bush and the Republicans screaming that more had to be done. And the Bush administration did a great job aiding the victims of Katrina.
And at the same time we send aid to Haiti, and other foreign countries to aid victims of hurricanes, tsunamis, and other disasters. When aid is sent to them we do not look at the color of their skin. We look at them as children of God that need our help.
Now, right here on our land we have the tragic storm Sandy that has devastated thousands of Americans. Are not these citizens children of God that need our help? Of course, but there is one major difference. Sharpton, Jackson, Farrakhan, and all the African-American members of Congress are absent. Gee, do you wonder why? Pure and simple the overwhelming majority of the victims of Sandy are just old "whiteys".
FEMA has all but ignored these victims, to the point that three of their senior officials have resigned. And once again my heart felt kudos to Fox News. They are the only network giving proper air time to the tragedies and victims of Sandy. CBS has run a few pleas for donations to help, but otherwise other networks give extremely little, or no air time at all. MSNBC and CNN would rather blaspheme the GOP and continue to investigate Governor Romney's elevator and tax returns that ask America to band together to help the "whitey" victims of Sandy.
And how about Mr. Obama? He gives the victims of Sandy a two hour photo shoot right before the election, with promises of how much he's going to help. At one point he even hugged a woman victim in front of dozens of cameras and said, "we're gonna cut through the red tape and help you...I promise". That woman is still waiting, and he has done absolutely nothing to get aid to these victims. If these Sandy victims were African-American there would be so much aid and help expedited to them. Mr. Obama is making these "white" victims of Sandy almost a forgotten group.
Mr. Obama has done more to cause racial divides in this country, and will go down in history as not only the worst economic White House resident we've ever endured, but he will also be remembered as the greatest racial-divider-in-chief our country has ever known.
Yes, I'm angry; very angry. Mr. Obama carried 93% of the African-American vote. Do you think he would've carried this much from the African-American vote if he were an old whitey?
I've had it. To my God there is no skin color, but there sure is skin color judgement within many areas of this country.
So many books are written and movies made about how horrible the "whiteys" were for enslaving Blacks, inciting hatred and vitriol towards many Caucasians. There isn't a Caucasian living in the U.S. today that had anything to do with enslvaving Blacks. And why isn't there
any mention of the Black tribal leaders that sold the Black children of God into slavery?
Yes, there is double standards; it's not only getting worse, it's growing faster than ever.
And that's Politics with Pete for today....God bless our country....and our troops
Friday, November 30, 2012
The quiet 75%
I wish I could take a survey of how many of the 75% welfare-freebie people watch Fox News. I'm sure most of them don't even know who Fox News is. The welfare-freebie people get most of their Kool-Aid from MSNBC, CNN, PBS, ABC, & CBS.
I am so glad to be one of the millions of viewers who have made Fox the number one cable news network for several years. I mean, let's face it; millions of Americans every day can't be all wrong. Even millions of progressive libs will tune into Fox when they want the news honest, fair, balanced, and unafraid. Well, except for the 75% of the freebie-welfare base that voted Mr. Obama into our White House.
To me the most hilarious is there is only one host, Sean Hannity, that openly declares he's a conservative Republican. And yet he still garners more viewers every night at 9:00 than MSNBC and CNN combined. The rest of the Fox programming starting at 6:00 every morning is all televised under the charter of "fair & balanced".
To those critics who may disagree with me I can only proudly point to Fox's monthly published ratings. I always compare Fox to the old UCLA basketball teams under my hero John Wooden.
I lived in Southern California for thirty-five years, and watched John and UCLA win ten national championships; seven in a row.
Coach Wooden's claim to fame was he never actively recruited a player. All the high school basketball stars flocked to UCLA just for a tryout to play for the Wizzard of Westwood.
To make my case I just point to Bill Walton and Kareen Abdul Jabaar. Yet, for all the unprecedented success Coach Wooden had at UCLA, the outstanding citizen, father, grandfather, teacher, and leader that he will always be remembered for, he was still attacked by his opponents. Blasphemy and lies were always cast at him.
But all Coach Wooden did was keep winning; never paying attention to those that constantly castigated him. And what did he do in 1975? He put the exclamation mark on his career. He walked off the court after his final job of coaching with the NCAA championship in hand. What a guy. If John were alive today I'm confident Fox News would be his favorite news source.
To me, Fox News is the same way. Fox keeps getting attacked by the freebie-welfare populate because Mr. Obama has done a great job of convincing this particular group that the "evil-revenge" Republicans want to take their freebies away. Mr. Obama further promises the welfare people that he'll raise taxes on the rich to get revenue to keep their welfare checks flowing.
I guess if I was out of work, and only listened to MSNBC and CNN, I would be drinking Mr. Obama's Kool-Aid also. Really, can you blame them? They actually believe why work....the ugly evil rich cats are going to take care of us because our "Lord & Savior" will make sure they do so through his taxing policies.
If Mr. Obama's policies are so effective why has his approval rating dropped to 49% in the twenty-four days since his election? Yes, CNN and MSNBC won't report that. Another fact the fawning media won't report , and Fox will, is the drastic unemployment and welfare growth under Mr. Obama's watch is the only growth Mr. Obama can report to his welfare base.
Have any of the lame-stream media bothered to report that Mr. Obama, with the help of Senator Reid, wants to increase spending by $1.2.Trillion over the next decade with no promise of spending cuts except for the military. He also wants executive power to raise the national debt without congressional approval. You can bet he won't cut any spending from his 75% of 14.9 millions on welfare. And where is Mr. Obama today? He's out selling this foolish dream on his campaign trail. Someone tell him to stay home, quit campaigning for the 2014 mid term.
Maybe one of may favorite scenarios is the media, along with Mr. Obama's minions are reporting to their welfare base that the Republicans are not offering any solutions to the fiscal cliff problems. What the fawning media and the Democrats won't report is that the House has offered forty-one job market solutions to the Senate. And what does Senator Reid do about it?
He won't even bring a single offer to the floor of the Senate for a vote. I think old Harry is afraid a House suggestion might actually get passed.
If the freebie-welfare people would only spend some time with Fox News they would see that Mr. Obama only wants their votes. He is not concerned about any job creation. If he were would he be sending money to wasteful energy companies instead of focusing on our own resources? Is it because these are the companies that donated to his campaign? Is he still giving them our tax money in bail-outs so they can donate it back for the mid-term elections?
I just can't seem to get a basic question answered, no matter how many times I've asked in my blogs; IF FOX NEWS IS SO TERRIBLE, HOW COME THEY ARE NUMBER ONE IN EVERY TIME SLOT FROM 6:00 A.M. TO MIDNIGHT EVERY DAY? Please, one of you strong critics of mine answer me. To add insult to injury to the other networks, there are time slots where Fox leads in ratings against all other networks COMBINED. When I ask that I can't seem to get a logical valid challenge from my critics. Why is that?
I'm sure the other networks won't tell you that on election night Fox even topped the the big major networks; ABC, CBS, and NBC. And that's a fact easily proven. Why are CNN and MSNBC constantly apologizing for comments from their show hosts? They just aren't credible.
I encourage all to keep watching your favorite talk shows; be it CNN, MSNBC, PBS, ABC, CBS, or NBC. But every once in a while press your remote towards Fox. I guarantee you'll receive the news honest, fair, balanced, and unafraid.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops.
I am so glad to be one of the millions of viewers who have made Fox the number one cable news network for several years. I mean, let's face it; millions of Americans every day can't be all wrong. Even millions of progressive libs will tune into Fox when they want the news honest, fair, balanced, and unafraid. Well, except for the 75% of the freebie-welfare base that voted Mr. Obama into our White House.
To me the most hilarious is there is only one host, Sean Hannity, that openly declares he's a conservative Republican. And yet he still garners more viewers every night at 9:00 than MSNBC and CNN combined. The rest of the Fox programming starting at 6:00 every morning is all televised under the charter of "fair & balanced".
To those critics who may disagree with me I can only proudly point to Fox's monthly published ratings. I always compare Fox to the old UCLA basketball teams under my hero John Wooden.
I lived in Southern California for thirty-five years, and watched John and UCLA win ten national championships; seven in a row.
Coach Wooden's claim to fame was he never actively recruited a player. All the high school basketball stars flocked to UCLA just for a tryout to play for the Wizzard of Westwood.
To make my case I just point to Bill Walton and Kareen Abdul Jabaar. Yet, for all the unprecedented success Coach Wooden had at UCLA, the outstanding citizen, father, grandfather, teacher, and leader that he will always be remembered for, he was still attacked by his opponents. Blasphemy and lies were always cast at him.
But all Coach Wooden did was keep winning; never paying attention to those that constantly castigated him. And what did he do in 1975? He put the exclamation mark on his career. He walked off the court after his final job of coaching with the NCAA championship in hand. What a guy. If John were alive today I'm confident Fox News would be his favorite news source.
To me, Fox News is the same way. Fox keeps getting attacked by the freebie-welfare populate because Mr. Obama has done a great job of convincing this particular group that the "evil-revenge" Republicans want to take their freebies away. Mr. Obama further promises the welfare people that he'll raise taxes on the rich to get revenue to keep their welfare checks flowing.
I guess if I was out of work, and only listened to MSNBC and CNN, I would be drinking Mr. Obama's Kool-Aid also. Really, can you blame them? They actually believe why work....the ugly evil rich cats are going to take care of us because our "Lord & Savior" will make sure they do so through his taxing policies.
If Mr. Obama's policies are so effective why has his approval rating dropped to 49% in the twenty-four days since his election? Yes, CNN and MSNBC won't report that. Another fact the fawning media won't report , and Fox will, is the drastic unemployment and welfare growth under Mr. Obama's watch is the only growth Mr. Obama can report to his welfare base.
Have any of the lame-stream media bothered to report that Mr. Obama, with the help of Senator Reid, wants to increase spending by $1.2.Trillion over the next decade with no promise of spending cuts except for the military. He also wants executive power to raise the national debt without congressional approval. You can bet he won't cut any spending from his 75% of 14.9 millions on welfare. And where is Mr. Obama today? He's out selling this foolish dream on his campaign trail. Someone tell him to stay home, quit campaigning for the 2014 mid term.
Maybe one of may favorite scenarios is the media, along with Mr. Obama's minions are reporting to their welfare base that the Republicans are not offering any solutions to the fiscal cliff problems. What the fawning media and the Democrats won't report is that the House has offered forty-one job market solutions to the Senate. And what does Senator Reid do about it?
He won't even bring a single offer to the floor of the Senate for a vote. I think old Harry is afraid a House suggestion might actually get passed.
If the freebie-welfare people would only spend some time with Fox News they would see that Mr. Obama only wants their votes. He is not concerned about any job creation. If he were would he be sending money to wasteful energy companies instead of focusing on our own resources? Is it because these are the companies that donated to his campaign? Is he still giving them our tax money in bail-outs so they can donate it back for the mid-term elections?
I just can't seem to get a basic question answered, no matter how many times I've asked in my blogs; IF FOX NEWS IS SO TERRIBLE, HOW COME THEY ARE NUMBER ONE IN EVERY TIME SLOT FROM 6:00 A.M. TO MIDNIGHT EVERY DAY? Please, one of you strong critics of mine answer me. To add insult to injury to the other networks, there are time slots where Fox leads in ratings against all other networks COMBINED. When I ask that I can't seem to get a logical valid challenge from my critics. Why is that?
I'm sure the other networks won't tell you that on election night Fox even topped the the big major networks; ABC, CBS, and NBC. And that's a fact easily proven. Why are CNN and MSNBC constantly apologizing for comments from their show hosts? They just aren't credible.
I encourage all to keep watching your favorite talk shows; be it CNN, MSNBC, PBS, ABC, CBS, or NBC. But every once in a while press your remote towards Fox. I guarantee you'll receive the news honest, fair, balanced, and unafraid.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops.
Thursday, November 29, 2012
It's racist of course
Didn't we get enough of the race card baiting during the presidential campaign by the progressive liberals and their fawning media? The election is over, Mr. Obama won, or better yet, his Chicago thuggery machine, along with his rigged electronic voting machines, managed to amass 51% of the votes. It got so bad the humorous MSNBC declared everyone a racist that disagreed with any of Mr. Obama's policies during the campaign.
So what do we have now? It seems the progressive liberals won't let it go. Now the Republicans are racists because they don't approve of Ambassador Susan Rice's possible nomination to Secretary of State. The progressive libs seem to forget the Republicans did have an African-American female as Secretary of State. Her name was Condoleeza Rice.
But the libs and the media fail to understand that the Republican Senators don't care about Ambassador Rice's gender or the color of her skin. They're concerned about her abilities to hold one of the highest jobs in our country. Many believe she just isn't qualified. And let's face it; the way she conducted herself with lies on national TV trying to explain the Benghazi fiasco proves it.
She will probably be nominated by Mr. Obama, and will eventually be confirmed. My belief, along with many others, is that Ambassador Rice is definitely not qualified to be Secretary of State, but her qualifications have nothing at all to do with the color or her skin or her gender. Yet, any disagreement is met with horrible bitter words starting with "racist", or "war on women".
If it wasn't so true it would be comical. Even normal, everyday words seem to invoke tirades of racism from the progressive libs and their fawning media. Al "Rev" Sharpton of MSNBC is now blaming the Republican party for the high unemployment. Is that the biggest laugh you've ever heard? I'm not going to take the time and space in this blog to highlight how are economy has spiraled downward since Mr. Obama has been in our White House. I've done that enough.
Another piecee of race-baiting factual information is that currently there are 14.9 million Americans on food stamps. Over the past three years percentage numbers have grown from 10% to 12%, under Mr. Obama's watch. Yet whenever "food stamps" is mentioned in a sentence it is considered racist. One liberal talk show host even went so far to say that to say "Black Friday" is racist when talking about shopping the day after Thanksgiving. Really?
Layoffs have increased dramatically since election day, but to report that is considered racist.
Seventeen states have opted out of Obamacare; even states that Mr. Obama carried in the election. Well, states he carried or the electronic voting machines were successfully rigged.
The point is these seventeen states are called racist states because they will not support Mr. Obama's health care plan. Really?
Just got this great idea. Why not have two dictionaries in circulation? One dictionary could be labeled Politically Correct, and the other dictionary would be labeled Dictionary of Racist Words.
Is this a great country or what?
And that's Politics with Pete for today....God bless our country....and our troops
So what do we have now? It seems the progressive liberals won't let it go. Now the Republicans are racists because they don't approve of Ambassador Susan Rice's possible nomination to Secretary of State. The progressive libs seem to forget the Republicans did have an African-American female as Secretary of State. Her name was Condoleeza Rice.
But the libs and the media fail to understand that the Republican Senators don't care about Ambassador Rice's gender or the color of her skin. They're concerned about her abilities to hold one of the highest jobs in our country. Many believe she just isn't qualified. And let's face it; the way she conducted herself with lies on national TV trying to explain the Benghazi fiasco proves it.
She will probably be nominated by Mr. Obama, and will eventually be confirmed. My belief, along with many others, is that Ambassador Rice is definitely not qualified to be Secretary of State, but her qualifications have nothing at all to do with the color or her skin or her gender. Yet, any disagreement is met with horrible bitter words starting with "racist", or "war on women".
If it wasn't so true it would be comical. Even normal, everyday words seem to invoke tirades of racism from the progressive libs and their fawning media. Al "Rev" Sharpton of MSNBC is now blaming the Republican party for the high unemployment. Is that the biggest laugh you've ever heard? I'm not going to take the time and space in this blog to highlight how are economy has spiraled downward since Mr. Obama has been in our White House. I've done that enough.
Another piecee of race-baiting factual information is that currently there are 14.9 million Americans on food stamps. Over the past three years percentage numbers have grown from 10% to 12%, under Mr. Obama's watch. Yet whenever "food stamps" is mentioned in a sentence it is considered racist. One liberal talk show host even went so far to say that to say "Black Friday" is racist when talking about shopping the day after Thanksgiving. Really?
Layoffs have increased dramatically since election day, but to report that is considered racist.
Seventeen states have opted out of Obamacare; even states that Mr. Obama carried in the election. Well, states he carried or the electronic voting machines were successfully rigged.
The point is these seventeen states are called racist states because they will not support Mr. Obama's health care plan. Really?
Just got this great idea. Why not have two dictionaries in circulation? One dictionary could be labeled Politically Correct, and the other dictionary would be labeled Dictionary of Racist Words.
Is this a great country or what?
And that's Politics with Pete for today....God bless our country....and our troops
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
Plan? Where Mr. Obama?
(Before I start my blog, I want to address a critic that challenged my November 24th. blog. My esteemed critic asked for my sources as to Democrat James Carville's message. It appears my esteemed critic didn't read my blog in its entirety. I did offer two sources as to the validity of Mr. Carville's message. To repeat I offered two sources for Mr. Carville's message. First source is THE WORD PRESS, whereby Mr. Carville's picture appeared showing him delivering his message. The second source is the AMAZON.COM NETWORK, showing the same picture, along with the actual word for word message from Mr. Carville. I don't think THE WORD PRESS, or AMAZON.COM.NETWORK would print a quoted message unless it was straight from Mr. Carville. I was able to locate two more sources; THINKEXIST.COM, and the YAHOO.COM NETWORK. These are also reputable sources, that like my other sources, printed the quotes direct from Mr. Carville, along with a picture of Mr. Carville delivering his message. Now, I'm sure my critic will not recognize the four reputable sources, but that's his problem.)
Has anyone informed Mr. Obama that in order to prevent a "fiscal cliff" fiasco he has to present a plan. Yet, it appears he has no plan, except to raise taxes. Has anyone informed Mr. Obama that raising taxes only alleviates the national debt by less than one per cent. The only spending cuts he has offered is to cut military spending. Mr. Obama himself said in 2009, and again in 2010 that "we should never raise taxes in a recession, and Medicare and Medicaid are doing fine." Me thinks Mr. Obama speaks in forked tongue.
In fact, Mr. Obama met yesterday met with union leaders and promised there would be no entitlement cuts. Can you blame him? His plan is to keep delivering the same campaign message to the 75% of freebie-welfare people that he did campaigning for his presidency.
There is only one thing on Mr. Obama's mind right now. The 2014 mid-term election, and to destroy the Republicans. He continues to remind the freebie-welfare people that he will continue to furnish them with monthly welfare checks, to coerce them how to vote in two years. And this will probably work for Mr. Obama, because our country now has eleven, yes eleven, states that have more "takers" than "makers". This means we have more people on welfare/food stamps/extended unemployment than we do working in a job in these particular eleven states.
Want to know how clueless Mr. Obama is? Guess who he's having lunch with tomorrow? Yes, the same man he attacked and criticized during the presidential campaign, Governor Romney.
Can you see the meeting now....."Governor Romney, you were a successful business man for decades...what should I do to get our country out of this economic mess?" Oh yes, it's a private meeting and no press is allowed. I'd love to be a fly on the wall in that meeting.
It's very clear Mr. Obama does not want income and economic growth in the country. What he really wants is income equality through income distribution. This is something he alluded to in his own voice from the movie "2016". I just wonder if Mr. Obama would like all Americans to send their entire assets, holdings, and moneys to him. Then he would sit in a large office with Jarret, Reid, Pelosi, Geithner, Holder, and Bernanke and then "equally" send money out to Americans based on their need. Wow, what a country.
Way to go Mr. Obama. We sure like the way you're looking out for all Americans.
And that's Politics with Pete for today....God bless our country....and our troops
Has anyone informed Mr. Obama that in order to prevent a "fiscal cliff" fiasco he has to present a plan. Yet, it appears he has no plan, except to raise taxes. Has anyone informed Mr. Obama that raising taxes only alleviates the national debt by less than one per cent. The only spending cuts he has offered is to cut military spending. Mr. Obama himself said in 2009, and again in 2010 that "we should never raise taxes in a recession, and Medicare and Medicaid are doing fine." Me thinks Mr. Obama speaks in forked tongue.
In fact, Mr. Obama met yesterday met with union leaders and promised there would be no entitlement cuts. Can you blame him? His plan is to keep delivering the same campaign message to the 75% of freebie-welfare people that he did campaigning for his presidency.
There is only one thing on Mr. Obama's mind right now. The 2014 mid-term election, and to destroy the Republicans. He continues to remind the freebie-welfare people that he will continue to furnish them with monthly welfare checks, to coerce them how to vote in two years. And this will probably work for Mr. Obama, because our country now has eleven, yes eleven, states that have more "takers" than "makers". This means we have more people on welfare/food stamps/extended unemployment than we do working in a job in these particular eleven states.
Want to know how clueless Mr. Obama is? Guess who he's having lunch with tomorrow? Yes, the same man he attacked and criticized during the presidential campaign, Governor Romney.
Can you see the meeting now....."Governor Romney, you were a successful business man for decades...what should I do to get our country out of this economic mess?" Oh yes, it's a private meeting and no press is allowed. I'd love to be a fly on the wall in that meeting.
It's very clear Mr. Obama does not want income and economic growth in the country. What he really wants is income equality through income distribution. This is something he alluded to in his own voice from the movie "2016". I just wonder if Mr. Obama would like all Americans to send their entire assets, holdings, and moneys to him. Then he would sit in a large office with Jarret, Reid, Pelosi, Geithner, Holder, and Bernanke and then "equally" send money out to Americans based on their need. Wow, what a country.
Way to go Mr. Obama. We sure like the way you're looking out for all Americans.
And that's Politics with Pete for today....God bless our country....and our troops
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
Let 'em have it all
Hey Republicans don't forget that 51% of the American people voted in Mr. Obama for another term. Well, we really don't know how much help he got from alleged rigged electronic machines, or votes that were cast by dead people. But nevertheless Mr. Obama, barring impeachment, is our "Lord & Savior", as Jamie Fox puts it, for another four years.
Therefore my idea for the Republicans in the House & Senate is to stand back and let Mr. Obama and his Democrat supporters do everything they want without a fight. Let Reid and Pelosi structure the "fiscal cliff" anyway they want.
Mr. Obama wants to raise taxes on everyone making over $200,000. per year. Heck, just stand back and let the Democrats raise taxes on anyone making more than $1.00 a year. Don't you understand Republicans that if you don't go along with everything Mr. Obama wants you're going to be criticized for stopping the growth of America's economy.
Presently we have more Americans on welfare than the combined population of 21 states. This has grown substantially since Mr. Obama took office in 2008. The Republicans should just step aside and let Mr. Obama raise taxes all he wants so that he can raise the welfare program to 50 or 60 million. Presently the national average of tax computation is those making one million or more are taxed at 20.4%. Those making $50K- $110K per year are taxed at 7.7%, and those making $30K-$50K per year are taxed at 4.8%. Those making less than $30K per year pay no taxes at all because of their deductions and tax credits. Still, Mr. Obama feels the necessity to raise taxes.
Dividend taxes are going to raise to 39%, layoffs have increased since this past election, more colleges and companies are suing to opt out of Obamacare. So what? Why even care? Just step back and let Mr. Obama, Senator Reid, and Nancy Pelosi take us over the fiscal cliff. Don't protest anything they want. Let them have whatever they want.
Yes, give them all the rope they want. And in three years or less our country will be so far down the drain hole that severe changes will have to be made to get us back on track. However, at least the Republicans can hold up their hands and proclaim, "don't blame us...we had nothing to do with it". Another nice thing is Mr. Obama will be in office for eight years, and he'll not be able to say, "it's Bush's fault".
If we do give Mr. Obama and his team everything, yes everything, they want you can be sure we will not grow enough revenue to sustain welfare, and along with unemployment growing to 12% or higher there will be no more money. We will be so broke that Ben Bernanke won't even be able to buy green ink to print more money.
This is not sarcastic rage. It's very simple reasoning. Mr. Obama and his supporters feel they know what is best for America. They feel the best way to raise revenue is to tax, tax, and tax more. They even feel justified in raising taxes on small businesses is the way to go. Of course the media will support them, and as we continue to spiral downward you can bet they will broadcast, "it's still Bush's fault".
The Republican leaders in the House & Senate should take the easy road and say, "whatever you want Mr. Obama...it's your ballgame". If this happens then even the 75% on welfare that voted in Mr. Obama will start wondering, "hey where's our welfare check Mr. Obama?". You can bet without their monthly welfare checks they're going to start doubting their "Lord and Savior".
Republicans should not put up a fight any longer. Just give Mr. Obama all the rope he wants. Let him raise taxes, let him increase welfare and food stamps, let him pay back all the companies that donated to his campaign with taxpayer's money. Hey, it's not his money.
In fact, the best job now is to be one of Mr. Obama's 36 aides. According to the IRS they owe a combination of $836.Million in back taxes, and have no intention of paying it.
Republicans and the 49% that didn't want Mr. Obama in office are smart enough to realize and predict that if Mr. Obama gets all the rope he wants America will suffer more economically than we ever have. Then when we're at the very bottom there's only one place to go. We'll find another Ronald Reagan and once more America will prosper. But not until we suffer the burden of Mr. Obama.
I guarantee, however, America will again prevail. God sent us Mr. Obama to wake us up. Just be patient.
And that's Politics with Pete for today....God bless our country....and our troops
Therefore my idea for the Republicans in the House & Senate is to stand back and let Mr. Obama and his Democrat supporters do everything they want without a fight. Let Reid and Pelosi structure the "fiscal cliff" anyway they want.
Mr. Obama wants to raise taxes on everyone making over $200,000. per year. Heck, just stand back and let the Democrats raise taxes on anyone making more than $1.00 a year. Don't you understand Republicans that if you don't go along with everything Mr. Obama wants you're going to be criticized for stopping the growth of America's economy.
Presently we have more Americans on welfare than the combined population of 21 states. This has grown substantially since Mr. Obama took office in 2008. The Republicans should just step aside and let Mr. Obama raise taxes all he wants so that he can raise the welfare program to 50 or 60 million. Presently the national average of tax computation is those making one million or more are taxed at 20.4%. Those making $50K- $110K per year are taxed at 7.7%, and those making $30K-$50K per year are taxed at 4.8%. Those making less than $30K per year pay no taxes at all because of their deductions and tax credits. Still, Mr. Obama feels the necessity to raise taxes.
Dividend taxes are going to raise to 39%, layoffs have increased since this past election, more colleges and companies are suing to opt out of Obamacare. So what? Why even care? Just step back and let Mr. Obama, Senator Reid, and Nancy Pelosi take us over the fiscal cliff. Don't protest anything they want. Let them have whatever they want.
Yes, give them all the rope they want. And in three years or less our country will be so far down the drain hole that severe changes will have to be made to get us back on track. However, at least the Republicans can hold up their hands and proclaim, "don't blame us...we had nothing to do with it". Another nice thing is Mr. Obama will be in office for eight years, and he'll not be able to say, "it's Bush's fault".
If we do give Mr. Obama and his team everything, yes everything, they want you can be sure we will not grow enough revenue to sustain welfare, and along with unemployment growing to 12% or higher there will be no more money. We will be so broke that Ben Bernanke won't even be able to buy green ink to print more money.
This is not sarcastic rage. It's very simple reasoning. Mr. Obama and his supporters feel they know what is best for America. They feel the best way to raise revenue is to tax, tax, and tax more. They even feel justified in raising taxes on small businesses is the way to go. Of course the media will support them, and as we continue to spiral downward you can bet they will broadcast, "it's still Bush's fault".
The Republican leaders in the House & Senate should take the easy road and say, "whatever you want Mr. Obama...it's your ballgame". If this happens then even the 75% on welfare that voted in Mr. Obama will start wondering, "hey where's our welfare check Mr. Obama?". You can bet without their monthly welfare checks they're going to start doubting their "Lord and Savior".
Republicans should not put up a fight any longer. Just give Mr. Obama all the rope he wants. Let him raise taxes, let him increase welfare and food stamps, let him pay back all the companies that donated to his campaign with taxpayer's money. Hey, it's not his money.
In fact, the best job now is to be one of Mr. Obama's 36 aides. According to the IRS they owe a combination of $836.Million in back taxes, and have no intention of paying it.
Republicans and the 49% that didn't want Mr. Obama in office are smart enough to realize and predict that if Mr. Obama gets all the rope he wants America will suffer more economically than we ever have. Then when we're at the very bottom there's only one place to go. We'll find another Ronald Reagan and once more America will prosper. But not until we suffer the burden of Mr. Obama.
I guarantee, however, America will again prevail. God sent us Mr. Obama to wake us up. Just be patient.
And that's Politics with Pete for today....God bless our country....and our troops
Monday, November 26, 2012
Must be getting old
Today I'm feeling a little melancholy and benevolent. When you get my age you learn to cherish these serene and peaceful times. What does this have to do with my "Politics with Pete" daily blogs? Well, keep reading.....please.
I continue to thank my two "bosses" Laurel and Cheryl for giving me this opportunity to write my daily conservative blogs. It's been great, and I hope they allow me to continue this passion for years to come. Writing a daily blog has become a hobby that I look forward to every day.
I am grateful for the positive feedback I receive from Twitter, Facebook, and the News-Herald comments. I've received some pretty nice feedback comments from as far away as the Carolina's and even California. Makes an old man feel good. Thanks. Even received a phone call from a close friend of my California daughter, asking, "hey Mr. C. is that you writing those blogs....I read them every day".
Before I break my arm from patting myself on the back I must also acknowledge the comments I receive from those that do not agree with my political views. Rest assure these comments will not dissuade me in any way. I will continue to write on the errors and fallacies of Mr. Obama's policies. I find myself, at times, that these particular negative feed backs allow me a much deserved chuckle.
My wife, children, and grandchildren are the most precious gifts in my life, and right under them is this great country I live in. I will continue to do, speak, and write all this 77-year old body allows to honor this country, and yes I will continue to do, speak, and write against those policies that do not honor and do what they can to advance the growth of this great country. Of course this includes Mr. Obama. Yes, I will continue to refer to him as "Mr.", not President. I will always respect the office of the presidency, but never respect what this man is doing to this great country.
As I've written earlier, I will invoke my First Amendment privileges to do this, as I will welcome the First Amendment rights of those who speak against me. However, I've noticed that with every disagreeing comment I receive I can always count on personal attacks, lies, and blasphemy. I've grown to accept this, but still can't understand why when someone cannot intelligently, with facts, point out their views, they resort to names like "whitey", "supremacist", "old man who has outlived his use fullness". Of course there are names not fit to write in this or any other blog, but my 77 years has afforded me a pretty thick skin.
I find myself this afternoon, as I sit here in my peaceful, melancholy, and benevolent mood trying to understand why people like that feel they are elevating their positions, or themselves for that matter, by degrading someone else. At this moment I actually feel pity for them. Love and God bless to them; more than those who agree with my blogs.
And that's Politics with Pete for today....God bless our great country....and our troops.
I continue to thank my two "bosses" Laurel and Cheryl for giving me this opportunity to write my daily conservative blogs. It's been great, and I hope they allow me to continue this passion for years to come. Writing a daily blog has become a hobby that I look forward to every day.
I am grateful for the positive feedback I receive from Twitter, Facebook, and the News-Herald comments. I've received some pretty nice feedback comments from as far away as the Carolina's and even California. Makes an old man feel good. Thanks. Even received a phone call from a close friend of my California daughter, asking, "hey Mr. C. is that you writing those blogs....I read them every day".
Before I break my arm from patting myself on the back I must also acknowledge the comments I receive from those that do not agree with my political views. Rest assure these comments will not dissuade me in any way. I will continue to write on the errors and fallacies of Mr. Obama's policies. I find myself, at times, that these particular negative feed backs allow me a much deserved chuckle.
My wife, children, and grandchildren are the most precious gifts in my life, and right under them is this great country I live in. I will continue to do, speak, and write all this 77-year old body allows to honor this country, and yes I will continue to do, speak, and write against those policies that do not honor and do what they can to advance the growth of this great country. Of course this includes Mr. Obama. Yes, I will continue to refer to him as "Mr.", not President. I will always respect the office of the presidency, but never respect what this man is doing to this great country.
As I've written earlier, I will invoke my First Amendment privileges to do this, as I will welcome the First Amendment rights of those who speak against me. However, I've noticed that with every disagreeing comment I receive I can always count on personal attacks, lies, and blasphemy. I've grown to accept this, but still can't understand why when someone cannot intelligently, with facts, point out their views, they resort to names like "whitey", "supremacist", "old man who has outlived his use fullness". Of course there are names not fit to write in this or any other blog, but my 77 years has afforded me a pretty thick skin.
I find myself this afternoon, as I sit here in my peaceful, melancholy, and benevolent mood trying to understand why people like that feel they are elevating their positions, or themselves for that matter, by degrading someone else. At this moment I actually feel pity for them. Love and God bless to them; more than those who agree with my blogs.
And that's Politics with Pete for today....God bless our great country....and our troops.
Sunday, November 25, 2012
Hey...I'm on Welfare
I just found out I've been on Welfare since I turned eighteen, and joined the US. Air Force. So that means during my four years in the military the paycheck I received every month was welfare from the government. I didn't know that. Is this a great country or what?
Then after an honorable discharge I enrolled in college, and received government assistance for books and tuition under the G.I. Bill of Rights. I guess that means I was surviving on government assistance. Again, that's welfare huh? Wow.
And now at 77 years young I continue living on welfare, as I receive a monthly Social Security check, and have been receiving it since retirement, for approximately twelve years now. Wow, is this a great country or what? I've been receiving welfare since I was eighteen.
Wait a minute folks. Will someone explain to me how is our government been able to put me on welfare status for almost sixty years? I guess it's from hard working Americans that have money deducted from their pay checks, sent to the government, and the government sends out welfare checks to lazy people like me.
Now wait a minute here. Since I was a teenager, up to the age of sixty-five, I've had money deducted from every payroll check of mine to pay into the Social Security program. The dictionary definition of welfare is, "Government assistance provided to those who are unable to provide for themselves". Does that mean even if I didn't have any funds deducted from my paychecks for over sixty years I could still receive my monthly Social Security check? Hey, that's what happening now under Mr. Obama's extended welfare plan. Wow, is this a great country or what?
One of my critics claim I have "outlived" my monthly Social Security checks. I think this particular critic failed his seventh grad math class. I've been paying into the program for over sixty years, and have been receiving Social Security for twelve years. By the way thank God for DEMOCRAT president FDR for starting this program. I wonder what the reaction would have been had a Republican president initiated the Social Security program.
While, I don't know if it's true, but it does appear that one particular critic of mine that keeps slandering me for receiving a "welfare" monthly Social Security check, does not have a job that has funds for the Social Security program deducted from their paycheck. I would further guess this particular critic is on the government's welfare program.
It seems individuals that are on welfare are so quick demonizing those of us who proudly paid into the Social Security program for decades. Many Americans pay into Social Security for their entire working life, only to pass away before they are able to collect a single Social Security check. Or some retirees that pass away too soon into their retirement and receive only a small fraction of their entitled monthly Social Security check.
Where does their "unused" funds go? Oh yeah, I know. It goes to people, maybe like my critic, for welfare payments, people who do not have a job. Great country huh? Let's hope Mr. Obama doesn't run out of money, as some economists, and the CBO have predicted, in two years. Then where is your welfare check going to come from?
By the way, when all else fails from my critics they resort to name calling. I am called a stupid "whitey". Well that is true. I'm 77, and have a complete head of white hair, so you're right; I am a "whitey". There are many names I can't write here, but another comical name I'm called is "white supremacist". Now there you are wrong. If you were here to watch my wife bark orders to clean the garage, wash the car, etc., etc., etc., you definitely would not attach the word supreme to me. And every Saturday I go to 4:30 Mass, kneel before my Jesus Christ and pray.
Now does that sound like I'm a supremacist in any way?
I'd like to close today's blog with a comical definition a funny friend of mine just sent me.
The definition of INEPTOCRACY: A system of government where the least capable to lead are elected by the least capable of producing, and where the members of society least likely to sustain themselves or succeed, are rewarded with goods and services paid for by the confiscated wealth of the diminishing number of producers.
Wish I could take credit for this clever definition. But it really says why 75% of welfare recipients voted for Mr. Obama, and what his plan is for the next four years.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God Bless our country...and our troops
Then after an honorable discharge I enrolled in college, and received government assistance for books and tuition under the G.I. Bill of Rights. I guess that means I was surviving on government assistance. Again, that's welfare huh? Wow.
And now at 77 years young I continue living on welfare, as I receive a monthly Social Security check, and have been receiving it since retirement, for approximately twelve years now. Wow, is this a great country or what? I've been receiving welfare since I was eighteen.
Wait a minute folks. Will someone explain to me how is our government been able to put me on welfare status for almost sixty years? I guess it's from hard working Americans that have money deducted from their pay checks, sent to the government, and the government sends out welfare checks to lazy people like me.
Now wait a minute here. Since I was a teenager, up to the age of sixty-five, I've had money deducted from every payroll check of mine to pay into the Social Security program. The dictionary definition of welfare is, "Government assistance provided to those who are unable to provide for themselves". Does that mean even if I didn't have any funds deducted from my paychecks for over sixty years I could still receive my monthly Social Security check? Hey, that's what happening now under Mr. Obama's extended welfare plan. Wow, is this a great country or what?
One of my critics claim I have "outlived" my monthly Social Security checks. I think this particular critic failed his seventh grad math class. I've been paying into the program for over sixty years, and have been receiving Social Security for twelve years. By the way thank God for DEMOCRAT president FDR for starting this program. I wonder what the reaction would have been had a Republican president initiated the Social Security program.
While, I don't know if it's true, but it does appear that one particular critic of mine that keeps slandering me for receiving a "welfare" monthly Social Security check, does not have a job that has funds for the Social Security program deducted from their paycheck. I would further guess this particular critic is on the government's welfare program.
It seems individuals that are on welfare are so quick demonizing those of us who proudly paid into the Social Security program for decades. Many Americans pay into Social Security for their entire working life, only to pass away before they are able to collect a single Social Security check. Or some retirees that pass away too soon into their retirement and receive only a small fraction of their entitled monthly Social Security check.
Where does their "unused" funds go? Oh yeah, I know. It goes to people, maybe like my critic, for welfare payments, people who do not have a job. Great country huh? Let's hope Mr. Obama doesn't run out of money, as some economists, and the CBO have predicted, in two years. Then where is your welfare check going to come from?
By the way, when all else fails from my critics they resort to name calling. I am called a stupid "whitey". Well that is true. I'm 77, and have a complete head of white hair, so you're right; I am a "whitey". There are many names I can't write here, but another comical name I'm called is "white supremacist". Now there you are wrong. If you were here to watch my wife bark orders to clean the garage, wash the car, etc., etc., etc., you definitely would not attach the word supreme to me. And every Saturday I go to 4:30 Mass, kneel before my Jesus Christ and pray.
Now does that sound like I'm a supremacist in any way?
I'd like to close today's blog with a comical definition a funny friend of mine just sent me.
The definition of INEPTOCRACY: A system of government where the least capable to lead are elected by the least capable of producing, and where the members of society least likely to sustain themselves or succeed, are rewarded with goods and services paid for by the confiscated wealth of the diminishing number of producers.
Wish I could take credit for this clever definition. But it really says why 75% of welfare recipients voted for Mr. Obama, and what his plan is for the next four years.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God Bless our country...and our troops
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