Thursday, December 13, 2012

I've got a bad cold

Is there any way I can stay happily married and still sue my wife for endangering my life? Last  week she had a cold, and went through all the medical machinations of aspirin, tea, liquids, cold medications, etc., and with very little fanfare the cold decided it would survive better if it jumped to my old non-immune body.

Well, it worked, and here I sit with a box of tissues, a stuffed head, a nose that is blocked up, a cough that won't stop, while drinking hot tea and chicken soup. Of course my brave wife just laughs and calls me a big baby. Any of you other guys have this problem? you ask what's this got to do with my daily blog on "Politics with Pete"? The truth is I sit here at my computer, looking terrible in my sweats, swallowing aspirin, coughing while trying to blow my sinus out, with lots of time to do nothing but type this blog.

I feel very lucky that even though I don't have a lot of readers, or tweet and google followers, I have been receiving some nice positive feedback. I also must admit I have a few critics that seem to delight in attacking my conservative points of view. Thank you for the positive feedback.

So today, I'd like to open this blog of questions to my critics. I'm going to write a list of questions, and I humbly beg you to answer them to the best of your ability. Please, no personal attacks, no need to remind me that your man won the election. Just take a look at the questions, and answer the best you can. OK?  Here we go:
1.  Last month's unemployment dipped to 7.7%, but how many Americans left the job force?
2.   What is the percentage of incoming tax revenue will be used for entitlement spending only?
3.  Hidden in Obamacare is a hidden tax levied on all Americans to cover pre-existing         
      conditions. What is that amount?
4.   How many States have now enacted the right-to-work legislation?
5.   What three major companies, that have 1,000+ employees will not offer health insurance 
      beginning 2013 because of Obamacare?
6.   Since Obama was re-elected how many states have begun successful petitions to secede from
      the Union?
7.   What is the percentage increase in layoffs since Obama was reelected?
8.   Can you name three companies that Mr. Obama bailed out with stimulus taxpayers'
      money, only to see the very same companies go bankrupt or sell out their companies  
      to China?
9.   How many rounds of golf has Mr. Obama played in the past thirty days?
10. Can you name three areas of spending cuts that Mr. Obama will invoke to avoid
      the fiscal cliff? 

Now, look at the questions, and please answer the best you can. No blasphemy or lies, or personal attacks please. I'm suffering enough right now with this cold.

I've got more questions, but my nose is running, I'm coughing, and my wife is standing here with my cold medicine. I've got to go. More tomorrow. Please pray that my cold will jump to someone else, and soon.

And that's Politics with Pete for today....God bless our country....and our troops

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I welcome all views, and am open for discussion, but will not tolerate personal attacks