Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Can you imagine?

I'm 81, and there are many times my morning 1.5 mile walks and my hour at the gym gets a little tough for me. Like most people I do a little fantasizing to help me get through my "healthy" ordeals. 

Of course those who know me know I'm a news junkie, and a strong conservative Republican. So I started to"trip out" on my walk this morning imagining what it would be like having Crroked Hillary in America's White House.

Let's look at the scandals surrounding the crooked and scandalous "Bill & Hillary Show" for the past 30+ years. First, beginning way back in the 1980's and continuing up to this very month there have been in excess of thirty "mysterious" deaths of people associated with the Clintons. Recently the very Doctor that diagnosed Crooked Hillary with a brain tumor was found dead, and "determined" it was by suicide.

As a New York U.S. Senator Crooked Hillary did not author a single bill, and over 2,000 jobs were lost. She was responsible for the deaths of four Americans, and during the horrific debacle in Benghazi. It was discovered that she actually sold arms that funnelled to the terrorist in Libya.

She was never challenged, and when she appeared befiore Congress she lied, and was never found guilty of any charges. Of course the media never reported it. As New York's U.S. Senator and Barry's Secretary of State she was held above the law by the FBI and the DOJ.

Now, we have unrefutable evidence of the evil corrupt things she has done during her campaign, never having to answer to any of the horrible things she has done. Anyone following the news and emails from Wikileaks know the horrendous things she has done, and has not been challlenged to answer for any charges against her.

Of course it is very said and deplorable to even think this woman can lead our country instead of being sentenced to prison for espionage and treason. If Crooked Hillary were a Republican or in the private sector she would most definitely be indicted by our once decent and honest FBI and DOJ. Today, both of these once presigious departments are now as corrupt as Crooked Hilary, and continue to "carry her water" in hopes of a presidential appointment should she win.

So today's short blog is to plead with Americans to think about all the scandals and corruptions Crooked Hillary has walked away unscathed as a first lady, Senator, and Secretary of State because of enormous support from the entire Obama administration. 

If this evil, corrupt, scandalous woman got away with all these proven indiscretions before, CAN YOU IMAGINE what this woman is going to do if she is elected by the American people? Then she will answer to no one and furthermore she will have these organizations answering to her. Can you imagine how our Supreme Court will operate under Crooked Hillary's administration?

Can you imagine all the presidential executive actions she will be enforcing without letting Americans know about?  Can you imagine what favors she will be paying to all the mid-east leaders that have heavily contributed to her? Can you imagine who her cabinet members will be, and the duties they will carry out?  Can you imagine the roles Slick Willy and Chelsea will be performing, especially Slick Willy as the first gentleman?

America, please take a minute to IMAGINE these scenarios before you walk into the voting booth on November 8, 2016. The media and even Slick Willy's wife looked away while he was having all these scandalous affairs while he was president, hardly ever reporting it. And yet the media is crucifying Donald Trumpd for comments he made. Has there been any proof that Trump actually committed any indiscretions?

And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops.
(Please follow me on my video You Tube blogs on Politics with Pete)

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