Friday, August 7, 2015


At 80 years of age I feel so blessed that I get to spend two to three times a week with my 19-month old great granddaughter. She is such a joy to me. I can't imagine not spending time with her every week. Pushing the stroller, rocking and singing her to sleep, and  walking through the stores with her are joys that make my day every time we're together.

However, every time I'm singing to her, reading to her, and just enjoying her smile I can't help but think of the disastrous, horrific, unethical, and murderous Planned Parenthood group.
To me there's no such thing as Pro-Life and Pro-Choice. It's either Pro-Life or Pro-Murder.

I don't know, nor do I care, or agree with any decision a human being would sanction to crush the skull of a baby, yes baby, not fetus just to sell the child's body parts "for medical and/or scientific research", when these human body parts are being sold for profit.

This "Nazi-type" harvesting of human parts is nothing short of barbaric.  I often wonder why Democrats stand so strong with this horrible organization. Here's something extremely ironic;
a founder and proponent of this organization was Margaret Sanger, who proudly said many times, "Blacks are like weeds, and we must remove them". 

It is a fact that the majority of abortions performed by this unGodly organization is performed on young Black females. And so I ask again, why is this horrible organization supported by the Democratic Party and African-American women? I'm sure I'm just one of millions of parents, grandparents, and great grandparents whose lives are enriched by these little miracles from God that we nurture every day. Why is there a sanctioned group that kills these babies.

Here's another astounding fact: If we took a moment of silence for every aborted baby since 1973, we would be silent for ten, yes,  ten years. Yet, there are still thousands, maybe millions who strongly justify the horrible massacre actions of this evil group.

Videos have very recently surfaced where medical Doctors of this organization are actually negotiating the price of body parts of these young humans to sell "for medical research". This is nothing more than a gigantic falsehood. Stem cell research can be accomplished in medical labs, rather than mutilating a baby to sell the baby's human parts for profit.

Even one horrible Doctor that works for this evil organization very matter-of-factly said she wanted to make enough profit selling human baby body parts so she can buy a high-priced sports car. 

Here's more factual scenarios: The very same Pro-Life Americans that despise this horrible organization are having some of their taxes going to fund this group. And then, in turn, this unethical, immoral, and illegal group donates to the Democrats including Barry softer and Hillary. That's why Barry and Hillary love and support this group.  

This another impactful reason America needs to elect a GOP leader. It is the only way we can not only defund this horrible evil organization, but maybe even disband it. We can not and must not murder babies for profit. that ideology was destroyed in the '30's and '40's in Europe, and we must not let is continue here now in our great country. Just maybe in the future there will be no horrible group called Planned Parenthood.

I think of this every time I hold by little granddaughter. I hope you do too.

And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless America...and our troops.
(please follow me on my You Tube video blogs, Politics with Pete)

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