Friday, May 30, 2014

3,720 hours to go

We've all be complaining about the downward spiral Barry Soetero is leading this country into. Even one of my favorites, Greg Gutfeld of The Five, makes jokes that Barry needs a bigger alphabet, because he's running out of scandal letters; ACA, IRS, DOJ, ATF, EPA, GDP,   and now VA. Is this poor excuse for a president looking for more scandals to use more alphabet letters?

I know you're like me; screaming at the top of your voice at the TV when you see/hear something else Barry and his merry band of misfits stand at their podiums to lie and deceive the American people. Then we storm away from the TV yelling, "What the hell....I can't do anything about it....what can I do"?

Well, yes, and of course, there is something we can do. We now have 3,720 hours (155 days) to take our first step to take our country back from economic and moral despair and defeat. We can take our first step to kick back against the weakest, most spineless, and least caring president this country has ever known.  Jimmy Carter did stupid things, but at least he did something. 

The very first step we can, and we must take is to rid the Senate of the senile old worthless  Senate majority leader Dingy Harry Reid. This man is surely guilty of treason. He cares nothing at all for the American people. He cares only for his own corruption protection. 

This man should be jailed. He will not even allow any House of Representative passed agendas to arrive on the Senate floor for a vote, even when some of his Democrat colleagues want the House agendas brought to the Senate floor.

For over 160 times Reid has labeled the Koch brothers as un-American, because they are big GOP donors. Yet he heaps praise on big Democrat donor George Soros, who has been known to have helped Hitler's regime in eradicating his own Jewish people in the '30's and '40's. Dingy Harry also praises the billionaire businessman who is using his money and power to stop the Keystone Pipeline. Oh yes, he's also a very large donor to Dingy Harry.

So, ask yourself, do you want two more years of this corrupt, senile, selfish man in charge of our Senate in D.C.? Why would anyone want more of this corrupt man at the helm of our Senate?
We need Democrats and Republicans to debate issues in Congress and reach a mutually acceptable agreement that serves in the interests of all Americans. We don't need a selfish, self-centered, corrupt individual in such an important position.

Well, you, yes you, me, and millions of other Americans do have the power to put this selfish and corrupt man "out to pasture". Each and everyone of us have 3,720 hours (155 days)  to take our first step to take back our country, and stay on the path to repair the damage Barry Soetero has done to us. Because of our great Constitution that were given to us by our Founding Fathers we are actually more powerful than Dingy Harry Reid.

All I ask each of us to give deep thought to what will happen in the next two years if we do not take a step to remove Harry Reid from Senate power. It could be disastrous to all Americans.

Walk in the voting booth and do your American service to give our Senate back to its rightful pinnacle for all Americans.

And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops


Sunday, May 18, 2014

Show them we care

The first time I did it, several years ago, I was nervous. I never did it before, and I didn't know what the reaction might be or the outcome. But I braved ahead and did it anyway. The end result was something I'll never forget. It happened at O'Hare airport in Chicago. I was changing flights when it happened.

Walking through the terminal I spotted a very young looking man in a full dress military fatigue uniform. I walked up to him, and asked, "Are you on active duty"?  He responded, almost in a military salute fashion, "Yes sir".

I stuck out my hand and said, "Thank you for your service". He responded with a firm handshake, a respectful firm look, then said something I will never forget, and now use it myself on occasions. He just said, "Thank you's an honor to serve". 

We talked and he told me he was going home for a short leave before deploying to a place he never heard of, called Afghanistan. He seemed so young, and then he asked me if I ever served.
I was proud, but felt a little guilty, when I responded that I was in the U.S.A.F. for four years, but it was during peacetime. 

Then this beautiful young man stuck out his hand to shake and said, "Thank YOU sir for your service". I was dumbfounded and replied like he previously did, "it was an honor for me too".

I then found out why he was a little lost and nervous. He said he had to go because they were calling his flight number. I told him to stay safe over there and come back home. He smiled and said, "I sure hope so...I'm giving my girl an engagement ring before I ship out". And with that he just turned and walked to his boarding gate.

That was years ago, and I know I'll never see that young man again, but I will never forget him. He's on my "prayer list" though, and I hope he made it back home safe; is married with children.

This weekend we celebrate Armed Forces Day. I wear this old Air Force baseball cap, and even at 79 years young I get stopped occasionally and someone will say, "thank you for your service". I always respond with, "it was an honor to serve".

When I spot someone with a military insignia on their hat or jacket I always thank them for their service, especially the young men/women that are serving today. They are all so appreciative, and the old-timers get reminded that they are not forgotten. I know, at 79, I feel that way when I'm approached.

There's so much turmoil going on today surrounding the V.A. corruption. It seems this current administration has forgotten our returning wounded heroes and veterans that are badly in need of good medical care.They are actually using our military, past and present, as political pawns. The very least we can do is show them we care, and they will never be forgotten.

Oh yes, there definitely is something we can do in 169 days....we can take the first step to solving the problems that this administration is causing surrounding our military heroes and veterans.

And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country, and especially our troops.


Saturday, May 17, 2014

Never, ever, ever forget

I guess I'm still harboring some anger in me when it comes to the PC policies that Barry Soetero's administration is touting. Thank God my granddaughter is visiting soon today with my 4-month old great granddaughter. At least singing silly songs to her will put me in a better mood.

Anyway, back to my anger. My wife and I were watching the 9-11 Museum dedication on TV this morning, and the dedications and speeches were wonderful, thoughtful, and inspiring. I watched the river of tears flowing from the eyes of my wife. 

My wife looked over at me noticing my firm jaw and the hard look on my face. She looked at me quizzically, and asked, "What's wrong....don't you find this beautiful"? Then, I went on to explain my feelings.

I explained that I had shed many tears and experienced much sadness  since September 11, 2001. However, now anger is overtaking my sadness, and I want the beliefs and freedoms fully returned to me that the Constitution gave to me over 200 years ago. I'm furious, angry, mad, and I want all Americans to do something about this in 170 days. I will never forget that people of Islam-Muslim beliefs flew those planes that killed thousands of Americans.

Barry Soetero and his band of evi-doers of Reid, Pelosi, and Holder are stripping away and even attacking the very Judeo-Christian values this great country was founded on. And all the while they are doing this they are bowing down, supporting, and even appearing submissive toward the Islamic-Muslim community.

This great country used to be the "melting pot" of the world. People of all races, color, and creed could come here to be an integral part of America. Even all religions were welcomed. Of course, not all religions are perfect with a "made for all" belief system. Most of us can fully understand everyone in this great country has a right to express their religion as they see fit, except for the radical Islam-Muslim faith. They want to slay you and watch you bleed if you won't follow their religious philosophy.

 For the past year the attacks on the Judeo-Christian values are running rampant. Teachers are removing young children from classrooms if they even have a Bible in their possession.  The ACLU has become successful in removing any Judeo-Christian symbols in our schools and government buildings. City parks cannot display Christian manger scenes at Christmas.

High School and college athletes are being penalized if they show any sign of worship after scoring on the playing field. Here in N.East Ohio a quarterback was penalized and later disciplined because he only "pointed" to the sky above after a touchdown supposedly thanking God for his success on the play that won the game.

It's so hard to believe that the very men and women who volunteer to go into battle and protect us with the risk of sacrificing their own life are being criticized for carrying a Bible with them into battle. Catholic Chaplains are being instructed that certain areas of the Armed Forces bases and posts are prohibiting the celebrating of the Mass, and distributing the Catholic sacrament of Communion.

Since when did we need anyone to speak up for America's Judeo-Christian values? Our deep religious beliefs were all we needed.  Until the onslaught of Islam in our country we didn't need to defend our own personal religious beliefs. 

And where are the Islamic leaders in our country that are supposed to be preaching peace among ALL religions? It seems that anyone can slander America's Judeo-Chrisitan values all they want with no repercussions, but we continue to pander and at times bow to the Islamic faith, and if you dare speak out against the Islamic faith, you are chastised, ridiculed, and even punished at times.

I don't believe we have a Muslim sympathizer in our White House. I truly believe we have a Muslim living in our White House that goes by the name Barry Soetero.  The way this Muslim has desecrated our military, the way he refuses to step up to the V.A. to remedy the awful situation that has befallen our military veteran heroes that so badly need medical aid and assistance, proves to me he is trying to desecrate our country starting with our military.

And all the head Justice man, Eric Holder can say about this debacle is "We're not getting involved until we hear more from the media...and the Inspector General investigates it more". Now that's great Justice leadership for you right?

While we are all waiting for the following 170 days to pass so we can take our first step to stop what's happening to our great country, I only ask that you all never, ever, ever forget September 11, 2001

And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Maybe Satan?

As I deeply believe in God and Jesus Christ, I also believe in the existence of the devil Satan. Remember that line from the movie  Usual Suspects, when actor Kevin Spacey said, "the greatest trick the devil has ever played on us is to convince everyone that he doesn't exist"? Folks, Satan, the devil, does exist, and he's among us right now. And one of his disciples is Barry Soetero

My point for today is that if Satan decided to create someone, dispatch him/her to the United States, with the explicit task of destroying our great country, he could not have done a better job than Barry Soetero has been doing since January, 2009.

What person, except a disciple of Satan, would release several hundred Mexican illegal criminals to the communities of America, while he refuses to demand Mexico release a jailed U.S. Marine?
These illegal Mexican criminals committed horrendous felonies including homocide, rape, assault, and home invasions. This evil satanic act by Barry Soetero was only to favor votes of the Hispanic community. 

And these illegal Mexican criminals were just hours away from deportation when Barry picked up his pen and released these horrid criminals upon Americans. How can this man say he's looking out for the safety of Americans?

This man, Barry, has chipped away at the strength of our military so drastically, that we are now not considered the strongest nation in the world. What man does this?And now we've discovered that this disciple of Satan sits idly by while our Veteran's Administration is actually fraudulently "cooking the books" denying the very U.S. men/women that fought to protect our freedoms,  proper medical treatment.

The corruption within the V.A. is running so rampant that bonuses are even being awarded to V.A. administrators that falsify records to actually stop veterans from receiving their medical benefits.
What kind of a person, let alone the leader of the free world, allows this type of disgrace to the very veterans that fought to protect our country? A disciple of Satan, that's who.

What kind of leader, unless they are a disciple of Satan, would refuse to defend his whereabouts the night Benghazi was attacked by terrorists? Americans cannot even find out if Barry was in the White House. Why is that?

What kind of leader, unless they are a disciple of Satan, would continue to raise the access to welfare and food stamps so they could control the masses?  Ask any decent American what would they do if they had the authority to open the Keystone Pipeline in order to create thousands of jobs.  There is only one kind of person who would purposely delay the opportunity to create thousands of jobs? There is a person like this; he's a disciple of Satan, and he lives in our White House.

In 2008 Barry Soetero ran on the mantra of "Hope & Change". Our great country now needs to remind Americans that we need hope & change beginning in 173 days. We need to hope that we can change and reverse what this evil-doer is now doing to us.

We need to rid ourselves of this man who leads so far from behind that he runs away from problems surrounding us instead of facing them. He hides on the golf course, while his husband Michael spends millions of taxpayer money on his elaborate vacations.

Never forget, if we don't take our first step in 173 days, we will have only ourselves to blame.

And that's Politics with Pete for today....God bless our country...and our troops

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Please join me

I promised my wife and family that I wouldn't start typing a blog while I harbored all this anger inside me. So, I've gone a few days without spewing any anger, tried to cool off before writing any  blogs. But I just can't take it any longer.

How far are we going to be pushed and shoved all over the place and just sit back and take it?  I want to get that horrid witch Pelosi out of my venting stream first. She openly and blatantly lied to the American people when she said in an open forum, "I've actually talked to two of the families of the fallen Benghazi heroes, and they don't want us to move on". 

When Pelosi's office was contacted, they were unable to give the names of any family that wanted "America to move on".  And then she screams into a microphone on national TV to say, "Benghazi, Benghazi, Benghazi....can't we talk about something else"? Wonder how the wicked witch from California would feel if one of those fallen were related to her.

Let's not forget Barry Soetero's ballet-dancing buddy Rahm Emanuel; mayor of Chicago. Rahm has a current approval rating of 29% among the citizens of Chicago, that has the infamous distinction of being the highest gun crime city in the country. And he does absolutely nothing about it, except refusing citizens of Chicago their 2nd. Amendment rights.

Dingy Harry Reid is senile, and does not deserve to be a Senate leader. He bloviates stupid irrational lies, and is becoming more harmful than ever to Americans.  His latest rants are to blame the Koch brothers for the raid on Benghazi, and for global warming. Dingy Harry claims the GOP has no answer to improve BarryCare, but refuses to bring forty-seven House bills regarding the Affordable Health Care Act (BarryCare) to the Senate floor for a vote. He just lies and lies.

And the man that America voted twice to be the leader of the free world has proven time and time again that he has no leadership ability at all. He has been caught in lie after lie, and yet the media refuse to report on a single lie and surreptitious behavior of his.

Just yesterday Trey Gowdy, R-SC, challenged the American press on why they haven't reported a single word of truth, or any word, for that matter, on Benghazi, Fast & Furious, the IRS, and the latest, the VA scandal.  Even with all the deceit and lies being spewed at the American people the media continue to be a strong arm of support for this lying administration.

Eric Holder is the worst Attorney General this country has ever had. Congress found him in contempt, and Barry just waived his pen and pardoned him. Holder refuses to pursue the scandals of the IRS, DOJ, Fast & Furious, but wants to go after Dinesh Disooza for making a true documentary about Barry Soetero.

And finally what kind of lying deceitful hubris man would not want to open the Keystone Pipeline to create tens of thousands of jobs and millions of barrels of oil for his country? I'll tell you the kind of man that would do that. A man that cares nothing at all for the American people, and cares only for the people that will fill his coffers for the remainder of his term. 

Even organized labor is screaming at Barry to open the Keystone Pipeline, but we know of course he won't. There's a billionaire that is threatening to withhold campaign contributions donations to any Democrat member of Congress that votes FOR approval of the Keystone line.

Folks, we don't have a mean-spirited man in our White House. We have an evil-minded man living in our White House. And today we have exactly 176 days to think about taking our first step to rid our great country of these evil doers. We can send Reid to pasture. We can move in the right direction to strip Holder of his powers.

And maybe, just maybe we can start the right legal impeachment proceedings against Barry Soetero. If we don't keep the House and take back the Senate in 176 days, then we will have no one but ourselves to blame for the degradation of our great country.

And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops