Three times I visited the maternity/baby ward to gaze at my three daughters in their new basinettes. I stood behind the glass partition beaming with joy, pride, love, and many other wonderful emotions that I cannot even try to explain. My oldest daughter was born at 2lbs, with Cerebral Palsy. After my initial bitterness I prayed strongly to God to watch over her and protect her. The Palsy didn't effect her brain, and today she holds a double Master's Degree Now that's prayer.
But what makes me different than any other parent? Not one thing. We love, cherish, nurture, guide, and do the best we can before they venture out into the world on their own. We can only hope we've done a good enough job that the Guy upatairs will be proud of. I'm sure I'm not writing anything new, as there are millions of parents who feel the way I did and now do as I watch my grandchildren and great granchilfren grow and mature.
But there's a catch here. How many parents actually felt that little child in the basinette in the maternity ward was one of the greatest natural resources on earth? It's sad to write that so many, including me, never looked at our new born with that very important scenario.
Beginning with kindergarten we release our children and their young sponge-like absorbing minds to teachers and then later professors. We expect our educational system to teach and guide them through our constitution, our founding fathers teachings, and strong moral values.
Instead they try to cram their minds with Socialism, Communism, protesting, stopping free speech, and in some cases violence is OK. God and Bibles are not allowed, and students wearing the Flag on their clothing are sent home. A personal example for me is my two sisters and I were raised in a Roman Catholic home with Mass and Communion every week. All three of us made our sacrements of First Communion, Confirmation, and Matrimony.
Today, my older sister and I still practice Catholicism. Our youngest sister attended a far-left liberal college in Oberlin, Ohio. Today she proudly proclaims to be an atheist and a Socialist. The three of us live 70 miles apart, but would meet for lunch a few times a year. She would start spouting her hatred for Trump, open borders, and Socialism.
At the restaurant once I asked, "Can we have a discussion...why do you hate Trump, want Socialism and open borders"? With that she stood up and saide to her husband, "We're leaving", and I haven't talked or seen her since. I love her with all my heart, and would give her a kidney, a lung, or a piece of my liver if she needed. We have socially parted ways since.
Well, after all that, my point and very strong hope is that the United States adopt a policy the Israel and some other countries adhere to. And that is upon high school graduation every single boy and girl spend a mandatory minimum of two years in the military. After that they can pursue college, or any career they want to engage in.
At 18 Dad gave me 3 options; full time job, college, or the military. In 1953 there was no living in Mom's basement till you were 35 years old. Oh no. I chose the U.S. Air Force, and to this day it was the best decision I ever made. I got my degree under the G.I Bill after I was Honorably discharged.
Our children, children from all over the world are our greatest natural resources, and we need to guide, nurture, and protect them from the Socialst teaching of our colleges. I learned so much in the military, and most of all patriotism, along with love and respect of my comrades. I never saw combat, but was ready to go at the first command. I was also taught respect od other religions, Christianity, Judaism, Hindu, Budism, and even Islam providing they were all peaceful.
As an old timer, who fought in WWII once told me, "There's no atheists in foxholes". Military veterans stand with their hand over their heart when the Anthem is played, you won't see them looting and destroying property or acting violently at protests. And never ever try to persuade a Marine to kneel on or burn the American flag. He/she will physically hurt you. I was in the USAF, but I love those crazy jar-heads. Bad asses.
That's it folks. Love and teach our children to love and respect our world. It's going to be all their's someday soon.
And that's Politics with Pete for today..God bless our country and our troops
Wednesday, November 21, 2018
Monday, November 19, 2018
Goodbye *uckerberg
I am so excited to finally find a website that shares my patriotic conservative views, and I no longer have to endure the Socialist Commie rag of Facebook. I am now a loyal member of Mark *uckerberg, Facebook CEO, is nothing more than a tool for George Soros and the Socialist Dem Party.
*uckerberg allows postings by Antifa, Black Panthers, Black Lives Matter, and yet he recently removed a posting of our country's Declaration of Independence. My blogs, "Politics with Pete" can now be viewed on Please follow me. Leaving *uckerberg and Facebook is one of the best decisions I ever made.
I feel free in writing my daily messages and blogs on my new found Spreely site. Facebook is nothing more than an arm of CNN and MSNBC. We've all read and heard stories of *uckerberg and his staff blocking conservative views, but will open their arms to all Muslim and Socialistic views . I have had my share of "suspensions" from F/B by Markie and his staff, while they were posting stories, pictures, and cartoons from the likes of Snoop Dog, Kathy Griffin, Colbert, and The View.
Facebook still allows assasination threats by George Lopez, Peter Fonda, Madonna, and Ashley Judd, but make a joke about Muslim head covering, which I did, and BAM, you're suspended. I keep encouraging my family and friends to cancel their patronage to *uckerberg's Facebook, and join me on Spreely. I further told my grandkids to post pictures of their little ones on Instagram or Twitter till they switch to Spreely.
Barry Soetero and his husband Michael still get positive press on Facebook, no matter how corrupt they were for eight years, and they continue to be corrupt. I'm looking forward to a Trump victory in 2020, so that just maybe Barry and Michael will fade away completely and forever.
And let's not forget Crooked Hillary. Facebook, along with their parents CNN and MSNBC keep propping up Hillary to run again despite all the corruption her and Slick Willy have hit the country with for decades. He's a pig, and she's a witch, and by the way, while never convicted they're both complicit in several murders. Don't forget the Slickster like his women underage.
In 2024, after President Trump's eight years let's pray we find another just like him. We have choice (votes) folks. Let's never waste them.
And that's Politics with Pete for today....God bless our country and our troops.
*uckerberg allows postings by Antifa, Black Panthers, Black Lives Matter, and yet he recently removed a posting of our country's Declaration of Independence. My blogs, "Politics with Pete" can now be viewed on Please follow me. Leaving *uckerberg and Facebook is one of the best decisions I ever made.
I feel free in writing my daily messages and blogs on my new found Spreely site. Facebook is nothing more than an arm of CNN and MSNBC. We've all read and heard stories of *uckerberg and his staff blocking conservative views, but will open their arms to all Muslim and Socialistic views . I have had my share of "suspensions" from F/B by Markie and his staff, while they were posting stories, pictures, and cartoons from the likes of Snoop Dog, Kathy Griffin, Colbert, and The View.
Facebook still allows assasination threats by George Lopez, Peter Fonda, Madonna, and Ashley Judd, but make a joke about Muslim head covering, which I did, and BAM, you're suspended. I keep encouraging my family and friends to cancel their patronage to *uckerberg's Facebook, and join me on Spreely. I further told my grandkids to post pictures of their little ones on Instagram or Twitter till they switch to Spreely.
Barry Soetero and his husband Michael still get positive press on Facebook, no matter how corrupt they were for eight years, and they continue to be corrupt. I'm looking forward to a Trump victory in 2020, so that just maybe Barry and Michael will fade away completely and forever.
And let's not forget Crooked Hillary. Facebook, along with their parents CNN and MSNBC keep propping up Hillary to run again despite all the corruption her and Slick Willy have hit the country with for decades. He's a pig, and she's a witch, and by the way, while never convicted they're both complicit in several murders. Don't forget the Slickster like his women underage.
In 2024, after President Trump's eight years let's pray we find another just like him. We have choice (votes) folks. Let's never waste them.
And that's Politics with Pete for today....God bless our country and our troops.
Wednesday, November 14, 2018
The "Machine"
I need a favor for the few of you that read my blogs. I promis this will be as short as I can possibly make it. My favor is to please hit the share button and pass it on. Thank you
I still consider myself a conservative Republican who claims Rush as one of my heroes. That being written, we should all start being realists and realize the "machine" really runs this country. I'm only asking you to be objective as you read this.
Years ago I was watching a fictional TV program where a dozen very wealthy men and women in our country who would meet when a serious matter emerged and then decide on its outcome. These cogs in the "machine" were virtually unknown, but weilded power beyond belief. Millions of everyday Amerricans worked for them, so whatever agendas they decided were carried out. Remember that old saying, "in fiction there is always some truth"?
Did you ever wonder why, in a country that has the technology to do almost anything, cannot recover any of Barry Soetero's records? Ever wonder why no one knows the whereabouts of Michael Lavaugn Robinson, who "disappeared" after college in Oregon? Ever wonder why purported college classmates and professors have no knowledge of Barry in classes, or his law review?
There are no birth certificates on record for their two daughters. Ever wonder why? Ever wonder why "Michelle" Obama never had a child through natural child birth, claiming "she" had a miscarriage.
The "machine" spent millions upon millions to make sure Americans would never know the truth behind all this secrecy. The "machine" then protected the Clintons from all their corrupt acts, including Benghazi and Crooked Hillary's emails. This was done to assure the "machine" would have Hillary as their pawn inn the White House.
The "machine" got a little lazy as they became overly confident that Hillary, who had a 98% approval rating on November, 2016. They paid very little attention to the honest 63million Americans that voted for Donal Trump as our 45th. President. They saw no need to fix the ballot boxes at that time, but they got the wake-up call.
Of course after November, 2016 the "machine" flew into high gear. With the help of the media that they completely controlled, the "machine" began their policy and personal smear campaigns against President Trump. They even found a way to insert two of their pawns, Chris Wallace and Shep Smith, on their payroll.
And now the "machine" is on their quest for complete and total control by fixing elections to start their Socialist movement. Cortez and Arizona's Senator Sinema are the first of many to come. And watch O'Rourke to emerge as the next pawn. He'll start off as Biden's running mate in 2020.
I wish I had the answer, but who am I to stand up to the "machine"? Just an 83-yr old with Parkinson's who once thought my vote mattered.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God SAVE our country and protect our troops.
I still consider myself a conservative Republican who claims Rush as one of my heroes. That being written, we should all start being realists and realize the "machine" really runs this country. I'm only asking you to be objective as you read this.
Years ago I was watching a fictional TV program where a dozen very wealthy men and women in our country who would meet when a serious matter emerged and then decide on its outcome. These cogs in the "machine" were virtually unknown, but weilded power beyond belief. Millions of everyday Amerricans worked for them, so whatever agendas they decided were carried out. Remember that old saying, "in fiction there is always some truth"?
Did you ever wonder why, in a country that has the technology to do almost anything, cannot recover any of Barry Soetero's records? Ever wonder why no one knows the whereabouts of Michael Lavaugn Robinson, who "disappeared" after college in Oregon? Ever wonder why purported college classmates and professors have no knowledge of Barry in classes, or his law review?
There are no birth certificates on record for their two daughters. Ever wonder why? Ever wonder why "Michelle" Obama never had a child through natural child birth, claiming "she" had a miscarriage.
The "machine" spent millions upon millions to make sure Americans would never know the truth behind all this secrecy. The "machine" then protected the Clintons from all their corrupt acts, including Benghazi and Crooked Hillary's emails. This was done to assure the "machine" would have Hillary as their pawn inn the White House.
The "machine" got a little lazy as they became overly confident that Hillary, who had a 98% approval rating on November, 2016. They paid very little attention to the honest 63million Americans that voted for Donal Trump as our 45th. President. They saw no need to fix the ballot boxes at that time, but they got the wake-up call.
Of course after November, 2016 the "machine" flew into high gear. With the help of the media that they completely controlled, the "machine" began their policy and personal smear campaigns against President Trump. They even found a way to insert two of their pawns, Chris Wallace and Shep Smith, on their payroll.
And now the "machine" is on their quest for complete and total control by fixing elections to start their Socialist movement. Cortez and Arizona's Senator Sinema are the first of many to come. And watch O'Rourke to emerge as the next pawn. He'll start off as Biden's running mate in 2020.
I wish I had the answer, but who am I to stand up to the "machine"? Just an 83-yr old with Parkinson's who once thought my vote mattered.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God SAVE our country and protect our troops.
Friday, November 2, 2018
A fair media?
We've all spent time fantasizing. I do it a lot when I'm at the gym trying to get through my workouts, especially when I'm on the stationary bike. We all fantasize about so many scenarios throughout our lives. With full discosure, I am 83, and still fantasize that I'm 30 and don't need the "blue pill". Last week I told my wife about some of my fantasies. She hasn't talked to me since. But I digress.
Most recently, or really since November, 2016 my fantasies have been about the media. Now I'm not stupid enough to fantasize that the media would treat my President Trump and our first lady Melania the same way they treated Barry Soetero and his husband for eight years. It's almost laughable to even dream that.
But just what if, and that's a big "what if" the media started reporting their news fairly about POTUS and FLOTUS? The entire news media world are still reeling from their queen Crooked Hillary's loss two years ago, and it's no secret that ever since then the news reporting on President Trump and his family has been over 90% negative.
Another laughable issue for me that it's more than obvious that Melania Trump is more beautiful, more intelligent, and more giving than Barry's husband ever was and ever will be. Yet, for eight long years we had to endure Michael Lavaugn Robinson (aka Michelle) on just about every fashion magazine throughout the world. So why is it that our beautiful and intelligent first lady has yet to be on any fashion magazine's cover?
And ah, the press briefings, where Barry and his press secretaries were asked questions about what Barry and Michael had for dinner last night, did he enjoy popcorn with his daughters watching TV, what movies did they watch, and don't forget what his March Madness college picks were. The press wanted to know about his vacations that the American taxpayers funded.
Just imagine for a minute if the media would have just said, "well our candidate lost...let's move on and see what the new guy will do, and let's support him". Now that's a fantasy in the first order. What if the media positively acknowledged our President for what he has accomplished? For example lower taxes, cutting EPA regs, 3.7 unemployment, 4.2% GDP, along with the lowest unemployment ever in the Hispanic and African-American communities.
Just today the monthly jobs report reflects that 250,000 jobs were created last month, and yet the hatred strongly continues. ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, and MSNBC are so much larger in numbers than President Trump, and they should initiate an "olive branch"for the sake of our country. The bare truth is that only hatred, not common sense, is fueling the Socialist Dems.
President Trump loves the people of America; our military, our police forces, our vets, and middle America. He's a leader and a strong confident businessman that is exactly what we need after the horrific eight years the former weak-kneed and spineless man put us through. When you push someone like Donald Trump in a corner did the media actually believe he was just going to roll over? No, he retaliated by taking his message directly to the people by using the Internet.
In addition he began highlighting the "fake news" from the media, especially CNN and MSNBC. With 90% negative reporting what did the media expect? President Trump is not asking the media to fawn over him like they did for Barry for eight years. It's fine to disagree with him and report it, but how about touting and reporting the positive things he has done for only two years in office. Nothing good will come of all the hatred the media is throwing around.
Try being a little Christian for a change.
And that's Politics for Pete for today...God bless our country and our troops
Most recently, or really since November, 2016 my fantasies have been about the media. Now I'm not stupid enough to fantasize that the media would treat my President Trump and our first lady Melania the same way they treated Barry Soetero and his husband for eight years. It's almost laughable to even dream that.
But just what if, and that's a big "what if" the media started reporting their news fairly about POTUS and FLOTUS? The entire news media world are still reeling from their queen Crooked Hillary's loss two years ago, and it's no secret that ever since then the news reporting on President Trump and his family has been over 90% negative.
Another laughable issue for me that it's more than obvious that Melania Trump is more beautiful, more intelligent, and more giving than Barry's husband ever was and ever will be. Yet, for eight long years we had to endure Michael Lavaugn Robinson (aka Michelle) on just about every fashion magazine throughout the world. So why is it that our beautiful and intelligent first lady has yet to be on any fashion magazine's cover?
And ah, the press briefings, where Barry and his press secretaries were asked questions about what Barry and Michael had for dinner last night, did he enjoy popcorn with his daughters watching TV, what movies did they watch, and don't forget what his March Madness college picks were. The press wanted to know about his vacations that the American taxpayers funded.
Just imagine for a minute if the media would have just said, "well our candidate lost...let's move on and see what the new guy will do, and let's support him". Now that's a fantasy in the first order. What if the media positively acknowledged our President for what he has accomplished? For example lower taxes, cutting EPA regs, 3.7 unemployment, 4.2% GDP, along with the lowest unemployment ever in the Hispanic and African-American communities.
Just today the monthly jobs report reflects that 250,000 jobs were created last month, and yet the hatred strongly continues. ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, and MSNBC are so much larger in numbers than President Trump, and they should initiate an "olive branch"for the sake of our country. The bare truth is that only hatred, not common sense, is fueling the Socialist Dems.
President Trump loves the people of America; our military, our police forces, our vets, and middle America. He's a leader and a strong confident businessman that is exactly what we need after the horrific eight years the former weak-kneed and spineless man put us through. When you push someone like Donald Trump in a corner did the media actually believe he was just going to roll over? No, he retaliated by taking his message directly to the people by using the Internet.
In addition he began highlighting the "fake news" from the media, especially CNN and MSNBC. With 90% negative reporting what did the media expect? President Trump is not asking the media to fawn over him like they did for Barry for eight years. It's fine to disagree with him and report it, but how about touting and reporting the positive things he has done for only two years in office. Nothing good will come of all the hatred the media is throwing around.
Try being a little Christian for a change.
And that's Politics for Pete for today...God bless our country and our troops
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