The Socialist Party, led by Schumer, Pelosi, Booker, Waters, and Kamala Harris with just a few days left till the mid-terms are in a pure panic mode. They know their Socialist Party is in serious danger for House and Senate voters. They've already succumbed to losing the Senate, and continue to lie that the polls show they will take back the House. How'd those polls work out in 2016?
The Socialists are still laying on the canvas from the knockout blow they received from our President, Donald Trump back in November, 2016. They had no recourse and no method to combat President Trump's victory. The Socialist Party was, and still is, in the shock and panic modes.
Then the hatred, lies, and impeachment threats from Mad Maxine began, and suddenly the Socialists became revitalized. Then the media and Hollywood elites started pouring it on. If only the Socialist Dems had a message for Americans maybe just maybe, some people would at least listen to them. It's apparent to everyone that the Socialist Dems have no message. So they resort to the only weapon they have in thie arsenal. Bitter, vile personal attacks and lies against the president and his family including his young son Barron.
Soon, the media, Hollywood elites, and the Socialist Dems that their spewing of their lies, hateful attacks realized it didn't move their needle at all. Our President not only pushed back twice as hard against these Socialist groups, he continued his string of accomplishments to repair the America that Obama tried to destroy.
Do these stupid Socialist think for a minute we're going to listen, absorb, and agree with the likes of Jim Carey, Caryn Johnson (Whoopi), Behar, Clooney. Oh yeah, after Antifa burns down an innocent American's business we're certainly going to switch our allegiance from President Trump to Bernie Sanders, Pocahantus, Biden, or maybe even Crooked Hillary.
It was clear to anyone with an I.Q. of ten or more that the Socialist Dems are more hopeful that Trump will fail more than they care about the success and growth of our own country. Socialist Dems are fueled by their greed for power, and nothing else. I have been asking any Socialist that will talke to me, "What is your message to the American people"? I'm still waiting.
I was having lunch with my sister who proudly claims to be a Socialist Dem, and I politely asked her that we should have a civil debate on our political differences. Before she cut me off and threatened to "get up and leave" I asked her to give me a valid reason why she believes in Socialism so much. Not a valid answer, just threats to leave the restaurant.
So, to continue, when the media, Hollywood elites, and the Socialist Party realized that personal attacks and lies on our President and his family did nothing to deter the accomplishments and goals of Mr. Trump, guess where they went next? Yep, they started on us 63 million that voted for President Trump. I told my wife that her and I were Nazis, stupid, racist, deplorable, hillbillies, etc. Now of course the Socialists get away with it. What the Socialists haven't realized is these disgraceful rhetoric attacks just make us 63 million Trump supporters that much stronger.
Of course President Trump is caustic, abrasive, and sometimes arguementive. But he is a leader who's been getting things done. What did Barry Soetero do in eight years that we want repeated? And now the "threats" are starting up with our Hollywood elites saying they will move to Canada if the Socialist Dems lose the House and Senate next Tuesday. On your way out don't forget to take Jim Carey with you, he's already a Canadian.
When are these over-hyped, self-indulgent, and over-rated idiots going to realize we don't care what they have to say? Oh yeah, after watching the Black & White Jabba-the-Huts I'm surely going to switch over to become a Socialist Dem. Really?
Our President Trump continues to shine through, working hard, and getting positive things done even with all these groups spreading lies. That certainly says a lot, right?
The truth in all this is that the only message the Socialist Dems have is to stimulate their base to show hatred for our President in hopes to persuade the rest of us to come over to their dark side. Ain't gonna happen.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country and our troops.
Tuesday, October 30, 2018
Thursday, October 25, 2018
Actors are actually dumb
In past history, in B.C. times of Plato, Aristotle and even in Shakespeare times, actors were never held in high esteem. During these times in our civilization's history people were encouraged to become scholars, sculptors, painters, musicians, writers, teachers, people of medicine, and students of history.
It was common knowledge that some citizens, during these times, were really too ignorant to contribute anything worthwhile, so something had to be devised for these low class ignorant people to do. So they were taught to be entertainers and court jesters. Basically they were introduced into activities that were taught to them by educted scholars, teachers, and writers, as they could do no creative thinking on their own.
It was soon discovered the only way the entertainers and "actors" could contribute anything was to just read words that others wrote for them. They were too ignorant to create their own words or jests as in the court jesters duties. These people had to rely on the ideas and creativity of others. They were just blame dumb.
By the way if anyone thinks this blog is just some sort of a parody, I suggest doing a little research about entertainers and actors from eras gone by, and of course even including modern time actors. Actors today are really nothing more than entertainers that are just around for our own enjoyment. They are given money for nothing more than the sole pleasure of entertaining us.
One of the worst and most overrated actors of our modern times is George Clooney. Even when he reads scripts and lines that were written for him by others his acting talents are horrible. Ah, but he definitely is not alone. Producers, directors, and the media have these ignorant actors actually believe the praise they receive from each other, their agents, and of course the media.
I know I'm not the only one that has noticed the majority of drug use, divorce, family problems, and infidelity are from these entertainers and actors that have such a high self-praise of themselves. It could almost be acceptable if it stopped there. However, these self-praising empty suits (and dresses) even go so far to think that us common folks believe in them and actually hang on their every word.
Think about this: Do the likes of Whoopi, Joy, Clooney, Colbert, Maher, etc., really think they are changing anyone's mind by their protests and lies. Oh yeah, right, Madonna blowing up the White House is sure gonna change me from a Republican to a Socialist Dem. Antifa burning down stores sure makes me respect the left. How about reprehensible Rosie wanting to smear her menstrual blood all over President Trump is sure a nice ideological stand.
The only reason the Socialists like Caryn Johnson (Whoopi) threatened us that she would move to Canada if Trump won in 2016 was she actually thought America would be so devistated that we would change our vote to Crooked Hillary. Really? It feels so good to know that despite all their fame and notoriety, on election day, when I walk into the voting booth I'm just as powerful as these phony Hollywood elites.
So the next time you see these self-indulgent "elites" on the movie or TV screen, remember that people you don't even know wrote the words for them, directed them, and even told them where to sit and stand. Folks, they're just plain dumb, have no creativity, and would fall flat on their face if they tried anything else. The bottom line is if they ever did move to Canada, or anywhere else, no one would miss them at all. That's how irrelevant they are.
NOTE: Just sing, dance, and read your lines to entertain us. You reallydon't have any redeeming qualities we need in this country.
And that's Politics with Pete for today....God bless our country, and our troops.
It was common knowledge that some citizens, during these times, were really too ignorant to contribute anything worthwhile, so something had to be devised for these low class ignorant people to do. So they were taught to be entertainers and court jesters. Basically they were introduced into activities that were taught to them by educted scholars, teachers, and writers, as they could do no creative thinking on their own.
It was soon discovered the only way the entertainers and "actors" could contribute anything was to just read words that others wrote for them. They were too ignorant to create their own words or jests as in the court jesters duties. These people had to rely on the ideas and creativity of others. They were just blame dumb.
By the way if anyone thinks this blog is just some sort of a parody, I suggest doing a little research about entertainers and actors from eras gone by, and of course even including modern time actors. Actors today are really nothing more than entertainers that are just around for our own enjoyment. They are given money for nothing more than the sole pleasure of entertaining us.
One of the worst and most overrated actors of our modern times is George Clooney. Even when he reads scripts and lines that were written for him by others his acting talents are horrible. Ah, but he definitely is not alone. Producers, directors, and the media have these ignorant actors actually believe the praise they receive from each other, their agents, and of course the media.
I know I'm not the only one that has noticed the majority of drug use, divorce, family problems, and infidelity are from these entertainers and actors that have such a high self-praise of themselves. It could almost be acceptable if it stopped there. However, these self-praising empty suits (and dresses) even go so far to think that us common folks believe in them and actually hang on their every word.
Think about this: Do the likes of Whoopi, Joy, Clooney, Colbert, Maher, etc., really think they are changing anyone's mind by their protests and lies. Oh yeah, right, Madonna blowing up the White House is sure gonna change me from a Republican to a Socialist Dem. Antifa burning down stores sure makes me respect the left. How about reprehensible Rosie wanting to smear her menstrual blood all over President Trump is sure a nice ideological stand.
The only reason the Socialists like Caryn Johnson (Whoopi) threatened us that she would move to Canada if Trump won in 2016 was she actually thought America would be so devistated that we would change our vote to Crooked Hillary. Really? It feels so good to know that despite all their fame and notoriety, on election day, when I walk into the voting booth I'm just as powerful as these phony Hollywood elites.
So the next time you see these self-indulgent "elites" on the movie or TV screen, remember that people you don't even know wrote the words for them, directed them, and even told them where to sit and stand. Folks, they're just plain dumb, have no creativity, and would fall flat on their face if they tried anything else. The bottom line is if they ever did move to Canada, or anywhere else, no one would miss them at all. That's how irrelevant they are.
NOTE: Just sing, dance, and read your lines to entertain us. You reallydon't have any redeeming qualities we need in this country.
And that's Politics with Pete for today....God bless our country, and our troops.
Wednesday, October 17, 2018
The uniform
OK, what do all the following people have on common: Clooney, Behar, Whoopi, NFL kneelers, Colbert, Fallon, Kimmel, Bee, Schumer, Feinstein, Judd, O'Donnell, Clinton, Soetero, Matthews, Maddow, Antifa, George Lopez, Al Sharpton, Jessee Jackson....there are so many to acknowledge, that never wore the uniform. In fact, I would venture to say most Socialist Dems have never put on the military uniform for our country.
Not a single one of these Socialist Dems ever had the honor and privilege of wearing the U.S. Military uniform. I never experienced combat, but was honored to wear the USAF uniform for four years, and I was taught so many valuable lessons that have followed me my entire 83 years.
Discipline, self-respect, respect of fellow military comrades, and respect to those higher in rank than me were just a few important factors I learned in the military. Did you know that many countries require each young man/woman serve a minimum of two years active duty before venturing out into a chosen field. I have always been a strong advocate of repeating "the draft" here in the United States.
I know there are many who will strongly and forever disagreewith me, and feel the military should be on a voluntary basis. Of course the majority of people who feel this way have never had the honor and privilege of wearing the uniform. I remember the Socialist Dem, Bob Beckel, when he was on The Five at Fox stating, "That status of hero that the military throws around is over used, and all those medals, ribbons, and citations are given to almost everyone". You can guess Beckel never wore the uniform.
Also, people that never wore the uniform will never have a firm grasp on the meaning of patriotism. If you ask ten men/women in uniform their interpretation of patriotism you will probably get ten different answers, but I guarantee every answer will be based on their love of this great country. It is a subjective feeling that only a military person fully understands, and will feel their entire life.
Antifa mobs are mostly made of young people that live in mom and dad's basement. After they're arrested for burning down a business I would like to see their "sentence" be two years in the military. I guarantee they'll come out a different person than when they went in. Is there a single person in the Black Lives Matter coalition that served in the military? I strongly doubt it. Active duty and veterans don't destroy property. They fight and have fought to preserve American property, not destroy it.
The NFL kneelers, while making millions of dollars, show their hatred of our country, National Anthem, and our precious flag by showing disrespect of great country. After their Sunday game they get in their Porsch and drive home to a very large and expensive mansion. These "kneelers" do absolutely nothing for their communities, churches, hospitals, etc. Does anyone know of a kneeler going to Chicago to help with the growing number of Black on Black crimes? I doubt you ever will.
I'm 83 and till I'm not around anymore I will always have an overwhelming sense and surge of pride and patriotism for wearing the uniform. It is so hard to explain that to any man/woman who never experienced the pride and honor of wearing THE UNIFORM.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country and our troops.
Not a single one of these Socialist Dems ever had the honor and privilege of wearing the U.S. Military uniform. I never experienced combat, but was honored to wear the USAF uniform for four years, and I was taught so many valuable lessons that have followed me my entire 83 years.
Discipline, self-respect, respect of fellow military comrades, and respect to those higher in rank than me were just a few important factors I learned in the military. Did you know that many countries require each young man/woman serve a minimum of two years active duty before venturing out into a chosen field. I have always been a strong advocate of repeating "the draft" here in the United States.
I know there are many who will strongly and forever disagreewith me, and feel the military should be on a voluntary basis. Of course the majority of people who feel this way have never had the honor and privilege of wearing the uniform. I remember the Socialist Dem, Bob Beckel, when he was on The Five at Fox stating, "That status of hero that the military throws around is over used, and all those medals, ribbons, and citations are given to almost everyone". You can guess Beckel never wore the uniform.
Also, people that never wore the uniform will never have a firm grasp on the meaning of patriotism. If you ask ten men/women in uniform their interpretation of patriotism you will probably get ten different answers, but I guarantee every answer will be based on their love of this great country. It is a subjective feeling that only a military person fully understands, and will feel their entire life.
Antifa mobs are mostly made of young people that live in mom and dad's basement. After they're arrested for burning down a business I would like to see their "sentence" be two years in the military. I guarantee they'll come out a different person than when they went in. Is there a single person in the Black Lives Matter coalition that served in the military? I strongly doubt it. Active duty and veterans don't destroy property. They fight and have fought to preserve American property, not destroy it.
The NFL kneelers, while making millions of dollars, show their hatred of our country, National Anthem, and our precious flag by showing disrespect of great country. After their Sunday game they get in their Porsch and drive home to a very large and expensive mansion. These "kneelers" do absolutely nothing for their communities, churches, hospitals, etc. Does anyone know of a kneeler going to Chicago to help with the growing number of Black on Black crimes? I doubt you ever will.
I'm 83 and till I'm not around anymore I will always have an overwhelming sense and surge of pride and patriotism for wearing the uniform. It is so hard to explain that to any man/woman who never experienced the pride and honor of wearing THE UNIFORM.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country and our troops.
Tuesday, October 9, 2018
Here I come
I have reached and surpassed my boiling point since the Kavanaugh confirmation started a few months ago. As I told my wife I was chomping at the bit, but I promised her I wouldn't say anything or write anything or attempt to blog even until the hearings were over and my prediction came true that Judge Kavanaugh would be sworn in to the Supreme Court of the United States.
Had I had expressed my feelings about the way the Democrat judiciary committee conducted themselves starting with Diane Feinstein and Brett Kavanaugh did not receive the nomination successfully, then I would be have been accused of sour grapes. But now that it's over I have some comments for the people who vigorously attempted to destroy this fine man and his family. So here I come right at the Socialist Dems.
It was so interesting to me the caliber of people on the Democratic side of the fence that spent the entire hearings on politically and personally attacking this fine man . Let's start with Diane Feinstein. This woman employed a Japanese spy employed as her personal driver for over 20 years. During those 20 years Sen. Feinstein's husband made millions of dollars brokering personal business deals with China. Maybe Feinstein even knew he was a spy, but hey, her husband made lots and lots of money.
Let's move forward regarding Sen. Feinstein. Simply put, Ms. Feinstein received the letter months ago from PhD Ford containing allegations that the age of 15 she was sexually accosted by 17-year-old Brett Kavanaugh. Sen. Feinstein, ranking member of the Democrat panel knew that she should have presented this letter to Chairman Sen. Grassley, to enter this letter into the hearings. instead she decided to hide this letter to use if things started to get bad during or after the hearings.
When it appeared that things were being lost for the Democrats the letter from PhD Ford was then presented. We all know what prevailed after that. Now let's take a look at the character profiles of those Democrats on the panel that viciously and personally waged attacks on Judge Kavanaugh.
Let's start with Sen. Cory Booker from New Jersey. he openly admitted, and even wrote an article about that at the age of 15 he sexually groped a young girl. Sen. Booker felt very proud about that conquest of his. And yet this self-proclaimed Spartacus had the audacity to question a man who was falsely accused of a sexual attack on a young girl 36 years ago, but never proven, A woman who had no evidence and no corroboration of the attack.
How about dear old Kamilla Harris, the Democrat Sen. from California. It wasn't that many years ago that people never even heard of Kamilla Harris. Her rise to notoriety came during her tryst with former mayor of San Francisco Willie Brown, who was married and 30 years older than Sen. Harris. Yet she would have you believe her and accept her credibility while she attacked Judge Cavanaugh. Anyone see a little hypocrisy here? For my two cents Kamala Harris is a slut, nothing more.
I just can't end this blog without mentioning that great Viet Nam war here Dickie Blumenthal. Every time he spoke during the Kavanaugh hearings he bloviated about honesty and integrity. Did he really expect us not to remember how he lied to his constituents and the American people for several years . He kept bragging about his heroical exploits while fighting the war in Viet Nam. Only problem here is Dickie Blumenthal was never, ever, in Vietnam.
And what about Senator Blumenthal's moral character? He should have been investigated for statutory rape when he was 31 years old and his girlfriend was 16. Yet he wanted all of us to believe Brett Kavanaugh was trying to rape a 15-year old 36 years ago. WTF ! There was no evidence or witnesses willing to corroborate her story, but that didn't stop Dickie Blummer.
The Socialist Dem Party is so stupid, that they knew they had no proof that Kavanaugh was even at the infamous party 36 years ago, however, with the media, Hollywood elites, and Schumer and Pelosi the Socialist Dems thought they could convince us all to rally against Justice Kavanaugh. And who paid for all the signs, shirts, and protesting? Soros of course.
Soros-funded groups are still protesting Justice Kavanaugh's appointment to SCOTUS. They're like a team that after losing a game remains on the field throwing insults and lies at the winners as if that will change the game's score. Do Socialist Dems realize how stupid they seem to the rest of us? Majority of these protestors still live in their parents' basements, and really don't know why they're protesting. It's really so sad.
In closing, if you think the Kavanaugh hearings were packed with evil Socialist Dems and Soros-funded protesters, just wait for the next round when President Trump replaces Gunner Ginsberg. Going to be a political blood bath. Someone tell Soros to get his signs and T-shirts ready.
And that's Politics with Pete for today.....God bless our country snd our troops.
Had I had expressed my feelings about the way the Democrat judiciary committee conducted themselves starting with Diane Feinstein and Brett Kavanaugh did not receive the nomination successfully, then I would be have been accused of sour grapes. But now that it's over I have some comments for the people who vigorously attempted to destroy this fine man and his family. So here I come right at the Socialist Dems.
It was so interesting to me the caliber of people on the Democratic side of the fence that spent the entire hearings on politically and personally attacking this fine man . Let's start with Diane Feinstein. This woman employed a Japanese spy employed as her personal driver for over 20 years. During those 20 years Sen. Feinstein's husband made millions of dollars brokering personal business deals with China. Maybe Feinstein even knew he was a spy, but hey, her husband made lots and lots of money.
Let's move forward regarding Sen. Feinstein. Simply put, Ms. Feinstein received the letter months ago from PhD Ford containing allegations that the age of 15 she was sexually accosted by 17-year-old Brett Kavanaugh. Sen. Feinstein, ranking member of the Democrat panel knew that she should have presented this letter to Chairman Sen. Grassley, to enter this letter into the hearings. instead she decided to hide this letter to use if things started to get bad during or after the hearings.
When it appeared that things were being lost for the Democrats the letter from PhD Ford was then presented. We all know what prevailed after that. Now let's take a look at the character profiles of those Democrats on the panel that viciously and personally waged attacks on Judge Kavanaugh.
Let's start with Sen. Cory Booker from New Jersey. he openly admitted, and even wrote an article about that at the age of 15 he sexually groped a young girl. Sen. Booker felt very proud about that conquest of his. And yet this self-proclaimed Spartacus had the audacity to question a man who was falsely accused of a sexual attack on a young girl 36 years ago, but never proven, A woman who had no evidence and no corroboration of the attack.
How about dear old Kamilla Harris, the Democrat Sen. from California. It wasn't that many years ago that people never even heard of Kamilla Harris. Her rise to notoriety came during her tryst with former mayor of San Francisco Willie Brown, who was married and 30 years older than Sen. Harris. Yet she would have you believe her and accept her credibility while she attacked Judge Cavanaugh. Anyone see a little hypocrisy here? For my two cents Kamala Harris is a slut, nothing more.
I just can't end this blog without mentioning that great Viet Nam war here Dickie Blumenthal. Every time he spoke during the Kavanaugh hearings he bloviated about honesty and integrity. Did he really expect us not to remember how he lied to his constituents and the American people for several years . He kept bragging about his heroical exploits while fighting the war in Viet Nam. Only problem here is Dickie Blumenthal was never, ever, in Vietnam.
And what about Senator Blumenthal's moral character? He should have been investigated for statutory rape when he was 31 years old and his girlfriend was 16. Yet he wanted all of us to believe Brett Kavanaugh was trying to rape a 15-year old 36 years ago. WTF ! There was no evidence or witnesses willing to corroborate her story, but that didn't stop Dickie Blummer.
The Socialist Dem Party is so stupid, that they knew they had no proof that Kavanaugh was even at the infamous party 36 years ago, however, with the media, Hollywood elites, and Schumer and Pelosi the Socialist Dems thought they could convince us all to rally against Justice Kavanaugh. And who paid for all the signs, shirts, and protesting? Soros of course.
Soros-funded groups are still protesting Justice Kavanaugh's appointment to SCOTUS. They're like a team that after losing a game remains on the field throwing insults and lies at the winners as if that will change the game's score. Do Socialist Dems realize how stupid they seem to the rest of us? Majority of these protestors still live in their parents' basements, and really don't know why they're protesting. It's really so sad.
In closing, if you think the Kavanaugh hearings were packed with evil Socialist Dems and Soros-funded protesters, just wait for the next round when President Trump replaces Gunner Ginsberg. Going to be a political blood bath. Someone tell Soros to get his signs and T-shirts ready.
And that's Politics with Pete for today.....God bless our country snd our troops.
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