Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Well, that's just "........"

I was raised in a Catholic Italian-American family with two sisters. Mom had seven sisters, Dad had two sisters. I was raised with two great loving sisters. I have five daughters, four granddaughters, and two great granddaughters. You see where I'm going with this right?

In my management career I supervised several females. In my growing and adult years the adult males in my life were wonderful role models on respecting females in my life. I am so proud to brag that never once in my eighty-two years have I ever displayed unwanted attention to any female in a sexual manner. 

I have started this blog three times because accusations and PROOF  of improper sexual advances by prominent men in politics, entertainment, and even media are pouring forth on TV, radio, and newspapers. Since I started this blog yesterday two more improper sexual actions have been reported. So many evil stories have surfaced. And so many naive people even go so far as to make a political issue of every sexual abuse story. What a disgrace that is.

Men in power that cannot control their sexual urges have been using their status, power, and wealth to to pursue unwanted sexual advances toward women since the beginning of time. It was just "accepted behavior". Movie mogul Harvey Weinstein may be be the biggest abuser of all. Young movie starlets were told to "perform" and accept Weinstin's lewd behavior if they wanted a signifcant part in an upcoming movie.

If Weinstein's advances were unwelcome the starlet didn't get the part. It's as simple as that.
Weinstein's friends knew for years that this lewd behavior was going on, and their retort was always, "Well that's just how he is". Now someone tell me how we're supposed to accept that answer. And now to quote an infamous evil pastor, "The chickens have some to roost". The floodgates and and dams have been broken with all the sexual misconduct of prominent members of Congress, celebrities, and even prominent TV news anchors.

For generations books have been written and movies have been produced portraying women as subservient to men, and that meant to may that women "were mainly just for housework, raising children, and making sure their man was happy". Of course, for many, that philosophy has been banished. But there are also many men who still antiquate their belief systems.

I applaud the thousands of women who are now stepping forward to voice "enough is enough" to men who use their power to advance their unwanted sexual agendas toward women. This is evidenced by the current and growing number of women speaking up with their own personal stories of unwanted sexual advances perpetrated on them.

And the list of men? Don't know where to begin, but here goes: Slick Willy Clinton, John Conyers (D-MI), Al Franken (D-MN), Actor Kevin Spacey, and we can't forget to mention CBS newsman Charlie Rose. These despicable evil creatures used their fame and status to sexually prey on women. And to me the very worst of these sexual predators is former Vice President Joe Biden. He used his VP power to fondle and caress women every chance he got.

HOLD THE PRESSES:  News Flash: Just this morning NBC announced the firing of TV's Today show icon Matt Lauer. Maybe I should hold up on finishsing this blog, as I'm sure more despicable evil heads are going to roll over sexual misconduct initiated by men on women. How can any of these perverts "enjoy" any sexual encounter knowing their power, position, and statius are the only means they have to "enjoy" sex with morally defenseless women.

Society must cast these perverts from our lives. Their words of "I'm sorry" are no comfort to these defenseless victims. No more are we going to accept ridiculous reasoning from the defenders of these perverts as "Well that's just the way he is". 

And that's Politics with Pete for today. God bless our country and our troops.

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