Monday, October 23, 2017

Couldn't stay away

A few weeks ago I wrote a " farewell blog"  and promised my wife and family members that I was finished writing blogs, But it's so hard to keep my feelings inside since I am a former proud member of the United States Air Force brotherhood, serving from 1954-1958.  Therefore I'm back to respond to the kneelers and the dispecable Congresswoman Wacky Wilson. 

A great guy that I grew up with and played several years of sandlot baseball with got an appointment to West Point, years ago when he was 18. He was a football running back, playing and starring in every game. He  graduated with honors at the age of 22.

 My friend was then promoted to Captain, and then was deployed to Vietnam. He was in Vietnam only a short while when the Viet Cong threw a hand grenade into his Jeep and the explosion killed him. I think of him every day and recently my wife and I visited the Vietnam Memorial moving wall. Of course I shed a tear when I saw his name etched on the wall.  I still wear a wristband to remind me of the sacrifice my friend made, along with thousands of other brave heroes in our wars. 

  Along with my friend  there were thousands of other names etched on the wall. These men and women gave their lives so that all Americans could enjoy the freedoms that we cherish today. Then shortly thereafter spoiled brat complainers in the NFL began their onslaught of disrespect to our country, our flag, our national anthem, and those men and women who sacrificed their lives in all the wars that our country has endured.

It's no secret that over 90% of the NFL kneelers are African-American. Most of them don't even have an idea why they are kneeling during the sacred honoring of our flag, our country, our national anthem, and the brave men and women who sacrificed their lives to protect those kneelers, while giving them the right to take a knee when they want to.

 These NFL kneelers may want to reconsider that  instead of taking a knee to dishonor our country our flag in our servicemen and women, maybe they should take a knee in defiance of all the Black on Black homicides that are occurring every day in our country. The people of Black lives Matter are running rampant in this country protesting what they call social injustice to the African-American community. By the way, 

 Oh I agree wholeheartedly that black lives do matter, so if Black lives matter so much to this organization and to the NFL kneelers why aren't they doing all they can to stop the violent  black on black crimes occurring every day in this country. One just needs to take a look at the daily homicides  in Chicago  and take notice of the percentages of white on black crime versus the Black on Black crime rate.  That's definitely where the focus should be. 

 Why aren't the NFL kneelers and the black lives matter organization going to  the inner city of Chicago to give much-needed support to stop the black on black crimes?  Yesterday, it was reported that approximately 30 NFL players took a knee during our national anthem. I just wonder how many of these kneelers ever wore the uniform, and I wonder how many of these kneelers ever went to Washington DC and walked among the memorials that are dedicated to those brave and corageous men and women who sacrificed their lives for  all of us.  I wondered that if during the national anthem the loudspeakers in the stadiums would switch over to someone  reciting the Lord's prayer. Ever think of how many kneelers we would have then.

 And now we have another Maxine Waters  in a goofy cowboy hat, that during a time when a family is grieving would politicize a condolence telephone call from our president to the grieving widow. This is a horrible disrespectful act not only towards the grieving widow or the fallen soldier, but towards every American especially those of us who wore and still wear the uniform.

 The NFL kneelers, along with the media, and groups like black lives matter, are doing nothing more than helping to destroy themselves from within. This is already been evidenced by the declining attendance at all NFL games. Oh yes,  just as a little side note, all of this stupidity by people like the black lives matter group, the NFL kneelers, and the media are really helping the GOP to retain power in Congress in 2018 and 2020. So maybe us conservatives. Should thank  them.

 And that's Politics with Pete for today. God bless our country, and our troops.

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