Move over Black people. I've reading and listening to your rants and raves about what an evil racist I am because I'm White, and more so, because I voted for President Trump in November.
How quickly the Black community forgets that they voted for a "half-White" man in 2008 to become the country's president. However, the African-Americans never refer to Barry Soetero as "half-White". To them he's the country's first Black president.
Remember when Crooked Hillary was campaigning and she said, "I want to build bridges to allow immigrants into our country, while Donald Trump wants to build walls"? Our European leaders thought it would be magnanimous to open their borders and allow Muslim refugees to enter their countries, with the help of the half-White Barry Soetero.
We all know what happened soon after the onslaught of Muslims into England, France, Germany. and Spain. Vetting programs in these Europen countries were so lax that it was extremely easy to filter terrorists amon the refugees. Then the terrorists began recruiting the refugee Muslims in these European countries.
Soon the "refugees" became looters, rapists, murderers, while erecting "no-go" zones where only Muslims could live and enter, and where strictly Muslim laws, including the horrific Sharia Law took place. While the Muslims were practicing their own set of religious laws, doctrines, and rules they also disregarded the laws and rules of the countries that graciously took them in, including our United States.
Soon after the Muslims were established in Europen countries the unspeakable terror attacks began; London, Manchester, Madrid, Germany, Barcelona, and even the beautiful resort community of Nice France. Can you imagine if Crooked Hillary became our 45th. president? These horrible vicious terror attaacks would be going on now in New York, L.A., Chicago, Detroit, and other major metropolitan communities.
We all hoped our new President, Donald Trump could focus on vetting incoming immigrants, build a southern border wall, and work to keep America secure and safe from terrorists. However, it's clear that President Trump has a growing problem within our own country, by our own citizens. Stupid lib Dems have refused to let go of Crooked Hillary losing the election everyone though she would handily win, and then the hatred against President Trump, fueled by the media began immediately after the election.
The media, mistakenly assumed they could report any lies and hate toward the President, his administration, and even his family with no repercussions. The media, Hollywood elites, and the stupid lib Dem party didn't figure in the push-back they received and continue to receive from our President. I could cite a lot of the fake news and hateful comments beginning with CNN'a Blitzer blaming our President for the Barcelona terror attack yesterday.
The destroying of prominent statues by groups like Black Lives Matter and Antifa is funded by George Soros and fueled by our own media all because they can't get over Crooked Hillary losing the election. The media are now claiming that Americans that voted for our President Trump are nothing more than white supremecists out to destroy the Black community. I guess that includes me and all the Caucasians that voted for Mr. Trump.
Black leaders are calling for the assassination of President Trump, and with the help of the Media and Soros are fueling an all-out race war between Blacks and Whites. And now the "statue hatred" is escalating to destroy all statues of men who were slave owners; Jefferson, Lee, and even George Washington, the father of our great country.
These statue destroyings are just movements to show the hatred these Black racists have against the White communities. But what these Black thugs think we are in fear of them. The likes of Jessee Jackson and Al Sharpton are advocating the removal of the Lincoln and Jefferson memorials in our nation's capital. They are also advocting and supporting the killing of Whites and police officers.
Black thugs are so stupid they don't even know that Abraham Lincoln is the father of freeing slaves with the Emancipation Proclamation. This racial division, bigotry, and hatred took on a whole new meaning beginning January, 2009. Well, here's a message to the Blacks that scream and advocate for the demise of the White population: It ain't gonna happen. There many, many Whites like me that are very proud, and we are not afraid.
That's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country and our troops.
(Please follow me on my You Tube video blogs, Politics with Pete)
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