Will someone, anyone, please explain the benefits of hatred to me. The overwhelming hatred in our own country today seems to be fueled by the media, and their hateful rhetoric was turned up several notches after November 8, 2016. Have you ever heard the word "racist" used as much as it has since the election?
The media are stirring up the hatred so bad they are even indicating the violence perpetrated by Black Lives Matter and the so-called Antifa is because of President Trump, and now their hatred includes ALL Republicans. Led by CNN and MSNBC, the media are actually condoning the cop killing and physical disturbances by BLM and Antifa. Defacating and burning of our American flag seems to be the norm among these groups.
The left wing libs, Hollywood elites, and the media are so full of hatred and racism that they won't even acknowledge the truth about our American history. Or maybe they're just too ignorant and stupid to recognize that they are cheering for the wrong side. There are definitely some hard facts that just maybe the lib Dems should be aware of.
Stupid lib Dem protesters are vandalazing and destroying statues that Democrat leaders erected over a hundred years ago. Jim Crow, yes the Jim Crow that stupid lib Dems are calling the biggest bigot and racist this country has ever known was a registered Democrat. Not a single Democrat lawmaker in Congress voted to end slavery when it was debated on the floor of Congress during Lincoln's presidency. Our Republican president then, Abraham Lincoln, was assassinated by a Democrat for freeing the slaves.
So what did the protesters do just a few days ago? They defaced the statue of Lincoln at his memorial. Not since 1861 has our country come so closse to another civil war, and the main reason for this is the lib Dems cannot get over Crooked Hillary's lost last November. The media, Hollywood elites, and the lib Dem party are fueling these riots, protests, and statue vandalism.
The KKK was formed by the Democrat Party, and any active KKK members out there today are all Democrats. The KKK was even invited and attended a Democrat party presidential election nominating conference.
The flames of hatred and racism are being fueled by people who refuse to research when, where, and who started the hatred and racism movement here in our country. It was the Democrat Party.
Let me borrow a phrase I read just the other day, "Blacks, who were never slaves, are protesting against Whites, who were never Nazis by tearing down statues that were erected by Democrats". Now, where is the logic in that?
Our President, Donald J. Trump is now taking the hatred/racissm war right back to the media, Hollywood elites, and the stupid lib Dems like Pelosi, Schumer, Waters, Warren, etc. I don't think these stupid groups thought for a second they would get the push-back from our President that they are getting now.
Our President has done some great things since he took office, but the media refuses to acknowledge his accomplishments. Black Lives Matter, Antifa, and any other rogue group that will listen to the likes of Jackson and Sharpton are being encouraged to protest and even kill cops and Whites. Don't these foolish groups get the idea from history that any group that uses hate and racism as their mantra will soon be destroyed and abolished?
Jobs, the economy, national debt, EPA regulation slashing, our military, our veterans, education are all areas that President Trump has improved and continues to improve, so why are the hate groups trying to stop him? This is evidence that these groups and the entire lib Dem Party do not care if our country moves forward and succeeds. They just want to exercise any method(s) they can to stop our President. If they succeed they will destroy our country, and we musn't allow them to do that.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops.
(Please follow me on my You Tube video blogs, Politics with Pete)
Tuesday, August 22, 2017
Friday, August 18, 2017
I'm White and not afraid
Move over Black people. I've reading and listening to your rants and raves about what an evil racist I am because I'm White, and more so, because I voted for President Trump in November.
How quickly the Black community forgets that they voted for a "half-White" man in 2008 to become the country's president. However, the African-Americans never refer to Barry Soetero as "half-White". To them he's the country's first Black president.
Remember when Crooked Hillary was campaigning and she said, "I want to build bridges to allow immigrants into our country, while Donald Trump wants to build walls"? Our European leaders thought it would be magnanimous to open their borders and allow Muslim refugees to enter their countries, with the help of the half-White Barry Soetero.
We all know what happened soon after the onslaught of Muslims into England, France, Germany. and Spain. Vetting programs in these Europen countries were so lax that it was extremely easy to filter terrorists amon the refugees. Then the terrorists began recruiting the refugee Muslims in these European countries.
Soon the "refugees" became looters, rapists, murderers, while erecting "no-go" zones where only Muslims could live and enter, and where strictly Muslim laws, including the horrific Sharia Law took place. While the Muslims were practicing their own set of religious laws, doctrines, and rules they also disregarded the laws and rules of the countries that graciously took them in, including our United States.
Soon after the Muslims were established in Europen countries the unspeakable terror attacks began; London, Manchester, Madrid, Germany, Barcelona, and even the beautiful resort community of Nice France. Can you imagine if Crooked Hillary became our 45th. president? These horrible vicious terror attaacks would be going on now in New York, L.A., Chicago, Detroit, and other major metropolitan communities.
We all hoped our new President, Donald Trump could focus on vetting incoming immigrants, build a southern border wall, and work to keep America secure and safe from terrorists. However, it's clear that President Trump has a growing problem within our own country, by our own citizens. Stupid lib Dems have refused to let go of Crooked Hillary losing the election everyone though she would handily win, and then the hatred against President Trump, fueled by the media began immediately after the election.
The media, mistakenly assumed they could report any lies and hate toward the President, his administration, and even his family with no repercussions. The media, Hollywood elites, and the stupid lib Dem party didn't figure in the push-back they received and continue to receive from our President. I could cite a lot of the fake news and hateful comments beginning with CNN'a Blitzer blaming our President for the Barcelona terror attack yesterday.
The destroying of prominent statues by groups like Black Lives Matter and Antifa is funded by George Soros and fueled by our own media all because they can't get over Crooked Hillary losing the election. The media are now claiming that Americans that voted for our President Trump are nothing more than white supremecists out to destroy the Black community. I guess that includes me and all the Caucasians that voted for Mr. Trump.
Black leaders are calling for the assassination of President Trump, and with the help of the Media and Soros are fueling an all-out race war between Blacks and Whites. And now the "statue hatred" is escalating to destroy all statues of men who were slave owners; Jefferson, Lee, and even George Washington, the father of our great country.
These statue destroyings are just movements to show the hatred these Black racists have against the White communities. But what these Black thugs think we are in fear of them. The likes of Jessee Jackson and Al Sharpton are advocating the removal of the Lincoln and Jefferson memorials in our nation's capital. They are also advocting and supporting the killing of Whites and police officers.
Black thugs are so stupid they don't even know that Abraham Lincoln is the father of freeing slaves with the Emancipation Proclamation. This racial division, bigotry, and hatred took on a whole new meaning beginning January, 2009. Well, here's a message to the Blacks that scream and advocate for the demise of the White population: It ain't gonna happen. There many, many Whites like me that are very proud, and we are not afraid.
That's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country and our troops.
(Please follow me on my You Tube video blogs, Politics with Pete)
How quickly the Black community forgets that they voted for a "half-White" man in 2008 to become the country's president. However, the African-Americans never refer to Barry Soetero as "half-White". To them he's the country's first Black president.
Remember when Crooked Hillary was campaigning and she said, "I want to build bridges to allow immigrants into our country, while Donald Trump wants to build walls"? Our European leaders thought it would be magnanimous to open their borders and allow Muslim refugees to enter their countries, with the help of the half-White Barry Soetero.
We all know what happened soon after the onslaught of Muslims into England, France, Germany. and Spain. Vetting programs in these Europen countries were so lax that it was extremely easy to filter terrorists amon the refugees. Then the terrorists began recruiting the refugee Muslims in these European countries.
Soon the "refugees" became looters, rapists, murderers, while erecting "no-go" zones where only Muslims could live and enter, and where strictly Muslim laws, including the horrific Sharia Law took place. While the Muslims were practicing their own set of religious laws, doctrines, and rules they also disregarded the laws and rules of the countries that graciously took them in, including our United States.
Soon after the Muslims were established in Europen countries the unspeakable terror attacks began; London, Manchester, Madrid, Germany, Barcelona, and even the beautiful resort community of Nice France. Can you imagine if Crooked Hillary became our 45th. president? These horrible vicious terror attaacks would be going on now in New York, L.A., Chicago, Detroit, and other major metropolitan communities.
We all hoped our new President, Donald Trump could focus on vetting incoming immigrants, build a southern border wall, and work to keep America secure and safe from terrorists. However, it's clear that President Trump has a growing problem within our own country, by our own citizens. Stupid lib Dems have refused to let go of Crooked Hillary losing the election everyone though she would handily win, and then the hatred against President Trump, fueled by the media began immediately after the election.
The media, mistakenly assumed they could report any lies and hate toward the President, his administration, and even his family with no repercussions. The media, Hollywood elites, and the stupid lib Dem party didn't figure in the push-back they received and continue to receive from our President. I could cite a lot of the fake news and hateful comments beginning with CNN'a Blitzer blaming our President for the Barcelona terror attack yesterday.
The destroying of prominent statues by groups like Black Lives Matter and Antifa is funded by George Soros and fueled by our own media all because they can't get over Crooked Hillary losing the election. The media are now claiming that Americans that voted for our President Trump are nothing more than white supremecists out to destroy the Black community. I guess that includes me and all the Caucasians that voted for Mr. Trump.
Black leaders are calling for the assassination of President Trump, and with the help of the Media and Soros are fueling an all-out race war between Blacks and Whites. And now the "statue hatred" is escalating to destroy all statues of men who were slave owners; Jefferson, Lee, and even George Washington, the father of our great country.
These statue destroyings are just movements to show the hatred these Black racists have against the White communities. But what these Black thugs think we are in fear of them. The likes of Jessee Jackson and Al Sharpton are advocating the removal of the Lincoln and Jefferson memorials in our nation's capital. They are also advocting and supporting the killing of Whites and police officers.
Black thugs are so stupid they don't even know that Abraham Lincoln is the father of freeing slaves with the Emancipation Proclamation. This racial division, bigotry, and hatred took on a whole new meaning beginning January, 2009. Well, here's a message to the Blacks that scream and advocate for the demise of the White population: It ain't gonna happen. There many, many Whites like me that are very proud, and we are not afraid.
That's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country and our troops.
(Please follow me on my You Tube video blogs, Politics with Pete)
Wednesday, August 16, 2017
It's Trump's fault
It is truly amazing that in only seven months as President Trump is responsible for all the problems that face the entire world today. Hateful fake news stories involving President Trump started the evening of election night, November, 2016 and have escalated into a driving force against President Trump and our whole country.
President Trump is responsible for the Ferguson, Missouri riots. President Trump founded the Black Lives Matter movement, and organized them to march on our city streets screaming "we want dead cops now", and "fry 'em up like bacon". President Trump also organized the Black thugs that did the looting and burning in the streets of Baltimore.
President Trump also found time to encourage the riots in the streets of Berkley, Calif. Evil President Trump is using all his dictatorship to organize and deploy military might to destroy poor little chubby Kim Jung of North Korea. It's terrible that President Trump is threatening poor little old North Korea. How could he do that? Ask Rosie, Dennis Rodman and Kieth Ellison. They'll tell you what a great guy Lil Kim is.
As if that wasn't enough President Trump decided to stage a race riot in Charlottesville, Virginia, with the help of his high-heeled wearing wife and daughter. CNN's Jim Acosta reported that he saw Melania and Ivanka at the Charlottesville riot. CNN CEO Zucker had to stop Acosta from reporting that Melania and Ivanka were driving the car that ran into the crowd.
The mayor of Charlottesville, and the lib Dem Governor, along with the media, and our wonderful all-knowing Hollywood elites have joined forces to attemt to convince the American people to hate Trump as much as they do. Does CNN think that Acosta can sell any news stories, no matter how he fabricates the story. And do the Hollywood elites led by idiots like Whoopi, Joy, Clooney. Madonna,and Ashley Judd are going to convince us to believe all their lies?
I am thoroughly convinced, as are many of Trump supporters, that the entire left wing Democrat Party would rather see our country fail rather than support our President. Of course the more they do this the stronger we Pro-Trumpers get. President Trump has done more for America in seven months than the radical Islamist terrorist did in eight years.No need to repeat his achievements, you already know what they are. Well, that's if you tune into Fox occasionally.
It's so difficult to comprehend how the stupid lib Dems allowed a radical Islamist Muslim stay in our White House for eight years. He controlled his left wing supporters by giving them freebies. Can anyone objectively point to anything positive he's done in eight years? Of course not.
Since election night in November, 2016 our stock market has risen to 22,000, over a million jobs have been created, unemployment is lowest its been in seventeen years, household income has increased, more foreign countries are investing in America than ever before, coal miners are back to work and flourishing, Keystone Pipeline is open and flowing crude oil at a monumental pace, EPA regulations have virtually been sliced in half, a well-respected Judge has been appointed to the Supreme Court, and there is a positive spike up in small businesses.
Of course you will never hear or read about this in the media. The media is largely responsible for all the hatred driving left wing groups in this country. Like a bunch of cry babies the media is upset because our president keeps calling them out on their lies and vicious personal attacks against him and his family.
Yes, the media has started a war with our President, and the media is losing. Yes, the media gives enormous press and attention to the hate groups in this country, but the media seems to forget that the millions upon millions that voted to give Donald J. Trump the task of bringing our country back to the top are sticking with our President through all the hateful rhetoric dished out by the press.
For example, Barry Soetero and his tranny husband, not only take spear vacations now, they leave their 18 and 16 year old daughters alone to "fend" for themselves. The oldest daughter is a druggie that wails and rolls around the floor all "juiced up", and their youngest at 16 is spotted swapping tongues on the public streets, while sport a new boob job.
Now to show why our President lashes out at the fake news media is you will never hear or read any stories about Barry, tranny-Michael, Malia, and Sasha, but the media will come out with hateful remarks because the Trump women wear high-heeled shoes to a political function.
Hang in there faithful Trump supporters. He's only in his seventh month, and it's going to get better and better. We will MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops
(Please follow me on my You Tube videos, Politics with Pete)
President Trump is responsible for the Ferguson, Missouri riots. President Trump founded the Black Lives Matter movement, and organized them to march on our city streets screaming "we want dead cops now", and "fry 'em up like bacon". President Trump also organized the Black thugs that did the looting and burning in the streets of Baltimore.
President Trump also found time to encourage the riots in the streets of Berkley, Calif. Evil President Trump is using all his dictatorship to organize and deploy military might to destroy poor little chubby Kim Jung of North Korea. It's terrible that President Trump is threatening poor little old North Korea. How could he do that? Ask Rosie, Dennis Rodman and Kieth Ellison. They'll tell you what a great guy Lil Kim is.
As if that wasn't enough President Trump decided to stage a race riot in Charlottesville, Virginia, with the help of his high-heeled wearing wife and daughter. CNN's Jim Acosta reported that he saw Melania and Ivanka at the Charlottesville riot. CNN CEO Zucker had to stop Acosta from reporting that Melania and Ivanka were driving the car that ran into the crowd.
The mayor of Charlottesville, and the lib Dem Governor, along with the media, and our wonderful all-knowing Hollywood elites have joined forces to attemt to convince the American people to hate Trump as much as they do. Does CNN think that Acosta can sell any news stories, no matter how he fabricates the story. And do the Hollywood elites led by idiots like Whoopi, Joy, Clooney. Madonna,and Ashley Judd are going to convince us to believe all their lies?
I am thoroughly convinced, as are many of Trump supporters, that the entire left wing Democrat Party would rather see our country fail rather than support our President. Of course the more they do this the stronger we Pro-Trumpers get. President Trump has done more for America in seven months than the radical Islamist terrorist did in eight years.No need to repeat his achievements, you already know what they are. Well, that's if you tune into Fox occasionally.
It's so difficult to comprehend how the stupid lib Dems allowed a radical Islamist Muslim stay in our White House for eight years. He controlled his left wing supporters by giving them freebies. Can anyone objectively point to anything positive he's done in eight years? Of course not.
Since election night in November, 2016 our stock market has risen to 22,000, over a million jobs have been created, unemployment is lowest its been in seventeen years, household income has increased, more foreign countries are investing in America than ever before, coal miners are back to work and flourishing, Keystone Pipeline is open and flowing crude oil at a monumental pace, EPA regulations have virtually been sliced in half, a well-respected Judge has been appointed to the Supreme Court, and there is a positive spike up in small businesses.
Of course you will never hear or read about this in the media. The media is largely responsible for all the hatred driving left wing groups in this country. Like a bunch of cry babies the media is upset because our president keeps calling them out on their lies and vicious personal attacks against him and his family.
Yes, the media has started a war with our President, and the media is losing. Yes, the media gives enormous press and attention to the hate groups in this country, but the media seems to forget that the millions upon millions that voted to give Donald J. Trump the task of bringing our country back to the top are sticking with our President through all the hateful rhetoric dished out by the press.
For example, Barry Soetero and his tranny husband, not only take spear vacations now, they leave their 18 and 16 year old daughters alone to "fend" for themselves. The oldest daughter is a druggie that wails and rolls around the floor all "juiced up", and their youngest at 16 is spotted swapping tongues on the public streets, while sport a new boob job.
Now to show why our President lashes out at the fake news media is you will never hear or read any stories about Barry, tranny-Michael, Malia, and Sasha, but the media will come out with hateful remarks because the Trump women wear high-heeled shoes to a political function.
Hang in there faithful Trump supporters. He's only in his seventh month, and it's going to get better and better. We will MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops
(Please follow me on my You Tube videos, Politics with Pete)
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