In 1776 our great country was legally and Constitutionally born and rose up to become the greatest country ever in history. Since the beginning of our country we have endured and triumphed against dictators and leaders from around the world. Beginning with the Revolutionary War, down through the annals of time, and have defeated all the evil adversaries that threatened our great country.
And how did we do that? We, as Americans, fought against these tyrants and dictators by joining together as one nation with one pure simple goal. That goal was to flat-out destroy our enemies. I'm sure there were those that didn't want us to go to war with the tyrants from Great Britain. There were thousands that objected to the North vs. South Civil War.
Many were against going into WWI, and argued bitterly when FDR declared war on Japan and Germany. Yes there were strong oppositions, and even despite oppositions to these decisions, our country, including the Congress and opposing parties may have disagreed, our country banded together as one to do what was best for our country.
I was six years old when WWII began in 1941. I still remember when famous athletes and even movie stars put their careers on hold to join in the fight against our enemies. What caused this phenomena? Plain and simple; Americans put our country first. For the good of our country was our main theme, not what was good for themselves, or their reelection, or their personal career, or even their political affiliation.
Sadly, today it's a different story. We have the lib Dem party, Hollywood elites, and the media all banding together, with one goal in mind, destroy our President Donald Trump. These hateful groups care nothing at all for the good of the American people. They only want their progressive liberal agenda back in power. And don't forget, they want to be reelected.
These groups are still reeling from the loss of their beloved Crooked Hillary, and will not accept our new President and his administration. But the election is over, Hillary lost, Donald won, and now it's time again for our country to band together and help our country get back to the top, where we belong. In 2009 the Democrat Party wanted us to put aside our political differences and support the president Barry Soetero.
Yes, there are many who didn't want Mr. Trump to be our President, but why does the media, lib Dems, and Hollywood elites do everything they can to impeach him? President Trump has been in office for only six months, and ever since January 20th. of this year impeachment has been the main topic for the left.
The stock market closed today at 21,640 which is the highest in our history. It started climbing November, 2016. Unemployment is down to 4.1%, every month the job market is opening with new jobs. You will never hear of any of this news from our media. Isn't it about time that the people we all elected band together, work together, and "git 'er done"?
When the left, led by the lying media, and Hollywood elites realized they had no grounds for impeachment they started the evil messages of assassinating our President. Does that sound like a group of people that want to work with the President to put our country on top? No! Even anchors from Fox News are joining the gang of anti-Trump'ers. Shepard Smith, Chris Wallace, and Juan Williams are now spouting off unkind words of protest against our President.
Not stopping there, the anchors at CNN and MSNBC are now calling Americans that voted for President Trump as "unpatriotic and racist". It makes one wonder if the anti-Trump groups want to help join together or just plain divide our country. Factions of the left are so relentless in their hatred they even go on personal attacks against our President's family, including 11-year old Barron. How does that help get anything accomplished?
In 2010 Democrats got behind closed doors and drafted the horrendous Obamacare. Republicans were not even allowed in the room. We all know what the result of that outcome did to the American people. President Trump has invited Democrat House and Senate members to join him in drafting a more suitable health care plan for all Americans. So far the lib Dems, led by Pelosi and Schumer refuse to even attend any meetings with the Republicans.
Our country will be destined to implode from within if we continue to show hatred and defiance within our political parties. And the very worse part is every day Americans will be the biggest losers. Dems must find a way to work with our President and forget what happened in last year's election.
And that's Politiccs with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops.
(Please follow me on my You Tube video blogs, Politics with Pete)
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