My wife always reminds me to never write anything, especially my blogs, when I'm angry. However, I just have to vent some anger. No, not at Democrats, or Republicans, or Independents. No, not at Christians, Jews, Muslims, or even Budha worshippers.
No, I'm angry, even livid, at ALL Americans. There is so much hatred being spewed like vomit all over this great country, causing so much divineness . We wake every morning, then glue ourselves to our TV's every evening to watch nothing more than "gotcha news", watching the vitriol, hatred, and lies thrown at anyone who does not agree with our own personal agenda, or that of the organization we represent.
It seems there is no such thing as a logical debate anymore. We've graduated to personal attacks at the "opposition", protest marches, looting, and destroying personal properties of each other. Republicans kept promising they would make America better after the Democrat president leaves office. Now America is enduring an ongoing divided country, and we keep asking why.
What does our House of Representatives, Senators, and media hope to gain by constantly raining distorted news and facts down on the American people? Sometines it seems as though this dividing war is almost planned. There is only one person who thrives on lies, distorted facts, and hatred. He lives way down below the earth in the burning fires of hell. He's the devil.
Has anyone given any thought to what our youth is obsderving and digesting now? Our children, all across this planet, is the greatest natural resource our world will ever have. We all need to step back and take a look at what our children are absorbing today. In some countries children are indoctrinated with hate towards America. Some countries even raise their children teaching children at young ages to "slay the infidels".
And what are our own children experiencing now? Every day our children experience the outlandish display of hatred among political parties, ethnic groups, religions, and races. We do the most overwhelming disservice to our youth by not showing them how all these different groups can come together to build America back up to where it once was, and where it belongs.
It is inevitable that someday "we" all over the world will be releasing the leadership reigns and handing them over to the youth that followed us during their years of growth. Are we giving our children the education, training, and supervision to take over the leadership of our country here in America? Doesn't it make more sense for all parents to focus on the right way to prepare our children for the future than to focus on meaningless things like music, clothes, popularity, and trophies.
Parents need to realize that one of the best ways to raise our children is leading by example. Forget about that ridiculious addage of "Do as I say, not as I do". That's not how it works. We want to teach our children respect, kindness, solid work ethics, love of fellow man, and to honor the law, and it starts with us adults. It's sad that countries that hate us are teaching their children to hate America, and when they get older they actually teach their young children how to war against America.
I have two great granddaughters; one is 3, the other just a month old. They are sweet, loving, and innocent. they have no idea what's happening in the world today. When I look at them I can't help but wonder how the ever-changing world will be when they're adults, and ready to live in their homes and communities. Yes, we can imagine all types of scenarios, and frankly some scenarios frighten me to the core.
I'm 82 years young, and I won't be around when my great granddaughters will be full grown adults. I just pray we all never lose sight of what kind of world are we turning over to our children. If all of us, including our leaders, only concentrate on our own "power winning", and lose sight of the goals for our children we are never ever going to succeed as a country.
When I'm with the very young members of my family I'm not a Republican, Democrat, or Independent. I'm "Dad", and "Papa". The greatest natural resource our earth will ever have is our children, and we need to prepare them to lead us the right way.
And that's Politics with Pete for today....God bless our children...and our troops.
(Please follow me on my You Tube videos, Politics with Pete")
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