Thursday, March 30, 2017

Our greatest resource

My wife always reminds me to never write anything, especially my blogs, when I'm angry. However, I just have to vent some anger. No, not at Democrats, or Republicans, or Independents. No, not at Christians, Jews, Muslims, or even Budha worshippers. 

No, I'm angry, even livid, at ALL Americans. There is so much hatred being spewed like vomit all over this great country, causing so much divineness . We wake every morning, then glue ourselves to our TV's every evening to watch nothing more than "gotcha news", watching the vitriol, hatred, and lies thrown at anyone who does not agree with our own personal agenda, or that of the organization we represent.

It seems there is no such thing as a logical debate anymore. We've graduated to personal attacks at the "opposition", protest marches, looting, and destroying personal properties of each other.  Republicans kept promising they would make America better after the Democrat president leaves office. Now America is enduring an ongoing divided country, and we keep asking why. 

What does our House of Representatives,  Senators, and media hope to gain by constantly raining distorted news and facts down on the American people? Sometines it seems as though this dividing war is almost planned. There is only one person who thrives on lies, distorted facts, and hatred. He lives way down below the earth in the burning fires of hell. He's the devil.

Has anyone given any thought to what our youth is obsderving and digesting now? Our children, all across this planet, is the greatest natural resource our world will ever have. We all need to step back and take a look at what our children are absorbing today. In some countries children are indoctrinated with hate towards America. Some countries even raise their children  teaching children at young ages to "slay the infidels".

And what are our own children experiencing now? Every day our children experience the outlandish display of hatred among political parties, ethnic groups, religions, and races.  We do the most overwhelming disservice to our youth by not showing them how all these different groups can come together to build America back up to where it once was, and where it belongs.

It is inevitable that someday "we" all over the world will be releasing the leadership reigns and handing them over to the youth that followed us during their years of growth. Are we giving our children the education, training, and supervision to take over the leadership of our country here in America? Doesn't it make more sense for all parents to focus on the right way to prepare our children for the future than to focus on meaningless things like music, clothes, popularity, and trophies.

Parents need to realize that one of the best ways to raise our children is leading by example. Forget about that ridiculious addage of "Do as I say, not as I do". That's not how it works. We want to teach our children respect, kindness, solid work ethics, love of fellow man, and to honor the law, and it starts with us adults. It's sad that countries that hate us are teaching their children to hate America, and when they get older they actually teach their young children how to war against America.

I have two great granddaughters; one is 3, the other just a month old. They are sweet, loving, and innocent. they have no idea what's happening in the world today. When I look at them I can't help but wonder how the ever-changing world will be when they're adults, and ready to live in their homes and communities.  Yes, we can imagine all types of scenarios, and frankly some scenarios frighten me to the core. 

I'm 82 years young, and I won't be around when my great granddaughters will be full grown adults. I just pray we all never lose sight of what kind of world are we turning over to our children. If all of us, including our leaders, only concentrate on our own "power winning", and lose sight of the goals for our children we are never ever going to succeed as a country.

When I'm with the very young members of my family I'm not a Republican, Democrat, or Independent. I'm "Dad", and "Papa". The greatest natural resource our earth will ever have is our children, and we need to prepare them to lead us the right way.

And that's Politics with Pete for today....God bless our children...and our troops.
(Please follow me on my You Tube videos, Politics with Pete")

Thursday, March 23, 2017


Never before in America, actually in the world, has there been anyone like President Donald Trump in our White House. "They" don't know what to make of him, understand him, or even dare to to want or try to work with him You know who "They" are don't you? Let me refresh your memory.

To most "deplorables" along with the middle America voters that put President Trump in office  define "They" as ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, MSNBC, NY Times, Huffington Post, Washington Post,  and of course the power hungry lib Dems in and out of our House and Senate. The selfish lib Dems in Congress refuse to compromise or work with our President. They care nothing about the American people. They only want their power back.

Middle class Americans know the full meaning of "middle". Crooked Hillary overwhelmingly won the west and east coast states, so of course the media focuses all their news reporting on the elites from these areas. Of course it's more eye-catching and news worthy for the media and lib Dems to parade the Hollywood elites in front of their cameras to blast away at President Trump. Do you think the media want to talk to a "deplorable" everyday hard-working tax-paying everyday worker from middle America that voted for President Trump? Nah.

The media and the lib Dems really believe that "deplorables", along with the middle Americans  are going to change our views in supporting our President with  people like Whoopi, Joy, Clooney, Handler, Ashley Judd, Madonna, BLM, and other ignorant lib Dems. These people are so hubris, egotistical, and self-centered to really believe that if they "threaten" to go on strike and cease making TV and movie performances "until Trump is out of office".

"They" even have people like Congresswoman Maxine Waters, D-Calif., who sent a message to our President Trump informing him to "get ready for an impeachment". Ms. Waters maybe should focus more on the increase in drug useage and crime in her district in California rather than refusing to work with ALL Congress members to advance our country. She is the primary example of hatred. She also is a strong advocate of Sharia Law.

Do these stupid idiots think their protests, marches, threats, and reports of lies are going to back down President Trump?  I don't think so. This President is a strong man, a fighter, and has a never-give-up attitude,  and he has a strong work ethic. Is it really any wonder why there is a news reporting war going on with the media and President Trump? 

The water-carrying lib Dem media refuses to cover any topics of what President Trump is accomplishing in only two months in office. Instead "They" attack him with lies, and when that doesn't work "They" resort to vicious personal attacks on President Trump and his family with lies and fabricated stories. And all President Trump has repeatedly asked is that the media  to report the news on him with honesty and integrity.

Instead the media, Hollywood elites, and the lib Dems led by Pelosi and Schumer are happy to show their hatred because their Crooked Hillary didn't win. Well, I got some news for these "They" people; President Trump doesn't care what you think or say. He's going to make good on his campaign promises, and he's going to work very hard to elevate our country again to where it belongs. Aand he's also going to push back real hard on the "They" people.

Will someone tell me just how beneficial it is for the media, the elites, and lib Dems to openly display their hatred for our President? How is all this hatred going to benefit the American people? In 2008 Americans were asked to give Barrack Obama "a chance".  Wouldn't it greatly help the American people if the media, the elites, and the lib Dems in Congress to give President Trump a chance, and maybe even work with the President.  Think about it.

And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops.
(Please follow me on my You Tube video blogs, Politics with Pete)

Friday, March 10, 2017

We're in the middle

While the fake news media is screaming for the heads of our President and our Attorney General, they continue to report only their twisted un-American and un-patriotic views (lies) surrounding President Trump's first fifty days in office.

How can the corrupt lib Dems, led by Crooked Hillary and the media claim "we want what's best for the American middle class family".?  We deplorable middle class people that continue to be overlooked by the un-American lib Dems and the media are the low-life deplorables that walked into the voting booth in November to put our leader in office to clean up the mess left over by Barry Soetero's evil mess.

Fueled by their hatred of our President Trump the selfish lib Dems and their fawning media couldn't care less what the hard-working middle class deplorable thinks. They won't even print and broadcast the encouraging news that is happening since President Trump took office.

Instead the selfish lib Dems and the fake news media in their hopes of convincing deplorable Americans,  parade the likes of Whoopi, Joy, Clooney, Schemer, Cyrus, Moore, Handler, Madonna, Judd etc., in front of us to change our minds. Yeah, we're sure going to llisten to these irrelevant has-beens and Class B entertainers.

Don't the selfish lib Dems and media realize that middle class deplorables from "fly-over" America really don't want to hear from the likes of screaming Springsteen. John and Jane Doe want a good job to take care of their family's security. They see that in what President Trump is already doing in job creating and are encouraged by they are witnessing.

However, ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, and MSNBC will never broadcast/print any of President Trump's accomplishments. The stock market is skyrocketing since November 8, 2017, our war against ISIS has been pushed forward with encouraging results, in February 235,000 new jobs were created, along with first-time weekly unemployment claims  dropping by a very significant margin, and the Keystone Pipeline is going forward towards completion.

President Trump is only fifty days into his Presidency, and has already done more for our country than Barry Soetero did in eight years. In Barry's first fifty days he traveled to three continents doing nothing more than apologizing for America's history, success, and contribution to mankind. 

After eight years of a spineless, do nothing, Teflon soaked, self-centered egotist, we now have a strong leader who is a workaholic, and works very hard for us "deplorables". President Trump is meeting the challenges of the promises he made on his campaign. President Trump is not a politician, rather he's a strong successful business negotiator that wins a lot more than he loses. And he keeps his promises with his strong leadership and confidence.

The media is actually afraid of our President Trump. He has proven that he doesn't need a thing from the media. As he has said many times, "I have no trust that the media will report their news of me with fairness and integrity, and that's why I gave them the name 'fake news'".
Our President has decided to talk straight and directly to the American people through social media. Let me steal a quote from the movie "Treasure of Sierra Madre"; "I don't need no steeeenkin' media".

It's very apparent President Trump is not afraid of ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, and MSNBC, and that is driving these news outlets absolutely crazy. He is already not afraid of the hateful lib Dems that keep promoting protesting, riots, and looting. This is truth that the lib Dems and the media want their power back and will use any measures to plant the seed of hatred toward our President.

Instead of wasting all that energy trying to incite protests and negativity toward President Trump, just imagine all the good that can be done for Americans if only the Democrat Party, with the support of the media rose up to help our President make America great again.

But the glaring truth is President Trump will get the job done and improve our country with or without the support of the media and the lib Dems. President Trump confidently knows the hard-working middle Americans are strongly behind him. He knows that's all he needs.

And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops,
(Please follow me on my You Tube video blogs, Politics with Pete)

Friday, March 3, 2017

True colors

A few nights ago our President gave his first address to Congress. Even before he spoke a single word the lib Dems began with their lying and scandalous remarks, along with personal attacks on our President.  Bob Beckel of The Five, upon hearing that President Trump's speech may go over an hour, said, "even Mousilinni and other dictators never talked that long.

If the uninformed lib Dem Americans that voted for Crooked Hillary don't know by now that lib Dems in Congress like Pelosi and Schumer care more for their imploding Democrat party than they do for the American people then they really have their heads in the sand. It should be obvious that the outright personal hatred the lib Dems have for our President was never more aware than it was during the address by the President to Congress.

Those ignorant uninformed lib Dem ladies that dressed in all-white last night surely reflected their true un-American colors. No one really knows what and why they carried on like they did. I guess their "uniforms" were supposed to signify women's inequality. Really? They acted like a bunch of middle-school teen agers, with their showings of thumbs down every time President Trump received a standing ovation.

President Trump has done more over the years to promote women's equality in the professional and working environment than any other President before him, including the lib Dems beloved leader Barry Soetero, who by the way is our FORMER , not current President. And I predict as President Trump and his administration bring America back to where it belongs, the irrelevant likes of Soetero, Pelosi, and Schemer will be forgotten.

Even many Democrats praised the Preseident's address to Congress last night, but there were still ignorant lib Dems that really had no strong arguement to challenge our President's address, only had one platform, and that was to personallly attack the President and his family.

Can you imagine lib Dems and the fake news media even attacked our First Lady saying she was a disgrace because she had sequins on her dress, and the first daughter Ivanka was heavily criticized for "having her black bra strap showing". Has the lib Dems and media already forgotten how Michael Levaughn Robinson dressed when his husband Barry gave public speeches, or how he/she dressed with those outfits designed by Rosie O'Donnel's dress maker.

The media and the lib Dems are so blinded by their hatred they feel justified in displaying their hatred. There are so many good uses for their wasted energy. They really have no strong factual basis for their hatred; they just hate President Trump because he beat their beloved Crooked Hillary.   Another great example is Debbie Schultz and Al Franken refusing to stand for Ryan Owen's widow when President Trump acknowledged the heroic service her husband gave for our country when he was killed in a Yemen raid. 

President Trump is working very hard in two major areas; creating jobs for middle Americans, and keeping our country safe. Instead of working across the aisle to support him, they throw blocks at him to slow him down. The election is over. What the hell do the lib Dems want? The truth is that they don't even know what they want, and how to fix their imploding party.

So, in the meantime, people like Pelosi, Schumer, Maxine Watters, Shiela Jackson Lee will just spew out hatred in front of every camera they see.  If this isn't the classic definition of un-American losers I have no idea what is.

And that's Politics with Pete for today. God bless our country...and our troops
(Please follow me on my You Tube video blogs, Politics with Pete)