Initially, there were seventeen GOP candidates campaigning and debating for the Republican nomination for President. My first reaction to my wife was, "Wow, 17 of 'em....that's a lot. and what is Trump doing in there? Well, he'll be the first to go". I was debating with myself on just who to support; Cruz, Kasich, Bush, Huckabee, Carson, etc. Never, ever did i think Trump would be "the last man standing".
Two things came to mind. First, and foremost I am a strong supporter of my Republican Party. Secondly, and maybe the main reason is I can just imagine the shamble our country would be in if Hillary gets elected.
Am I getting something wrong here? We elect members to our House and Senate based on our beliefs of doing what OUR wishes are NOT their own personal beliefs. The free will of the Republican people have spoken. It's the people stupid. Thee's even a book coming out where a Congressman is admitting just how corrupt our House & Senate representatives truly are. Most of them care only about getting elected, not to do the will of the people.
The same anti-Trump people that continue to scream insults at Trump, and claim he has no experience are the same people who voted in a completely inexperienced man in 2008. Barry Soetero, not only never held a job, went so far as to spend millions hiding who he really is.
So, I guess it's wrong to give Trump a chance to undo all the damage inexperienced Barry is doing to our great country. It's going to be a long, hard, uphill battle for Trump, even with the record breaking primary votes and wins this businessman has garnered. The people have spoken, and yet you want to have us believe they know better.
Trump has emerged as the nominee despite the many, even Republican members, who vehemently oppose supports and endorsing our GOP presumptive nominee. Republicans must know that not supporting Trumps is virtually endorsing and supporting a Crooked and corrupt woman, that will destroy our great country if we let her and Slick Willy back in the oval office.
Consider the uphill battle Trump is already experiencing with the major networks. ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, and MSNBC are all viciously attacking Trump, and it's only May. Can you imagine how bad it's going to be from now to November. The latest debacle is now the Washington Post has assigned twenty journalists to spend their entire time to "dig up all the dirt" they can on Mr. Trump.
Mr. Trump has amassed more primary votes than anyone else in modern history while campaigning for the nomination of their party. He will definitely amass more than the 1,237 delegates. He is the man ALL Republicans must get behind to support, yet I've listened to many Republicans bloviating how they will not vote for him.
And now we have the Republican Speaker of the House saying he's "not ready" to endorse Mr. Trump. Someone should remind Paul Ryan that his main focus is to unite the Republican Party, not to instill doubt. If King-Kong was the nominee he should unite the party to support the nominee. Instead he and others are just fanning the flames for crooked Hillary's benefit.
The American people have spoken. While there are those in the Party that won't vote for Trump, we must unite behind Trump to defeat crooked and corrupt Hillary. And please never forget; it's not just Trump vs. Hillary; it's also the people they will bring with them to help lead us back to the country we once were.
And that's Politics with Pete for today....God bless our country...and our troops
(Pleas follow me on my YouTube video blogs, Politics with Pete)
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