Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Before Barry??

There's so much talk during this presidential campaign about the terrible job Barry Soetero has done over the past 7 and a half years. I mean, really, we could write books about the damage he has done, and I'm pretty sure many books will be written about his failures once he is out of office. Hope I live long enough to read all about it, so I can tell my lib friends, "told ya so".

But just to really, really reflect on the deplorable job Barry has done, maybe it's better if we explore how this great country was before he and his husband Michael , the transvestite, moved into America's White House. How about I ask some questions, and you answer privately to yourself. Well, go ahead  and broadcast it. You don't have to be private about it. These are pure facts.

First, before Barry came along, can anyone recall a U.S. President traveling around the globe, even to Muslim countries and terrorists, apologizing for America's military power, and our other successes over the years? And this was his very first tour after the people of this country voted him to be our leader.

Before Barry arrived can anyone remember when a U.S. president overtly turned his back on our greatest mid-east ally, Israel, while allowing the world's largest terrorist sympathizer, Iran, free reign to initiate nuclear weapons, along with $150.Billion, and all sanctions lifted?

Before Barry, while we accepted any peaceful religious group in America, was there an aggressive outlandish radical presence of Muslims in our country, claiming that America needs Sharia Law?  Before Barry does anyone remember when the Bible and Christianity were banned in schools, while the Islam religion is daily preached? In fact, before Barry, did anyone in America even know of this horrible law?

I don't remember, do you, when Islamic prayers were allowed, along with prayer rugs in schools, airports, Government facilities, even praying to their Allah in the streets.  Before Barry do you remember restaurants, delis, and grocery stores being forced by the ACLU to stock the shelves with Muslim food?

Before Barry, can anyone remember when any American president sat idly by while radical Islamist terrorists raped, beheaded, and butchered all followers of Judeo-Christian values?

Before Barry do you remember any First Lady claiming that White people were the problem in America?  Before Barry Black Lives did matter, and so did White, Brown, and ALL American citizens matter. Was there ever a White House administration that threatened Americans with jail if they made overt public ridicule against Islam?

However, while this is going on any sign of Christianity in the military, schools, and government buildings is banned. Not only is the burning of the American flag permitted, it is actually ignored, and in some places encouraged. Did this happen before Barry?

Before Barry was there ever a U.S. president that depleted our military to 1917 to pre-WWI levels, and then depleted military arms to 1950  levels while a war is going on?  In fact our military is currently downsizing their military fighter planes and Navy ships by order of Barry. Does this seem like we have a leader that wants to protect our country? Not to me.

Before Barry was there ever a U.S. sitting president that would not attend the funeral of a Supreme Court Justice and a former first lady, but hurried to actually sing at a rally in South Carolina honoring slain Blacks? This same Barry Soetero honored his golf tee time just twelve minutes after he talked for three minutes after an American was beheaded by ISIS.

Does anyone know the percentage increase in Black on Black violent gun crimes, especially in Chicago since Barry took office? The truthful answer is it's over 100%. Does America still believe this president was going to infuse strong harmony between Blacks and Whites? As a matter of fact race relations between Blacks and Whites have actually become worse in the past seven and a half years.

Why is there always enough money in America's budget to continue and even increase funds for Barry's entitlement people that voted for him through food stamps, free health care, subsidized housing, but not enough to take care of our wounded veterans that fought for this great country?

Before Barry took office he slammed his predecessor for raising the national debt to $9.Trillion, and yet can anyone remember a president that raised our national debt to $19.Trillion, while claiming that our economy is growing?  Barry claims our unemployment has dropped to 5%, and yet can anyone remember our work force participation being this low?

Before closing today's blog I'd like to send a reminder that if you this this past seven and a half years were horrible please remember that if "Crooked Hillary" is voted in America's White House it could even get worse. Think about that.

To Americans it must be ingrained that you have three choices; Trump, Cruz, or Katich.  Yes, there are many discussions and arguments who to vote for, but please America don't ever forget our A-B-C's. ANYBODY BUT CLINTON!

And that's Politics with Pete for today....God bless our country....and God bless our troops.
(Please follow me on my YouTube videos, Politics with Pete)

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