Thursday, September 10, 2015

Just when did it start?

We all agree that our country is in a definite downward spiral, and this great America needs immediate help. One can review any subject and realize that leadership, strong leadership, is needed to take back our country, and move it to the prominence it once experienced.

Take a look at the problems facing this country, and when they all started. Crime, education, terrorism, health care, racism, poor economy, low workforce participation,  government dependence, religious persecution, government lying and corruption. Not to mention racial unrest, the lowest unemployment in African-American history since WWII. The list could go on and on.

And we must not forget our tragic foreign policy implementations. Our enemies do not fear us, and our allies do not trust us. I mean, really I could go on for pages of tragedies that are befalling our great country, but when, when, did it get so bad?

When did the crime rate rise so high in cities like Chicago, Detroit, L.A., Baltimore, and D.C.?
When did the violent crimes of Black on Black begin to surge astronomically?  We all know when it started and why it's continuing to rise. It started in 2009, and it's continuing because we have Barry Soetero in our White House.

When did racial tension between Blacks and Whites, and Blacks against police start, and why does it continue to escalate with threats of, "we will assassinate all sheriffs and police officers when we see them alone". It started in 2009 and it rises today because of the man in our White House.

When did the wars of Muslims vs. Christians and Jews escalate out of control? When did the double standards of Muslim acceptance and Judeo-Christian slaughterings by Muslims start?
Why is the Islamic Soldiers of Satan gaining power in their war against the western world?
When did it start? Why does it escalate so today? This is all due in totality to Barry Soetero. 

Who could possibly sanction the Gitmo release and swap of five Taliban chiefs for one Army deserter that today is facing desertion charges, and may spend the rest of his life in Leavenworth? You know who....Barry Soetero.When did health care premiums rise so high that employers began cutting back employee work hours, and corporations almost halted the creation of any jobs? All this started in 2010 when a Democrat Congress passed Barry's Obamacare.

When did the United States begin to turn its back on Israel? What president would ever allow a devout enemy of Israel full permission to continue its pursuit of nuclear warheads? Friends, this all started in 2009 when Barry settled into our White House.  Now the Ayatollah of Iran declares he will have not further dealings with Barry and the U.S. Why is that? It's because Iran got what they wanted from this spineless man. All that and billions of dollars from Americans to use to supply arms to terrorists. Who is responsible for that?  You know who!

What about our national debt? When did our national debt begin to astronomically rise to out of control proportions?  When G.W. left office we were at $6.Trillion national debt. In six short years Barry has managed to increase America's national debt more than ALL previous presidents COMBINED!

We can't wait till January, 2017 to remove this man from our White House. We need our Admirals and Generals to march in, remove this man, and try him for treasonous acts against our Constitution. We just can't wait any longer.

Don't ever forget...ever, that this all started in January, 2009.

And that's Politics with Pete for today....God bless our country...and our troops
(please follow me on my You Tube video blogs, Politics with Pete)

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Today I'm selfish

Today, to me it doesn't matter if you're a Democrat, Republican, or Independent. Today, to me it doesn't matter if you Jewish or Christian. Today, to me what matters i if you're an American that loves this great country.

After our Labor Day picnic this past weekend I've decided today to vent and express my selfishness. I watched my great granddaughter, and her young toddler cousins run around the big backyard enjoying the day, and in the evening enjoying and taking in the fireworks.

I took many pictures of the young ones hugging each other, sharing their toys, and just plain expressing love to one another. So much joy shown on the faces of the adults. I was sitting next to my nephew enjoying a cold beer, when he said, "isn't this great today? No hassles, no worries, just watching the young ones have a great time".

Just then my grandson jumped on the ATV, loaded it up with the young ones and drove off to show them a scenic path in the woods. Can't say enough about this beautiful scenario. 

Just then I started to think that at this very moment when we are teaching our young ones love and faith there are Muslim children of the very same age being taught hatred, being taught how to hold a saber to behead someone. What if we could gather up ALL the young infants, toddlers, and pre-schoolers in the world and teach them that someday they will inherit this entire planet, and war and slaughtering will not make our world a better and safer place to live.

My selfishness today comes from watching my 20-month old great granddaughter run around playing and laughing with her cousins at the picnic. What kind of world will she inherit? 

This week the House and Senate in  Congress will cast votes for what could be the most impactful move to either protect my great granddaughter, or start a world of nuclear wars starting against our greatest ally, Israel, and then spreading to America.

Iran is not working to develop nuclear bombs to destroy only Israel. They are developing a nuclear bomb to reach Manhattan, New York. 

Barry Soetero is so transfixed on passing this law to enable his radical islamic brethren that he has taken to threatening his fellow Democrat Congress members if they don't vote in support of him so he can attain veto status. Barry has struck fear in the hearts of his fellow Dems by threatening to hold any funds for their respective constituent programs. He has threatened that without their vote to support him he will not help in their upcoming re-election campaigns.

DNC chairwoman Debbie Schultz, a full Jewish woman, knows full well what the dangers are to Israel if Iran is granted to continue their uranium enrichment, but how did she vote? Yes, she voted in favor of Barry giving millions to Iran while allowing them to build a nuclear bomb. It's clear her own well being and future mean more to her than her Jewish heritage.

Is it any wonder that our members of Congress have such low approval ratings? Is it any wonder that three of the GOP candidates running for president are Trump, Carson, and Florina? What these three have in common is that they are not part of the D.C. insiders. They have no political experience. they are what we need to overturn Barrys' legacies.

I'm 80 years old, and no matter how well I take care of myself I know I haven't got a lot of time left, but today I'm very selfish, because if Americans don't take action through voting and contacting our House & Senate members, then I'm in heavy fear of the world my great granddaughter will grow up in.

And that's Politics with Pete for today..God bless our country...and our troops.
(please follow my on my You Tube videos, Politics with Pete)

Monday, September 7, 2015


So much bantering being thrown around about how to name and define the evil group of radical Islamic Muslims that are raping, torturing, murdering, and even beheading Jews and Christians, including small defenseless children. Americans, starting in our White House, argue so much about the naming of this evil group. They believe the solution to this evil group is to name it correctly, and to identify it. Yeah, that and a dollar will get you a cup of coffee. Let's start identifying this group for what it is.

The man in our White House, Barry Soetero, won't even address our most evil enemy by their correct name. He wants us to honor, accept, and praise Islam and love their Muhammad and Allah. Yes, of course we know that not all Muslims are evil radicals, but isn't it hard to accept a religion while some of them are beheading Jews and Christians.

Even the quiet and docile Muslims who preach Islamic peace won't speak up against their terrorist evil brethren. All this while Barry Soetero continues to praise his Islamic Muslim beliefs. I know I'm not the only one that finds it strange that Barry supports his Muslim beliefs while turning his back on Israel at the same time he is allowing Iran to continue their uranium enrichment program. 

I don't care that Barry calls this evil radical Islamic group ISIL. Nor do I care what Congress or the Media calls this group. My name for this group is ISOS, simply meaning Islamic Soldiers
Of Satan. There can be no other truthful meaning and explanation for this evil group.

Their sole charter is to viciously destroy every Jew and Christian in the world. Even our own Admirals and Generals are declaring that ISOS is actually growing and continuing to do more evil damage as they advance their beliefs. Our retired Admirals and Generals our now speaking up against Barry's actions and beliefs. Where were these Admirals and Generals when they were on active duty.

Not only is Barry doing absolutely nothing about these disasters, he is actually abetting Iran in their quest to arm and enable the evil ISOS terrorists. What member of Congress would vote to pass Barry's terrible agreement with Iran, even after Iran declares that they will do their own "policing" of their nuclear sites, and will not allow inspectors from the U.N. or the U.S.  

Can anyone imagine a police narcotics department calling a meth lab and asking, "Are you guys making any meth today"?  Only to have the meth lab reply, "Nah, we're not making' any meth today officer".  Can anyone imagine or comprehend a scenario like that? I certainly cannot, but folks that is exactly what is happening with our agreement with Iran. We are allowing them to continue with their nuclear warhead advancements.

Is there any wonder that members of the House and Senate have such horrible approval ratings. Many Americans are even strongly supporting term limits for members of Congress.
And certainly we cannot believe that the members of Congress that we voted to represent us are   passing the laws that Americans want. 

Even our down Congress leaders in the House & Senate, Boehner and McConnell are the biggest disappointments so far this year.  Talk about broken promises. They are both just Barry's "boys".  Remember how they were going to change and restructure many of Barry's directives once the GOP regained the House and Senate? I predict both of these will be in trouble during their next election cycle.

Back to ISOS; why do Americans, including Jews and Christians have to "bow" to the Muslim ways? Why do we have to accommodate their every whim? When are Muslims going to try to assimilate to our laws and our Constitution? Even in prison Muslim inmates are protesting that there are no Muslim based meals. Really? 

It is still not too late to take our great country back and live under the Constitution laid out by our Founding Fathers. Barry has been trying to desecrate our American way of life and our Constitution for nearly seven years now. We have a great opportunity to stop this next November. Our time is now. Let's not waste it.

And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops
(please follow me on my Your Tube video blog Politics with Pete)