Monday, November 20, 2017


The media just doesn't get it  do they? Do they think even for an instant that Pres. Trump cares about the fake news that they print  or broadcast about him? There are so many lies, hate mongering, and fake news  surrounding Pres. Trump, being pushed upon the American people by the media every day. And now that the media has  realized the President Trump  cares nothing at all about what they print and broadcast about him, it is driving them crazy.

  There is so much controversy today surrounding President Trump's usage of social media, namely Twitter and Facebook. The overwhelming majority of the 63 million voters who elected Trump to the Oval Office sincerely hope that our President continues to use the social media to get his message out to the American people. He cannot rely on the media to be fair to him.

 It's obvious that the mainstream media, the Hollywood elites, and the liberal Democrat party will do everything they can to slow down or completely stop our President's agendas. If you need any further evidence of this just tune in to one of the daily press briefings daily in the White House. Every question and/or response by the reporters to Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders is meant to be a slam against our President.

 I certainly applaud Press Secretary Sanders for the way she conducts her press briefings with the comments and questions she  receives from the press corps each and every day. I've often said that if I were the President all press briefings would be canceled until the media starts reporting the news fairly and with integrity.  And who knows, maybe someday this will happen and Pres. Trump won't have to use the social media to get his message out to the American people.

Yes, it's true that President Trump is loud and bombastic at times. The objective truth is that 63 million Americans were fed up with the spineless merely-mouth jelly fish that was in our White House for eight years. Can any Democrat out there mention one thing Barack did that we want President Trump to continue?  Now just imagine what would've Crooked Hillary had done if she won. Huma Abedin as White House Chief of Staff, Andrea Mitchell as Press Secretary, Al Franken as Secretary of State, Louis Farrakhan on the Supreme Court, Al Sharpton as Secretary of Finance.  Of course can you imagine Slick Willy and The Weiner in the White House at the same time?

Try to imagine if the press treated our President fairly and with honor Yes, the lib Dems have on their side the media, Hollywood elites, Whoopi, Joy, Colbert, etc., and all President Trump has is the 63 million Americans that will never forsake him. Just keep tweeting Mr. President.

And that's Politics with Pete for today....God bless our country and our troops.

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